Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 113: Target: Crete

The empty room door was open, and a pool of blood stretched along the stone cracks on the ground until it disappeared into the door.

Even from far away, the faint **** smell can be uncomfortable, and the corpse after entering the room made the discomfort even stronger.

In fact, when we saw the body of the guard hidden in the corner outside the tower, we could already anticipate this scene, but when he saw it with his own eyes, Alexander still couldn't help but breathe deeply.

The body was not Modillo, it was a stranger, a very ordinary face, and his wide-open eyes seemed to say that the dead did not understand what had happened.

The fatal wound is a very flat notch in the throat, which seems to be pierced directly from the front, and the blood stains on the window on the prison door also prove this. Obviously this person was stabbed from the window 'S sword directly penetrated the life of the throat.

Clean and tidy, a real terrible assassin.

Flamenza stared at the room with an ugly face. He felt that he didn't know how to describe what happened.

The sudden appearance of Count Montina, the inexplicably disappearing Modillo, and what is this person who has never seen anyone, where is Modillo?

The governor glanced down at Gonzalo, who was also full of playfulness. He knew that if it weren't too hasty, perhaps Gonzalo would suspect that he was secretly doing tricks to prevent the release of Modillo.

If it was possible for Flamenca to really want to prevent the release of Modillo, but now Modillo is suddenly missing, and a body appears in the room, which makes Flamenza suddenly passive or even Embarrassed.

"What's going on, or that the Governor is insecure in your house?" Gonzalo asked in a mocking tone, seeing Flamenza's gloomy and terrible face, and he didn't care just to continue Say "Maybe all of us should put on the inner armor, just know that just now we almost made people smash their heads with muskets."

Gonzalo's cynicism made Flamenza annoyed, but he couldn't answer it. He looked at Alexander angrily, at the same time he couldn't keep track of what the two were talking about.

Alexandria was also surprised. His adventure to dive into Sicily was certainly not entirely to understand the rescue of Count Modillo, but this is certainly very important, but now Modillo is suddenly missing, and the body in front of him makes things strange and complicated.

For a moment, he also suspected that this might be a trick played by Flamenca, but by looking at the blood stains on the ground that had begun to solidify, he knew that this person should have been dead for a while. Obviously Flamenca was too late to prepare for all this Unless he did n’t know the prophet.

"Governor, I hope you can explain what is going on. Earl Modillo is the uncle of the Regent Queen of Naples, the distinguished Earl of Naples, but now I see this kind of situation, what do you think I should understand What happened? "

Alexander stared at Flamenca sternly, and continued to say without waiting for him to say: "Or you think I was intimidating you with empty words, or you think you can imprison me like imprisoning the Earl and you can avoid me saying If that is the case, then I can stay and be your prisoner now, but please remember that you will be responsible for everything that is going to happen. "

Flamenca's lips shook, he didn't know what Gonçalo had just whispered, but only threatened Sardinia and Corsica from Alexander, and even used the attack on Venice to promote the Ottomans to the West Bank On the threat, he knew he had actually hit his weakness.

Whether Sicily can withstand the direct attack from the Ottomans, this Flamenca is very clear, just knowing that it is almost impossible, so he is more worried than anyone else that the threat of Alexander will become a reality.

If that were the case, even if Alexander was imprisoned, it would be pointless, because by then Ottoman ’s fleet would be overwhelming and waiting for them was a complete disaster.

As for the use of Alexandria to threaten Naples or Wallachia, this idea was just forgotten by Flamenza.

He didn't think it would be useful. It wasn't that the Earl of Montina was not important enough, but it was hard for him to believe that in this near-destruction battle someone would change strategy for one person.

Naples should not, and if Wallachia had the opportunity to invade the rich Venice, would it not give up?

Flamenca panicked.

"Block the palace!"

The Governor's roar was a bit out of tune at this moment. Although the entire palace had been on alert since the advent of Alexandria, a large number of guards began to search in the palace with the orders of Flamenza.

"Find the count, whether it is dead or alive." Flamenza felt that when he said this, his throat was hot, and it seemed to be burning at any time.

"Earl, maybe we can go to a more comfortable place to wait for the news," Gonzalo picked up a woman's skirt from the side chair with her fingers and looked and threw it away. "Although this is not bad, but after all It ’s not convenient to talk here. "

Flamenza's face was hot, in order to get more information from Modillo that could be used to make handles, he did not hesitate to give this prisoner excellent treatment, and even provided him with a woman, of course he can The same thing was obtained through torture, but if that was the case, Modillo would not be so willing to provide something he did n’t know, but now it seems that all this has become a huge irony.

