Ence felt like he had a long dream. Just when he woke up, he didn’t remember exactly what he had dreamed of.

He just felt, very uncomfortable.

Oh, no, or, perhaps, what he saw at this moment is still an unhappy dream? Otherwise, why would he see himself lying in bed with his eyes, while Marx and Alexander were silent?

And why, no matter how he calls, neither of them seems to be able to hear anything?

“Mr. McLorne! Mr. McLorne – Can you see me?”

Enns felt unable to move as one pleases, and he just kept himself above the bed and yelled at Marx as loudly as possible.

However, he was not answered.

“I just suffered under Herpo’s torment, but my eyes closed and why did I come here again? What the hell happened? Is this still a dream?”

Because it didn’t get the right response, Ence finally gave up the meaningless screams and shut his mouth.

So in the universe, in the night, in depth.

Probably because of previous severe injuries and the failure to rest well, the sense of fatigue in the body in Marx, coupled with night silence, makes his eyes heavy.

On the other hand, Alexander is obviously tired, and he has even been sitting there since.

Marx, of course, wouldn’t sleep here like Alexander, so he just picked up his eyes on the back of the chair and had a little rest before he assured himself that he would not really sleep.

Flying in the middle of the sky, Naturally, is to see all this in the eye.

But just a moment later, when Marx was closed to rest, Ence saw that “other person” lying in bed with his eyes was suddenly moving up!

Just after seeing each other come to laughed at the top of Jones, Quietus pulled right hand out of the box and slowly stretched it to the bed locker next to the pillow and picked up the silver snake staff there.

And then, the snake staff under the lights shines like starlight slowly painted a half-round in the air and turned to Marx on the side of the bed.

“What the hell is going on… is that dream? It must be a dream!”

Looking at a man who looks the same as himself, he has done something that is contrary to his will, and the preference for himself cannot be stopped at all. This feeling, as if it were to be taken away from reality and control, makes Ence fantastic.

To be honest, some of Marx’s behavior and decisions are not very much like that, and with Enns character, they don’t really want too much redressing with Marx. Even so, he was too grateful for Marx’s feelings.

If there were no Marx, he would have lost his life before.

“Mr. McLorne… Mr. McLorne! McLorne…”

However, whatever he calls, the immediate Marx and Alexander still don’t smell, and he doesn’t even exist in the air.

That’s right now, the “other one” in bed was like ridiculing at his futility, and once again looking at him with a ridiculous eye.

It was just the short moment the other eye left Marx, and one hand came out, and one of the snakes pointing to Marx was pulled around.

That’s Marx’s hand!

“The last time it was a false gun, and I had no doubt for half a day, so this time it could finally begin to do it while I was seriously injured, and the psychologic of preparedness was reduced.”

The Marx, who opens his eyes, has not slept at all, just like that coma gesture.

However, the opposing party does not seem to have the intention to surrender to it.

As soon as it tried to retrieve the snake’s staff, but it had been robbed by Marx on the contrary, it was hard to turn around and fall under the bed on the other side, and the same hand put the same on the wad in the bedroom.

The next moment, a magic, apparently not a modern spell, came out of its tip, and a wave of Fireball moved towards Marx flew over.

Honestly, Fireball formidable power is clearly not high or fast, but don’t forget that Marx is still unable to perform magic!

“Be careful!”

Even though it is not possible to reach Marx’s ears, Marx does not seem to need his reminder.

It is important to say that Fireball, even if he flies slowly, is just the extent to which blink can be achieved by the distance between the two. However, Marx has quickly removed a potion bottle from intolerance, pulling, shaving, spreading potion in one go.

When those white medicinal liquid collided with Fireball, a lot of water fog immediately erupted, and even the real Ence, elected in half an empty space, freaked out. Because at that moment Fireball didn’t extinguish him, but the house was filled with white gasoline.

Yeah, just like it was in the fog in London.

After a few seconds, the fog spreads, and when Enston finds out that Marx has taken his side of the “other one”, like a good friend, holding each other’s shoulders in his neck.

But in another Marx, another potion bottle has been chosen to the top of each other, as if he dares to act blindly without thinking, he will immediately pour that unknown potion on his head.

Needless to know, the potion in that potion bottle is definitely not a type of goodwill anymore.

And under Marx’s slogan, the opposing party has ceased to move, but there is still no sign of cooperation. Because that body is just the body of Ence, what if it’s dead?

Otherwise, Marx did not move immediately.

“Tell me your purpose! Is it really just for me? I can feel from your abilities that you’re not Herpo’s guy, so who are you?”

The voice has not fallen, and the other party who has never spoken has finally opened its mouth.

“Me? Mr. McLorne, this is Ence! Ens Tao… or, more accurately, Enns Gaunt.”


When the other conversation is not finished, Marx can see a slight shake with potion bottles, a drop of medicinal liquid falling out of the bottle and dropping on each other’s arm.

At the end of the day, the burning of “cheering” was ringing, accompanied by more than a little bit of stink.

But at the same time, the real Enston felt a lot of pain in his arm!

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