Chastity Layman

Chapter 1244: Wakoku public knowledge

  Chapter 1244 Japanese public knowledge

   "The servant Zhongchen Lianzu was ordered by the eldest brother and prince, and came here to welcome the nobleman of the kingdom!"

  Hakata Port Wharf, also known as Karatsu Port at this time, was named because the Tang Dynasty ships came to this port from the west. On the pier, a group of Japanese officials greeted the Qin family's great treasure fleet with the blood shield and golden lion emblem.

  Qin Jun looked curiously at the Japanese in front of him.

   "Why do they dress and even speak like me?"

"I don't know, my son. Over the years, the Japanese country has fully imitated our Tang and Han family system. From the government and the military to the economy and taxation, and even the clothes of the people, we have learned everything. Our Central Plains Three Kingdoms Wei Shu recorded that the Japanese at that time said that they wore banners for men. But the end is connected, and only a piece of cloth is used to wrap the body. The women’s headgear is a piece of long cloth with a cut to put the head in, a belt around the waist, and both armpits are open.”

   It can be seen how simple the Japanese clothes were at that time, and there was no need to tailor them.

  But in these years, the Japanese people have been fully Sinicized, sending Tang envoys and overseas students there, and then a large number of Tang merchants, Tang monks, and Tang Confucians also came to do business, preach Buddhism, and teach the Dharma. Decades ago, Prince Shotoku imitated the Sui Dynasty to implement twelve ranks of crowns, and formulated the crowns and court dresses. According to the ranks, from top to bottom, it is Deren, Li, Yi, Xinzhi, and purple, blue, red, yellow, white, and black are used for each. depth.

   Later, a special edict was even issued, and the clothes of the Japanese country would be uniformly changed from the left lapel to the right lapel at the beginning, because they discovered later that the original Chinese clothes were all right lapel, and the left lapel was a barbarian. How could Yamato be a barbarian?

  In the various laws and regulations introduced after that, detailed regulations on clothing and hats were also made time and time again, requiring that the world's ceremonies, men's and women's clothes, all follow the Tang law. Even in the military defense order, it is carefully stipulated that the shoes of sergeants must be Tang-style straw sandals.

For example, the clogs that descendants were impressed with the Japanese were actually learned from the Tang Dynasty in this era, because the clogs were a kind of shoes that people often wore in the Central Plains in the Han Dynasty. The so-called men wear square toes and women wear round toes. Round place means.

   Another example is that there was no word for socks in the Japanese country in the past. They called socks as foot bags. Later, after the introduction of Chinese culture, they also adopted the word for socks.

   As for court meeting etiquette, uniforms, and even kneeling and worship, regardless of men and women, Tang Yi is the same.

Although the country of Wa had the silk weaving technology passed down from the Central Plains long ago, the technology was very rough and backward, and the silk cloth weaved was also very poor. Therefore, the silk cloth and weavers brought by merchants from Wei Wu and other countries They are all very popular in Japan.

  Now, as a student of Datang, Waguo studies very seriously and thoroughly.

  That's why Qin Jun was so surprised when he stood at the pier and looked at the Japanese people who came to greet him.

  Nakatomi Kamazu was wearing a dark purple robe, and even his hat was purple.

  On this side of the pier, the consul of the Qin family who was in Japan had already come over, "Qin Zhong has seen Dalang."

   "Are you the consul general of the Qin family in Japan?"

  Qin Zhong is the Consul General of the Qin family in Japan. This is not an official position, but a title similar to a steward, or the president of a chamber of commerce.

The Qin family originally had a lot of business in the country of Wa, and not only the Qin family, but also the Tang Dynasty had a lot of merchant ships in Japan over the years. Therefore, when Tang merchants encountered problems in the country of Wa, they would ask the Qin family to host the discussion.

  Later, Qin Lang specially appointed a full-time consul general who was more capable and familiar with the Japanese country. He was responsible for contacting the merchants in the Japanese country, mediating the internal disputes of the Tang merchants, and helping the Chinese merchants deal with the Japanese country.

  Because Qin Zhong acted fairly, he won the support of everyone. Later, the Qin family set up consuls in Japan in several important ports of the country.

The merchant consuls sent by the Qin family are different from the traditional presidents of chambers of commerce. The biggest difference is that these consuls are responsible for the corresponding affairs, not the affairs of the chamber of commerce. The king and the imperial court have close contacts, so the Qin family won a consular jurisdiction for the Tang merchants in Japan a few years ago.

  If a Tang businessman in Japan violated the laws of the country, the relevant case should be handed over to the consul stationed in Japan to try and deal with it according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and the country can only listen and supervise.

This article still has a strong protective effect on the merchants in the Tang Dynasty. Although it is said that if a serious crime is indeed committed, the consul of the Qin family will usually extradite the person back to the Tang Dynasty to the government after the trial is confirmed. Disposal, but after all, it can guarantee that it will not be oppressed by the Japanese country, and basic justice can be guaranteed.

