Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 220: Battle of Blood

The metal rod head of the command stick held by Ruo Sha, tapped gently on the wooden table in front of her to make a rhythmic sound.

Her gaze glanced over the entire battlefield down the hill. Sometimes she would stop and give orders to the people around her, but most of the time, she just let her officers perform their duties step by step.

Ruo Sha will not forget the scenes and scenarios of the future war that Alexander once described to her.

Soldiers’ weapons will be sharper, the army’s maneuver will be more rapid, and the battlefield will be much wider than ever, and as the army’s strength continues to increase, the scale of the war will be unprecedented.

"Changes in warfare techniques can cause unacceptable levels of casualties on the battlefield, and the form of the entire war will change by then."

Alexander embraced Ruosha's waist at the time, but said such a shameful word.

It's just that during the quiet meeting, I didn't confide in love to those romantic sweet dreams to the loved ones, but it was a topic full of blood, which is also rare.

However, there are not many brothers who meet with your sister, and Ruosha feels good again.

"In that kind of huge war, the power of a single person is limited after all. Even if you are too superstitious that a person can decide the battle situation, you may destroy an army or even a country."

"Therefore, it is the key to establishing a perfect officer and staff system. Just as Barenti likes to do it, let the experts do the experts' things. This is my favorite place for her."

A dull roar suddenly sounded a little further away, interrupting Luo Sha's later unpleasant memories.

She ignored the block of several attendants who rushed up and tried to press her down, and looked around the table in the direction of the shell.

"Your Majesty, dangerous!"

The servants hurriedly stood in front of Zosha, which made her a little annoyed, so they simply pushed them away with a baton.

"Do Castilians still have artillery that can counterattack?"

She looked at the smoke that was slowly dissipating in front of her. The shell did not cause any damage, but she was concerned about whether the remaining artillery of the enemy could still pose a threat.

"It shouldn't be too much majesty," a staff attendant looked away. "They may not even be able to do a complete volley now."

Luo Sha nodded her head just to say something, and was suddenly attracted by a rapidly moving black spot on the battlefield.

"That's Castile's cavalry?"

She pointed at the right wing of the enemy's front with her command stick, and saw the cavalry rushing out of the rising smoke, Ruosha's brow suddenly tightened.

"They are going to strike our flanks," an officer warned loudly. "They are divided into several teams. This is to separate the troops that surround us."

"Blow the trumpet and order the left wing to stop advancing," Ruosha finally gave her order. This was the first time after the war that she directly ordered the "battle infantry company to hold the position."

"Your Majesty, ordered the left wing to stop advancing, and the battle infantry company held its ground."

After repeating the order, the messenger immediately jumped on the horse and ran desperately towards the left wing.

At the same time, Castile's cavalry, like a sharp Ottoman scimitar, had rushed towards the Sicilian battlefront.

"The depth is too shallow."

Gonzalo, who was also watching this scene, finally exhaled. Although the cavalry had just rushed to the enemy, he seemed to have seen the next result.

"Adult, the Sicilians lined up to form a line, so that they seemed to be able to use the power of firearms to a greater extent," an officer walked to Gonzalo. The beautiful peacock on his helmet fluttered in the wind, even on the battlefield. There is still a thick layer of powder on her face. "Maybe this way is still worth learning."

"Dear Sandro Don De Claral, if you only spend a little time on dressing up and putting it on the military, your achievements are much greater than mine."

Hearing Gonzalo's regret, praise, or persuasion, the officer named Sandro Don De Cialar just called haha.

"Adult, if life is completely occupied by blood and killing, it would be too boring." The officer said, pushing up the helmet that blocked his sight. "The Sicilian stopped, are they fighting the cavalry?"

"Then let us see how much they can do." Gonzalo raised his hand and waved.

Seeing his action, the long-awaited herald immediately raised an eye-catching yellow flag.

The sound of the drum of war suddenly increased, and the right-wing Castilian phalanx followed the cavalry and rushed towards the enemy position.

The heavy single-edged sword and spear in the hands of the Castilian cavalry became a sickle in the hands of Death at this moment.

They could already clearly see the terrified look on the enemy's face ahead.

At the same time, you can also see the muzzle of the black hole of the muskets that the enemy troops have raised.

The sound of the gun attacked the enemy almost at the same time as the sword and spear.

The cavalry who had fallen on their horses were immediately trampled by the horseshoes they were following, regardless of life or death.

At the same time, the cavalry had rushed to the Sicilian.

The huge impact of the horses and the hacking of weapons instantly tore several huge gaps in the Sicilian formation.

Too shallow depth has not even let the cavalry feel any pressure to break through the past.

A Castile knight shouted excitedly.

He threw away the broken spear in his hand, and then pulled the heavy riding sword from the saddle.

This terrible weapon originated from the Moorish chopper sword relied solely on its own weight and the destructive power of the user after waving it.

Unlike the traditional European knight sword, this heavy sword has only one side of the blade, and the tip of the sword is formed into a conical shape that can be pierced.