Alexander also noticed the woman's dress, which made him a little more relieved. Since the Earl could live so comfortably as a prisoner, no matter who robbed Modillo, the situation should never be worse. It's worse now.

Gonzalo was obviously not very concerned about the whereabouts of Count Modillo, he was more concerned about the idea of ​​Crete that Alexander presented to him.

Since the fall of Constantinople, Crete has become a place of escape for the survivors of the East Romans, and the Venetians have also stood on the heels of Crete through centuries of efforts, starting from the southwest of the Aegean Sea. Many small strongholds gradually built up in large islands in the sea area, and to open up large colonies in Crete, the Venetians invested huge human and material resources in Crete.

It seems like a good idea to conquer Crete, at least in Gonzalo ’s opinion, which is because Crete, as the largest island on the eastern Mediterranean coast, once occupied almost equals to push the forces towards the Ottomans The border is also an important reason why Gonzalo knew that Alexander had a special interest in Crete.

And much of this is also closely related to Gonzalo.

Power and wealth are goals that people will always pursue in any era, and Gonzalo does not think he will be free from vulgarity. On the contrary, he may not require much power, but he has a greater interest in wealth than ordinary people.

If you can conquer Crete, it means that you can occupy almost half of the Mediterranean wealth. Although this idea is somewhat exaggerated, at least the perfume business provided by Alexander has made his family full of money in Iberia. And, compared with perfume, Gonzalo cares more about the huge power displayed by the trade union.

Compared with the latter, the perfume business is insignificant, and if you can win Crete, maybe in a long period of time, the Mediterranean may really become your own vault.

Gonzalo was tempted. Although the invasion of the Ottomans made the Europeans tremble, it seemed to him a rare opportunity.

Alexander was well aware of these ideas of Gonzalo, or that he dared to take risks because he knew that there would be such a result.

Gonzalo de Cordoba is indeed a military genius of this era, but this does not hide that he is also a lustful man.

The pursuit of wealth through war was originally a common problem of soldiers of this era, and Gonzalo took this greed to the extreme.

This was also a source that eventually led him to a complete break with Ferdinand in the near future. After enduring his arrogant and irresponsible requests many times, Ferdinand finally could not bear him anymore.

What Alexander wants to do now is just to advance this process.

Flamenca wanted to know what the two men were planning. He thought he might find a big conspiracy, but Modillo's disappearance made him have to mobilize people to hunt down. After all, this fact made him lose his face, and Alexander's threat was still in his ears, which made him have to do his best to find Modillo's whereabouts.

The appearance of Alexander in the Sicilian palace was obviously embarrassing, especially his hijacking of the Governor made the Sicilian people feel awkward after seeing him.

The palace has been completely blocked, and the guards are looking for clues everywhere, but everyone is still vague, because the sudden appearance of Alexander ’s men has made these soldiers vigilant, and no one knows except Flamenza ’s own Aragonese soldiers. Whether the Alexandrians were still hidden in the Palermo City Defence Forces made the Sicilian people suspicious of each other.

Flamenza obviously thought the same way. He ordered all the Palermo City Defence Forces to withdraw from the palace, and then ordered the Aragonese soldiers to occupy all important positions in the entire palace.

Intriguingly, even though the palace soldiers, who were few in the first place, were even more understaffed, Flamenza did not ask Gonzalo to mobilize the troops he brought to help.

The results of the search came out quickly. It was disappointing that the only suspicious person seemed to be an insignificant delivery vendor. Before the accident, the person had already left the palace with the delivery carriage and asked about the kitchen. But no one can tell what the origin of that person is.

Obviously Count Modillo was taken away by this man, but what happened to the corpse that appeared in the cell but no one could say it clearly.

Obviously this should be two different groups of people, one of them robbed the earl, while the other one seemed to assassinate Modillo, but the assassin was unlucky, he failed to kill the earl but was sneaked in The delivery vendor of the company killed.

It's just what the origins of these two groups of people are, and why they were so interested in Count Modillo, but it was unclear for a while.

Flamenza was of course dissatisfied with the result. He angrily denounced the incompetence of his men, but he was helpless.

What worries him more is what Alexander and Gonzalo seem to be plotting.

Flamenza can be sure that he guessed well, which also reminded him of the reason why the king sent Gonzalo out.

Although Gonzalo led the army of Aragon and didn't have to worry about the most terrible things happening, but that Gumbre left Flamenza too impressed.

The man was now able to sit in his palace with grand speeches, and just a short time ago he forced himself with a musket.