  Qin Zhong served as the Consul General in Japan for three years, and has a high reputation among the Tang merchants in the country of Wa.

   "Let me introduce to the eldest son, this Nakaofficial Kamazu, who is now a domestic minister of Wa, is a native of Fujiwara, Yamato Koichi Prefecture, and his family has served as the priest of the Yamato court for generations."

According to Qin Zhong's introduction, this is the Zhongchen family, and his current position is an internal minister. This is an important official in the Taizheng official. The teacher is the emperor's teacher, and under normal circumstances, it is vacant and not taught.

In fact, the Taizheng officer is in charge of the left minister and the right minister. The left minister is the most respected, and the right minister is the next. , referred to as Zuofudian and Youfudian.

  As for the internal ministers, the internal ministers belong to the establishment of foreign officials, but their authority is the same as that of the left and right ministers.

  Above all officials such as Da Na Yan, Zhong Na Yan, Shen Yi, and Shao Na Yan.

  Qin Zhong knew the Japanese court very well, and told Qin Jun that this minister is proficient in Confucian classics, and also familiar with Chinese history, can compose poems and Fu, and his calligraphy is also very good.

"Nakatomi Kamazu studied Confucianism in Nanyuan Qingan's private school. His classmates included the Su family Rulu, the current King of Japan and the prince of Dazhong brother, etc. Back then, Nanyuan Qingan once said that Nakatomi Kamazu and Su Wo Rulu had the most true biography of his Sinology. "

  Qin Jun has never heard of Nanyuan greeting, "Who is he?"

"This man is very famous in the country of Wa. He is called a master of Confucianism. He was one of the eight young foreign students who went to the Central Plains to study with the envoy Sister Ono during the Sui Dynasty. He studied in Luoyang for many years, and then returned to the country of Wa. Many of the noble children of the Wa Kingdom are very famous in the Wa Kingdom."

  Zhongchen Kamazu also studied under Seng Min together with Su's Rulu. This is a person from Dulai, that is, someone who came from the Central Plains or North Korea. It is rumored that he is a descendant of Cao Zhi, King Chensi of the Central Plains Wei Dynasty.

  Suga Rulu is the son of the Suga family, the most powerful figure in the country. His grandfather, Suga Mako, was in power during the time of the Queen Tuigu. He killed the Monobe family and even surpassed the emperor.

Later, Soga Mako passed away and handed over the family to Irika's father, Ezo. The major decisions of the imperial court were made by the young Rulu on his behalf.

  So Irika was already in charge of the government of the Wa Kingdom at a very young age. It is said that at that time, Nakatomi Kamazu, as a classmate and good friend of Irika, often gave advice to Irika. A pair of young people used to be good friends.

  But later, Soga Eizo passed on his position of minister without permission to his son Irika without the emperor.

Later, the young and vigorous Rulu set fire to the Banjiu Palace and Banjiu Temple built by Prince Shotoku, and later even bloodbathed Prince Shotoku's son Shanbei Daxiong, and exterminated the upper palace royal family of Prince Shotoku. The action also caused Zhongchen Lianzu to break with him, retreating into the mountains and forests to avoid it.

  Later, the eldest brother, the prince, asked him to come out of the mountain three times, and together they conspired to kill the Su family, eliminate the Su family, and let the royal family regain control of the government.

  The Prince Nakatomi obeyed all of Nakatomi Kamazu's suggestions.

Taking advantage of the internal turmoil in the Soga family, Nakatomi Kamazu let the eldest brother, the prince, marry the daughter of the Soga family Ishikawa Maro, and drew an important member of the Soga family into his camp, and then recommended Saeki Renko to him. Maro, Zhiquan Yang Wangtian and other capable warriors are the deadly assassins.

Later, they took advantage of the opportunity of Baekje envoys to come to court, and under the guise of the emperor, invited Su Shi to have a banquet. As soon as he entered the palace, they immediately closed the palace door. Holding a long spear to hide on the side of the hall, Zhongchen Kamazu hid aside with a bow and arrow, and then two warriors held swords at the side.

As a result, at the critical moment, these two warriors were so afraid of Suga's prestige that they vomited in fright. In the end, Zhongchen Lianzu stood up and scolded the two of them, and then drew his bow and shot at Rulu. Jumping out to assassinate, everyone worked together to kill Rulu.

  The next day, Ezo was forced to burn himself to death at home.

   It is said that the strategy of Zhongchen Kamazu to kill his old classmate Su Shi into the deer was because he had read the Northern Zhou History Records and learned how Emperor Wu of Zhou, Yu Wenyong, killed the powerful minister Yu Wenhu.

