Chastity Layman

Chapter 1245: Japanese request

  Chapter 1245 The request of the Japanese

  Qin Jun was very generous, Nakatomi Kamazu and Seng Min each gave a set.

  Although in the eyes of Qin Lang, who likes to drink tea, the purple sand tea set is actually more his favorite, but these crystal clear and high-quality glass tea sets still make these Japanese ministers who admire the Tang culture extremely excited.

  Qin Jun brought a few more glass biscuits, which are actually a glass ring, but the pure ones are more translucent than crystals, and several people think that these are rarer than jade.

  Drinking tea, several Japanese ministers expressed their greetings to Duke Wei to Qin Jun.

  Qin Jun also asked about the content of the so-called New Deal of the Wa Kingdom.

  Wo Kingdom is now learning from the Tang Dynasty everywhere, abolishing the titles of hereditary surnames, such as Chen, Lian, Guozao, and Binzao, etc., establishing a new official position system and crown system, and establishing a centralized bureaucratic system centered on the Wawang.

  The power to appoint and remove local officials at all levels is brought back to the central government, and a central government system of two officials, eight provinces and one central government system and a local administrative system of counties, states and ri are established. The Eight Provinces are similar to the Six Ministries of the Tang Dynasty, the Tanzhengtai is equivalent to the Yushitai, and the Taizheng Ministers and Left and Right Ministers are equivalent to Sangong and so on.

Speaking of these, the doctors of the country who have stayed in Datang for a long time are very proud, and feel that they lead the country to civilization. The system of three provinces, six ministries and twelve guards.

When Qin Jun heard that the kingdom of Wa has now turned all the territories and tribes of the royal family and nobles into the state, turning them into public lands and citizens, and implementing the bantian system and renting and regulating, etc., he couldn't help being amazed. It's really bold, no wonder the Wa country has been in chaos these years, taking such a big step, of course it will be messed up.

  They even learned from the military system of the Tang Dynasty and established a defense system.

   This means that the country of Wa is small and weak. Otherwise, if the Central Plains dared to directly reform such a big step, the country would have been destroyed many times.

   "My Wa king issued the first registration order in the history of the Wa country this year, ordering the population to be checked and the household registration to be registered."

Qin Jun sipped his tea and pretended to listen, but he was actually not very interested in these things. What the Wa country is doing now is just learning from the Tang Dynasty, and it feels a bit like a cat drawing a tiger. Their system construction is actually far inferior to Luzon.

   After all, Lu Song has an innate advantage in this area. It is a blank piece of paper, which is easier to paint on, not to mention that the painter is Qin Lang?

   Many of the Zhenguan New Deals were created by his father Qin Lang.

  When the Japanese people offered the delicate snacks they had prepared, they finally got to the point.

  Nakatomi Kamazu represented the son of the Wa Kingdom and the court of the Wa Kingdom, and raised several difficulties faced by Qin Jun.

  Waguo is currently undergoing a comprehensive sinicization reform, and therefore encounters more and more problems.

  For example, currency issues.

  Before the Wa Kingdom practiced the tribunal system for hundreds of years, it was a slave system. From the royal family to the nobles, it was a manor economy, and the country did not have any formal taxation or the like.

  The volume of economic transactions is also small.

  So in the past, barter was mainly used, and gold and silver were mostly used among the upper-class nobles.

  But now that it has been fully sinicized, the land is state-owned, the manor system of the ministries is abolished, the field system is implemented, the land is divided, the rent is collected, the rent is adjusted, and it is the anti-personnel law and so on.

  Centralization of power will inevitably be more active than the original relatively closed manor slave system.

   "We would like to invite the Qin family to establish a mint in our Yamato country. It is best to be able to mint coins in partnership, and the minted coins will be circulated in Yamato country."

   Nakatomi Kamazu made the first request.

  Insufficient currency circulation has brought too many problems. The first is that money is more important than goods. Now all kinds of prices in Japan are very low, because everyone is short of currency, which leads to money being more important than goods.

Just like in the early years of Zhenguan, in the third and fourth years of Zhenguan, Doumi was only two or three pennies. Those who didn’t know it thought that the Tang Dynasty had entered a prosperous age. In fact, this was a manifestation of a very serious economic crisis. There was not enough money circulating in the market. , money becomes more and more valuable, more goods and less money, the relationship between the two becomes deformed, and in the end, the poor who are already short of money will be exploited even more.

   After all, no matter how little money there is, it is mainly concentrated in the hands of the rich.

