Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 212: Po River~Po River~

Dear Balendi, calling you like this may be a little abrupt, because I know you should not hold my feelings for you..."

In the vault, Barendi took out a box from the hidden wall of the hidden wall. After making sure that the seal of the box was intact, he cut the whole sealing wax of the box with a knife and took it out. A few letters.

The letters were all opened, and some of them were slightly damaged due to repeated reading.

She picked up a letter from it and opened it. Looking at the content, Barrondi's expression revealed a complex expression mixed with anger and frustration.

"...We all already know Alexander's general plan, and the reason why it is not too detailed is because of the unexpected things that might happen..."

The letter was written by Ruo Sha, and for this little aunt, Barenti really couldn’t like it as she said. If it used to be because she had too much influence on Alexandria, then now it’s purely a woman’s Jealous.

It's just that, as Ruosha said at the time of the showdown, probably no one can understand Alexander as much as she did, and no one can help him so much.

Even Barendi, the Duchess, is no good.

This made Barendi very angry for a while, and even wrote to Lucrezia to vent her dissatisfaction.

It was just that the Duchess of Pisa was involved for no reason.

Lucrezia didn't understand where she was harassing Barenti. Looking at Barenti in the letter, "You have some use in the bedroom, why don't you know arrogance in other places?" The Duchess of Pisa also fell into Annoyed.

"The army I have left is enough to protect the security of Naples, and the number is a little more. The purpose of this is for the next battle of the Po River," Zuosha wrote in the letter. "According to our calculations, this time The amount of troops invested in Lombard will be the most, and this is the battle that determines the fate of all of us..."

Seeing this, Barendi's expression gradually became more serious. Although it was not the first time to read this letter, she could still feel Rusha's dignity in writing these contents.

"With the strength that Roma Thesia and Naples can mobilize, I expect that we will probably invest about 10,000 to 12,000 people in Lombardy at a time, which is also the largest force we can mobilize so far."

Ruo Sha wrote in the letter in great detail. Unlike Alexander, who only made general plans and plans, she arranged various steps in a detailed way.

"Please don't worry about the supply, whether it is Naples or the entire south, we will spare no effort to support this operation. Even after entering Lombardy, we can get help in some places."

"The French will be our allies in this operation, but we don't trust them too much. Their relationship with us depends entirely on two aspects, one is who Milan ultimately belongs to, and the other is Iberia Whether the war is going well."

Balenti frowned slightly while standing here. She was a little worried about Alexander, who had been to Iberia for more than a year, especially after Alexander finally revealed her identity, whether or not Alexander would be safe and sound.

So when she learned that Ruosha had boldly led the Sicilian army to Iberia, she couldn't say whether she should be happy or worried.

"The Venetians may take extreme actions. They cannot tolerate the people of the Rovere family to become the Duke of Milan, because this means that the Genoese forces will penetrate deep into central Lombardy. Even if the Rovere family declares to leave Genoa, it is obviously acceptable. "

Seeing this, Barendi couldn't help rubbing his aching forehead.

She knew that Ruosha was right in her analysis. Constantine was too obsessed with the Duke of Milan. At this time, it had actually hindered the mediation of Roma Thesia in Lombardy.

Perhaps it might be better to discourage Constantine from giving up that illusory right, and Barenti has thought about it more than once.

Although knowing that this is absolutely unacceptable to the old Luo Weilei father and son, but her confirmation really considered whether to make this proposal to his father when necessary.

But Ruosha's letter made her hesitate again.

"The Duke of Ferrara’s claim to Milan is very important to us. This is the most powerful excuse for us to intervene in Lombard affairs at any time. If the time of this war exceeds our expectations, then there is such a strong claim that it can be We are always involved in this area."

Balenti was annoyed and rubbed her forehead again. She was fortunate that she hadn't matched Constantine and Ruosha's marriage. It was really a wise choice, otherwise probably Luo Weilei's family was sold.

But what made her more concerned was the Po River plan.

According to prior arrangements, the Eastern Legion under the command of Aufrei entered the Po River line earlier than the Western Legion of Gompati.

They set up some simple small piers in several gentle sections on the south bank of the Po River.

At the same time, Aufrei ordered the collection of ships from all coastal villages.

This move certainly aroused the Venetians' vigilance, because they feared that the Roman Thesias might take advantage of the chaos in Lombardy to infiltrate into the Veneto region, so they wrote a warning to Leosha as early as Leonardo Rollette Prior to this, a considerable number of troops had been arranged on the north bank of the Po River.

However, Aufrei didn't seem to care about the reaction of the Venetians. He was still doing all kinds of preparations on the south bank that might cross the river at any time, which made the Venetians nervous for a while.

After April 12, Gompati's sudden battle into Lombardy attracted everyone's attention. When he realized that the Roman Thesia army might take the opportunity to attack Milan, the Venetian finally couldn't hold back and issued a warning.

