Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 114: It ’s true that everyone gets rich

Count Modillo disappeared, still in the heavily guarded palace, although the security of the palace seemed to be less reliable, but at least for most people, it was still like an insurmountable sky, but that ’s it. In this place, the people with the Earl of Montina mixed in, threatening to force Governor Flamenza to agree to negotiate, and then the Count Modillo, who had been imprisoned, disappeared inexplicably, leaving the nameless The body is also confused, making it impossible to guess.

Flamenza feels that his face has been lost, or that he doesn't really care about it. For him, what he is most concerned about now is what kind of transaction between Alexander and Gonzalo.

The result of threatening with Sardinia and Corsica was that Flamenca began to worry about the future of Sicily. He knew that Alexandria was right, even if Flamenza imprisoned him, but if he really said that Naples and France jointly attacked Sardinia and Corsica, and Wallachia threatened Venice from the land, so when the Ottomans came to the end, the significance of using Alexander as a hostage completely lost value, and maybe you can threaten Naples and Wallachia, but the Ottomans would not care about this, but by then Sicily was about to be unlucky.

"I've lost my face completely. Do I want to lose my brilliance now?" Looking at the few officers standing in front of him, Flamenca asked angrily, "Where is that Modillo, I want to know his whereabouts immediately, and who that person is. Doesn't anyone know why there are suddenly more bodies in my palace? "

The governor ’s question did not receive much answers. The officers apparently tried their best, but they did n’t even know what the corpse was. Fortunately, through careful investigation, how many of them showed signs.

"Sir, we guessed that the man was not here to save Count Modillo. His sword was thrown aside, and we found two different blood stains on the window of the door. Obviously this person and the people inside wanted to kill Dead place, but the people inside seem to be more lucky. "

"Oh, you mean a man who tried to get into the palace with all his heart was just to kill the count, but he was killed and exchanged with the count, so where is Modillo?"

"According to the cook, the delivery vendor ..."

"Guess, it is said, don't you have one thing to be sure?" Flamenca interrupted his men angrily, although he knew that it would be difficult for a strong man to figure out the truth so quickly, but he really Can't wait.

"Perhaps we can find some locals to inquire, adults, you know those locals are always well informed." One of them asked tentatively.

"Then go!" Flamenza yelled angrily. "Report it to me after getting everything clear."

Watching his men leave in a hurry, the governor glanced uglyly at Camille, who hadn't left in the distance. He didn't know what the old man was planning to join in. But the old slippery spirit seemed to be better than before Mrs. Gong Xiang, who didn't know when she appeared, whispered something.

What makes Flamenza feel embarrassing is that it seems that Alexander did not consider him as a negotiating opponent at all. It seemed that he only wanted to deal with Gonzalo from the beginning, which made Flamenza even less happy.

The guards who hijacked him were the defenders of the Palermo City. Flamenza felt that this gave him an excuse to take advantage of Bochum, but it was not the right time. He thought he would wait for the incident to be cleaned up. Take a look at the city defense force, or simply put the city defense force into its own Aragon Guard.

Flamenza was thinking about it until he saw Alexander and Gonzalo appear again.

No one knows what the two people closed the door to talk about, and nothing can be seen from their faces, and Gonzalo doesn't seem to want to share this matter. .

Gonzalo's opening made Flamenza even more annoyed.

"The Earl of Montina came to visit Sicily peacefully. At a time when they are very sensitive to both sides, the Earl came to Sicily to fight for the final peace. The Governor I hope you can respond positively to the Earl's sincerity."

Peaceful visit? Interview with hijacking and musket?

Flamenza would like to refute this directly, but watching Gonzalo say such a funny lie so seriously, Flamenza realized that perhaps he should not be mindless with this person at this time. Even though the Aragonese army he leads will not do anything terrible with him, if he deliberately delays or even avoids the battle when Naples launches an attack on Sicily, then Flamenca will be out of luck.

Flamenza thought so, a ugly smile squeezed out on his face. At this time, he was more certain that the King sent Gonzalo to Italy for a deeper purpose. Obviously this person was in the eyes of Ferdinand. At the critical moment of eradicating dissidents, Ferdinand absolutely did not want him to be the backbone of those Castilian nobles.

"Sacrifice is necessary for peace," Alexander took the conversation. He also disregarded the implicit vicious glances that Flamenza glared at, but to those who had apparently not yet turned the corner. The nobles and bishops said, "Even if it is dangerous, there is only a glimmer of hope that we must work hard for it. I am glad that this is also the wish of the respected Knight Commander."

"It is the wish of both of us, my friend."

The hall was very quiet, and the eyes of the two people who looked at each other in business were strange.

