Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 833 Royer’s invitation

Thor closed the door.

This was already the third nobleman who came to visit him that he had rejected.

If you are still like this, don't bring him to me. He said to the attendant on the side.

But... the attendant looked embarrassed, Lord Cowher represents a duke of Yongye, and I can't afford to offend him.

Sol nodded his chin, Then tell them that the next person who bothers me will become fish feed.

Looking at the attendant's stunned expression, Thor smiled and did not emphasize again that he was not joking.

Anyway, if someone does come, then people in the future will know if he is joking.

Thor returned to the palace, where there was another guest.

Royer leaned on the pillar in the middle of the palace, smiling happily.

Aren't these nobles annoying? But don't worry, they are also very smart. They will try their best to test your tolerance limit, but as long as you show a slightly impatient expression, they will retreat honestly.

Royer curled his lips, Anyone who didn't know how to go back would have been cleaned up long ago.

I hope so, Thor whispered. I don't like keeping fish.

Royer nodded, I don't like it either, but there's nothing I can do about it. Mermaids are like the nutrients of the Red Sea Tree. Without them, the Red Sea Tree can't continue to grow.

He followed Thor into the laboratory.

Royer was very thick-skinned. As long as Saul didn't stop him directly, he would dare to follow others and look through other people's notes.

Sol glanced sideways, but did not stop Roye from entering.

Anyway, from the materials on the surface, Royer couldn't tell what the raw materials of the things he fused were.

For example, Xiaowei, who knows what it has eaten?

The most conspicuous thing placed on the experimental table at this time was a ball of soft, red meat.

The mass of flesh was trembling, and seemed to want to run away when Royer approached, as if it had its own consciousness.

This is it? Royer leaned over and carefully observed the red meat.

The mermaid I brought.

Ha, you brought me here to raise you. Do you think it's so special that you're going to kill me now?

Sol poked the meat ball in front of him with a glass rod, Keep it because it is useful; kill it because it is useful.

The red mass of flesh was like a drop of blood that had just been dropped on a glassware. It seemed that it would break at any time, but it remained stable due to surface tension.

Royer was worthy of being a third-level wizard. He only took a few observations before he discovered the problem.

Consciousness is injected into this mass of flesh and blood? A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, How did you do it, so that the conscious body can stay awake under conditions that are completely inconsistent with human physiological structure?

Let the conscious body adapt first, and then it will be fine when you get used to it. Thor said briefly, In addition to checking the progress of my experiment, do you have anything else to do here this time?

Royer straightened up, Haha, how can we call it an inspection? It's just a discussion for everyone. But having said that, Alfonso looked dumbfounded, but he has been studying mermaids for decades, and he can't solve it. I didn’t expect you to solve the problem as soon as it came up. Even if you say you can’t do anything in the end, I won’t blame you.”

He approached Sol and said, To be honest, I came here to cooperate with you.

Thor put down the glass rod and pushed the meat ball deliberately shown to Royer back to the isolation compartment.

What cooperation?

Create a new royal family. Roye put his arm on Sol's shoulders carelessly. He was shorter than Sol, and it was a bit awkward to do this. I know Alessandra has been looking for you recently, but no matter what he promised, Whatever you want, I can give you something of equal value.

Saul remained calm and said, He and I are old friends. You can find out if you want.

His actions in Blue Water Bay were not very covert. If a high-level wizard wants to trace it, he can easily discover the truth from clues.

Of course, some details are difficult to define.

Especially what happens beneath the surface.

Old friend? Royer sneered, What kind of relationship can a wizard have with ordinary humans? Alexandra must have some treasures passed down from their family, right? I can also guess some of the resources in his hands. , nothing more than some special witchcraft props handed down from ancient times.

His guess was good, but he didn't consider that Sol was also a party seeking cooperation.

And he couldn't imagine that Alexandra's ancestors had reached a custody agreement with the emperor of the Black Flame Empire, handing over a witchcraft prop that ordinary people couldn't use and that wizards flocked to for safekeeping to others.

Saul naturally would not mention the content of his transaction with Sander, Then what conditions can you offer me?

How could I be the one making the conditions? It's not me who wants to be the emperor. Royer smiled.

Who wants to be this puppet emperor?

Alessandra's stepmother. She had a child with the previous emperor. But she was unlucky and did not inherit the bloodline of the mermaid royal family like Alexandra. So after the old emperor died, we brought Arizona to Della picked her up and sent her and her child to a small mountain village inland.

So, when they heard that you were going to use the new mermaid royal bloodline for fusion, they immediately came over to sign up?

Sign up? You used the word correctly. They did shout out their names loudly. But I also considered that their family has the experience of successfully fusing blood lines, and the success rate of fusing new blood lines can be higher. Just brought them here.”

Sol was originally not interested in Royer's experiment. After all, he was too busy with his own affairs.

While trying to cure the mermaid's infectious disease, they also need to create the third target of the Symphony of Destiny.

But just when Sol was about to refuse, he suddenly thought of a question.

If I help you conduct a bloodline fusion experiment, will I be able to access the mermaid royal bloodline stored in the Tribunal?

Royer touched his chin, You are indeed still interested in mermaids! Well, if you can help me with the fusion experiment, I can promise you now that I will give you at least one-tenth of the original royal blood for use. Initial research.”

Royer blinked at Saul, How about it, I'm very generous, right? I heard that you haven't touched Alfonso's share yet. Haha, don't look at his businesslike look. , people are very stingy.

Thor clicked his tongue and said, Then give it a try. I'm not interested in fused bloodlines, but I have been coveting the bloodline of the original royal family for a long time.

Royer's gaze swept across the entire laboratory as if inadvertently, and finally settled on a small water tank.

Are you going to raise other fish?

The small glass water tank has not been filled with water yet and is clean.

It's not a fish. Thor changed the topic, When will the blood fusion experiment start?

I'm so impatient! Royer had achieved his goal and walked out. In two days, in two days, Lord Ai Luo of the Black Flame Empire will arrive tomorrow. During this period, all projects will be suspended. Wait until he is entertained , let’s conduct experiments again.”

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