Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 214: chance encounter

A small group of Andalusians marched hurriedly through the fields. Most of them had worn-out clothes, and some were worn out despite wearing armor.

Some of these people have weapons, while others simply have their hands bare. Their ranks are also messy. If not a few of them seem to be obviously ordinary soldiers, these people are no different from other fugitive Andalusian rebels.

These people are the remnants of the nobles who escaped from Seville.

Although the Guadalville River is wide, it is not difficult to get through. It’s not difficult to get through it. Even if you don’t have a bridge and a ferry boat big enough, if you can devote yourself to throwing away all unnecessary things, you can escape with luck. .

These people did just that. They threw away everything except their weapons and purses. Some used small boats that were just found, and some simply put together rafts with door panels, furniture, or anything that could float. Crossed the river.

There are not many people who have escaped in this way, let alone a system.

In fact, the Andalusian rebels were almost completely disrupted. Many nobles had lost their troops. More people did not know whether their companions and friends were killed or captured, or escaped by chance like themselves. .

The Catalans led by Thiego certainly do not control these sporadic rebels.

Their only purpose is to block large rebels and prevent Castilians from entering the south of Seville.

So these Andalusian rebels who have crossed the Guadalville River have not been intercepted, which makes them thank God for their good luck.

Until they entered the plains south of the city, they encountered Kurash, who had occupied the town of Leo.

They were first taken aback by the sudden artillery shells, before they could figure out which direction the enemy was in. A series of scattered lines that appeared like stretched stretches had appeared on the far plain.

Although from far away the enemy's front was as weak as a thread that could be broken with just one stroke, the Andalusians were frightened for a while.

Many of them instinctively want to run back, but the companions who follow up swarm and urge to move on.

For a while the Andalusians who were running away on the plains were in chaos.

"We have to escape from here."

A knight in that team said anxiously that his words were immediately answered by his companions.

Several people rushed to the side surrounded by a man wrapped tightly in a coarse cloth cloak. Behind them, some deserters who seemed to have nothing to do with them suddenly ran out of the crowd and followed them to the left of the plain. The low-lying wetlands ran.

These people disregarded someone behind them shouting to stop them, but ran forward desperately, as if something was chasing them.

Among these people, a man riding a horse kept watching the stern figure all over the body, but tried to hold back as many times as he wanted to speak.

The wetland near the left side of Leo Town was obviously very large, and gradually disappeared into the thick bushes when they ran in.

This made the fugitives finally relieved. They listened to the cries from time to time outside the woods, and then the sudden gunshots. These people could not help but silently looked at each other.

"We have to keep going," the knight before seemed to be the leader of these people. He squatted down and took a few breaths before he stood up and urged "It's not safe here."

"Alright, let's take a breath again. After escaping from Seville, we haven't rested at all." A soldier complained dissatisfiedly.

"Shut up, are you going to let all of us throw our lives here?" The leader yelled. "We have to leave this place quickly. Sicilian people may find us at any time."

"Then let them not find it, aren't we just going to send this woman away, if we are found we will hand it over to the Sicilian."

The soldier said carelessly that he did not notice the fierce light flashed in the eyes of many people around him when he said this.

The riding man also showed a terrible face. He looked at the soldier's eyes with cruelty. After seeing the eyes cast by several people next to him, the man nodded secretly and pulled out the sharp knife from his waist quietly.

Almost at the same time, several people rushed from different directions, just before the soldier had time to understand what was happening, and his neck had been deeply cut by a knife.

The soldier fell to the ground, his body twitched, and because of the pain, his hands and feet dug a few deep grooves in the mud, and then gradually disappeared.

The woman in the cloak sitting beside saw the whole process of the murder.

She was afraid of the low tree that she could not help leaning against behind her. When the man put away his short knife and came over to try to comfort her, the woman made a cry.

"It's okay, it's okay, all this is for you, I swear I won't hurt you."

The man kept comforting the woman until she finally calmed down.

Then after some discussion, these people hurried to the depths of the wetland.

A messenger walked through the ruins and hid a little behind a tree, only to find that no enemy had noticed him before jumping out of the tree and running forward.

The herald wore military uniforms that were no different from those of other soldiers, and even his half-hull armor was thinner than others, which allowed him to run faster and less noticeable.

The only thing that makes people different from other soldiers is the armband with the Hermes statue on their arms.

And this armband is not large, and will not attract the attention of the enemy.

Like the Roman Thesia army, the Sicilian army also has a set of relatively reliable cryptosystems, and the way the password is compiled changes every once in a while.

