Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 115: The temptation of the devil Alexander

The fingers look a bit rough, and the top of the calluses is very stiff, and it is very stiff from the thick calluses. Unlike the hands of Earl Modillo who often practiced swords to grind out the cocoons, this is cut from a hand that is a perennial labor Down.

Alexander wrapped that finger with a cloth and took a good look. He knew the ring on his finger. It was indeed a piece of jewelry that Earl liked very much. Alexander had seen him wear it more than once. The clothes of Earl Modillo Shao Zai earns a second character, which shows his love for this jewelry.

"Adult?" Sher asked in a low voice. He saw that the old man was very angry and said a word that he did not understand. Then it sounded like a bad word. Then he began to look up with that finger. Shear was a little inexplicable.

"The person who sent this thing left?"

"I'm letting people stare." Shearer said with a smile. "Although I didn't know what it was at first, but the person called me as soon as he left, and then let people keep up and should not be able to run away."

"Should?" Alexander glanced at Shell.

"Surely I can't run away." Schell immediately replied confidently. "I'm not using our own people, but the folks whom the tailor boss asked us to do for us."

Osborne has not been idle in recent years. When Alexander first sent someone to find him, he knew that the young man he had helped had not forgotten him, which made him both happy and upset.

I am glad that a decision at the beginning may become the key to change my future life, and the uneasy is because I don't know where this decision will take him.

And Osborne quickly heard about the changes of Alexander through various news, which also made him realize that if he could not make the results that satisfied Alexander, even if he would still fly to the top in the future because of the reasons for that year, if he wanted to really It was difficult to be a member of the circle around Alexander.

Thinking about the Moors who had lived with Alexandria because they didn't even live in the place, Osborne now became a prominent figure, and Osborne knew what he had to do.

So in the past few years, in addition to opening his tailor shop, he has also secretly trained a group of men, only because he knows the cruel rules of the Sicilian Brotherhood and the trouble that he ca n’t get rid of once it is provoked, so Osborne is recruiting helpers. Most of the time, he will find some foreigners who have taken refuge in Sicily instead of locals who have a complicated relationship with the Brotherhood. At the same time, he has been very careful not to touch those who he can't afford.

A rapid footstep sounded from the wooden stairs, and then suddenly stopped outside the door.

Alexander listened to Shell and shook his head, showing a helpless expression.

Sher walked outside the door a little skeptically, and came back dull after a while: "Adult, they lost the people."

Alexander gave him a "sure enough" look. Looking at Sher as if to ask and hold back, Alexander said to him: "Actually, you have done nothing wrong or even good, but you are a soldier, yours The specialty is on the battlefield and not on the street. Speaking of such things, Uliu should do it. "

Listening to Alexander ’s words, Shel was somewhat dissatisfied. He knew that the Yuqianguan and the master were the first cronies around the old man, and from some less serious news he also heard that the manager was in the old man ’s In front of those women, the legs are even more ridiculous.

But listening to Alexander's words now makes Schell have the urge to compare himself with this master.

"Those are local people. If I guess correctly, it is likely to be related to the Sicilian brothers. Do you know these brotherhoods? Don't underestimate these people. They may do much bigger things in the future." Having said so much, after all, what happened after many years is now meaningless and will only increase the trouble, saying that he raised the finger and looked at it, "tyed the ticket, threatened, cut the finger, this is indeed theirs." style."

As Alexander pulled the ring, he threw his fingers out the window.

Flamenza didn't want to follow the clues provided by Alexander to explore the truth of what happened in Sicily. Apart from self-esteem, he was also worried that he might be led by his nose and eventually be brought into the ditch. Concerns.

But after hearing some reports from his staff that the businessmen seemed to really want to provide Gonzalo with a large amount of capital, Flamenza realized that his meeting with Gonzalo was inevitable.

A general who has received huge financial support. This is something any ruler does not want to see and will be disturbed. As a close friend of Ferdinand, Flamenza, he cannot watch this happen without heeding it.

However, it was somewhat difficult to find Gonzalo. Since he arrived in Sicily, the general has become a confectionery for the nobles. His room in the palace is almost never used, whether it is during the day or night. Going to the banquet is just on the way to the banquet.

Although the sudden appearance of Alexander made the lively atmosphere of this noble circle a little cooler, but soon the atmosphere was driven by Gonzalo, but this time he also accepted some local big parties in addition to the banquets of those nobles. Merchants sent invitations from nobles, and rumors that these merchants provided funds to Gonzalo were uploaded from these banquets.

The small businessmen are also eager to have a relationship with the general. After hearing that he seems to need a lot of money, think about the strength of the Aragonese army he leads, and the general himself even defeated the powerful French knight. Therefore, many people think that investing in his military adventures may be a good opportunity to make a fortune.

As for who he is going to fight, there are not so many people concerned.