When this weapon exerts its power, even the most courageous opponents are afraid of it.

Because of its blow, even a knight in armor may cause death.

The knight waved his sword vigorously, and a dull roar came from his helmet covering his face. The sword slashed fiercely at an enemy trying to turn around and escape.

"Fool, never expose your back to your opponent."

When using a sword to tear the enemy's back into a deep slot, the knight still remembered the "good heart" reminder of the enemy who was about to be cut off by him.

At the same time, his horse did not stay at all. With the violent impact, the Castilian cavalry rushed past the enemy's front and rushed directly towards the Sicilian rear.

"It's easy, isn't it," Gonzalo said with a smile to his followers, but then he looked right. "But don't take it lightly, take advantage of the chaos of the enemy's formation and stop the square from advancing."

"It's an adult."

Another messenger quickly left, and at this moment everyone seemed to realize that perhaps the critical moment of the war was coming.

Seeing the enemy's flanks sway, Castile began to lean towards his right wing.

"Break through their left wing and the battle will be won!"

This is the resonance of all Castilian officers at this moment.

Uomoto followed the formation forward step by step, the strict training of the model army was fully reflected at this moment.

Despite the tension and the fact that someone fell to the ground at any time, no one knew that the next one to be hit was not himself, but the model army still stuck to its formation.

There have been 2 waves of people around.

Uomoto glanced at another Musketeer who was not far away.

It's just that there was a firefight, but Uomoto accidentally found that he had been shot down by many people.

How can a Sicilian be so fast?

Uomoto felt incredible.

He is the most experienced musketeer in the model army. He has always been proud that no one can load faster than him.

After all, being able to shoot once a minute is already amazing for most Musketeers, but he can do it twice.

However, the musketeers across the Sicilian seemed to be able to do so easily.

Just a short while after the exchange of fire between the two sides, the model army had been violently shot by the enemy for several rounds.

And Uomoto was surprised that the Sicilians shot more accurately than they did, or that the terrible volley that followed the order at the same time was deeply imprinted in the heart.

There was another strange sound of passwords across the street.

Although I don't know what that sentence means, Uomoto conjecture should be a password like shooting.

Sure enough, the horrible salvo sounded suddenly, and Uomoto closed his eyes instinctively.

The screams and the sound of falling to the ground let Uomoto know that someone was shot again.

The miracle is that this time he actually hides without any harm.

Uomoto opened his eyes, not paying attention to the casualties of the people next to him, and began to rush into the pot with gunpowder, and then hit the flint to ignite the cut twist.

After sandwiching the medicine twist on the crack of the copper beak, the burning medicine twist gave off a pungent smell that irritated the eyes to tears.

Uomoto raised his gun against his shoulder and carefully aimed at the enemy opposite.


Just as the medicine twist was about to burn out, Uomoto heard a very slight voice. He felt as if he had been smashed by someone. It seemed that the sound of something piercing through the flesh sounded so terrible.

The gun in his hand shook, and the muzzle was slightly off.

The gun shot and a thick smoke blocked Uomoto's eyes.

He didn't know if he had hit the enemy, but then Uomoto fell back.

His body slammed into the grass, and a weed stumbled into his nostrils, which caused Uomoto to sneeze. He heard the teammate's familiar shouts and heard them. There were sounds of gunshots one after another, as well as the feeling of ground vibration coming from the shells not far away.

Immediately, his vision gradually blurred, and finally turned into darkness.

The joy of cavalry charging and breaking through the enemy array has now become a frantic pursuit of killing.

The leader's cavalry captain swings his arms vigorously, and the heavy cavalry sword in his hand rolls up a heat wave with the wind. The enemies in front are already retreating backwards, as long as they continue to impact, they can be completely torn into pieces.

A violent drum sound suddenly came from the front, and another line of infantry appeared behind the Sicilian battle line, and the cavalry captain raised his sword.

His head was covered with sweat, and his eyes were irritated by the infiltration of sweat.

The captain drove the reins vigorously, clamped the legs with the legs, and the mount started a familiar sprint again.

The infantry formation on the opposite side was slightly loose, but it was not as alarmed as the previous troops.

The captain of the cavalry roared, and he could hear the rumbling roar of the horseshoes on the ground immediately following him.

The enemies on the opposite side finally seemed to be shaken, and there seemed to be a gap between their queues

But next, the captain of the cavalry saw a strange scene.

The enemy soldiers standing in the front row knelt down neatly, forming two rows of ladders with the soldiers in the back row.

Then, all the enemies held up rows of rifles.

Gonzalo vowed that he had never heard such intensive gunfire!

Even when the entire Sicilian array salvoed before, the earth-shattering shooting was dwarfed by the sudden burst of fire from the enemy's left wing.

It is not that this shooting is larger, but that it is on such a short and shallow area, but there are so many gunshots.

This made Gonzalo even think in an instant that the Sicilians concentrated all their muskets in that place.

Gonzalo had just imagined that he would shoot such a fierce firepower, what size of musketeers he had.

