Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 218: energize

The queue was advancing, and a soldier tripped under the strain of his feet, and immediately attracted the officer standing on the side to yell.

Looking at the sergeant's eyes as if he were a dead man, the soldier quickly took two steps to keep up with the team.

Because of this little accident, a twisting wave like a corrugated board appeared on the entire course.

Luo Sha stood at a high point and watched this scene, shaking her head slightly: "Our soldiers still need training."

"They are too nervous, Your Majesty," a staff attendant whispered. "After all, it is Gonzalo Salvador de Cordova."

For the first time, when people called Gonzalo by his full name, Ruosha looked back strangely at the staff attendant.

"Your Majesty, I once served in General Gonzalo's army," the staff member made no secret of his respect for Gonzalo. "He is a real soldier, I mean he can hold the battlefield better than anyone else. opportunity."

Her unreserved respect for Gonzalo did not make Ruosha angry. She smiled and looked back at the command camp that was faintly visible behind the enemy position. She knew that Gonzalo was probably looking at her like this. Here.

"The Castilians over there started to move!" a sergeant in charge of the observation suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

Under the shaking of the flag, a neat phalanx on the left side of the Castile Front is slowly advancing.

Under the sun that had risen to the height of the old, the Castilian marching queue was very magnificent, and the light of the armor even gave the entire formation a dazzling light.

Unlike other troops, this team was wearing a short sky blue cloak almost in front of them, and a fuzzy pattern on the shoulders of the rows of soldiers' cloaks connected a cumbersome pattern.

At the forefront of the queue, under the leadership of a priest, a few soldiers protected a large cross and slowly advanced.

At the same time, from the Castilian position, bursts of cheers echoed through the sky with the presence of the Phalanx troops.

"what is that?"

Seeing many Castilian soldiers praying to the cross inlaid with countless bouquets, some even knelt down on the position, and Rusha gestured to the cross.

"Looking at the look of the cross, it seems to be the Holy Cross of Guadalupe," said the former staff member who had been a servant under Gonzalo, a little nervous. ."

"Is it great?" Luo Sha asked casually.

"They are the armed Holy Army of Guadalupe Cathedral. After their establishment, they have participated in almost all the wars that recovered the lost ground."

In the cheers of the Castilians, the army of Carethes gradually opened a huge square before the formation.

However, this aspect did not face the Sicilian army directly, but took one of the corners as the first charge.

The sharp corners of the phalanx were guarded by several tall soldiers with spears, and the long-handled axe and their hands formed a terrifying sharp jungle.

On both sides of the sharp corner, the sides of the two phalanxes that were swept back respectively also built a solid line of defense by a row of soldiers holding long-handled weapons.

"They are, prismatic array?"

Ruosha frowned slightly as she watched the enemy, but she didn't think that the enemy in front of her seemed to be more than a simple-minded fanatic.

"Your Majesty, this is the experience they gained from fighting the Moors, so that they can be protected from frontal attacks as much as possible," the staff explained. Tear the enemy front apart."

Seeing that Rusha nodded gently and did not speak, the staff continued to say: "They are very brave. When fighting the Moors, they often deliberately sink into the enemy formation. If the enemy forces gather in the middle in order to surround them, they will hit their plan. , Because then other friendly forces can take advantage of the opportunity to attack the enemy's back."

"Do they often do this?"

"The Holy Army of Carethese is very religious and... crazy."

The staff thought about it and chose such a more appropriate adjective.

The priest, holding the thick Bible, chanted the final requiem aloud, and he was doing a battle mass for the soldiers who were about to die.

The singing sang across the open space to the side of the Sicilian army, and many soldiers also knelt down to pray, and at this moment the forefront on the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Luo Sha made a cross on her chest and kissed a pendant hanging on her chest.

The pendant is a cross made of gold, but in the middle is an openable buckle.

Open the buckle, you can see a little red hair hidden inside, this is Ruosa's little secret.

Then she stared at the prominent diamond-shaped square between the two armies in the distance.

"It looks very powerful," Ruosha showed an interest in her eyes, and then she asked the order around her. "Let's see how powerful they are. Order the artillery, and after the prayer, protrude to that branch." Of the enemy’s free scattering."

The herald soldiers immediately heard the sound after confirming the order, and Ruosha smiled at the people around her: "Please remember everyone, we respect every opponent who deserves respect, but they have to pay the corresponding price."

When the priest's nearly perfect trembling burst from his throat, he was also moved.

He felt that this was the most commendable sermon in his career. Just as he was still reminiscing about the feeling that the tremolo gave him, a screaming roar flew past not far from his head.

Then, behind him came heavy sounds of falling objects and what seemed to be torn apart.