The guardian of the Sicilian lighthouse, the news that today ’s Count of Montina suddenly visited Sicily spread overnight in Palermo. For the young man who had participated in the **** night, some people were still impressed, some were not at all. Know which one he is.

But these are not important. After hearing that Count Montina promised to negotiate with various port chambers including Naples to lift the commercial blockade on Sicily, Sicilian merchants couldn't help but take to the streets to celebrate.

In less than a month, the Sicilian market has become a mess, prices are soaring, and goods are in short supply. Most people do n’t know how to become this way, and how many people who know the inside are angry at the stupidity of Flamenza. Endlessly.

All the time, at least so far, the most powerful chamber of commerce has demonstrated the power of the army formed by the Hanseatic League with strong financial resources to overthrow the once invincible King Alfred II of Denmark, who was also a businessman. For the first time, we showed the world the power of money.

But even if the Hanseatic League decided to belong to a crown, they only want to influence the direction of a country through the power of money, but this time the Free Trade Union's approach is not just like this, although the Naples are also preparing Waging war, but their army has never been seen, but only the trade union has caused a huge blow to the Sicilian market.

According to some speculation, in less than a month, Sicily ’s losses due to shipping stagnation and market shrinkage have reached more than a hundred thousand florins. What ’s worse is that in order to make up for these losses, Sicily must invest more money to recover this sudden Decline.

This means that the Free Trade Association only used the simplest method to cost Sicily up to hundreds of thousands of florins.

Capital's true butcher's knife cut **** wounds for the first time in Sicily.

The businessmen feel the deepest feelings about this change. Many people have been stubbornly refusing to spend the gold coins in their hands, but the result is that the market's decline will inevitably not be eased, even if Alexander has promised to negotiate with those ports to lift the blockade. However, the careful wait-and-see attitude of the business people is destined to make Sicily's economy irreversible in the short term.

Flamenza didn't quite understand these money-making tricks. After seeing Alexander's promise, he only cheered the merchants instead of actively cooperating, and Flamenza finally began to panic.

Sicily is undoubtedly a very important money bag for Ferdinand. It is precisely because of this largest island on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean that the Aragonese court can spend so generously, and until recently, everything in Sicily was normal. In the two years that Flamenza served as governor, he even received Ferdinand's award for his tougher taxation than his previous predecessors.

But suddenly the Sicilian market seems to be collapsing. This is unimaginable. Although the month is not long, it is really difficult to say what will happen if this continues.

It was at this time that Alexander unexpectedly extended a hand of warm friendship to Flamenca.

Alexander, who stayed in the name of waiting for the earl's whereabouts, publicly moved into his original room on the second floor of the Osborne tailor's shop this time, and his men also rented several houses near the tailor's shop.

Sicilian people began to appear very cautious about Alexander's public appearance. After all, the brutal rule of Flamenca made them scrupulous, but with the nobles who had business dealings with Naples, they had to take risks to visit because of unbearable losses. Broke.

People began to frequently go in and out of the tailor shop, of course, the reason is to make clothes, which makes Osborne a lot of money.

With more and more people visiting, Osborne's tailor shop has become Montina's embassy in Sicily.

However, this did not change the situation in Sicily where the economy was still sluggish, and Alexander ’s urging of Count Modillo ’s whereabouts was even more annoying for Flamenza. On several occasions he even wanted soldiers to rush into the tailor shop to capture Alexander The urge to get up, but he finally suppressed this unrealistic idea.

It's just that Flamenca didn't expect that when he was stricken with the status quo in Sicily, the gombre that caused all these troubles offered a helping hand.

The invitation from the tailor shop made Flamenza hesitate for a while, but from some of the enquiries, he heard that the merchants had some kind of promise from Alexander.

This can be seen from the fact that they started their activities with confidence as if they had hit the chicken blood.

This was originally a good thing, but soon Flamenza was furious to find that the merchants seemed to be confident in the Gombré rather than the Sicilian market, so the successive officials of Flamensa began to report to him, many Merchants seem to be selling goods that are hoarded in their hands or some unused real estate, and then these people are showing signs of packing and donating.

This made Flamenza finally unable to sit still, and the invitation of the tailor shop arrived at this time, making Flamenza more suspicious after secretly sighing.

And the meeting was not very pleasant. In Flamenza, he just entered the room on the second floor of the tailor shop under the pretext of notifying Alexander about the search for Earl Modillo. Alexander gave him a head start:

"As long as enough money is invested to restore the present situation, the Governor we all know that time is pressing, and believe that the Aragonese court should have expected to use the tax in the second half of 1499 to ease their financial troubles."

Alexander's direct displeasure of Flamen Shaman, but he had to admit that this sentence just hit him.

Sicily needs to recover the economy quickly, but also needs to make up for the previous losses in a short period of time. The amount of funds required is so large that Flamenza feels desperate.

