Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 215: Good news for James

Gonzalo carefully looked at the reports brought back by the scouts.

Some of these reports have nothing to do with each other, and some contradict each other, but once they are grouped together, they are all proving one thing.

The Roman Thesia army is trying to advance from the south of Serbia towards the lower reaches of the Guadavier River.

Gonzalo, who was already wary of the Sicilian, realized that something was wrong.

The Sicilians even abandon the occupation of the south of Serbia and have to move towards the lower reaches of the Guadavier River, which was not normal, not to mention the fact that for Sicilians, this time is actually a rare opportunity.

While the other generals were overjoyed to seize Seville, Gonzalo was aware of the crisis.

The Sicilian army did not disperse its forces too much in order to occupy the city, so Gonzalo smelled a dangerous breath.

He guessed that this should be Alexander's idea.

This is not that he underestimated the queen, but considering that for the queen, the occupation of Sevilla is actually more in line with her purpose as a queen.

But as a battlefield commander, Gonzalo felt that it was obviously a good decision to do so.

The Castilian army is indeed spread all over northern Seville. This has allowed Gonzalo to reduce the number of troops that can be mobilized directly for a time, and even fewer can engage in combat with the Sicilians.

So Gonzalo felt very strange. After all, for the Sicilian army, if they would rather give up temporarily to seize the city and loot, then they must have a bigger goal.

And this goal can only be an opportunity to fight against the Castilian army.

But now the Sicilians are uncharacteristically, without actively launching the offensive, Gonzalo cannot help but consider what else can make Alexander and even the queen give up another chance.

Gonzalo’s guess did not take much time. Just 2 days later, as a boat sailed from the estuary of Jerez de la Flora into the Guadalville River, he finally knew that the Sicilian army suddenly The reason for the abnormal behavior.

In early April, an ocean-going ship from the north docked at the river terminal in Jerez de la Flotra.

This self-proclaimed merchant ship from France brought a lot of specialty products from the north. One of the very thick cotton cloths was sought after by the merchants in the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce.

Although France is at war now, it does not affect the businessmen’s interactions, and Barrialdod did not order the French to go ashore, so this merchant ship was not embarrassed.

Another reason is that the owner of the ship is said to be a Genoese, so after careful investigation and finding nothing unusual, the local city defense army stopped paying attention to the ship.

A few days later, the merchant who sold the goods on hand bought some Andalusian specialties and hurriedly left Jerez de la Flora.

This is really an ordinary thing. For a harbour that has always been busy, in addition to the record in the port record that the ship has been there, there is also the fact that the monthly tax collector will probably have such a thing. Outside of the interest in the transaction, no one will ever remember that ship.

Even the tax collector will not care too much about it. After all, looking at Andalusia is so turbulent now, I don’t know who will hand over the tax in the future.

It's just that the Jerez de la Flora people never imagined that after two weeks, they would welcome a group of unexpected guests.

After the naval battle in the Azores, the defeated Castilian Navy had to retreat to Andalucía’s coastal port Sanlucar de la Valmeda, near the Atlantic coast.

It was a coastal port on the banks of the Guadavier River that happened to be with Jerez de la Flora, and its unique geographical location made it a natural port suitable for large fleets.

And it is also the only place not controlled by Andalusian noble rebels.

Because of the need for support from the sea, Don Bavi would have tacitly agreed that the Castilian fleet would still use their port in Andalusia.

The fleet has closed its eyes on the transportation of supplies to support the noble rebellion of Andalusia.

This wonderful relationship is, of course, because the fleet does need ports on the Atlantic coast, and there is another reason for the widespread dissatisfaction of the Castilian navy with Ferdinand.

At the beginning, Ferdinand refused to support Columbus's expedition to the Atlantic on the grounds of huge funds. However, after the new colonies were subsequently discovered, the Aragonese stood a lot cheaper in the subsequent colonial trade.

This led many people in the Castilian Navy to believe that Ferdinand initially rejected Columbus and did not necessarily want to monopolize the results of the expedition later.

It was only because of Isabella’s insistence that the adventure of the Atlantic Ocean was completed by Castile, not the Aragonese.

The failure of the Azores naval battle forced the Castilian fleet to retreat to their home port, repair the damaged ships, and prepare for revenge.

During the ensuing period, the officers of the Castilian Navy did only two things per day.

Curse the Portuguese, and laugh at the Aragonese.

When they were defeated by the Portuguese at sea, the generals of the Castilian navy showed great anger. They could not imagine that they would lose to the Portuguese who had always been looked down upon by them.

This made the Castilian navy generals who considered themselves the most powerful fleet in the world to be ashamed but helpless.

But soon they found that their mood had become much better, because the Aragonese fleet suffered no better than them in the Mediterranean, and they were still defeated by a group of pirates, which made Castillas feel that they were not the worst. of.

While waiting for the warship to be repaired, the Castilians were not idle. They actively discussed the reasons for this sea defeat, tried to learn lessons, and looked for opportunities to compete with the Portuguese again.

During this period, they also heard that they later joined in the naval battle, which led to the defeat of the famous pirate black beard.

This made them feel that they were no different from the Aragonese, but compared to hearing that the Aragonese had decided to temporarily avoid that Redding, the Castilian officers were still eager to fight the enemy again. A shame.

And we also heard that the Portuguese fleet returned to their harbour in Lisbon.

This made the Castilians realize that, perhaps soon, they will meet the Portuguese again at sea.

They would think so because although the home ports of both sides are on the same coastline, according to the habit that has been formed for a long time, the naval wars are all carried out at sea.

It is the pride of the navy to open up the battle between the fleet and the enemy, and it is also the most romantic and passionate dream of those who pursue maritime adventures.

