1954. Conditions of the 1954 Gates (5/10)

Bill Gates, since talking about dividing the market, shows that they have lost confidence in Microsoft’s winning.

Today, the sales of the two sides in the PC manufacturers are not much different, but the online paid download Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation is far ahead, indicating that more and more XP users have chosen the XOS2.0 system, who will market share in the future. Is it bigger to say?

Bill Gates is definitely not admitted to fail, but comments on the Internet in recent days have made Bill Gates see the crisis.

Microsoft has divided WIN7 into several grades. The price ranges from 59 dollars to 169 dollars. It is said that the functions are different, the cheap ones can be used, and the experience is better.

However, after comparing, it was discovered that the cheapest 59 dollar system performed much worse than the trial versions they used. The WIN7 features that were said online did not show up at all.

Microsoft how to answer this time, you can download the patch from the official website to upgrade the system, so that the performance can be perfect, certainly better than XOS2.0.

Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation responded immediately to this situation. They only had three versions, Home, Company and Ultimate, while WIN7 had 6 versions, many of which had no features for WIN7.

Microsoft has targeted it to emerging markets, excluding markets such as North America and Western Europe, but has been heavily marketed in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation said that Microsoft is disrespectful to the market, discriminates against users, and naturally ranks users. And the propaganda is full of bullying and fraud, which is immoral.

If it is a past life, Microsoft is a big one, so there is no problem in dividing the market. In many countries, the network is not developed, and some functions are completely unnecessary. You really need to go to the network to pay for the upgrade.

But in contrast to the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation system, the gap came out. I originally looked at the price of the two sides is the same, the function is almost the same, and even some people simply think that the Microsoft brand is bigger, the product should be better.

After I bought it, I found out that the one they bought was a castrated version. Many of the propaganda functions were not, which is completely different from the experience on the Internet.

Although most of this is the case in the underdeveloped countries, it has been amplified by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation and spread to developed markets such as Europe and the United States, which has seriously affected Microsoft’s reputation.

Bill Gates is thinking about finding Feng Yu. Your Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation doesn’t have to compete with Microsoft for such a dead end. Let’s make one step, so that our profits can be higher, and we can check and balance those again. PC manufacturers, why not?

Just as Kirilenko’s attitude came up, he lit the lead of Paul Alan, and it was not bad if it didn’t blow up.

“Feng, we don’t have to compete at all. You Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation has signed a supplementary agreement with PC manufacturers to give them a profit, so that your profits will not be affected? You think, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Can Corporation beat us Microsoft?”

Feng Yu shrugged: “What does Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation have to beat Microsoft? I don’t just rely on the shares of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation to make money. You see, I am working with Kirilenko on the mining group, retail group, car group. , cultural and entertainment groups, etc., which earned less money?”

“It can even be said that the money earned by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation is not ranked in our income. I don’t care about this profit, Brother Ki, do you care?”

Kirilenko shook his head very well: “Who cares about this little money, software is not my main industry.”

The implication is that software is the main industry of your Bill Gates and Paul Alan. You are very concerned about the profits in this area. We don’t pay much attention to it.

“Feng, it’s better for me to change one. We should cooperate and cooperate in different industries. I am also a shareholder of the National Car Rental Corporation, board member, and there is also a big voice over there. This Corporation is the largest in the country. The car sales agent, the same-name, Ford, Chrysler, Dezhong, Toyota and other world-class large car companies are their partners.”

“I know that both of you have a car industry. The expansion in these two years is also very fast. Isn’t the sales in North America not very good? If I can get your car brand to be sold by this Corporation, then Your sales will be greatly improved.”

“I am still a shareholder and board member of Wal-Mart. In terms of retail, everyone can also cooperate. More purchase channels, lower purchase prices, logistics and transportation cooperation to save costs, aren’t these the right choices?”

“Von, Kirilenko, think about it, since you don’t care about the profits of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, is it not good to make more money in other ways?”

Feng Yu looks at Kirilenko, Kirilenko shakes his head: “Don’t look at me, I support your decision.”

This unconditional trust makes people feel very good.

“Gates, I think you made a mistake again. Who told you that I also attach great importance to car, retail, etc.? These earn more and earn less, I don’t care, because my money has not been spent in this life. ”

“Every industry can make money. Every industry may not earn the most, but together, I am the fastest person in the world!”

“You said that retail cooperation, as if we accounted for a big bargain, but is Wal-Mart not making money, you are not taking advantage of it?”

“You said the National Car Rental Corporation, what is the largest car sales agent in the country, but how about the annual sales? Do you not find that our sales on Amazon’s car website are growing rapidly? And is our own sales channel quickly established?”

“We talked a few times. This Corporation is not willing to be our agent. Now I want to do it. You said it is a good choice, but I am sorry, I disagree.”

“Gates, Alan, I advise you to take advantage of the rapid rise in Microsoft’s stock price these days, and quickly cash out the stock. Otherwise, if you fall back later, you will lose a lot.”

“I used to give you the opportunity. I am a shareholder and board member of Microsoft. But how do you treat me? I have a big shortcoming, especially a vengeance. Since you think Microsoft was founded by you, you said Well, then I will invest in another company and let it pull Microsoft down.”

“Right, I heard about the news from IBM, but I still thank you for your reminder, otherwise I may forget it when I turn around. I will also tell you a message, IBM wants to change with Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation. Shares, want to join the XOS and HOS research and development. So they develop Linux-based systems, we are not worried at all, the concern is you!”


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