Flamenza saw Gonzalo at Camuelli's house. To his surprise, he also saw Mrs. Gong Xiang here. Looking at the combination of these three people in front of him, the Governor who likes cranky can't help but have another This kind of illusion of "there is always a desire to harm me".

In fact, before he came, these three people were talking about the new actions that Gonzalo was about to start.

Mrs. Gong Xiang rarely expressed her heartfelt concern. In her view, Gonzalo is the only person in Castile who can speak to the nobles. The Castilian nobles regard Gonzalo as their spiritual leader. And the protector, if he angered Ferdinand for his unauthorized actions, then even if the queen admired him again, he was not optimistic.

And Camuri seems to be really old, he didn't say a few words from beginning to end, even Mrs. Gong Xiang abandoned the old stereotypes, hoping he could persuade Gonzalo to be more rational, he just grunted a few words. There was no news. It was when Gonzalo mentioned with excitement the tremendous profits brought by the plantations in Crete. Camus's turbid eyes became sober.

When Flamenza visited the door, several people's discussions were about to come out. Gonzalo not only successfully persuaded Mrs. Gong Xiang, but also received a large amount of funding from Mrs. Gong Xiang.

So when Flamenza arrived, watching them tacitly avoid talking about the previous topic, which made him more conjecture about what these people were planning.

Guessing and doubting are always disturbing. After seeing several temptations and not getting answers, Flamenza decided to take the risk and directly question.

"So how are you going to deal with the threat of Count Montina?" The Governor asked carefully, and he decided not to acknowledge Alexander's so-called negotiations from the beginning but to put everything under threat, which would make all the conditions that Alexander put forward. Meaningless "When will your army march to Naples?"

Gonzalo thought a little about how to answer, after all, the next words would make the governor violently jump, and Gonzalo considered not how angry Flamenza was, but how long his army would need to stay in Sicily. .

"We don't go to Naples," but then Gonzalo spoke very frankly about his plans. "We will help the Venetians and then teach the pagans."

"What general do you say?" Flamenza began to think he had heard it wrong. He couldn't help asking another question, but he could see that Mrs. Gong Xiang seemed relieved to finally say it. He knew that he had actually heard it wrong. .

"We went to the Aegean Sea, and then attacked the stronghold of the Ottomans. My army was enough to complete this task, and then ..." Gonzalo tilted his head slightly and said carelessly, "We go to Crete, and occupy completely There."

"What about Naples? What about the task the king gave you? Do you want to violate the king's order?" Flamenza finally asked, and he stared at Gonzalo with a ugly face, because his angry fingers were not Quivering, he felt that this person was really abhorrent at this time. "Please don't forget that you are the courtier of King Ferdinand!"

"I'm a Castilian!" Gonzalo interrupted Flamenza's words aloud. "And the honor and benefit I can bring back to the kingdom is much greater than that of a small Naples, perhaps between you and Naples is everything in your king ’s eyes, but in my opinion it is just a pitiful vision of a small monarch, if you want to command me, you must first have the ability to command the army outside, but it seems to me whether you are Your king ca n’t do this, you can only rely on me, so it ’s up to you and who to fight me. ”

Flamenza's lips shook inconspicuously, and he forced himself to calm down. Facing this arrogant Gonzalo, he told himself that he must do his utmost to prevent this from happening, otherwise things might be out of control.

"General, you can't do this." Flamenza intends to dissuade Gonzalo's almost crazy idea. "Your army does not have the strength to fight the Ottomans. The Venetian navy is likely to be wiped out in the battle. By that time you will be in danger, you will either have an accident with the Venetians at sea, even if you can land, you will be trapped on those islands, and then wait to be besieged by the Ottomans. "

"So I need more assistance," Gonzalo smiled to Mrs. Gongxiang and Camille. "I can hire the fleet of Naples, so that even if the Venetian navy is hit by the destruction, I have the opportunity to retreat. Don't forget The Aegean Sea is very close to Greece. If necessary, I can land directly in Greece. Do n’t forget that the Ottomans just suffered such a big failure on land. Maybe I have a chance to regain Greece. "

Listening to Gonzalo's answer when he arrived, it was completely playful, but Flamenca's heart was sinking. By now, he already knew the reason for the strange behavior of the Sicilian businessman, but he wished he might as well not know.

"We can get a lot, I mean that occupying Crete is good for all of us, and here also includes your governor, although I doubt if you can understand this." Gonzalo sarcastically sneered Flamen. Sa "We can push the forces to the forefront of the Ottomans at sea, while protecting Sicily from direct threats. In fact, the Venetians say so, but they only want to use money as compensation, and I feel that they have won Kerry directly. Special talent is more cost-effective. "

Flamen Somer said nothing, he knew that things might have been unstoppable, but the huge funds of those businessmen were enough to provide sufficient protection for Gonzalo ’s adventures, which allowed him to completely eliminate the need for domestic support, even He ordered the Sicilian port to stop providing help to his army, and he could still start the war.