But by this time, the Venetian realized that he might have been fooled.

According to the estimate of the enemy's strength, even with the support of Naples, Roma Thesia's strength to wage war is only about 15,000.

It can be said that it has already come out of the country, and of course it is a joy to win. If it fails, the young Principality of Rome Thesia may collapse in an instant.

So the Venetians did not think that the Duke would be so crazy.

This idea was also proven by the emissaries of Venice in Vienna.

The Vienna court's assessment of the young duke was "courageous and decisive, yet very cautious".

This somewhat contradictory evaluation actually shows that the Duke of Rome Thesia, although very difficult to deal with, is not stupid enough to be desperate.

As for the war with Austria and Venice at the same time, this is very stupid for anyone.

Especially when the Roman Thesias quickly marched to Milan, the Venetian talents suddenly realized that Alfrei would display a posture that might cross the river at any time on the south bank of the Po River, in order to firmly attract the Venetians. In order to capture Milan.

The Venetian army acted almost at the same time as the Governor issued an ultimatum.

With the advantage of being located in the eastern part of Lombardy, this army of about 3,000 people quickly advanced westward, threatening the security of the entire right side of the Roman Thesia army that Jin had approached Pavia.

Five days later, on a rainy and rainy afternoon, several Venetian soldiers dressed in woven clothes made of wide leaves were patrolling along a path not far from the shore.

This path was a bit difficult to walk at first, and it became more muddy when it rained. If you accidentally slipped, you might roll down the river **** and transfer to the river.

So the soldiers stared carefully at their feet, lest they lose their lives due to a little inattention.

This is the lower reaches of the Po River. The river surface is wider and the water potential is greater.

Although the rain is not heavy, such weather is enough to make the waves on the river much higher than usual.

Sometimes it can even be seen that the river has flooded into some low-lying depressions on the shore.

There is a village and town across the Po River not far in front. This place called Beira is the last inland village and town that flows before the Po River flows into the Adriatic Sea. Then the Po River will form a vast and fertile delta.

The abundant water resources and fertile land make the Po Delta a food production area that supplies almost the entire Veneto region.

The town of Beira originally had a wooden bridge connecting the two sides, but the Venetians had hurriedly demolished the wooden bridge because they were worried about the invasion of the Roman Thesia army.

On the riverside, only a few pillars on the reef in the center of the river stood alone.

Patrolling in this weather is of course very uncomfortable. Walking on the slippery road is shallow and shallow. Cold muddy water has been poured into the boots, and the fine stone particles hurt the soles of the feet.

A soldier walking in the front looked at the town of Bella, which was faintly visible in the distance, and took a breath. He felt that today the weather was much colder than before, which made him remember to buy a glass of wine in the town after the patrol was over. a bit.

A few vague figures appeared in front, and the patrol squinted hard, wiping the rain from his face.

"Who is it?"

A companion leaned over and asked.

"Maybe it's the villagers of Beira Town. Maybe we can ask them to warm up with some wine. The weather in these years has been getting worse and worse. It's already so cold in May."

The leading soldier responded to the people and went forward.

"People in the town of Bella," the companion muttered strangely. "What are they doing when it rains?"

The mouth said that the soldiers greeted the figures.

The two sides were getting closer and closer, and gradually the Venetian soldiers felt something was wrong.

The people on the opposite side thought a lot more than they thought. The shadows were enough, and the figures coming out of the rain curtain one by one.

The patrol stopped and looked at the sudden figures in front unexpectedly.

Finally, the soldier in the front groaned with difficulty: "Roman Thesia, they are Roman Thesia!"

Later, his voice had turned into a scream of fear.

In the rain screen opposite, a dark shadow suddenly appeared, these shadows were much taller and more burly than those figures.

The Venetians felt dangerous. They turned and tried to escape, but were chased by the cavalry who suddenly rushed out of the rain curtain. As the blade of the sword cut off the falling rain, a scarlet blood splashed out with the spring rain.

The Eastern Army of Roma Thesia, suddenly in a weather that the Venetian did not expect, suddenly crossed the lower reaches of the Po River from the direction of Bella and invaded into the Veneto region.

On a trembling pontoon, Aufrei walked carefully.

Before, he saw a packhorse pulling a cart because he accidentally stepped on a wooden board due to the horse's forefoot. As a result, his leg bones were broken immediately, and the cart was pulled into the river.

It rained a little bit bigger.

This made O'Flye rejoice in secret.

When I decided on the plan for crossing the river before, I already thought that the Venetians would strengthen the defense line north of the Po River, so Alfrei was doing all sorts of pretense almost from beginning to end.

From the deployment of the army along the banks of the Po River to the east of Palma, to the collection of a large number of ferry boats along the way to force the Po River from the upstream, all this is to cover up the actions downstream.

When it was decided to choose to build a pontoon from Bella town on a bad day, Aufrei never slept well.

