1719. 1719 chapter changed condition

After the software park of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation went online, it contacted the vast majority of software organizations in the world, hoping that the software developed by the other party would be sold on their platform, that is, increase the product variety and quantity.

This platform is not only available in Chinese, but also in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, etc. It is online on the same day, and many other languages ​​are also available.

I dare not say that all languages ​​in the world are covered, but most language versions are included. Only some websites are bigger, some are smaller. With such a large platform investment, the demand for products is also very huge.

In addition to Microsoft, IBM and other companies, Japan’s soft line is also a part that cannot be ignored. Although they don’t have any special top-notch software company support, they have the most investment in the IT industry, and they have the most control or shareholding software company. This is a force that no one can ignore.

Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation has contacted Soft Line and hopes that everyone can cooperate. Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation provides a platform that is also beneficial for the sale of software developed by SoftBank’s sub-Corporion.

However, the soft line did not directly agree, saying that their relationship with Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation is very general, and the relationship with Feng Yu is even worse.

Although there are no eternal enemies in the business field, only eternal interests, but these shareholders are tempered. And this software sales platform, not just Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, there are many such platforms, just the biggest one of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation.

But to make it so big, their investment must be very high. Therefore, the division of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation’s requirements is relatively high, which makes the soft line very dissatisfied.

We are the developers of software. Why do you only provide one platform and divide so much?

And Softbank also has its own software sales platform, but it is not big. Originally they also wanted to make a particularly large platform, but this year’s economic situation suddenly deteriorated, they did not dare to invest too much money.

At this time, Apple Corporation also developed its own software sales platform, and also hopes to cooperate with the soft line. Soft line thinks that you can wait for the price.

In particular, they think that the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation platform is so large. If there are not many types of software available for sale, there will be no small losses for Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation.

The best result is that the software of SoftBank’s subsidiary Corporation can be sold on all of these related platforms, which allows their products to have the widest sales channels.

At the same time, they also need to stipulate the selling price and various related preferential conditions, and the proportion of the division is also higher.


“Oh? Sun Zhengyi really said that?” Feng Yu sneered a little. “He’s not too high to look at the soft line. After all, the profit of Softbank is mainly from the investment, and the operation of the company’s listing is profitable. Software Corporation, how many software really developed out of the world?”

“They want to divide it into nines? You told him that the original Sanqi division is not going to work now. If they sell on the software platform of Fruit and other Corporation, then we can only give him five or five points unless we are Exclusive sales!”

Originally, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation opened the terms of the Sanqi division, and then did not limit how many platforms your software sold, even if it was on the platform of competitors of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation. Even this price can be discussed.

But since Sun Zhengyi daylight robbery, then they don’t have to be polite. Either give us an exclusive sale agreement, or divide it down again!

Because our platform is the largest, our promotion is the most powerful, we have the most registered users, we have the most traffic, and our brand is one of the best, these are the advantages!

Soft lines are powerful, but they are also very weak. Powerful because their IT-related companies are the most, weak because they don’t have a leading company.

Perhaps Yahoo, their leading company, had a huge investment in the initial investment.

However, today’s portal website is not very popular, especially since Yahoo opened Google and planned to do its own search engine, only to find out that this is going to be done. It is really too difficult.

The number of related information that a person searches for is one of several times, or even ten times. And smart sorting is also more advanced than they are.

Yahoo’s revenues have been declining in the past two years. Many people use Microsoft or other browsers. The homepage is not Yahoo at all.

And the homepage of those browsers is similar to the home of the URL, giving users more choices.

Even many people say that the portal website has fallen. The home of the website and the search engine are the favorite homepages.

At this time, Feng Yu is not too eye-catching. Although many of the investments in other countries are profitable, the main reason is that they have accumulated a lot of money. As originally invested in Yahoo, there is no more.

Without him a soft line, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation’s software park definitely wants to reduce the income, but there are no serious consequences, and there is no intention to make the software park profit this year.

Feng Yu thinks that Kameido Masao is not strong enough. Although this is the case of Taihua Holding Group, since Feng Yu is handed over to Kameido Masao, then Kameido Masao is going to finish.

Sun Zhengyi listened to the subordinate’s report, there are already many software fee download platforms, I contacted them, I hope everyone can cooperate, and even there is a saying inside the soft line, they also have such a sub-Corporation, why not directly grow bigger What?

There are several board members with this idea, and Sun Zhengyi is very disappointed. Why can Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation do this software download platform and boldly make such a large scale?

Because people have electronic products, every consumer who buys Lenovo, Wind & Rain Brand, Aihua, AIWA and other electronic products is a potential user of this software download platform.

Because this software, in the final analysis, still needs to be installed on electronic products. The software is for the product, there is no product, the software is not used at all.

The software that they charge for downloading is definitely not on the original machine, and the user pays for download for some functions. The software is used in conjunction with electronic products, and the most downloaded is definitely the application software.

Although there are some electronic products in the soft line, which brand is big enough? Perhaps the sales of those electronic products are not necessarily comparable to an electronic brand owned by Taihua Holding Group.

If you want to make this software download platform bigger like Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, it’s waiting to lose money. You didn’t see how much Microsoft’s software platform didn’t do.

Why Apple Corporation dares to do this now because people have electronics.

Corporation’s board member, some people really are not suitable for IT. But this time, without knowing his conditions, Feng Yu can promise. If not, then agree to Feng Yu’s conditions.

“The president, President Kanda sent a fax there, and their conditions changed.”

Sun Zhengyi shows a smile of victory: “Oh? Is it changed according to our requirements? Is it divided into nine?”

“One nine divided? No, it is five or five!”


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