Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 213: No news is...

What era was the early 16th century?

An era from ignorance to civilization, from darkness to light

It is an era in which the repressed nature is replaced by human passions.

This is the era in which the three masters of the Renaissance era appeared in later generations.

It was an era of geographical discovery, and people began to truly understand what the world looks like.

People scramble for wealth, explore the unknown world, and want to know where the world's boundaries are.

Increasingly mature navigation technology allows people to connect the isolated old world.

They also use these great technologies to pull the new world into people's eyes.

All this is so beautiful, but it is not as glorious as it seems.

This is also an age of artillery and turbulence.

The conspiracy in the court and the brutal and ruthless war also run through this era.

The Ottoman civil unrest, the Europa wars are raging, and even in the Atlantic, fighting for hegemony at sea is also a battle.

Subject to the still backward level of transportation and communication, although in the Mediterranean, Castilla, far from the southwestern corner of Europe, is not clear about what is happening in continental Europe.

At least Ferdinand is worried about whether the support promised by the emperor has not been fulfilled as soon as possible.

With his generosity, Ferdinand also had some friends in the Vienna court.

So he can get a lot of useful news in time, but even so, it will take some time for these news to be sent to him across the ocean.

It's just that he knew it earlier than everyone else knew.

Only this time, Ferdinand felt that the waiting time was too long.

According to his previous experience with friends in Vienna, before or after the emperor's messenger arrived, his own sources also arrived.

Those people will reveal more detailed information to him, such as the emperor's decision on the specific time and strength of the troops, and what steps might be taken.

These news can undoubtedly help Ferdinand react as soon as possible in Iberia.

At least let him know from what extent Maximian's promise can be achieved.

But this time the news came too late, simply said there was no news.

None of his friends in the Vienna court sent accurate information.

Although there are sporadic sources who can inquire about some movements, this is obviously not enough for Ferdinand.

This made him start to worry.

Ferdinand knew that this would happen because the only explanation for sending troops was that there should be a completely different voice in the Vienna court, or someone was fiercely opposed.

Even the emperor himself was probably wavering about this matter.

Only in this way, those Austrian ministers who have a good relationship with him will first look at the wind direction first, and dare not rush to convey the news.

This made Ferdinand realize the seriousness of the situation.

Maximian's purpose of letting his son Philip and Juana marry, although it cannot be said that he was originally for the Castile throne, after all, Prince Juan, who was the crown prince at that time, was still alive, but he tried to establish a strong alliance through marriage The purpose is obvious.

Therefore, he would not refuse the request made by his family, not to mention that with Juana becoming the crown prince, the situation in Iberia is even more closely related to him.

But this is how the situation in Vienna seems to have changed, which made Ferdinand puzzled, but also felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

What is the reason that makes Maximian so embarrassed?

After all, Maximian himself has always been obsessed with Milan, and hoping that he will send troops is nothing more than an ambition to spur him to annex Milan earlier.

So what exactly made the emperor still indecisive when there was a bargain.

What happened in Vienna?

Ferdinand is not only worried about this.

Every day someone sent him the news of Andalusia, but somehow, suddenly there had been no news for several days over there, which made Ferdinand even more worried.

Ferdinand apparently had not heard the phrase "no news is good news", but even knowing that he would scoff at this sentence like most people.

In fact, on the battlefield, bad news is often delivered more slowly than good news. This is because when the situation is unfavorable, the front-line commander always wants to reverse the situation as soon as possible, and after making up for the mistakes, report to the rear.

It's just that this hope is often counterproductive.

One mistake cannot be corrected by another. When the situation is finally so bad that it may affect the entire battlefield, those talents will have to report the truth to the rear.

This is how the bad news came, and once that time was reached, the whole battle situation might have been so bad that it was difficult to save.

Ferdinand may not be aware of the mystery, but he knows that things may not be very optimistic.

There was a tumult of noise outside the window, and footsteps in the hallway that opened the door.

Ferdinand looked helplessly at the door, seeing the archbishop and several ministers coming in, the vertical stripes on his forehead deepened.

"Your Majesty, you must make a decision as soon as possible," the archbishop came over and said in a slightly unkind manner. "If the queen still refuses to attend the ceremony, it will lead to a civil change."

"Of course I know!"

Ferdinand angrily interrupted the Archbishop's words, no matter what kind of trouble he had in the past, the Aragon King took it easy, but at this time he was like a violent and arrogant bottom-level citizen.

"But what should I do, tie her up to the meeting place, then only God knows what she will do to make us all embarrassing."

The archbishop looked helplessly at the angry king. He actually sympathized with Ferdinand somewhat. After all, it would be a headache to change whoever had such a disobedient daughter.

What's more, she is still a queen, at least in the name of Castile's most noble character, so those methods to deal with crazy silly dementia must not be used on her.

In this way, things are even harder to handle.

"Maybe we can persuade Her Majesty..."