As the messenger passed through the woods under the town of Leo, he saw several scattered rebel forces in the distance.

In order not to collide with those Andalusians, he decided to go around and turned a corner towards the wetland.

Looking at his team in front, Kurash's mood was not so relaxed.

There are not many enemies on the opposite side. It can be said that it takes only one charge to drive them back to the city.

What Kurash really cared about was the formation of his own troops.

Kurash has never seen such a thing as a scattered line before. No matter whether it is an Ottoman or an army of other countries, even if it is a training army, the commanders will try to keep the team in a simple formation, because Only in this way can the greatest power be exerted when fighting against the enemy.

The Roman Thesia and Sicilian armies are the most well-trained of all the armies he has seen, and they are also the most queue-oriented.

But I do not know why, in such an army, there is a line of fighting which is completely different from any army today.

Or that should not be said to be a pure scattered line, but a battle line that is still incomprehensible to Kurash.

It is different from other armies that use their respective combat brigades as the most basic unit to form a large and small depth formation. The army of the "Alexander Empire", which is dominated by the Roman Thesia army, seems to be trying some new way of fighting.

These Andalusian rebels have undoubtedly become the best tester for this attempt, because they are not only small in number, but have already been frightened.

This is enough to ensure that even if the new tactics have any fatal flaws, they will not cause too much loss.

More importantly, these Andalusian remnants are desperate to escape.

This forced them to take the initiative to attack even if they faced more enemies than themselves.

This new tactic is precisely more inclined to defend against aggressive enemies.

Sure enough, with a few short horns that seemed to be calling their companions, several Andalusian rebels who had been hovering on the edge of the plains because they had found the enemy in front seemed to have made up their minds.

They began to form a simple formation approaching the enemy's front, which did not seem to be very deep, trying to break through the enemy's front with a violent charge, and escaped.

Kurash made a signal to the signal soldiers around him, and he was just waiting for this opportunity.

On the entire "scatter line", the side closer to the enemy began to shrink gradually.

The seemingly sparse queue has become dense, but even so, from a distance, it is only a horizontal array of up to three rows.

And when we approached, we could see that these horizontal formations had rows of swords and shields in front, and the spearman with a spear in the back.

On the other side of the long front, because of the distance, the rebels who were trying to break through the front at one fell swoop did not notice what they were like.

The two sides approached quickly. As they saw that the enemy clearly did not intend to strengthen the formation thickness, the nobles and officers of the rebels couldn't help but shouted with joy: "Rush up, we can survive after rushing!"

At this moment, the desire to survive gave the rebels enough courage. They started running, and at the same time, they made various roars of unknown significance.

Kurash looked at the left wing of the front, where the front was further back and farther away from the enemy.

A very bright trombone sounded from the center of the front. This was not one but several trombone players sounded at the same time, the sound was loud enough to be heard by the farthest away.

But soon people will not hear.

Because after a short while, a burst of thunderous gunfire had overwhelmed the trumpet.

An Andalusian soldier who was running forward suddenly fell to the ground. He had already lost his helmet when he ran away. He lifted a **** bone on the top of his head, and the splattered brain and blood splashed on others. On the body, the middle person is sick.

The sudden attack made the advancing rebels stagnate instantly. Many people stopped and looked to the right, but their enemies apparently did not give them a chance to hesitate.

Along with the gunshots, there was a fierce arrow.

"Fool, don't stop!"

An aristocrat who threw the armor on the escape road waved his sword and urged his men.

"Stop here is to die, rush up, rushed over and we will survive!"

This man's words stimulated the hesitant soldiers. As the Castilians, they knew what was waiting for them once they became captives.

Gonzalo may be a good commander who is generous and kind to his men, but he is also famous for his cruelty to the enemy.

It may even be better to be a Sicilian captive than to fall into the hands of the Castilian army.

Perhaps because of this kind of thought, Andalusians began to rush forward desperately.

Kurash stared closely at the battle on the front line, and he found that so far everything is normal.

The troops on the left side of the back shot fiercely at the enemies approaching with long-range musket crossbows, watching the enemies fall down along the way, and Kurash finally breathed lightly.

As the distance drew closer and closer, the sword shield soldiers began to growl threateningly. They sideways leaned their shields close together like fish scales, and the heavy one-handed sword in their hands hit the edge of the shield, threatening the enemies that were already close. Growl.


There was another shot.

Near the distance, several Andalusians fell in response.