This made Flamenza feel that if that person really moved Gonzalo, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

Flamenza ’s worries were obviously not cranky, or he did n’t even realize that it was not worries, but that it had become a reality.

"Count, I have to admit that I never understood you. I originally thought you were a smart businessman or a good soldier, but now you have made me accidentally discover that you are still a very good diplomat. But it really surprised me, "Gonzalo sat comfortably in a chair to salute Alexander on the opposite side." Crete? Tell me what you think, or that you have been planning this from the beginning, I mean, the last time you suggested our friend Kotzach to take the Cretan sugar business, you already planned to start on Crete? "

Querying Gonzalo's question, Alexander just smiled incomprehensiblely. He knew that Gonzalo would agree to negotiate with him because he was indeed moved by Crete's plan.

The Crete plan is the result of Alexander ’s continuous efforts.

Despite being defeated on land, the Ottoman fleet is still the most powerful maritime force in the world.

In the next two centuries, the Ottoman fleet will continue to wage wars of invasion on the west coast of the Mediterranean.

This undoubtedly caused an inevitable conflict between them and the Venetians.

For nearly two centuries, Venice will gradually decline due to the long war with Ottoman emptied the last savings of the treasury, and the Ottoman maritime power will gradually be consumed in this conflict.

It was in this repeated struggle that Crete finally fell into the hands of the Ottomans.

But the resistance in Crete has never stopped. In the following long years, the Ottoman Empire will have to invest the necessary troops in Crete again and again to prepare for riots that may occur anytime, anywhere. It also annoys the Ottoman Empire.

At present, Crete has not fallen. Even if the Ottomans have forcibly landed in eastern Crete and built several stubborn fortresses, this has not yet happened.

This is what Alexander was waiting for.

"Come on, Earl, what are you going to do," Gonzalo urged, he is not a reckless person, in fact his patience and perseverance on the battlefield frightened the enemy "maybe this is just for you to procrastinate Excuses, it wouldn't be so good for you. "

"Help the Venetian."

"what did you say?"

"Help the Venetians," Alexander repeated. "Now Venice is under threat. All their colonies on the Mediterranean are in danger of falling, and you can be the savior of Venice."

"Then they will give me Crete obediently?" Gonzalo asked sarcastically.

"No, but this can be an opportunity and an excuse for your smooth intervention in every Venetian territory. As for Crete, it is not just a Venetian territory. For you, you are assisting Venice, but you can occupy the local lost owner. Your land of no ownership, this is what you deserve. "

Listening to Alexander ’s words, Gonzalo ’s slightly longer jaw seemed to contain something in his mouth, and then he moved gently, and then he made the sound of “oh ~ oh ~ oh ~~”, which sounded like it was Cows waiting for childbirth.

It wasn't until after a while that Gonzalo seemed to be awake from the beautiful prospects described by Alexander. His right index finger pointed to Alexander, and there was a hint of playfulness in his tone: "I know this is your little Count, we Everyone knows that Crete has your business. What would be the loss if Crete lost you? I think maybe it wo n’t make you bankrupt but it ’s uncomfortable, so you encourage me to occupy Crete for you, right? such?"

"Accurately speaking, our business, general," Alexander corrected slightly. "How much do you think the profits of those perfumes, or the sweet wine business of your family and my agent in Aragon, can do for you? Bringing you such a generous return? "Alexander watched Gonzalo's expression slowly become serious." General, whether from the court of the German princes in the north or the ports on the Atlantic, including Aragon and Casti Leah, our business is much larger than you can think of. I can assure you that any sweet on the table of every palace and noble house in Europe may be flavored with sucrose from our plantation, and This is just a part of all our business. So, General, you need to understand that your choice today will not only affect how much Florin you can get by the end of the year ~ ~ Ducat, or Ladia, It ’s what you can get in the future. "

Gonzalo silently listened to Alexander's words, and there was still a whisper in his mouth that he heard meaningless "oh, oh, oh", but his eyes gradually became sharper.

"You came to Sicily for this?" Gonzalo suddenly asked, seeing Alexander silently defaulting, he stood up and walked back and forth and stopped to stare down at the eyes of Alexander sitting there. "Tell me that you did all this for what?"

Under Gonzalo's suspicious gaze, Alexander picked up the glass. He glanced down at the red wine in the glass and smiled silently, then said in an ironic tone, "If I tell you all this is being done Will you believe the little jailer? "

Looking at Gonzalo's stunned face, Alexander grinned and drank his glass of wine: "You heard me right, all I said is true."

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