There was a scream of screaming from behind, and the priest slowly turned around and saw that one of the originally neatly arranged Holy Army of Karethes suddenly appeared, the terrible formation of broken limbs and flesh and bone gap.

With just the first shot, the prismatic formation of the Holy Army of Carethes was hit by a solid shell with almost flat fire.

Another shell came out, but this time it did not seem to be aimed. The shell landed on the ground not far in front of the plastic surgery in advance, and then jumped forward.

After smashing the ground into two more shallow pits, the shells rolled over the edge of the left corner of the formation, and at the same time took away some parts of the body that belonged to several soldiers. The blood splashed all over the soldiers next to them.

There was a riot in the formation of the Holy Army of Carethes. The soldiers clasped their arms and looked at each other in fear, and many people began to pray loudly.

The priest made a loud cry. He raised his Bible high in his hands and stood in front of the Holy Cross of Guadalupe. Then he took a firm step forward.

The visual action affected the soldiers behind them, and they gradually calmed down and dragged their dead and wounded companions aside, and the phalanx of the Holy Army of Carethes began to advance behind the pastor.

As if the calm water had been suddenly sprayed with waves, the entire Castilian front began to move.

"That priest is really brave." Omo stood up high and looked at the enemy line below. The whole process he saw made him not only appreciate the priest's actions.

"That's because he knew that others wouldn't target him and the cross as targets," Kurash said disapprovingly, standing next to him on horseback just as high as Omo. "If it was in Moldova, he would have disappeared like this. Lost his life."

"This is not a fight against pagans, brother," Omo reminded. "The queen will not be so cruel."

Hearing his brother’s words, Kurash was silent, his legs were one point, buttocks fell on horseback.

Then he looked up and asked the younger brother in the high place, "I said Omo, are you still happy when you were sent by the queen?"

"Very good," Omar replied inadvertently while watching the enemies in the distance. "The queen appreciates me."

"Then be a good mess," Kurash muttered in a low voice. "Our family can rely on you all. You are so smart that you decide to have a better future than me, just..."

"What are you going to say, Kurash?"

Finally aware of the strangeness in his brother's tone, Omo looked at Kurash.

"I just remind you," Kurash looked at the puzzled brother. "Don't just make up for the queen, it's not a qualified man."

Omo wanted to say something, but he didn't wait for him to speak. Several gunshots in the distance attracted his attention. He immediately looked up at the distance.

Then Kurash saw the incredible surprise on his brother's face.

Feeling that something might have happened, Kurashili jumped up on his horseback, and then his mouth opened.

In front of the positions on both sides, a few smokes were rising from the formation of the Holy Army of Carethes. The entire formation of the Holy Army of Carethes was like a piece of cheese that had just been smashed with a hammer.

It's just that the smashed places overflowed not yellow milk, but bright red flesh.

However, this is not really surprising. It seems that everyone on the battlefield is stagnant. The Guadalupe Holy Cross, which was originally at the front of the queue, has disappeared.

In front of the team, only a piece of vague flesh that could barely be seen as a residual limb of the human body was scattered on the ground, and the Holy Cross of Guadalupe, which once made the soldiers of Castilian hearty, could no longer find traces.


Omo looked at his brother in a daze.

"So I said to you, all you have to do is to be on duty." Kurash said quietly, and then looked around. "It seems that there will be a vicious battle next."

In the Sicilian command camp, when I saw several artillery shells falling into the enemy formation at the same time, and one of them was the first to smash the flowers of the people who protected the cross and the cross before jumping into the crowd behind, there was a burst Also fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was staring blankly and uneasyly at the stand, and the artillery commander had shouted like crazy in the distance.

Ruosha also seemed a little stunned. She slowly turned her head to look at the direction of the artillery position. Seeing that the artillery commander who was riding on her horse in a desperate manner, came back to the enemy position silently. Looking away.

"Your Majesty~"

Far from there, the artillery commander's shouts were heard, and the artillery commander's face became unsightly ugly when he saw the complicated meanings that people were throwing at him.

"Go back to your position," Zuo Sha's eyes kept staring at the distance. She noticed that although the Castilian army seemed to stop a little because of the accident of the Holy Army of Carethez and the Holy Cross of Guadalupe, but then Under the leadership of the commander, the state of progress was quickly restored.

This gave Ruosha a new understanding of the enemy.

"All this is just a prologue, and the real battle begins."

Ruosha picked up the command stick on the small table beside her, and asked the uneasy artillery commander who was still standing beside him: "Who is now in charge of you?"

"It's my deputy, Your Majesty, please listen to my explanation..."

Ruosha gently waved her command stick in the air, interrupting the anxious commander.

