1175. Chapter 1175 chapter Lenovo’s competitiveness

Before they did not pay attention to these specific data, this look only found that IBM and Lenovo are more competitive than the Lenovo, if there is no shady, any unit bidding is impossible to win!

Lenovo’s eight-eighth laptop, with performance parameters of IBM’s two thousand three, the price is not only double the other party, more stupid people will buy.

Of course, this is a comparison of the Chinese market. After all, there is local protection in China, the tariff is too high, and the disguised forced increase of his retail price.

But on the US side, IBM’s notebook selling two thousand dollars, Lenovo notebook with the same performance, only sold for one thousand four hundred and ninety-nine dollars, the price is still a quarter of the difference, which is also because Lenovo is imported products, freight The reasons for the high tariffs, etc.

The two calculated in their minds that Lenovo’s notebooks, the cost of one is certainly less than a thousand dollars, while IBM’s is more than one thousand and two hundred dollars. In terms of cost control, is there such a big gap between IBM and Lenovo?

Since Goose has been in office, IBM’s cost control has improved a lot. For this reason, a large number of layoffs were also laid out. As a result, their pioneers are still not comparable to the latecomers of China!

It’s no wonder that last year, Forbes ranked the Lenovo Group as the fastest growing PC manufacturer, and it is ahead of the world in terms of cost control.

If it is only the reduction of labor costs, it seems that this is not the case, there must be some other low cost, such as their component cost.

China has built the world’s largest crystalline silicon plant, and it is said that it plans to occupy half of the world’s crystalline silicon capacity in the future!

Although this news broke out, many people were laughing at the nose. Not to mention the crystal silicon technology, China is the middle of the world, and the investment alone is not a small amount. And to occupy half of the world’s production capacity, do they know how big it is?

Not to mention other neighboring Japan and Taiwan, they will give them a lesson.

But when many people know that this crystal silicon is the main investment of Feng Yu, and there are shares of Philips and Kirilenko, they suddenly feel that it is not impossible.

Feng sold Microsoft’s stock, so much money to invest in. Coupled with Philips and Kirilenko, funding is definitely not a problem, and any one of them has the ability to invest alone.

On the technical side, Philips offers the most advanced Siemens Automation Co. improvement technology, Kirilenko also provides some of Russia’s security technology, as for how he got it, Feng Yu did not ask.

As a result, the technical aspects are not a problem.

As for sales, Japan and Taiwan want to encircle Feng Yu’s Corporation, it is a fantasy. It is the door of China鈥檚 protection of this place, and they can keep them out. Other Corporation may not be able to resist the upper politics, but Feng Yu, it doesn’t matter if it is above, who believes!

Instead, they should be worried that in the future, with lower cost and higher efficiency, the Wind & Rain crystal silicon factory will definitely suppress them.

In Goose’s and Peng Mingsheng’s view, perhaps because of the commissioning of the crystalline silicon plant, the cost of China’s electronic components has been reduced in disguise.

“Feng, are you in the crystalline silicon factory in China, the production capacity is not bad?” Goose asked.

“Alright, it has not been completed yet. This is only the first phase.” The construction and production speed of the crystal silicon plant was carried out as scheduled by Feng Yu.

Now that the speed is guaranteed, it will definitely be half of the world’s production capacity. By then, it can be done and the price is controlled. Now it’s too big, one is that the use of funds is not cost-effective, and the other is not sold, not so much consumption.

After a few years, the photovoltaic industry is booming, and solar panels are a good development direction. This Feng Yu has already been mentioned with the Taihua battery, and they have set up a solar panel research and development project department, which will definitely be able to divide a large piece on this cake!

“Feng, Liu, I have read this document. I am very curious. How do you reduce the cost? I mean, can you reduce it to this extent?” Goose couldn’t help but ask.

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Feng Yu and saw Feng Yu nod. He said: “It’s very simple. The main components are all produced by us, or we have an agreement with us.”

鈥淭he main components are produced by themselves? What do you mean?鈥?/p>

“It doesn’t need to be said about CD-ROM. You IBM, the optical drive technology of Wind & Rain Electronics, is based on the Wind & Rain-Philips standard. We use Nvidia for the graphics card, we have Nvidia factory in China, we got it, It is the lowest price in the industry. The mouse and keyboard are produced by ourselves and the price is very low. The LCD monitor, Wind & Rain Electronics technology is also the industry leader, giving us the lowest price in the industry.”

鈥淭he battery is the Taihua battery, the lowest price in the industry. The hard disk drive is our cooperation with Wind & Rain Electronics, Aihua Electronics, etc. We are of course the lowest price. The sound card is in cooperation with AIWA Corporation. The sound is very good and the price is very cheap. The memory is Gold. Stone, there is a factory in China, we are the lowest price…”

Goose is shocked. This is how the Lenovo computer is almost the lowest price in the industry. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the motherboard. And they have cooperated with Intel and Chaowei, and it is said that there will be a lower-priced high-performance notebook in the next step.

“Feng, Liu, I am very curious, you said those hardware companies, give you the lowest price in the industry, why?” Goose was brows, and IBM did not.

鈥淚t鈥檚 very simple, because we have the best sales and can help them expand their market share,鈥?Liu Chuanzhi replied.

In fact, the real reason, Liu Chuanzhi’s, of course, is that those organizations are controlled by Feng Yu. With the help of Feng Yu, they have set up factories in China, or commissioned China OEM supplier, which not only reduces costs, but also helps Lenovo. The Group enhances its international competitiveness.

The above leadership, for Feng Yu’s move is also greatly appreciated, praised Feng Yu is not forgetting the country’s national company.

Feng Yu wants the Lenovo Group to surpass IBM in the future, whether it is in PC, software, or service, forming a huge IT overlord. Correspondingly, the production of these computer parts of Wind & Rain Holding Company can be the hegemon of the project!

This plan, Liu Chuanzhi, is naturally known. But he did not expect that Feng Yu’s action turned out to be so fast, and invested in the computer-related company.

Of course, Lenovo is therefore more internationally competitive. Originally, the design of Lenovo computers was world-leading, and the price was more advantageous. The brand gradually became more and more.

Of course, the biggest gap between Lenovo and IBM and other companies is patent technology, IBM and other companies, relying on patent licensing, can earn huge profits every year, which is also the development of Lenovo.

Liu Chuanzhi’s explanation obviously did not satisfy Goose, but it involved the trade secrets of the other company’s business, and others did not say it was normal.

It鈥檚 just this cooperation condition. The two sides should talk about it. Lenovo is actually trying to capture the sales of PCs in their hands. How is this possible? !

We are IBM, we are always the masters!


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