They have even roughly planned to go north along the coastline and then approach Lisbon, forcing the Portuguese fleet to face the battle head-on.

For this reason, the Castilian officers repeatedly studied the difficulties and doubts that might be encountered in the operation, and then they came to a conclusion that as long as they were given time, once the fleet had rested, they could attack Portugal and wait for opportunities revenge.

But God gave them a lot, but they didn't give them time.

On the second day of the siege of Seville, some local fishermen of Jerez de la Flora went into the sea before dawn.

Although the war in Seville is fierce, for these ordinary fishermen, after all, they are too far away. They just want to have a good harvest every day. For this, they get greedy early, and some people try to stay away from the coast. Deep in the ocean, just to be able to catch a few more nets.

Surprisingly, there was one first, and then several ships that went to the sea to catch fish did not return on time.

This made the companions waiting for them to return to the shore together notice the strangeness.

The fishermen who had been negotiating to spend the night at sea, taking advantage of a few more nets at night, started clamoring to return to the shore because of the uneasiness. Even if the owner of the ship promised to pay some, no one would stay at sea.

Finally, the well-discussed fishing boats turned their heads, and they wanted to return to the shore as soon as the night was not deep, because they did not know what happened in the distant sea, which made them even more uneasy.

Just as they turned the bow to leave, some people inadvertently saw the flickering light from time to time on the dark sea.

Those bright lights appear from time to time, annihilated, as if they were monsters hidden under the sea surface, sometimes surfaced and sometimes dived.

This made the fishermen tremble with fear. They shouted that God was rowing on the shore in a hurry, but maybe it was too frightening. They felt that the light seemed to be chasing behind them, and getting closer and closer.

Even on the dark sea, you can still vaguely see the tall and dark shadows against the light.

The shadows swayed on the surface of the sea, but apparently they were gradually approaching them.

By this time the fishermen already knew that it was not a sea monster, but a huge sailing boat.

It's just that the shape is huge, and the sloshing shadows seem to be more than enough for such a large number of ships, but they are the first to see them.

Then some people thought. It should be said that they have seen it before.

It was Castilla's fleet, but it was all during the day. So I didn't feel so eerie.

But the fishermen all know that the Castilla fleet is now resting in the dock of Sanlucar de la Valmeda, so who is such a huge fleet, you can guess it if you think about it.

The dreaded fishermen rowed their boats desperately and tried to escape to the shore, but the huge warship behind them was obviously much faster than them.

Breaking through the dark water, the wind blowing from the sea propped up the sails. Even though it was gradually approaching the coast, the fleet did not intend to slow down.

At the forefront is a large ship with a completely different appearance from the Portuguese warship. This huge ship of Caravel has a whole row of dark gun doors exposed on both sides of the ship's side. At this time, the guards of all gun doors have been supported. A door of artillery was pushed out of the door, and the terrifying muzzle was facing the sea,

"I didn't expect us to come back so quickly," a dirty sailor put the bottle up in his mouth, and then threw the empty bottle into the sea. "I want to go ashore as soon as possible. My wine is gone."

"We went to the sea too often, and it took us a long time to get to work again," another sailor muttered with dissatisfaction. He struggled to secure the pile of goods in front of him with a rope, and said to his companion, "If the boss I won't let me go ashore to sleep a woman this time, I will not do it."

"Forget it, don't let the black beard hear this, otherwise he will tie your hands and feet and sink into the sea. He has done so much before, but I've seen him and he will ship the whole boat Of the rebels threw them into the sea to feed the sharks."

This intimidation scared the complaining sailor, but he could not help but mumble his mouth: "We are pirates, but look at what we are doing now, and I have almost forgotten the taste of robbery."

"Then you can only **** some small money in your life," James, who didn't know when he was standing behind the sailor, sneered. He pushed away the terrified man in front of him, right The sailors on the deck shouted, "Listen to you slackers, I brought you not to listen to your complaints, I prepared them as soon as possible, we are going to do a big job!"

The sailors immediately shouted loudly, although they complained, but they knew that Blackbeard was a very capable person. He had already made a fortune with them before, but if the things he promised recently were realized, they did It's a slapstick.

"It seems that they really believe that you can make a place for us in the future," rosacea laughed behind James. "But I was thinking, if I really became a noble old man who was robbed by us before. , May make me feel uncomfortable."

James stopped suddenly and turned around. He looked around and lowered his voice as much as possible to warn rosacea: "Listen, I am the boss, I brought you rich, and I gave you this opportunity, if you have If you are not satisfied, you can tell me after this battle. At that time, you are willing to stay or leave as you please, but now you have to listen to me, or as they said, I will tie you up and throw Go into the sea, do you understand?"

Nosy nodded rosaceously. He knew that Black Beard had done so, and he knew the terrible things he had done.

"But I still hate these things now."

Looking at James's back, rosacea secretly murmured and quickly followed.

The escaped fishing boat was soon caught up but neither the pirates nor the Portuguese cared about them at all.

The fishermen can only try to keep themselves away from the terrible behemoths that can crush them with a little touch. Looking at the artillery that is faintly visible on the boat, the fishermen can't help but feel cold and frightened.

On the shore, the lighthouse on the shore finally found something strange on the sea, but it was too late,

The Portuguese fleet, which was supposed to be unfamiliar with the coastal area, relied on the information heard by the previous merchant surveyor, and soon approached the coast of the San Lucar de la Valmeda on the Guadalville River.

When they heard the news, the Castilian fleet prepared to go out to meet the enemy, and they were shocked to find that the Portuguese had blocked the entrance to the open sea.

"that's fine."

As the day dawned, looking at the estuary that could be seen vaguely, James said to his men: "Next, it is time to report this good news to the Duke."

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