The black tide is coming.

Thor immediately remembered the eye of the storm that appeared in Borderlands.

A large amount of black tide once surged there, and Thor also experienced the horror of it firsthand.

This made him frown, Does the Tribunal have a way to deal with it?

Sandy asked Sol to sit down, then sat on the edge of the bed opposite him.

You don't have to worry about this. The tribunal has been fighting against the black tide for so many years and has already developed very complete countermeasures. Sander said quickly.

He was afraid of scaring Sol away.

Although every time the black tide strikes, it will cause huge damage to the red sea trees and mermaids, but the Tribunal will also take action. Before the number of red sea trees drops to the warning line, the wizards will unite to resist the black tide and the monsters in it.

Although the Black Tide has posed varying degrees of threats to Nefret over the years, it has never really broken through the mainland's defenses.

Seeing Xander trying his best to explain, Thor raised his hand to stop him from continuing, Don't be like this, I am not afraid of the Black Tide. If possible, I would like to see with my own eyes what the Black Tide is in the Nephrite Continent. What does it look like?”

After all, Sander was imprisoned in the palace of Eternal Night and became a human blood bag. He only knew a rough idea of ​​the outside world and had no idea how Thor saved half of the Borderlands by himself.

Seeing what Saul said, he followed his words and said, Okay, if Lord Saul wants to see the Black Tide, I think the people in the Tribunal will not refuse.

Sander hurriedly brought up the topic of Kuroshio, When Emperor Ai Luo of the Black Flame Empire arrives, due to political needs, he will definitely meet with me, and then I will ask him to return the soul-fixing needle.

Will the Emperor of Black Flame return the token as agreed with your ancestors? A black branch appeared in Thor's hand and kept spinning in his hand like a pen.

I will definitely do it. Because of Emperor Black Flame's positioning device, he easily refuses to agree, but if he promises, he will definitely do it.


Thor knows two directions about the locator related to promises, one is related to fate and cause and effect like him, and the other is related to contracts.

But no matter which one it is, the emperor of Black Flame will not break his promise easily.

Just like when Saul used the theory of cause and effect, unless he was willing to endure huge causal backlash, he would never break his promise and destroy the effect that had already occurred after the effect caused the cause - if the effect was destroyed by other factors, It won't come back to Thor.

Senior Yongye made a wise choice. The black branch in Thor's hand stopped turning.

Sander breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Thor with expectation again, So Lord Thor, regarding my heir... I have already arranged for a reliable candidate to enter the Eternal Night Palace. After that, she will become the mother of my child. .”

Now that Xander mentioned this, Saul also told Xander his preparations.

It's just that the progress of things is different from what Sander had imagined before.

I will give you a bit of mermaid blood so that you can have a special heir.

Yeah. Xander listened carefully and nodded while listening.

But this heir cannot be born.

Huh? Xander was stunned.

If his child cannot be born, what difference does it make to having no heirs?

But... Sander was interrupted by Thor raising his hand in mid-sentence.

Being a descendant of the mermaid royal family only allows you to stay in the position of a puppet for two more years. When your health gets worse and worse, massive bloodletting will pose a threat to your life. The people of the tribunal will definitely Drain your last use value, then support your heirs on the throne of the emperor, and then continue your destiny.

Xander also knew that Saul was telling the truth. Even if he planned to use his sister's special characteristics and his last moments to create a new force, he would only seek a stable home in the shadow of the Tribunal wizards.

An ordinary person cannot really solve the problem.

So, instead of giving you an heir, it's better to give you a backer.

Fuck, backer? Sander's eyes were wandering. He wanted a guarantee that would allow him to regain control of the secular power, but he didn't want to follow Thor to cause trouble!

He was just a mortal body following Thor to cause trouble, and those great wizards could kill him with just a look.

Even if you don't kill him temporarily in order to raise the mermaid, I'm afraid it will directly erase his consciousness and make him a simple blood bank.

...Same as the mermaid princess in the next room.

Live as a sample.

Seeing that he hadn't said anything, Sander on the opposite side was already so shocked and frightened that he lost control of his expression. Thor was also helpless.

He understood Sander's fear of wizards, but if he was only satisfied with surviving for a few years, why would Thor take the risk to help him?

Thor did not explain or comfort Xander.

Although what he will do next will not put him on the opposite side of the tribunal, it can still be regarded as provoking the interests of some people.

If Sander doesn't have enough courage, then he'd better find another partner.

He stared at Sander quietly, and the black branch in his hand began to dance and turn at his fingertips again.

Sweat began to form on Sander's forehead, and his attention was unconsciously drawn to the branches flying at Sol's fingertips.

That is?

He suddenly looked at Sol, Black...

I said the first word, but I didn't dare to pronounce its name completely.

If Sander's guess is correct, this thing is taboo in Nephrite!

How dare Thor bring it here?

Xander felt like his brain was stopping.

what to do?

A blue butterfly flew through Xander's eyes.

Like an ice cube thrown into boiling water, Sander's confused heart suddenly calmed down.

He took a deep breath, and the look in his eyes gradually became determined.

Anyway, losing the bet is just a death. I have no one else to turn to for help. The Emperor of Black Flame will keep his promise and return the soul-fixing needle, but it is also because he does not know that the thing he keeps is the soul-fixing needle. So he It is only responsible for safekeeping and will not do anything to affect the tribunal.”

Although what Saul is saying now contains hidden danger signals, it also shows that Saul has more plans than me.

At the reminder of his sister Mido'er, Sander finally realized the opportunities hidden behind the danger.

He stood up and said, Lord Thor, no matter what you want to do, I will do my best to cooperate!

Thor clearly saw the blue butterflies in Xander's eyes, and smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

This time, Sol's real partner is actually Mido'er!

Only Mido'er, who struggled to survive in Blue Water Bay with the soul of an ordinary person, became a special spirit body, and survived in Sander's body, could hope to control the third target created by Thor.

If you agree, there will be no chance to go back on it. Thor stood up and put the black branch in his hand between Sander's eyebrows. With just a little force, he could pierce his skull.

Mido'er, I will take her away first. As for her body, you don't have to worry. I will give her a body that can affect the entire Red Sea. You only need to be responsible for attracting other people's attention to your sister during this period. That’s it.”

happy New Year! ! !

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