"We can provide loans to Sicily, and of course the interest may be slightly higher, but please believe it is absolutely reasonable, and do you think you can get such help from Venice or elsewhere at this time?"

The last sentence stabbed Flamenza.

The emissary of Venice had already left. On the second day of Alexander's public appearance, before leaving, the emissary ran to the tailor's shop and talked to Alexander for several hours. After leaving the tailor's shop, he embarked directly on the boat and left Sicily.

Obviously, Flamenza's indifference caused strong Venetian dissatisfaction, and the threat posed by Alexander also made the Venetian think it might be better to deal with more useful people.

He did n’t feel much about leaving Venice ’s emissaries. He was not very interested in assisting Venice. It was only when the businessmen were holding their bags tightly that they would not pay for it. Leaving a **** of wealth.

Just borrow money from this gombre?

This made Flamenza immediately alert.

"Is the interest high?"

"Slightly higher, you know that everyone has to make money, but compared to restoring the Sicilian market, you will find that this price is totally worth it."

"Any additional conditions?"

"If you must say that there is one, I can provide not Florin and Ducat but Ladia, I believe you should have seen it, a sufficient amount of reputable currency."

"It sounds good, but I want to know your real purpose, Count." Flamenza couldn't figure out what he was doing, so he decided to simply pick out and say that we "we all know that you won't be like this. Kindhearted, and we were the enemy just a few days ago, so I do n’t trust your count, unless you can give me a reason that makes sense. "

Looking at Flamenca with a skeptical look from the beginning, Alexander thought about it and nodded his head in agreement: "You're right Governor, I'm doing this more for myself, I offer you Radia Is to get a greater benefit, probably you ca n’t imagine what my business is like in the lowland areas, and that has been a part of all my industries that have not been neglected so far, so I ’m lending you Radia because of this This currency has become one of the most trusted currencies there. "

"You will make a lot of it," Flamenza looked at Alexander sullenly. "You are using Sicily to make money, and I don't know what will happen to you in the future."

Alexander watched the Governor, who was still showing suspicion, gently shook his head.

Flamenza is a very suspicious person. His experience made him destined to be difficult to trust and lively. This has never been overlooked by Alexander.

"Governor, I remember the Moorish saying that gold is gold. Please do n’t forget that this is the most important thing for you, is n’t it? You have nothing to worry about, worrying that I can make more money too? But, Alexander," He paused and looked at the flamenco's expression, he said slowly, "What does this have to do with you, I can really make a fortune in it, but don't forget that for you, Sicily's Trouble is the key, then you would rather give up a rare opportunity for your suspicion, or you should, "Alexander reached out and made a gesture of grabbing something" and then all problems were solved in this way. "

The flames on Flamenza's face were clear, he was obviously tempted, but he was worried that this might be a conspiracy, after all, at least they are still enemies in name at least now.

Alexander was not in a hurry to be careful and wary of Flamenza. When he knew that this person appeared as a cool official in Sicily, he knew that it was a guarantee that this person would not be fooled easily, but it was also suspicious. It will also be his fatal injury.

"The governor may prove that General Gonzalo can prove my words," Alexander did not rush to urge Flamenca to express his position, he gave a clue that Flamenza was very concerned about "or you are not surprised what the Sicilian businessmen are prepared to do Are they sure to raise a lot of money to do a big thing, then you do n’t want to know why? "

Flamenza's face was even more ugly. Of course, he wanted to know that when he first discovered that the businessmen seemed to be donating money, he had sent someone to inquire just in case, but what surprised him was that the answer was actually : "To raise military expenses for General Gonzalo's army."

Flamenza certainly didn't believe this, but all the businessmen who were asked gave this answer, and the reason they would do it was that Alexander promised to give them at least 30% in the near future. .

Sicilian businessmen are crazy, they seem to see the opportunity to make a fortune, and Gonzalo's power gives them the illusion that "this wave is definitely not losing money".

"Go ask Gonzalo, and then you will know what you are missing ~ ~ Alexander glanced at Sher at the door, vaguely revealing the meaning of seeing off.

Flamenza was very worried, and although he was equally skeptical about Gonzalo, Flamenza was still thinking about asking for something from him, but he heard how much was true, and he felt very little grasp.

"What's the matter?" Alexander asked Shell when he left.

"Sir, someone brought this." Schell sent a small thing in front of Alexander to him as a servant next to Alexander. He had already determined that this thing was not dangerous in advance.

It's just that the look on his face made Alexander realize that things might not be so good.

Sure enough, the **** breath in the cloth bag proved his speculation. After seeing a short finger wearing a precious ring inside, Alexander couldn't help but swearing a **** that no one would use at this time: "Fa ~ g! "

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