A minister made a suggestion, but Ferdinand closed his mouth with sarcasm.

If the reasoning can be moved, how can these people worry about it now?

"Your Majesty, Queen Juana must participate in Holy Week ceremonies, otherwise the public will have all kinds of speculations. There are already many bad rumors. If the Queen does not show up again, things may become unmanageable."

A minister said somberly that for these Castilians, they really didn't like Ferdinand, but now they have to face the current dilemma with him.

Holy Week is one of the most important festivals of the year in Castile, and its importance is second only to Christmas.

Throughout the 7 days of the week, people will commemorate the great sacrifices made by **** Christ for the world in various ways. There will be grand religious ceremonies everywhere to show the entire process of **** from the face of death to the resurrection and ascension to heaven.

Grand, pious, and even crazy, this is Holy Week.

Many believers will make people crucify themselves because of their devotion to the Lord, and feel the suffering that **** Christ has suffered. More people will donate their hard-earned wealth to the church on this day. With a view to redemption.

Such a grand ceremony, of course, requires the participation of the royal family.

Over the years, Isabella will dress up for every Holy Week, and Ferdinand, if he is, will also need to participate in this grand festival with his wife.

But this year, the first holy week after Juana's succession, she may be absent!

Ferdinand looked somberly at everyone in front of him. He knew that these people wanted him to be ugly, but now they are also worried now.

Castilla can now be said to be internally and externally troubled. In the northwest and north, Portugal and the French are staring at each other. The rebellion in the south has not yet subsided, and the Sicilian suddenly blended in again.

And he guessed that among the Castilians, no one doubted that he was colluding with the Sicilian.

After all, he still holds the title of King of Sicily so far.

in case……

Suddenly a thought flashed through Ferdinand's heart. He thought that maybe he had really got into a dead end before, and he didn't think of another way that might completely solve the trouble in front of him.

With such a thought, the King's face could not help but reveal a rare relief, so that the eyes of the Castilians before him became softer.

"I'll find a way to prevent her from ruining us all," Ferdinand said impatiently. "I'll go find her. If she is still so capricious, I will tie her to the ceremony."

After speaking, Ferdinand quickly walked out of the room in a daze.

Although she has become Queen of Casilitia, Juana and Philip still hide in the highland castle.

Although her emotions had stabilized a lot, she even allowed her servants to help Philip who was about to die, but she still stubbornly prohibited other women from approaching her husband.

And he would hide in the castle because of Juana’s inexpressible fear of her father.

So just when Ferdinand came to visit, Juana immediately became nervous.

Even in the living room, Ferdinand still smelled the stench from the bedroom.

Looking at Ferdinand's gloomy face, Juana clenched her fists hard, staring stiffly at her father.

And what she saw was a pair of indifferent eyes.

"It's not going to go on like this. You are the queen who has to take on her due responsibilities. I want you to attend the Holy Week ceremony," Ferdinand said impatiently, waving his hand to stop the opening of Juana. "I am not asking but ordering you, if You don’t want your husband to be disturbed in the future, just do what I said, and I will arrange for someone to serve him well."

Speaking of which, Ferdinand added another sentence: "Relax, all are servants."

Juana bit her lip tightly, her body trembling slightly.

Although Juana sometimes becomes irrational because of her madness, she still feels instinctively dangerous.

She dared to yell and even curse Isabella because she knew what her mother would not do to her.

But Ferdinand was not like that. If she really offended him, she would be punished mercilessly, and that person might even threaten her with Philip.

Her father is a really cruel person.

But she shook her head vigorously.

"No, I want to stay by my husband's side. He is very bad now. If I'm not around, I will be relieved."

"Then don't you worry that this will irritate me," Ferdinand stared angrily at her daughter. "You have already made me impatient. I sometimes doubt how your mother can tolerate you, so I want you to press mine Command to do it, otherwise I will punish you fiercely!"

"Do not!"

Juana was stiff and her hands were shaking.

Her face was pale, panting because of fear, but she still shouted at Ferdinand: "I will not leave my husband, and no one can force me to leave him!"

Shouting, Juana turned to the bedroom and slammed the door.

Ferdinand stared somberly at the closed door, his anger surging.

He wanted people to break in and drag Juana out of it, but reason made him hold back.

Seeing a servant carrying a copper basin filled with clear water walk in carefully, Ferdinand glanced at her.

"Stop," Ferdinand walked over to look at the copper basin and the towel inside, looking at the stains on the side of the basin. He frowned and asked, "This is for the prince?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Her Majesty will wipe the pus on your body every day."

"Take away."

Ferdinand coldly commanded that when he saw his servant at a loss, he repeated "Go!"

The servant left in a panic, and at the same time he heard Ferdinand tell him: "From now on it is forbidden to send them anything, water and food. This is the king's order, and the violators will be punished!"

The servants looked at the terrifying king in panic. Some people tried to argue, but they were silent after seeing the soldiers who followed Ferdinand.

