Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 817 Bad ending

After Alfonso's gentle introduction, the underwater coral seemed to hear the sound and timidly raised its head and looked towards the water.

This also allowed Sol to see clearly her face that was obscured by red hair.

He actually had the feeling of seeing the Little Mermaid in the fairy tale.

Although the top of the skull and lower jaw of the mermaid named Coral are narrower than those of ordinary people, it can already be called an oval face.

She has red eyes like her hair, shining like rubies.

However, before Thor could continue to admire the appearance of the mermaid, the latter turned over on its back in the pool, revealing the tail of its lower body.

Thor immediately frowned.

Half of the coral's fish tail was rotten.

Her tail was green, like the clear sky after the rain, but most of it was missing, exposing the tailbone and a lot of rotten flesh that had turned white in the water.

There are also scattered pieces of meat connected to the tail by tiny strands of meat, which seem to be able to be pulled off with a hard pull.

The translucent tail fin obviously reflects the colorful halo like a fritillary, but it also has many gaps and is in dilapidated state.

Anyway, it looks like it hurts.

Is this the Kuroshio pollution you are talking about? Its surface characteristics are different from the Kuroshio pollution I have seen before.

Alfonso said seriously: The possibility of pollution caused by other items has been preliminarily ruled out. As long as they stay in the seawater with Kuroshio, the pollution will intensify.

If Alfonso was not lying, it might really be rot caused by Kuroshio pollution.

Well, Kuroshio pollution has various characteristics. Maybe this is a new characteristic. Saul didn't finish his sentence.

“I named this pollution disease ‘rotten tail’.”

Sol nodded, Very vivid.

The first case of tail rot disease is coral. Because she is an atavistic mermaid, we pay more attention to her. It may also be because of her atavism that her tolerance to Kuroshio pollution is not as good as it is now. Fortunately, we discovered the disease in time and discovered its contagiousness, so we could isolate all the sick mermaids before the disease broke out on a large scale.

Thor then observed other mermaids and found that their tails were also rotten, but the highest degree of rot was the coral.

I want to take some tissue from her lesions.

Alfonso did not object, Yes, but you have to be careful. These mermaids are very wary of wizards. If they scare her, they may struggle violently. She is the first patient, and we can't let her die yet.

Don't worry, I've been a doctor for a few years. Thor took off his wizard robe and threw it on the sand behind him.

Then he jumped into the water, which was silky and smooth, with only shallow waves on the water.

Alfonso stood on the shore with his arms folded and watched Sol's movements. He didn't know what he thought of and was a little stunned.

When Thor entered the water, the mermaids vying for food in the water immediately panicked and hid in the crevices of the rocks.

But the strange thing is that Coral, who should have been equally afraid of humans, still stayed where he was, looking at Thor with a hint of curious intimacy.

When Sol approached, Coral actually swam towards him.

At this distance, Thor keenly discovered that Coral's spiritual body was slightly stronger than that of other mermaids. Perhaps due to atavism, her intelligence is closer to that of a human child.

After Coral approached Sol, she stretched out her hands and took one of Sol's arms.

Is it because of Floco that I have traces of Floco's mental power that makes her closer to me? Saul made a bold guess.

The water god Floco is a member of the Blue Scales clan, and Coral has an atavism, so he may be familiar with Floco's mental power.

Sol stretched out his hand and turned it into a translucent tentacle, covering the half-rotten fish tail of the coral.

It was neither painful nor itchy, so Thor took out a few samples from the coral body, wrapped them in his tentacles and took them back into the body.

Because he still didn’t understand the contamination of corals, Sol carefully isolated the sample from the original body.

After taking the sample, Thor scanned the coral's mental power again, looked at the other person's big ruby-like eyes, and raised his hand to gently touch the other person's cheek.

There are tiny scales on both sides of the coral cheeks, which are rough but smooth to the touch.

Coral closed her eyes, like a kitten, just purring in enjoyment.

Thor carefully inspected the coral's body structure and turned around to surface.

Coral opened her eyes in confusion and even swam a few meters after Sol.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a small black tentacle emerging from the back of Thor's neck.

The tip of the tentacle opened, revealing the black tip of the tongue.


Xiao Zao stuck out his tongue and a string of bubbles came out of his mouth.

Coral's eyes widened, and she stretched out her hand to pluck out the black tentacle, but in her peripheral vision, she saw the gloomy man on the water surface not far from her.

Coral paused and shrank her shoulders, as if she was scared. Then she flicked her tail and dived back into the depths of the pool as if she was running away.

Sol didn't pay attention to the movement below. He could only feel the coral and gave up after chasing it for a while.

He crawled out of the clear and cold water, used witchcraft to clean off the excess moisture and stains on his clothes, and put on the wizard robe that he had thrown aside.

How come Coral is so close to you? Alfonso had been stunned for a long time, and he couldn't wait to ask Sol as soon as he came out of the water.

Maybe there is a mermaid beside me, and she feels that the breath is familiar. Thor said casually, And as a doctor, I naturally have to know how to comfort patients.

Alfonso thought thoughtfully, Can you teach me how to comfort a mermaid?

You also need to appease the mermaid? I thought your tribunal was accustomed to using violence to solve problems.

That's not violence, it's just a necessary means. Alfonso retorted, but thinking of Thor's method of appeasing the mermaid, he softened his tone and said, I can use my unique dark attribute witchcraft in exchange for you.

Sol touched his chin and said, I'll think about it.

After watching Mermaid, Alfonso's introduction work ends here. The next contact will have to wait until Saul understands the information and samples obtained from Alfonso.

Otherwise, he would not even know the basic theory and would not be able to conduct further research.

Returning the way he came, Thor didn't need Alfonso to send him back, he directly located Kate and teleported back to his palace.

After returning to the palace, Thor did not mess around. The Tribunal's attitude towards him is not yet clear, so Thor will naturally not run around and cause trouble for himself.

After Sol and Alfonso left, the cold moonlight shone on the beach as always.

In a deep pool on the seaside, a coral with red hair is swimming towards the deepest part of the pool.

After swimming to a depth that was invisible to the naked eye, she suddenly turned around and crashed into a rock.

Then her body disappeared entirely.

There is actually a mechanism under this rock. It does not rely on witchcraft. It only uses dyed seaweed and algae to disguise it as part of the rock.

Unless the patrolling wizard comes down in person, he cannot mentally detect that there is a problem here.

Behind the mechanism is a gap that only allows one mermaid to pass through. It goes upstream and out of the gap, and the coral comes to a dim cave.

She jumped out of the water, dragged her broken fish tail, and crawled towards another pool on the opposite side of the cave.

Sister, don't move, I'll come over!

A voice suddenly sounded in the cave, causing intermittent echoes.

Coral's face suddenly showed vivid anger, Keep it down!

Her voice wasn't loud, but her expression was enough to get the message across.

Another mermaid suddenly emerged from the pool on the opposite side.

It's a male mermaid.

He looks almost exactly the same as Coral, except that his hair and eyes are blue, as deep and beautiful as aquamarine.

His name is also Hai Lan.

Second update

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