After the event was completed, Emperor Kogoku originally wanted to pass on the throne to the prince, but Nakatomi Kamazu let him refuse. The reason was that although the prince was the son of Emperor Kogoku, he was only the second son, and he also had an older brother. The eldest brother of the ancients was the prince, so he finally proposed that Emperor Huangji pass the throne to his younger brother, Prince Qing, and then make the eldest brother Prince Zhong the crown prince.

  In this way, a weak and light prince is introduced as the emperor. In fact, Prince Nakadaimi is still in power, just like Prince Shotoku was in charge back then. After he has accumulated enough prestige, his succession will be logical.

  Anyway, the Wanshi family of the Wa Kingdom, intermarriage of blood relatives, the relationship is very chaotic.

For example, the mother of Prince Zhongda, Emperor Huangji, was originally the daughter of King Mao Ting. At first, she married Gao Xiangwang, the grandson of Emperor Yongming, and gave birth to Prince Han. Later, she hooked up with her uncle, Emperor Shuming, and gave birth to Prince Zhongda. And the prince from the sea and the princess from the middle.

  After the death of Emperor Shuming, Empress Bao snatched her son's throne and became empress herself.

  When her eldest son, the prince, launched a coup, she was forced to abdicate and gave way to her younger brother, Emperor Kotoku, whose empress was her own daughter, the human princess.

  Historically, after the death of Emperor Kotoku, the sixty-one-year-old Empress Bao came out again to compete with her son for the empress, and unexpectedly ascended to the throne again, and was renamed Emperor Qimei.

However, this kind of thing is common in Japan. For example, the first female emperor Tuigu was named Empress Utabe. She was the daughter of Emperor Qinming, and then married her brother, Emperor Minda. After the death of Emperor Minda, Another brother, Emperor Yongming succeeded to the throne, and she was honored as the empress dowager. After the death of Emperor Yongming, another brother embraced her and succeeded him as Emperor Chongjun, and Emperor Chongjun was assassinated for Suga.

  So she was embraced as the emperor by her uncle Su Mazi.

  Empress Tuiku made her nephew, Prince Sudoto, the crown prince, but his father was Emperor Yuming, the same mother and brother of Emperor Tuiko, and his mother was the half-sister of Emperor Tuiko.

In such an extremely complicated situation, the inheritance of the throne in the Wa Kingdom is very complicated anyway. It can be passed on from husband to son, brother, wife, and nephew anyway, as long as everyone has royal blood, basically as long as father or mother If you have been the emperor, you are qualified to be the emperor. The key is that the supporting forces are strong enough.

Although Prince Nakata planned a coup to kill Soga, but he was young and had little prestige, and he was the empress's second son, so he finally followed Nakatomi Kamazu's suggestion and followed the example of Prince Shotoku and let his uncle be the emperor first. There is no foundation, and the emperor is just a decoration.

  The eldest brother and the prince can still control the real power of the court.

  After Emperor Kotoku succeeded to the throne, Nakatomi Kamazu became the Minister of Internal Affairs.

  Although Abenai Maro, who once ruled with Soga Ezo, became the left minister, Soga Ishikawa Aso, the cousin of Soga Ishikawa, became the right minister.

  But the Soga family was purged in the coup, and Soga Ishikawa Maro has long since lost its foundation.

  Although Abenaimaro is a veteran of the political circles, he is also a representative of a wealthy family, and his daughter Kozuhime is the concubine of Emperor Kotoku, but the younger sister of Prince Nakao is also the queen of Emperor Kotoku.

  Whether it’s Abe or Soga, these two ministers are just brought up to stabilize the situation after the coup, and the real power is held in the hands of the eldest brother, the prince, and the internal minister, Kamazu.

   Zhongchen Kamazu held the most important command of soldiers and horses.

  Qin Jun couldn't help but get dizzy when he heard that, this Japanese country is really chaotic.

   "Let me introduce three more people to Dalang. These three are Nanyuan Qing'an, Seng Min, and Gao Xiangxuanli. All three of them are famous Confucian scholars who have studied in the Tang Dynasty for many years, and now they are national doctors of the Wa Kingdom."

  The post of doctor of the country is similar to the official position of the Sanqi Changshi in the Tang Dynasty, and is the emperor's senior adviser.

  Seng Min himself is also a Buddhist monk, so he still has the taste of a national teacher. Anyway, these three are the leaders of the pro-Chinese policy in the country of Wa.

   When the three of them saw Qin Jun, they also felt extraordinarily cordial, and paid respects to him.

   After a brief meeting, the group entered the Chikushi State Guesthouse.

   Nakatomi asked someone to prepare tea.

  Qin Jun smiled and asked someone to fetch tea leaves, "These tea leaves are all good teas that my father asked me to bring, so I just wanted them as a gift when we met, and I hope you don't dislike them."

  Packed in a sandalwood wooden box, wrapped with high-quality lake silk, and matched with a set of crystal clear glass tea sets.

  (end of this chapter)

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