He is listening to information from all parties anytime, anywhere.

When he heard that the Western Legion of Gompati had attacked Pavia and that the Venetian army had entered the Lombardy region, O'Frei knew it was time for him to attack.

As the oldest ministry to follow Alexandria, Ofrei can be said to be the pride and idol of the Agri, and even Busako, who once served as the commander of the hunting guard, could not compare with him.

As the chief of staff of the army of Roman Thesia, Aufrei once worked out several battle plans for Alexander.

And while Alexander was away, he also commanded the Roman Thesia army as the Duke’s agent in the army many times.

But whether it is Affléy himself or anyone familiar with him knows that he may not be a shortcoming as a chief of staff, but as an independent general, there are some overly prominent problems.

O'Leary, sometimes indecisive.

Because of this, when he made the Lombard plan, Alexander finally decided that Gompati, instead of Orflei, would be the commander of the Western Army.

For Milan and Lombardy as a whole, Alexander instructed Gompati to be very simple and clear.

"According to the situation at that time, it was up to the decision whether to seize Milan or not. As for the specific actions in the Lombardy region, the purpose was to maximize the benefits of Roma Thesia."

Such a command that allows the frontline commander to have the greatest freedom to choose specific tactics will undoubtedly give Gompati an unexpected role.

But for O'Leary, such an order might become an intangible shackle that would make him look forward and back.

Alexander likes Barenti's attitude of "letting real professionals do their familiar work".

Whether this was in Ferrara's Second Romane War, or in the confrontation with the French, it proved fully correct.

And for his own people, Alexander also knew very well, so he sent Gompati, who is good at capturing fighters, to Lombardy, and let Alfred, who is somewhat conservative but known for his stability, closely watch the wave. River front.

Everyone knows that the Venetians are bound to send troops to intervene, but the timing of this intervention is extremely important.

Alexandria needed a person who could keep a firm eye on the Po River line at any time. When the time was ripe, he forced to cross the Po River according to the plan made in advance, cutting off the retreat of the Venetian army who sent troops to Lombardy in one fell swoop, thus forcing the Venetians to recognize the situation. Generals.

For this person, he chose Aufrei.

The governor of Venice, Leonardo Lloret, is a political enemy of the old Barbarian who has passed away.

Unlike Barbarig, who is cautious and never adventurous, Leonardo Rollette is a person with an aggressive personality.

Alexander vaguely remembered that it was during his tenure that Venice lost the last overseas colony, but this did not affect his decision to adopt a tough attitude towards the Ottomans.

Because of this, in the following decades, Venice and Ottoman stopped and stopped, almost exhausting the huge wealth accumulated over the centuries.

The gradual decline of Venice has a lot to do with their endless battle with the Ottomans, and Leonardo Rollette is the one who set the tone for the diplomatic decisions of Venice for decades to come.

This do not care about attitude is not conducive to Venice in the long run, but because it is related to Venice’s overseas trade, Leonardo Lloret was widely respected as soon as he took office.

This naturally led him to maintain his consistent attitude towards other countries and to prevail in the Venetian aristocracy.

Even with the opposition of those like the former Secretary of State Nikolai Fengxia, Leonardo Rollette still insisted on his policies.

Alexander has not remembered exactly what Leonardo Lorette has done, but the man's tough attitude that has been named in history is impressive.

Because of this, Alexander firmly believed that the Venetians would send troops to intervene in Lombardy.

So what Aufrei needs to do on the front line of the Po River is just to wait for the war in Lombardy to make the Venetians unable to sit still.

Now, Aufrei took his army to cross the Po River from the lower reaches, unexpectedly appeared on the Po River plain on the north bank of the Po River.

Now, there are two options in front of Aurei.

One is that the Eastern Legion marched upstream along the Po River, cutting off the retreat of the Venetian army that invaded Lombardy.

Then, before the Austrians had arrived, they attacked Gompati and wiped out the Venetian army in one fell swoop.

The other option is to march directly to Veneto and quickly invade Veneto, threatening the city of Venice while the main force of the Venetian army is not there.

Aufrei stood on the bank of the river. UU read the book to watch the army passing by the pontoon, feeling the cold and humid moisture under his feet. His eyes could not help patrolling on the open map.

Beside him, Nikolai Macheni waited patiently.

After making all kinds of illusions to confuse the enemy defending the upper reaches of the Po River, and then unexpectedly bypassing the enemy to defend the empty area, after crossing the river from the downstream, whether it is the city of Venice or the supply line of the Venetian army has now been exposed to the Eastern Army.

So no matter where you choose to attack, it is very beneficial for the Eastern Army.

Looking at the map, O'Fly instinctively fell into hesitation.

After a while, his finger lightly tapped on the map to make a decision.

Nikolai Macheni looked at the map, and although a little surprised, he nodded silently.

This time, OFLA made a positive decision unexpectedly.

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