Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 818 Hailan

Ocean Blue and Coral are mermaid siblings. But as soon as Hai Lan was born, he automatically mastered the method of concealing his mental power, so he was hidden from birth.

Hai Lan knew that the injury on her sister's tail made it difficult for her to move, so she crawled out of the pool and reached the coral easily with the help of the slippery stones.

He looked at his sister's tail and bit his lip in distress.

How long will you take that medicine?

Coral held her brother's mouth again, Don't tell, don't ask, it has nothing to do with you.

This is not the first time that Coral has rejected Hailan's care.

Hai Lan felt distressed and guilty, but also knew that it was best for the two of them not to tell each other what they were doing. It is actually very risky behavior for them to meet here.

If they were discovered by the big evil wizard Alfonso, they might not survive.

It doesn't matter if they don't survive, but it concerns the future of the mermaid clan, so we have to be cautious.

And this time, it was because of Coral's long-awaited signal that he dared to swim up from the deep sea and come to this secret base to meet his sister.

Holding back her eagerness to care about each other's situation, Coral began to share her important findings of the day.

A wizard came here today with the big devil, and I found a very familiar aura on him. Coral lowered her voice and said to Hailan mysteriously.

Familiar scent? What do we have to be familiar with wizards? They are all our enemies!

Hai Lan was not interested in wizard matters. Although due to atavistic mutation, his and his sister's intelligence and spiritual bodies were much stronger than those of other mermaids, it did not mean that he had the same intelligence.

The mermaid has been hidden under the sea since birth. No matter how smart she is, she lacks experience in life.

Coral covered her brother's mouth again to prevent him from speaking, and said solemnly: Shh, I suspect that the newcomer... is also a mermaid, and has the blood of the mermaid royal family.

Hailan's eyes widened.

He wanted to laugh, but he didn't think it was good to laugh at his sister.

Wizard, how could it be a mermaid?

He looked at his sister's broken tail, and his desire to laugh disappeared again.

No matter what guess you have, don't do unnecessary things. Doing too much will lead to mistakes. I will confirm the new wizard with Mr. Blackfish. When the time comes, we will rescue the princess...

Hai Lan stopped mid-sentence. He knew that although he didn't say everything, Coral could understand what he meant.

Although Coral is not smart, the two have an extremely tacit understanding.

Sure enough, Coral understood. She also told her brother, If the time comes, you can do whatever you want. You don't have to tell me or worry about me.

Hailan didn't respond.

Coral said every time he met her that he didn't need to worry about her, but Hailan had made up his mind that as long as there was a slight possibility, he would take his sister away with him, and he would not leave her alone to use his life as a garbage collector with the modified mermaid.

After a brief exchange, Hailan jumped back into the pool, passed through the narrow waterway, and entered the deep sea.

This is an offshore area, and no matter how deep the water is, you can't escape the entanglement of the roots of the red sea trees.

But tree roots in the deep sea are always sparser than near the surface.

There are some invisible black particles in the sea water that disappear like soot when touched.

These are the black tide pollution mixed in the sea water, which is something that wizards all over the world fear.

Hai Lan didn't know about the Eye of the Abyss, but he felt that since the mermaids could survive in the polluted sea water, it meant that they were actually more suitable for this world than humans and wizards.

As long as they can seize the opportunity, escape from the wizard's control, and no longer spend their lives meaninglessly cleaning up pollution for others, the mermaid tribe will surely rise in the future.

Just like the Green Scale Clan in ancient times.

All this knowledge was taught to him by Mr. Blackfish.

In Hailan's heart, Mr. Heiyu has a mysterious origin, but he is the best person to them. Help them survive in a difficult environment and help them find a way to escape from the wizard's control.

Mr. Heiyu also has a strong royal aura... Could it be that the new wizard is really Mr. Heiyu? Hailan became more and more shaken as he thought about it. If it is Mr. Heiyu, maybe there is a way to pretend to be a wizard? I'll see you next time. Does he want to ask?

The sea blue fish tail sways gracefully in the water, and one-third of the silver fish tail is made of cyan scales. This is the biggest characteristic of their return to their ancestors, the Green Scale Clan.

As for Hailan's sister Coral, she actually had more blue scales on her tail, but she didn't have Hailan's talent of hiding his mental power, so in the end she stood in front.

Blocking Hai Lan from all covetousness and scrutiny.

He even didn't hesitate to get infected with that terrifying pollution just to hide his existence.

Hailan narrowed his eyes. Just because the mermaids had no tears didn't mean they had no hearts.

Passing through a specially woven bunker made of tree roots and passing through complex underground gaps, Hailan came to a quiet body of water.

In this sea area, there are more than twenty mermaids swimming.

Regardless of gender or appearance, they all have one common feature, which is that they have more or less cyan scales on their tails.

Like the clear sky after the rain.

That is also the hope of their mermaid tribe.

Nearly ten days have passed since I got the information on mermaid research from Alfonso.

These days Thor has been staying in his room reading books and doing simple tests on Mermaid Kate.

high efficiency.

Today, he finally understood the basic information, so he took out the pollution samples obtained from the Mermaid Coral and prepared to compare them with the Kuroshio pollution samples he had collected before.

At this moment, the large water tank next to it suddenly made a splash, and the mermaid's tail whipped out, splashing water everywhere.

Sol turned his head and looked over, and saw Kate changing her demeanor and lying leisurely on the fish tank.

He quickly looked around and then used magic to create a barrier.

Don't worry, I will also pay attention to whether the situation on your side is suitable when I come out. Fromm said with a smile.

He was enjoying himself and wagging his fish tail in the water. In Sky City, he couldn't even take a dip in the water, he only had wooden barrels that were difficult to turn over.

The most important thing is that he is no longer in mermaid form. Although the current mermaid body was in bad shape, it made him miss it inexplicably.

Thor relaxed a little. Since Lord Water God thought there was no problem and he didn't find anyone peeping, it should be safe.

I thought you wouldn't come back for a long time. After all, the situation there is more difficult than here.

Fromm transformed into a water elf and had a fierce fight with Ophelia. Although he retreated in time when he was in bad condition, it also triggered a carpet search of Ophelia.

So he is actually feeling aggrieved by hiding now, but he must not show it in front of Thor!

I felt that you were in contact with the blood of my descendants, so I found an opportunity to come and have a look. Have you seen the mermaid tribe here?

I've only seen a few of them now, Sol paused, Their current state is much worse than I expected...

Saul described in detail what he had witnessed these days and what he had learned from books.

Generally speaking, the current mermaid tribe is like raised livestock, and the value of its existence lies entirely in the needs of the wizards.

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