The Sicilian team sounded a reminder of "steady!" that the veterans used to send out when they were about to engage.

But the brutal battle did not happen.

An Andalusian stopped when he was about to rush to the Sicilian.

The shield and sword in his hand fell to the ground. The Andalusian who had already ripped out his clothes during the escape first stood there staring at the Sicilian not far away, and then sat down with a puff Off the ground.

This man's behavior seemed to have taken the lead. The rebels who had collapsed because of their escape. As their companions fell, when they rushed to the Sicilians, the last bit of courage was finally exhausted at the same time.

Looking back, the rebels sparsely fell on the plain.

Some people who have not yet died screamed in pain, hoping that someone could save them, but most of them were gone.

Kurash looked away from the position, and he could be sure that the Andalusian rebels who had tried to escape had completely collapsed.

This did not make me feel that there was any big surprise for him. After all, it is quite common for both sides to win under such a difference in morale.

What surprised Kurash was that the Andalusian rebels were not close to the front when they charged, just because they were continuously hit and eventually collapsed.

Although he had expected the possible results, Kurash was surprised by this situation.

After all, there is a difference between non-stop training and exercises and actual combat on the battlefield.

All kinds of accidents are likely to bankrupt a plan that was nearly flawless. In history, because of some absolutely unexpected little accident, the war that completely changed the results is indeed endless.

But at least now such an accident has not happened in the town of Rio, outside Seville.

For the first time, the actual combat to maximize the power of long-range weapons with shallow depth horizontal lines was first shown on the Iberian Peninsula.

Of course, Kurash does not know what the small changes on the battlefield will mean for the future.

In other words, Ruosha arranged for him to lead the detachment of this Naples regiment because he was very different from those officers who were too stubborn and traditional tactics.

Kurash is a Balkan, and the battles he has participated in are both brutal and brutal.

Whether fighting against pagans or selling his lives for the Balkan lords, he is more concerned with practicality than with flashy appearance.

It is precisely because of his cunning on the battlefield that he survived from battle to battle, which also created a keen sense of capturing fighters on the battlefield.

Such soldiers will not be constrained by tradition, and are more likely to accept new things.

But even so, Kurash shocked the unexpected power of this new tactic called the "line queue".

He certainly knew that the enemies in front of him could not be compared with the army commanded by Gonzalo, but even looking at the corpses falling in front of the front, he still vaguely felt what seemed to happen.

In spite of this, he still did not forget to follow the queen's instructions to remind the following staff attendants to record the entire battle.

Those people are staff officers sent by the Queen, but these people have been given an order that prohibits intervention.

Their only task is to record the passage of each battle.

Kurash was watching the battlefield recalling the previous battle, and a soldier with the armband of the herald ran hurriedly.

"Sir," the herald soldier reported loudly to Kurash, "Your Majesty's order."

Kurash immediately beckoned to let the soldier approach, watching him take a tightly sealed envelope from the middle of the purse. Kurash took it back and carefully checked the wax seal on it, then opened the seal.

The order was written in code, and Kurash took out a small book hanging from his neckline.

Then walk to the side and start translating word by word.

In the past, Kurash always believed that as a knight, he could use the saber skillfully.

But now he found that there was too much to learn.

"Knight, I need you to strengthen your defense in Rio Town. Half of the Naples regiment is now deployed near Rio Town, and I will deploy more troops to support you. There are signs that Rio Town has a future battle. It matters a lot, so I will send more artillery..."

Looking at the content of the order, Kurash couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Before coming to Leo town, Ruosha had personally told him to pay attention to this place.

Now the Queen reiterates the importance of this town in a new order, and even sends more artillery, which makes Kurash can't help thinking about the small place of Leo Town. What is worthy of such attention.

Soon, he noticed a noteworthy place.

The road from Seville to Rio Town almost completely extends south along the edge of the and on the left side of the road, a large area gradually descends westward. Then the complex hills connected to the large wetlands southwest of Seville.

Looking at the map that had been scribbled, but had almost captured the map near the city of Seville, Kurash gradually fell into contemplation.

Such a terrain, once a battle takes place on this plain, the town of Leo, after all, has become the main battlefield for the two sides to compete for because of its position.

Kurash gradually seemed to understand something.

Beside him, the herald was hesitating, whether he should report the scene he saw halfway in the wetland to the general.

But after looking at Kurash for a long time, the herald soldier felt that there was no need to disturb adults with this little thing.

"Well, it should be a trivial matter."

The messenger thought so.

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