Royer obviously still wanted to persuade, but Alfonso on the side could no longer listen.

He suddenly stood up and raised his voice, Royie!

Huh? Royer still had a smile on his face and looked at his friend.


Alfonso suddenly snapped his fingers, and then Roye suddenly disappeared.

Then he said to Saul: I moved Royer outside the laboratory. As for the experimental project you participated in, you cannot change it without permission unless the court owner agrees.

Thor nodded, I know. Don't worry, I'm still more interested in mermaids at the moment.

Alfonso on the other side was quiet for three seconds.

Well... Sir Thor, I don't recommend having physical relations with mermaids.

Cough cough cough! Saul couldn't help but cough twice and defended himself, Sir Alfonso, I was just joking with Wizard Roye just now.

Alfonso pursed his bloodless lips and nodded, That's good. I can't tell the difference between true intentions and joking.

Sol clasped his hands together and said, I understand, I will try not to joke in the future.

Alfonso nodded with satisfaction, then stood up, Then let's go to the next place.

Didn’t I just say that we would be here today?

Thor stood up in confusion, Where are we going?

Go see the merman you are interested in. Alfonso made a gesture of snapping his fingers, Relax and don't resist.

Thor blinked.


The two of them left the closed and busy laboratory at the same time and appeared on a wooden boat.

At this time they were in a dark underground waterway.

However, with Thor's eyesight and mental strength, he could still see the dense moss on the rocks on both sides and the dripping water drops.

This narrow underground waterway has only one road for a long distance. It looks like a man-made tunnel rather than a naturally formed tunnel.

This is below the palace. In the darkness, Alfonso put away the iron chain on the boat that was tied to the stone pier next to it.

The chain made a clattering sound, and one end fell into the water and made a dong sound.

I can only teleport within a certain range of the palace. This is also the ability given to me by the Lord of the Court.

I don’t know why Alfonso told Thor all about the scope of his power.

Thor rolled his eyes, held the edge of the boat with one hand, and sat honestly in the boat, Ha, I now believe that you and Wizard Roye are very good friends.


Every time you take me to teleport, you will remind me, but there is no need to remind Roye. Obviously you often throw him out, and he will not resist.

Alfonso remained silent and made no rebuttal.

Although he didn't understand how these two people could become friends, Thor wasn't very curious either.

He sat on the boat and watched Alfonso put down a circular instrument, and then there was a vibration like a motor from underneath the boat, and the whole boat rushed forward like an arrow off the string.

Alfonso's fingertips touched the boat, and a layer of black mist appeared outside the hull.

Whenever the boat hits two rocks due to its super speed, these black mist will act like a protective film to buffer the impact and correct the direction.

The narrow waterway suddenly opened up after a sudden drop.

It seems to have entered the natural original river from an artificially dug waterway.

The water here is more turbulent and the undercurrent is surging, making the boat bump from time to time.

The occasional rock pillar rising out of the water makes navigation challenging.

Fortunately, the two people on the boat were able to ignore this challenge and were still able to communicate with great interest as the background music of clatter echoed throughout the cave.

With the help of the black mist, the boat avoided the stone pillars blocking the road, but it had to be careful of the stalagmites above its head.

After driving in this place for another half an hour, light finally shone in from the front.

Thor can finally see with normal eyes.

Outside the cave is the endless sea. The waves sparkled, shattering the reflection of the starry sky.

It's a good weather for a night trip. Saul looked around, Didn't I say that the southeastern coast is covered with red sea trees? Why can't I see any?

Since Yong Ye wants to cultivate and control mermaids, it is impossible to build the palace on the northwest coastline.

The tide has come in. Now the Red Sea trees are under the water. Mermaids live at the roots of the Red Sea trees. But we are not going there today.

Where to go?

There are some individuals in the mermaid population. Their resistance to Kuroshio pollution has weakened for unknown reasons. They have developed severe pollution symptoms and are prone to infection. In order to control the pollution situation, I have isolated all mermaids with pollution symptoms separately. On the shore.”

The small boat turned around and started to drive along the shore. The speed was still very fast, and there was a feeling that it wanted to throw the two people off the boat regardless of it.


After a few more minutes, the boat came to a stop at the expense of hitting a large sunken rock. Because of the protection of the black mist, there was no damage to the hull.

Thor jumped off the boat and stepped on the soft sand, Your driving skills need to be improved, I'm serious.

Alfonso did not answer, but directed the chain on the ship to be automatically tied to a thick iron nail driven into a gap in the stone.

Then, he jumped out and said, Right in front.

Saul continued walking with Alfonso, rounding a huge rock that looked like a small house, and finally saw a pool of water.

The pool is very clear and very deep. There is a terrifying feeling of sucking people in.

Thor is naturally not afraid of being sucked in. He has also been to deeper seabeds.

At that time, I also received a special ocean rune. It's just that apart from research, it has not been used for other purposes.

The mermaid is down there? Thor stood on the edge of the pool, letting the waves soak the soles of his shoes.

He felt a dozen weak mental fluctuations.

Not the powerful fluctuations of wizards, but normal mental fluctuations that are weaker than ordinary people.

He looked at the side wall of the pool that was swaying in the water, Are they all hiding in it?

Alfonso suddenly had a handful of brown pieces in his hand and threw them into the pool.

The originally clear water pool was immediately muddied. Deep in the pool, or even deeper, where even the moonlight cannot shine, mermaids emerge one after another.

Their faces were obscured by the water waves, and their slender figures and fish tails kept swinging and circling upwards. The picture was beautiful and refreshing.

When you get closer, faces with cone-shaped tops and bottoms are revealed, and reality breaks the fantasy.

After careful observation, Thor found that although these mermaids looked strange and had faces closer to fish than humans, they were at least more normal than the mermaid that Kate was currently possessed by.

They have long dark green hair like algae, but they don't have six breasts.

It looks a little more eye-catching.

Perhaps the wizard in Sky City made private modifications when raising mermaids. Is the purpose of modifying the lactation organs for private reproduction?

Just when Thor was comparing the appearance of Kate and the mermaid in front of him, a fiery red suddenly appeared and caught his eyes.

It was a unique female mermaid with long red hair. When she swam, her fine red hair bloomed in the water, like an earth rose.

Coral is here. Alfonso said softly, as if he was afraid that his voice would scare the timid mermaid in the pool. She is an atavistic mermaid, and her appearance is closer to that of the Blue Scale Tribe in ancient times.

First update, go to eat first, and come back for the second chapter

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