Two guards armed with axe and march came to the bedroom door, and the weapons crossed and jammed at the door.

Their eyes were fixed on the servants who tried to get closer to the bedroom, and the long handles of the axe and the hand collided with each other intentionally or unintentionally.

"She's not allowed to deliver anything to them one day, even Philip's medicine will not work," Ferdinand's voice has no emotion, just like the look on his face at this time. Penalty."

After speaking, Ferdinand walked out.

In the living room, a group of servants stared blankly at the door blocked by the soldiers. Some people kept whispering "God, God".

Ferdinand came out of the castle hall with a gloomy face. The dazzling sunlight outside irritated him. The bright weather did not make him feel better.

When thinking of Holy Week celebrations, Ferdinand's head couldn't help but burst into pain.

Juana's mischief has brought him to an unbearable point, but he has no way to do it for a while.

Due to various changes that may occur in the Vienna court, Ferdinand is also deeply dissatisfied with Maximian.

This dissatisfaction made him tired of Philip.

Ferdinand always felt that Philip secretly encouraged Juana and herself to be enemies.

Especially after Isabella became ill, Philip is likely to intensify the relationship between Juana and their husband and wife even more.

Because once Juana becomes the queen, there is bound to be a conflict between their husbands and sons in order to compete for the impact on Juana.

So Ferdinand didn't care about Philip's illness, and even vaguely felt that it might not be a good thing.

And Juana is now completely indifferent to government affairs and locked herself in the castle, which is actually what Ferdinand can't do.

Just thinking of Juana's mischief, Ferdinand couldn't help but feel annoyed.

It seemed that he had to carry out what he had thought before as soon as possible, Ferdinand thought so.

If the thought that he had just suddenly emerged was just a flash of light, since seeing Juana, the thought gradually became stronger in his heart.

He didn't want to give Castilla or even Aragon to others in vain.

Ferdinand thought, and walked to the carriage that was not far away.

As he was about to board the carriage, he saw the strange face of the court jester.

Of all the close friends, Ferdinand trusts this person the most, because this person's status is humble, and there is no other way but to depend on him.

The man looked much more beautiful without wearing the clown's mask, so Ferdinand ordered that he be forbidden to take off the mask.

So after seeing the clown, before waiting for him to jump off and stand firm, Ferdinand had already said, "I am looking for you."

"His Majesty……"

The clown was about to say something, but Ferdinand was impatiently interrupted.

"There is something I want you to do, which may be a bit dangerous, but if you succeed, you can get a piece of territory."

Despite wearing a mask, the clown's stiffness seemed to make Ferdinand aware of the shock he had brought to him.

This made Ferdinand very satisfied. He was not stingy about Ken's life, and he also knew what kind of reward he should use to gain the allegiance of the other party.

"Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

The eyes behind the mask became hot, and the voice shivered slightly.

A territory, even for nobles, is not trivial.

What's more, in his identity, the clown knows exactly what the territory means.

That was the key that would allow him to get rid of this pitiful and humble position. Maybe he could not finally sit on par with those nobles, but at least in his own territory, he was the master.

"A very secret thing." Ferdinand said in a low voice, while looking instinctively around, and then beckoned the clown to follow him openly towards the castle gate.

It's empty, don't worry about being heard by people with ears across the wall.

Ferdinand took off his gloves and took off a huge ruby ​​ring from his finger and handed it to the clown: "You take this."

The clown showed a surprised look. He knew the ring. The Aragon's badge on it proved the noble status of the owner.

"This proves your identity. I want you to visit Andalusia."

Ferdinand's words made the clown stunned. What he wanted to say, but Ferdinand spoke again.

"That Gumbre knows you, so be careful, I want you to avoid him, and then see the queen alone."

"You mean His Majesty Rosa Kosenza Astamaria?" the clown asked in amazement.

"Yes, she is," Ferdinand replied. "I want you to propose to me for her."

Even when wearing a mask, the clue of the clown's eyes was obvious enough.

Ferdinand continued to say: "I had never thought of this possibility before, but now it seems that it may not be a good way to let her marry me, so that the two Sicilies are truly unified, she can also become Queen of Sicily, and I And her children can inherit Naples."

Watching Ferdinand suddenly become clown finally said carefully: "Your Majesty, I heard that something bad happened in Andalusia."

"What, is anyone here in Seville?"

Ferdinand immediately asked, he had been waiting for news about Seville for too long.

Seeing Ferdinand's anxious expression, the clown did not speak immediately, his lips moved, and then he said carefully: "I heard that Don Bavi was dead and was killed by his servant before being captured. ."

"Oh," despite the accident, Ferdinand froze for a moment, and then made a response that he didn't know whether it was joy or something, but his gaze was still fixed on the clown. "What else, say it."

"Also, Gonzalo withdrew from Seville."

Hearing the clown's words, Ferdinand was stunned.


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