Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 219: Square array VS line

Smoke and dust rose from all around the battlefield, and the shells flew in the direction of the enemy's position with the whistling passing from time to time.

The officer of the artillery team was flushed, and he had pushed almost all the artillery to the front of the position.

In the gap between the phalanx, the Castilian artillery lined up in an incoherent line, but compared to any army artillery, it had a much denser line of fire.

Some artillery pieces have even been pushed to a distance not far from the Sicilian guns, and then these artillery pieces began to bombard the Sicilian army.

It's just that the Sicilian army's linear array is much thinner than the square array. This makes the damage caused by the shells relatively small even if it falls in the enemy formation.

"Come on, let me see what you have!"

The officer of the artillery team yelled at the Sicilian in the distance, jumped into a lorry and looked across, then issued an order to launch a volley at the enemy in the center.

The soldiers in the front queue were hit by oncoming artillery shells, and the bloodshot live bullets lifted a grassy **** and continued to roll forward, and then plunged into the rear queue again, splashing a blur of blood.

At the same time, two squares of hundreds of people began to squeeze towards the somewhat swaying Sicilian front.

The sharp spear formed the most terrifying weapon in this mobile fortress, and the heavy metal branches and crescent-shaped axe on the long-handled axe shook with cold light.

The weight of the spear itself and the heavy blow caused by the swing, even if it does not directly hit the enemy, the strength when it is dropped is enough to give the enemy a fatal blow.

At the same time, the Musketeers who followed the shield kept firing.

From time to time, someone in the Sicilian front was shot and fell, while the Castilian phalanx had already crossed the center line between the two sides.

As the drums became more and more hurried, the team officers in the phalanx shouted loudly.

"Hold the spear~"

The orders of the team officers were one after another.

With the order, the spears that had been set up like sharp jungles stretched forward one after another.

"Ready~ Push the Spear~"

There was another shout, accompanied by a loud response from the soldiers in the Castilian phalanx.

"Sir, we seem to be winning."

The Castilian officers who were commanding the high ground of the camp were relieved. They knew that as long as their phalanx was brought close to the enemy, victory would belong to them.

Gonzalo watched quietly the movement on the battlefield, and did not appear relaxed because he seemed to have the upper hand.

From the beginning, he vaguely felt a little strange, the performance of the Sicilian army was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

Although he was still able to maintain his formation after being bombarded, he was quite surprised, but since the beginning of the war, the Sicilian army has not made any impressive moves.

Gonzalo has already passed the age of passionate youth blinded by the knighthood, and he hopes to defeat the enemy.

So of course he didn't want to see the Sicilians really have any unusual means of defeating victory.

But this way, it made him wonder.

He faintly felt that things should not be so smooth.

The phalanx continued to move forward.

The Castilian soldier walking in the front can clearly see that the soldier in the front of the Sicilian army raised his musket.

At this time, even Gonzalo, who was far behind, could see the Sicilian behavior.

His hand on the side of the leg paused at this moment before he continued to pat the thigh.

Only this time he didn't hear the slight noise of the palm falling on the leg armor.

The sound of gunfire was heard simultaneously from the entire Sicilian front.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Sicilians were completely surrounded by smoke all day long.

And the smoke was sprayed directly towards the Castilian phalanx.

The pungent smell spread all over the battlefield with the wind, because the fire was almost simultaneous, and the violent sound instantly covered all the sounds on the battlefield.

Gonzalo's hand stopped, and he couldn't help but take a step forward, but then realized that this and the movement stopped abruptly.

He could feel that there was such a momentary stillness in the entire battlefield in motion, regardless of whether his own troops facing the shooting could not help stopping.

Gonzalo's lips were slightly tight, and he thought about the fierce counterattack that the Sicilian might carry out, and even considered that there might be a devastating blow to one or two phalanxes.

But when all this really happened, he was still a little surprised by the terrible killing caused by the enemy's violent fire beyond his imagination.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and you could see a dead body in front of the Castilian phalanx.

The two frontal phalanxes even suffered heavy losses due to a larger number of fires than they did.