But without waiting for him to give birth to other ideas, it was more fierce than before, and even continuous shooting beyond his imagination echoed through the front flanks.

The look on Gonzalo's face finally changed.

He turned his head and stared at the enemy's left wing.

There, the Sicilian front seemed a little further away.

But now Gonzalo has vaguely stepped on the reason for the layout of the enemy.

Relying on the leaning front, the Sicilian left wing can contact the enemy later, which gives them the opportunity to calmly deploy behind the front.

But how did that Goumbre know that he would attack his left wing first, rather than closer to his right wing?

Also what terrible traps did the Sicilian prepare behind the front?

"To make Gonzalo think that our left wing is better, we must invest enough troops in the central part. Only in this way can he give up his plan to worry about counterattacks on the right wing."

Luo Sha looked at her and exhaled gently.

Before that, when she saw the enemy cavalry dispatching, she was so nervous that she grasped the baton's hand because it was so hard that it hurt.

In order to force the Castilla cavalry to give up attacking the right wing, she even put some grenadiers into the battlefield in advance.

On the left, she prepared two gifts for the Castile cavalry.

Two powerful grenadier companies.

And even more fierce and brutal fire company.

"Next, it's up to my grenadier."

Although he always pays attention to the battlefield that kills the sky on the front of the front line, Ke Zuosha's eyes are drawn from time to time on the right side of the front line.

The bursts of shooting have gradually numb the soldiers in the formation.

Pouring gunpowder, tamping bullets, and filling the medicine pool, the soldiers of the model army repeated these monotonous movements repeatedly.

The Musketeers had retreated into the phalanx, and with the phalanx cover, they kept firing at the enemy.

Watching the enemy from time to time fell to the ground, the musketeers would scream in excitement.

But this joy cannot last long.

Whenever I saw someone immediately replace the vacancy of the dead, and then the fearful volleyball was raised on the opposite side, and the model army array would cause a panic before the enemy shot.

The phalanx is still approaching, and the sharp spear of the spearmen seems to have poked in front of the enemy.

But at this distance, it seemed that it would never end.

It seems that every step of the journey requires someone to pay the price of blood, more and more soldiers fall, so that the people behind have to step on the body of their companions, or try to get around.

The phalanx progressed slowly, and although the enemy also suffered heavy casualties from the shooting of the model arms, even the most ordinary soldiers can see that the situation is developing in a direction that is not beneficial to the Castilians. .

Gonzalo stared solemnly at the fierce battle in front of him.

The unexpectedly powerful firepower of the enemy's left wing made him vaguely uneasy.

At the same time as Gorza, Gonzalo realized that it was the battle in the central part that determined the whole battle.

A shell suddenly penetrated into the square from the front of the square.

Even Gonzalo in the rear seemed to see a fragment of the body flying suddenly in that square.

The casualties caused by the shell were so great that the entire phalanx seemed to be in chaos.

But unexpectedly, the phalanx did not collapse on this, on the contrary, there was a burst of cheers from the panicked soldiers.

Gonzalo narrowed his eyes as he stared at the phalanx that seemed chaotically damaged by the devastation until a wave of sound came from the front and back of the phalanx.


An officer couldn't help but shout of joy, and then he immediately looked at Gonzalo.

Gonzalo did not feel uncomfortable because of his gaffes, and he lighted his hair and said to himself with relief, "Clash."

After paying a tragic price, the model military phalanx finally approached the front line of Sicily.

The front phalanx immediately launched a fierce white-blade confrontation with the enemy without hesitation.

A sharp forest made up of scary spears stabs enemies frantically forward, plasma splashes, limbs torn, and people who were alive were killed by an instant killing.

The screams, the crying, the screaming and the screaming of the dying person finally wondering whether they were praying or wailing. This moment on the battlefield is the nightmare of living **** and everyone.

The entire front of the Castilians cheered, and the formation of the Phalanx inspired by their companions began to approach the enemy desperately.

One after another, the model army who intersect the enemy with white blades began to fight back.

At noon, the blazing sun took the lead.

Such a strange scene appeared on the plain outside the town of Rio de Nanaria in the city of Sevilla.

When the left-wing Castile cavalry suffered a fatal blow and ran into their positions on their own side, the Sicilians on the front line were forced to retreat because of the gradual shaking.

On the other side,, on the right wing of the Sicilian, Pagasos, who had digged the ground out of a pit because of impatience, suddenly felt that the reins that had been tightly tightened suddenly loosened.

Then, with a sudden pain from the abdomen, Pagasos involuntarily spread his limbs with a command from the master, and rushed forward like crazy.

"Keep up, Shell!"

The shout was sent by the wind far into the ears, and into the ears of the Balkans who were already waiting impatiently.

"Master, please!"

Sher struggled to urge the horse to chase the master ahead.

"Come on Pagasos, this is probably the last time we two charged!"

Alexander shouted loudly to Herma and took the lead to rush down the hillside of Leo town.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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