Not yet. Alfonso said with a straight face, I will give you the relevant research materials. When you are familiar with the above knowledge, I will apply to the court master.

Thor sighed in disappointment, If you don't give it to me, will you show it to me and make me greedy?

Alfonso's face was still expressionless, and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly, It will be more concrete to explain knowledge with real objects.

After saying that, he walked to the experimental table and placed the two precious test tubes on the test tube rack.

The bloodline of the Mermaid Tribe is inherited from the ancient Green Scale Tribe. However, before the Eye of the Abyss appeared, most of the Green Scale Tribe had already left this world. Most of those left behind were the lower Green Scale Tribe, also known as the Mermaid Tribe. Here are relevant information books, you can take them back today to read.

Alfonso waved his hand, and three one-meter-high stacks of books appeared on the ground.

The pages on the side of each book look very old, the edges are not neat, and they seem to have been turned over frequently.

Alfonso explained: When I am doing research, I am used to recording the knowledge I gain on paper rather than in witchcraft props.

Nowadays, many high-level wizards like to record knowledge in knowledge array disks, which can be read directly with mental power. It is easy to carry and extract knowledge quickly.

But Alfonso is still used to using books to record and read like low-level wizards.

Thor had no objection, I have just been promoted to the third level. Well, actually I have just been promoted to the first and second levels, so I like reading books very much.

Thor put his hand on the top book, and with a thought, all the books were stored in the space prop storage on his wrist.

Then he raised his head and said to Alfonso, who was frowning: Don't worry, I will take good care of your knowledge.

Alfonso's frown relaxed slightly.

That's good.

Handing the researched book to Thor, he began to tell Thor about the bloodline of the mermaid royal family and the characteristics of the fusion agent.

This fusion agent was researched and manufactured by the owner of the court himself. It is very rare and is in a very unstable state. When used, it can only be extracted with glass tweezers. When it is exposed to the air, it will spontaneously ignite within three seconds. Therefore, after taking out the fusion agent, it needs to be added to the blood within three seconds, preferably within one second...

Alfonso spoke seriously, and Sol listened carefully. The two guard wizards in the room stood nearby, seemingly not caring at all about the content of their conversation.

Time passed little by little during the discussion between the two parties.

In Thor's perception, the sun should be setting soon.

Alfonso and Saul's first academic discussion has also come to an end.

...The bloodline activity of the mermaid royal family is no longer as active as before. If a new Eternal Night royal family is to be created this time, the court master may consume most of the remaining bloodline. After all, these bloodlines may not be able to support the next royal family failure.

Alfonso closed the book and stood up at the same time, preparing to put the two test tubes back into the witchcraft circle inside the wall.

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door of this independent laboratory outside.


There was a quick knock on the door.

Saul noticed that Alfonso's expression did not change, and he didn't even intend to open the door.

He looked back, and as soon as he turned around, the door was suddenly pushed open.

It was as if the hurried knock on the door was a warning, saying I'm coming in instead of Please open the door for me.

The door was pushed open with such force that it hit the wall and bounced back into the hands of the intruder.

Someone who can't deal with Alfonso? Saul just thought of this and overturned his own thoughts.

Because the person who just came in had a bright smile on his face, not arrogant or sinister, just a happy smile.

Alfonso, I'm back, did you miss me?

The intruder had fiery red hair, probably as red as the sunset outside. Her hair is not long, but very thick. It sways when she walks, very rhythmically.

After he came in, he pushed the door hard behind him, and the door closed with a bang, and the walls seemed to tremble slightly.

Hey, are there guests? The red-haired man looked at Sol, Oh, I know, they are the guests invited by the master of the court... Wizard Sol, right? Hello, my name is Roye, I belong to Alfonso. Friends, best friends!”

Roye was very enthusiastic when he saw Thor, and his whole person was like a ball of flame, which was incompatible with the other wizards in this laboratory.

Sol's first reaction was not to say hello to Royer, but to look back at Alfonso's expression.

The other party's eyes were lowered, but the corners of his mouth were slightly straightened.

Well, they should be real friends.

Thor turned back again, looked at the enthusiastic Roye, stood up and said friendly: Hello, Wizard Roye.

Royer did not hide the fluctuation of magic power in his body at all. The fire element particles, which are as active as his personality, are the densest, and the strong amplitude shows the powerful strength of the opponent's third-level wizard.

Royer walked to the experimental table and said, What are you doing? Oh! The mermaid royal bloodline! I don't care whether it's royal or not, just integrate the blood first. Whoever can live will be the emperor. The one who dies will be the emperor. It’s time to feed the fish.”

Alfonso waved his hand, This is not your experimental project and I don't need your opinion.

This was said quite rudely, but Royer didn't care at all and still had a smile on his face.

Aren't I worried that you are wasting your energy? A talented dark wizard like Sorcerer Thor should directly study the source of the Red Sea Tree. If the Red Sea Tree's ability to absorb pollution can be improved, or the way we deal with pollution can be improved, then Isn’t it more useful than studying mermaids?”

The project that Wizard Roye is researching is...the source of the Red Sea tree? Saul asked.

Royer nodded fiercely, not looking like a third-level wizard at all.

Yes, do you think it's easy for me? I majored in the element of fire, but now I have to study how to plant trees in the sea. Life is really unpredictable.

As he said that, Roye even wanted to reach up to Rathore's arm, You guys should have finished talking. Shall I take you to see the red sea trees on the beach? The red sea trees are the most beautiful at dusk! If you like, I can also take you Two beautiful witches. Do you have any special hobbies? Do you like ones that look like humans or those that don’t look like humans?”

The corners of Alfonso's originally straightened mouth dropped again.

Thor touched his chin and asked cooperatively and tentatively: Are there any mermaids that meet human aesthetics?

There are a large number of mermaids in the Nephrite continent, and mermaids who are used as scavengers and vacuum cleaners obviously do not have a high social status, and they are even lowered to the dust in front of wizards.

Saul thought that by saying this, he might be able to get a mermaid from Roye or Alfonso.

Take it back and compare it with Kate.

However, unexpectedly, Roye on the opposite side suddenly stopped smiling, and even looked disgusted to the point of nausea.

No, no, no! Thor, my friend, you will not like mermaids. They are the lowest species. To me, what you say is as uncomfortable as sleeping with rats in the cracks of the ground.

Royer quickly showed a smile and shrugged, But I won't blame you. After all, you are not from Nephrite, and it is normal to not understand mermaids. I will choose a beautiful girl for you, and you can put her Tear off the wings, it’s great for fun!”

Sol crossed his fingers and put them on the table, and smiled: Forget it, I just got dozens of witchcraft notebooks from Wizard Alfonso, and I don't have time to tear off other people's wings in the short term.

Changed a little bit of detail, updated on dead line

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