The two rows of soldiers in front of the phalanx almost fell down, so that the people behind could not move forward because the corpses of their companions were lying on the ground and could not be moved in place.

But the nightmare is clearly just beginning.

Musketeers began to fight back in the Castilian phalanx, but what was exchanged was the unexpected volley of the enemy.

"So fast?"

Gonzalo finally showed a surprised look on his face.

From the power of the first salvo, Gonzalo has quickly judged that the enemy's shallow and horizontal course, which is different from the thick formation, should be fired at the same time without reservation.

And only in this way can we exert such great power at a time.

But the Sicilian's short break between the two shots surprised him.

This means that the enemy can use this volley more than once to cause huge casualties to himself.

The officers around Gonzalo apparently also noticed this unusual situation. Some of them immediately gave orders to the frontal phalanx to approach the enemy as soon as possible, while others urged the artillery to strengthen the shelling and cause fatal casualties to the Sicilian.

Gonzalo said nothing but stared at the battlefield ahead.

Looking at the completely unreasonable formation of the Sicilian, his heart quickly grasped the enemy's intentions.

Undoubtedly, in an era where the depth of formation is generally emphasized, even Gonzalo feels incomprehensible to the Sicilian's unthinkable linear queue.

After all, once approaching, as long as the formation is broken, the only thing waiting for the Sicilians is to be slaughtered after being surrounded by division.

Even if some unknown means can make the Musketeer's rate of fire much higher than his opponent's, but such a close distance is still not enough to resist the incoming charge.

"Command the cavalry to dispatch."

Gonzalo suddenly spoke.

Realizing that the heralds around him seemed to be puzzled by the accident, Gonzalo said in a deep voice: "The depth of their queue is too shallow, and it will be chaotic if they are hit by cavalry. This is a good opportunity."

"Adherence to the Lord."

The herald immediately turned to leave, and just when he turned around, there was a violent and violent explosion on the battlefield.

Accompanied by the explosion was a burst of exclamation from behind.

The herald couldn't help but look back. When he saw the soot and the fragmented pieces that were blowing up on the artillery position, the herald couldn't help but stopped because of stunned eyes.

"Go and give orders!"

For the first time, Gonzalo's voice was irritable. He stared at the artillery on the ground, and then suddenly looked up at the enemy's rear.

The doubt that haunts my heart always has an answer at this moment.

Gonzalo had always wondered about the Sicilian artillery that did not threaten the Castilian army. At this moment, he responded to his doubts with a violent shot.

"That's it..."

Gonzalo whispered in his mouth.

Only then did he realize that the Sicilian artillery was not aimed at his square, but at his artillery position from the beginning.

Even the Sicilian attack on the Holy Army of Carethes was to retaliate with his artillery.

It's just that the price to pay is high.

The Sicilian artillery, who let the infantry brave the loss of being shelled by the enemy and still did not fight back, was waiting for an excellent opportunity.

The officer of his artillery squad succeeded in shooting the enemy infantry precisely.

The artillery that was constantly pushed to the front, while targeting enemy infantry, was already the target of others. Watching the artillery position was being blown up with smoke, it seemed that the entire land seemed to be lifted up. The tragic sight, Gonzalo could not help but sigh dullly.


Gonzalo stared at the artillery position that was being ravaged by enemy artillery. Each loud noise indicated that the poor artillery on the artillery position was being blown into piles of debris.

Seeing a heavy barrel of an artillery hit and twisted into a pit next to it, Gonzalo turned back and raised his hand to an officer beside him.

"Go and prepare."

"It's an adult."

The officer greeted the two entourages in response, asking them to help themselves and climb up on horseback.

The horse took a few steps on the spot, and then at the urging of the knight, he rushed to the phalanx that had been standing on the hillside.

That was the model army of Gonzalo.

"Some too early."

Gonzalo looked at his back and said to himself, his tone was a little helpless, but then he threw the thought aside.

