Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 832 Mr. Blackfish

Under the Red Sea trees there is a space hidden beneath the seabed.

There are enough waterways here for people to get lost in for a lifetime, as well as tangled seaweed, and a lot of shelters arranged by the mermaids hiding in them.

Mermaid Hailan walked through a long and narrow waterway and came to the most hidden area of ​​​​this underwater space.

There were already five mermaids hiding here. When Hailan appeared, they emerged from the gaps in the rocks and sand.

These five mermaids all have one thing in common, that is, some of the scales on their tails are blue and the area is relatively large. At least one third of the tail scales are blue.

And the eyes of these mermaids with blue scales are much more lively than other mermaids.

One of the mermaids swam up to the blue sea and said, Little Lan was taken away.

Hailan gritted his teeth.

Although he was not present at the scene, when Xiao Lan took his place and stayed on top, it meant that Xiao Lan was likely to be killed or taken away by the chasing wizard.

It's my fault. Hailan did not shirk responsibility, I took the risk to observe the new wizard.

It was because when he met Coral a few days ago, he heard the other party mention a new wizard whose smell was particularly familiar, so he couldn't help but close the distance to observe the other person.

But who would have thought that the other party's mental power would be so powerful.

Hailan's spiritual body is very special and has extremely strong concealment capabilities. Many second-level wizards walked over his head without being able to detect his presence.

And those third-level wizards, especially the male wizard with short red hair, would not be discovered by him as long as they were far enough away.

But before, Hailan was discovered by the new wizard as soon as he got close to the seabed.

At that time, he realized that something was wrong and immediately escaped from the hidden waterway as usual drills. Xiao Lan immediately stepped forward and took his place and stayed in his original position to confuse the audience.

After that, Hailan fled to the edge of the Red Sea and hid for a few more days before returning to the original gathering place after being reminded by other mermaids.

When he returned here, he was not surprised to receive the news that Xiaolan had been taken away, but not being surprised did not mean that he was not sad.

Their ancestral mermaids have only gathered more than twenty so far, and they must be particularly careful every time they move.

But even so, some people were still discovered by the wizards of the Tribunal and taken away.

What was taken away never came back.

Except for Coral, but Coral is different. She is very special, and even wizards may not be willing to kill her.

Furthermore, the coral was actually intentionally exposed and taken away!

Seeing Hailan's guilt, the other mermaids stepped forward to comfort him.

Anyway, for mermaids, being taken away for research and killed is already commonplace.

As long as Hai Lan is fine, their plans will not be affected.

But just because these mermaids don't blame Hailan doesn't mean that no one will really scold him.

You know that if you blame yourself, you are not hopeless!

A black mermaid appeared at the intersection where Hai Lan came from.

Only half of the opponent's dark mermaid tail was exposed, and the rest was completely obscured by black mist.

Such a mysterious mermaid did not gain the trust of Hailan and other atavistic mermaids at first. But this mermaid has the aura of their ancestral mermaid royal family.

And very rich.

They have never seen anyone with such strong royal blood.

The other party called himself Black Fish, and after gaining the trust of Hai Lan and others, he helped them a lot.

Help them repair their mental bodies so that they no longer have to live in confusion and have the ability to think independently.

Teach them how to hunt instead of waiting for humans to feed them.

Lead them to open up a living space under the sea and find a suitable hiding place under the cover of other ordinary fish.

Most importantly, tell them about the harm the red sea trees do to merfolk. Let them know how to resist the red sea stems and resist the attraction and call from the depths of their blood.

The atavistic mermaids now hiding at the bottom of the sea have understood that if they continue to use the stems of the red sea tree, the spiritual body that has been repaired with great difficulty will continue to be polluted by the black tide, and then turn into a waste that only eats, drinks and poops again.

Life has no future, and race has no future.

Facing Mr. Heiyu, Hailan couldn't even utter a word of rebuttal.

I was wrong. He could only admit his mistake again.

Black Fish swam among the crowd and said, The black tide is coming. Don't do unnecessary things now.

Hailan asked cautiously: Mr. Heiyu, but we only have about twenty members now. Is the number too small? Even if we can escape from the Red Sea, can we settle down outside?

Heiyu said confidently: I have found a suitable place outside. As long as you can escape this time, you can settle down there first.

Afterwards, Mr. Heiyu told all the mermaids some precautions, and then took Hailan away.

The two of them stayed away from several caves where other mermaids gathered, and came to the middle of a long and narrow waterway.

Black Fish stopped and turned his back to Hailan and asked, I am not a reckless mermaid normally, why would I test the new wizard?

Hailan has long wanted to talk to Mr. Heiyu about this.

Mr. Blackfish, I'm just too curious about that wizard. Is he...is he your human disguise?

Blackfish immediately turned around, his tail almost grazing Hailan's face, Why do you think so?

Hai Lan was a little afraid of Heiyu, so he said bravely: You, you know the situation on the wizard side very well, so my sister and I have been guessing whether you also have a disguised identity within the tribunal.

A few days ago, my sister saw a new wizard. He had an aura very similar to yours.

Like me?

It's not the same, but that feeling... except for you, no one else has ever experienced it.

Blackfish's face was wrapped in black mist, making it completely unclear.

But Hai Lan felt that the other party was very scary for a moment.

The black mist wrapped around the opponent's body seemed to be turning into a sharp mouth, trying to bite his flesh and blood.

Hai Lan shrank his neck.

But the terrifying aura on Mr. Blackfish quickly disappeared.

He returned to his original calm demeanor, That's not me, so don't take the initiative to contact him in the future. Especially you, stay away and don't appear in front of him.

Hai Lan heard from Mr. Heiyu's words that he seemed to know the new wizard, but in order not to anger him again, he just nodded and did not tell his guess.

After the two of them finished talking about Sol, the topic turned to the most important thing.

Let me warn you one last time. After this dark tide subsides, no matter what happens, you guys will leave according to the planned route. I will meet you halfway. Remember, no matter what happens!

Hailan already knew the escape route by heart, but he still felt a little uneasy.

Mr. Blackfish, can I ask first, what will happen? I don't want to peek into your plan, it's just that I want to be mentally prepared.

Heiyu looked at Hailan and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Mermaids, even atavistic mermaids, are currently too weak in mind. But it doesn't matter. After experiencing that incident, they should be able to get some improvement... It won't work without improvement, don't What a waste of such an excellent body!”

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