1470. The 1470 chapter is getting bigger and bigger (subscription)


Paul Allen frowns, pushing the door of Bill Gates’ office.

There is a piece of coffee on the ground. This is the cup that Bill Gates used for many years. It was broken today.

“Bill, have you seen the reprint of Peng Yu’s blog post?”

Bill Gates glanced at Paul Allen and didn’t speak. The article says that there is no Paul Allen, there is no Ballmer, there is no Microsoft, seriously diluting the unique authority of Bill Gates in Microsoft.

In addition to the words, he also said that he is a bad role model! How can he endure this accusation if he has been touted by the media for more than a decade or even decades?

There is also a conscience company at the end, is it that we are black-hearted businessmen? Can the IT industry grow so fast without the operating system provided by Microsoft? Compared with the contribution we made, are there many profits that we earn?

Although his inner heart knows that Feng Yu has a bad relationship with Paul Allen, it is an obvious divergence to mention Paul Allen, but knowing it is one thing, accepting is another matter.

Many times I know that the other party is using the meter, but the inner heart will still be very angry.

“Bill, that Feng Yu is too arrogant, this kind of unwarranted accusation, we have to make a tough response!” Paul Allen also said with anger.

As he said, Ballmer also knocked on the door. He saw the coffee cup on the ground and his eyes were twitching.

“Steve, Feng Yu’s blog post you saw it, how are you going to deal with it?” Paul Allen turned and asked.

“Paul, what do you think?” Ballmer asked.

“When notifying PC manufacturers, we will increase the promotion of our VISTA system products. We must also accuse Feng Yu of false statements and ask Feng Yu to apologize publicly and compensate us for the loss.”

“Increase the promotion of our products. I have already contacted the major PC manufacturers. They have also been attacked by Kameido Masao, so they should be willing to cooperate with us. As for the accusation of Feng Yu, what is our point of speech? Asked Ballmer.

Whether it’s Microsoft’s high profits or the story of Bill Gates, it’s true.

“He said that our employees are lazy. Can’t you sue them?” Paul Allen yelled.

“Paul, that’s Kameido Masao’s remarks, and the other party is published in the Japanese language. The translation process will inevitably have some deviations. If this is a lawsuit, let’s not say that we may not win. Even if we win, we will suffer. Still discredit ourselves!”

“As for Feng Yu’s remarks, we have nothing to sue. The only thing is that Feng Yu said that our XP profit is enough for us to develop more than a dozen XP and VISTA. This one is obviously exaggerated. But if we accuse The other party, we must make a detailed enumeration, it will make our accounts more transparent, then everyone knows that our profits are too high.”

Although Microsoft is a company listed, how many people will pay attention to how much money Microsoft has earned? At least the average consumer, most concerned about Microsoft’s stock price.

Once it was because of this incident with Feng Yu, it was Microsoft who lost, who made Microsoft the VISTA system the most expensive in history.

At the beginning, he said that the system should be cheaper, because with the XOS competitor, their price is so low, consumers will contrast, and choose each other.

But Bill and Paul are convinced of Microsoft’s powerful branding, user inertia and more. But VISTA and XP have too many different places, but the user inertia will shift to the XOS system with high similarity to XP, but it is more convenient to use, not to mention the price of the other party is too competitive.

They put a lot of pressure on the PC business, pre-installed with the same PC of their VISTA system, the price is more than a hundred dollars higher than the pre-installed XOS.

On the surface, it has been opened up, but many consumers say that this increases their spending, and they do not enjoy more and better services.

“As you said, we can only eat dumb losses?!” Paul yelled.

“I think we don’t need to pay attention to it, Intel will react. We only need to cooperate with Intel, we optimize the performance of their products, they also optimize our products, then we can jointly suppress Lenovo. -Silver Mountain Corporation, Chaowei and other companies.” Ballmer explained faintly.

Bill Gates suddenly booed: “If Intel lost?”

Paul and Ballmer are all wide-eyed, what does Bill say, and Intel will lose?

This point, they have not considered before, Intel’s powerful, that is the leader of all hardware accessories manufacturers Boss. However, Intel is not without failing. For example, when it comes to super-core technology, it can be said that Intel is a fiasco!

Chaowei on the dual-core, laid the image foundation for their first year, let more consumers, willing to choose Chaowei products, more manufacturers choose Chaowei products.

If Intel is failed, the biggest possibility is that the PC manufacturers betrayed, and they turned to the arms of Chaowei.

However, Kameido Masao’s remarks, but all the PC manufacturers have also attacked, and even can be said to attack the entire industry, those manufacturers, will really reverse the cooperation with Chaowei, and support super-wei?

“So we can’t wait for Intel to win the game with the other side, we have to take action, let Feng Yu know that he shouldn’t provoke us all!”

Bill Gates stunned and seemed to make a decision.

But Ballmer inner heart is a little lamentable. When does Microsoft need to unite with others to suppress the other side?

Previously, a Microsoft company hangs all hardware vendors and PC makers, so that they can all obey Microsoft’s orders. No one pre-installs the Linux system, nor does it pre-install the Apple Corporation system. This makes Apple The Corporation’s system can only be installed and used on its own branded machine.

From this point of view, Microsoft has actually lost, losing their unique lofty status.


“Microsoft announced that applications such as their office software will not be available in XOS-compatible versions.”

“The professor at XX University is the name of Bill Gates. Without Bill Gates, without Microsoft, there is no IT industry that is booming today!”

“Intel announced that they are still technically ahead of Advanced Micro Devices. The cost was too high because of factory efficiency issues and labor costs. Now it has been revised.”

“Bill? Gates refuted Feng Yu’s remarks. He never made people imitate him because his success is not imitated.”

“Microsoft believes that the XOS system is relatively backward, better products, there should be more suitable prices, the market can not be bad money to drive out good money!”

“Intel claims that Feng Yu once wanted to buy Intel, but was rejected. Feng Yu is deliberately discrediting Intel.”

After the announcement of the two big companies, some small related companies began to support.

Things seem to be getting bigger!


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