"Then let him continue to command," Zuosha's eyes were fixed on the Castilian army in the middle of the plain. After all, he said with a blank expression on his face. "As a master, your mission is firm. Execute the order, but you disappoint me."

She said that she no longer ignored the artillery officer standing aside, but raised her staff, and said softly to her mouth: "It's started."

Alexander gently stroked the back of the mount, and under the tight skin, he could feel the pulse of the mount's strong beating. The horse seemed to be very excited because of the temporary tension in the battle.

"Hold on, hold on."

Alexander bent down and whispered softly into the ear of the mount.

Schell rubbed the saber **** the saddle, stroking the sharp blade with his fingers, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Beginning with the Sicilian right wing, the approaching Castilian army launched an attack on the Sicilian army.

The shells first fell shortly in front of the Sicilian queue and smashed a large swath of mud.

Waiting for the smoke to fall, the solid shells that followed rolled into the queue of the Sicilian army.

Facing the oncoming black shadow, a soldier could not even close his eyes and was lifted off half of his body by a flying shell.

The shells wrapped in pieces of meat continued to move forward. After breaking the legs of another soldier, they hit a stone and bounced back. They plowed out a blood in the crowd before finally rolling on the ground. stop.

At this time, Castilian artillery also attacked other parts of the front.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

The Castilla artillery officer standing near an artillery shouted nonstop, his collar ripped open, and only a pair of eyes and yellowed teeth could be seen on his blackened face.

A pungent smoke blew head-on with the wind, and the team officer fanned wildly. Although the eyes were sore from the smoke, he was still staring at the formation of Sicily in the distance.

"It's a pity that the depth of their formation is too thin, otherwise the lethality will be greater," the team officer complained angrily, and then he urged loudly to push the artillery behind him as far as possible "in a row, want to Hurry up, I will open a path for our soldiers with shells."

Hearing the commander, the gunners and auxiliary soldiers were rushing to get up, and they dragged the artillery mounted on the heavy artillery forward, and then shouted and turned the artillery around.

Others began to shovel the ground with a shovel and rammed back the embankment in preparation for the placement of gun positions.

Gonzalo stood in front of the woods. His eyes were on the entire battlefield. Although the two sides had only shot each other through artillery, he still felt the vague threat of the enemy.

His hand was gently tapped on the side of his thigh, and when he saw his movement, the followers familiar with his habits could not help but look serious.

"What is he going to do with that Gombre?"

Gonzalo whispered in a tone that no one else could hear. His gaze gradually moved closer to the enemy's formation as he crossed the open ground between the two sides.

The left wing is no more than 300 steps away from the recent Sicilian unread, and Gonzalo's eyes narrowed slightly.

The enemies on the opposite side have raised their muskets, but Gonzalo is not worried, because this oncoming enemy is no more than his troops in number.

The gunshots sounded, this was the first real crossfire after the Battle of Leo!

But what surprised Gonzalo was that the first enemy to fire was not the frontal enemy, but the left wing in the queue closer to the rear.

And when the gunshot sounded, Gonzalo's eyes narrowed, and his cheeks shuddered.

neat! Intensive!

More importantly, when the gunpowder of gunpowder spewed out, Gonzalo suddenly found that the enemy's fire coverage almost directly covered his entire phalanx.

Even in the back, Gonzalo saw that when the first round of guns sounded, a group of soldiers had fallen in the phalanx.

This makes the advancing square matrix even stagnate!

But then the Phalanx began to approach the enemy under the command of the team officers. At the same time, the platoon also sounded a row of volleyball guns.

Gonzalo looked solemnly at the phalanx, which, although not his model army, was also the elite of the Castilian army.

If it were in the past, after seeing that the formation remained undisturbed after suffering such a heavy blow, Gonzalo would think that the square had already prevailed in the contest with the enemy.

Because as long as the enemy is within range of his musketeer, with the cooperation of near and far weapons, he can quickly force the enemy into chaos.

But now Gonzalo cannot draw conclusions so quickly.

The fierce roar of several artillery shook the battlefield, and as the shells fell into the formation of the enemy The not-so-deep front immediately hit several striking gaps.

The Sicilian Front looks somewhat shaken.

Gonzalo was slightly relieved.

Just now, somehow, he seemed to feel a kind of unspeakable depression that prevented him from breathing.

Just then, Gonzalo saw a scene that made his heart suddenly tighten.

Several Sicilian soldiers in the back row of the queue quickly moved forward to fill the gap that had just been hit by the shells, and the entire queue continued to move forward slowly and firmly in the sound of the drumming.

Finally, the Sicilian stopped.

Raise a gun, aim, listen to orders, shoot!

The roar of the musket in the infantry of the battle line began to ring through the battlefield.


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