"Is that General Gumbre giving you the idea?"

Flamenza remembered the previous secret conversation between Alexander and Gonzalo, and then Gonzalo's attitude changed, and then he remembered the Venetian messenger who suddenly left Sicily, even the formal etiquette neglected, these things Once connected, Flamenca suddenly had a panic that had lost control of one.

"It's a good idea," Gonzalo admitted even though he didn't answer directly. "And you have to admit that this is an idea that will benefit everyone. I think even the king will think that this is more worth trying."

Flamenza opened his mouth and then closed his mouth. Although Gonzalo's arrogance made him angry, he had to admit that he was right.

As Gonzalo said, the great idea is that everyone can benefit, the crown of Naples can be kept, Sicily can be safer, even the king may be angry at Gonzalo ’s flagrant violation while He endured his arrogance and rudeness for the great temptation of Crete.

"Devil, that person is the devil."

Flamenca whispered to himself in such a low voice, he felt that he had never met such a person, the nobles of Aragon and Castilla saw him more, those people would also promise all kinds of benefits, but No one like the Earl of Montina, even if people know that he is to achieve his purpose, but still because of his temptation will still enter his trap unconsciously.

Just like Gonzalo, just like himself.

Flamenza remembered the loan promised by Alexander, and he also remembered the famous Moorish quote "Gold is gold" quoted by Alexander.

After the Sicilian merchants gave the money to Gonzalo to carry out his military adventure, Flamenza's eagerness to restore Sicily's prosperity became more urgent, and in the absence of financial support, someone was willing to provide Considerable loans, it must be said that God is in grace Sicily.

But is it really "gold is gold"?

Or is it really just that the interest is higher and earn a spread without middlemen?

Flamenza was hesitant, but he also knew that with the departure of the Venetian messenger, he had no place to raise such a large sum of money for Sicily to resume normal operations.

There is also concern about the trade union. Flamenza does not know if Sicily ’s ports will fall into embarrassment again if he rejects Alexander ’s “good intentions”. If so, Sicily would really be in big trouble. .

"The devil, the devil." Flamenza whispered these two words until he returned to the palace, and he didn't even notice that his wife had come to the front.

"What are you talking about, sir?" The governor's wife looked up and looked at her husband, who was nearly 30 years older than herself.

Looking at the little hairy wife in front of him, Flamenza instinctively showed a little disgust. Before marrying the daughter of the former Miyazaki Gomez because of the miscalculation of the situation, it seems that the family can not only provide him any help, but It may become his future burden.

"I'm just upset, please don't mind my wife." Flamenca stretched out his hand, his wife as high as his elbow, and walked casually in the hallway, at the same time he continued to trace the things that annoyed him.

"That Gumbre, I hate him." The Governor's wife suddenly said.

"How?" Flamenza was surprised.

"He was imprisoned by my father before, and he was in the dungeon with his dumb woman in the royal palace, and later he did not know how to put him away," the wife of the governor told her husband. The man who saved the dumb woman was back again. It was on the night of the bloodstaining. He killed a lot of people. I saw it. My father died that day. "

Flamenza suddenly stopped, of course he had heard about Alexander ’s previous affairs, and even heard that he had promised to Sophia, now the Grand Duke of Wallachia, that she would one day return with her glory Sicily, but Flamenza didn't pay much attention to what he did on the **** night.

Now hearing the wife who had experienced the disaster talking about it personally, Flamenca couldn't help being attracted.

"That Gumbre's return will not be a good thing," the governor's wife said eloquently. "It's best to catch him again, or drive him away, or he will definitely do bad things."

Listening to his wife, Flamenza was somewhat relieved to agree with her judgment, but it was a dilemma because he thought he might miss a God of Wealth ~ ~ He sighed lightly, holding Xiaomao's hand continued to walk slowly along the corridor.

In Palermo ’s densely populated and cluttered civilian area, two people are drinking and chatting in an unremarkable house.

Drinking a bad wine that felt difficult to swallow, Modillo, the Earl of Naples, pointed the finger of the hand holding the glass to the person across the table and warned: "Although I do n’t know what you want, trust me to send The finger breaking ring really annoys Qiao Hui, so no matter what you want, I advise you to be smarter, or if you do it for me from now on, I can guarantee your safety, and I am very attentive to you. Interested. "

Sitting on the opposite side, who was carefully sanding his sword with a piece of sandstone, Krian raised his head and glanced at Count Amordillo, then continued to bow his head and sharpened the already sharp blade.

"You can't give what I want," Krian murmured in a voice so low that only he could hear "because they were taken away from the beginning."

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