Although there is no such treatise as Alexander wrote "The Book of Generals", Gonzalo knows better than many people how important it is to be decisive when encountering unexpected setbacks on the battlefield.

The model army is the most important bargaining chip in Gonzalo's hands. It can be said that this army is not only the key to his victory on the battlefield, but also his last resort.

But when it was found that the situation was not right, Gonzalo immediately and decisively issued a decision to dispatch a model army.

The gunshots in front are dense and constant, which makes Uomoto standing in the queue waiting for a long time, anxious.

Of course, he was not in a hurry to rush to his life, but this disturbing emotion because he could not see what was happening in front was very uncomfortable.

Unknown to be the first time to check the weapon in his hand, Uomoto finally heard the familiar drum sound.

Uomoto's spirit immediately resonated.

Like him, his companions who were also impatient seemed to be relieved at this time.

Unlike the Castilian King Military phalanx, the front of the exemplary military phalanx is much wider.

The distance between the first row of soldiers, composed entirely of spearmen, is extremely close, and at each end of the square, there is a smaller square to protect the main line.

Uomoto is in one of these small squares.

His task was to use muskets to cause casualties to the enemy as far as possible, and then when they were in contact with the enemy short soldiers, the musketeers quickly retreated into the rear of the Phalanx and continued to engage the enemy with the Phalanx with the near and far firepower.

Uomoto and his companions hurried to the front of the phalanx on the left side, from where he could see the front and left of the entire phalanx.

"San Bola Condo, bless," a musketeer hurriedly kissed the saint hanging on his chest, then he kindly waved to Uomoto and shouted, "May San Bola Condo bless !"

"May San Bola Condo bless you."

Uomoto responded. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants, and moved the horn pot hanging on his side forward.

Uomoto was bitter in his mouth. His teeth had been black because of the tearing of the gunpowder pack all year round, and his gums were a little ulcerated, but even then he didn't like the nausea of ​​gunpowder in his mouth.

The team officers shouted loudly, and cavalrymen ran back and forth between the square formations. The huge formation of the square formations gradually expanded on the battlefield with the order.

Uomoto tucked the projectile into the barrel and tamped it with a strip. Then he was skilled in pouring the gunpowder from the horn pot into the gun slot, then tearing the pill pack with his mouth, and pouring another gunpowder into the medicine pool that needed to be ignited. .

The whole process is skillful and fast.

"Be careful, don't pour too much!"

In the distance, the team officer kept reminding that every time someone fights, because of a poor grasp of the amount of explosives.

However, Uomoto does not have to worry about this. He is the most experienced veteran, and he also makes a clever mark on the gun, so that there will be no accidents due to negligence.

The military flag began to move, and the entire phalanx queue also followed.

Uomoto took a deep breath. He touched his chest like the fellow, but he didn't wear any holy thing except for a half-body armor.

"San Bolacondo bless."

Uomoto murmured to himself in a muffled voice, then took a deep breath and carried the musket.

"Uomoto, haven't you received the amulet from the priest?" the companion beside asked as he walked.

"No, I haven’t received it since the last time that St. Paula Conto blocked the shrapnel for me," Uomoto shook his head. "This is probably what God meant, and God has given me another life, Everything depends on God’s arrangement."

"Then you have to pray more, God will protect..."

"Bang Bang~"

A burst of gunfire suddenly came, and the shriek of the projectile piercing the air was as horrible as the devil's roar in the ear.

Uomoto felt a sudden hot The wet heat flowed down his neck.

He instinctively raised his hands and stroked, and immediately a sudden pain made him sound, and at the same time he felt that he suddenly could not hear the words of his companions and other sounds on the side.

He turned his head a little bit blankly, and saw a team officer shouting a little further towards the chaotic queue.

It's just that Uomoto couldn't hear what he was shouting at all, and he also saw the companion who hadn't finished speaking.

It was just that the companion was crawling obliquely on the ground, and it didn't look like he was alive.

Uomoto turned his head silently, and followed the team in a trance.

At this time he saw a strikingly dressed army across the distance.

The Sicilian royal grenadiers entered the battlefield.

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