  The situation in the Wa country is more troublesome than that in the Tang Dynasty.

  Because Datang was deflationary and money shortage at the beginning, but it was an internal cycle after all. But now the country of Wa is fully engaged in commerce and trade with the Tang Dynasty, and the country of Wa has insufficient currency, and money is more important than goods, but they themselves do not have the ability to mint coins, and Tang coins are still in circulation.

   As a result, Tang merchants came to cut Japanese leeks crazily.

  The Japanese have no money, but the Tang people have money.

  Originally, if only Tang merchants came to buy and buy, this would also increase the circulation of money and increase prices. But the problem is that Tang Shang's buying, buying, and buying is not buying with money.

  Tang merchants carried silk, porcelain, tea and even sugar, iron, wine, cloth and salt. Anyway, the goods that the Tang merchants carried casually were all what the Japanese wanted, and they were much better than those produced by the Japanese.

   And there is nothing in the Wa country itself that Tang merchants can see or can make Tang merchants appreciate, that is, Japanese slaves, Japanese copper, Japanese gold and Japanese silver.

   Others are really rare.

  So after the Tang boats came, the Japanese came to trade. They could either exchange those things, or you could exchange them with copper coins, but the problem was that they were short of money.

  So in the end, in addition to bartering with those resources, the Japanese country also kept flowing out even the small amount of copper currency reserves.

  Sometimes the Japanese really can’t get anything to buy, and it’s impossible for some Tang boats to carry things back, so they buy whatever they want, but they don’t want to come again next time.

  Wa also saw this problem, but couldn't solve it.

  The trade deficit is full, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

   Just relying on gold, silver and copper to pay for the deficit is not a long-term solution.

   Not to mention, the problem of money shortage is becoming more and more serious now. The money shortage has also led to the flood of private money. At the same time, bad money drives out good money. The Japanese have begun to barter.

Another problem is that Japan now suppresses local Shintoism and worships Buddhism extremely. This has led to a sharp increase in the demand for Buddhist bronze statues and bronze wares. If you destroy the copper castings, you can make a lot of money by handing them over.

"I recommend."

   "Just a suggestion."

  Qin Jun held his teacup and said slowly, "The shortage of money means that there is too little money, so we need to increase coinage. Coinage needs copper materials, so we need to increase copper mining."

   "As long as the copper material is sufficient, it is not a problem for our Qin family's mint to mint millions of coins a year for you, but if we talk about building a mint in the country of Wa, the current conditions are not suitable."

   "Young master, if the mint is built in the copper field, it can save a lot of transportation and other costs." Seng Min said.

Qin Jun just shook his head, "Our Qin family mint can mint millions of coins a year. It is not a traditional casting method. There are many new secret methods. It is very troublesome to move to the country of Japan to build a factory. Anyway, the country of Japan and the country Luzon is also not far away, and it only takes ten days at most to travel by sea."

   "As long as you provide us with more copper materials, copper coins are not a problem."

   Nakatomi said helplessly, "But the mining of copper mountains requires a lot of manpower. Now that we have mined so many copper mountains, it is really difficult to increase the output."

  The Tang goods brought by Tang Chuan are all good.

Everyone in the Wa country likes Tang goods, but the problem is that it is getting more and more unaffordable now, and some people have even proposed to ban the sea and trade. They are worried that if the trade continues like this, the gold, silver, and copper mountains of the Wa country will be excavated. Now, the country and the people will be impoverished, and all the wealth will be earned by the Tang people.

  So we can only ban sea and business.

  But Nakatomi Kamazu and others believe that the ban on seas and merchants can only be regarded as the last solution. If you want to develop, you have to trade. Especially the current Tang-Japanese trade has actually brought huge tax revenues to the Japanese court.

  Wa now imposes heavy taxes on various luxury goods such as spices and tea.

  For example, a load of green tea was originally 20 guan, and the Wa country directly imposed a tariff of 50 guan, which is the same for other silk, sugar, wine, paper, etc.

   Heavy taxes.

  On the other hand, the country’s economy now mainly relies on mining, and mining is also subject to heavy lessons, and two mineralization lessons will be levied if it is mined. Then when it is exported, another heavy tax is levied.

Coupled with the rise of trade in various ports of industry and commerce, the collection of various city taxes and transaction taxes, etc., have brought important fiscal revenue to the country of Wa. It can be said that the country of Wa now relies on the salt, wine and tea mines collected by the Tang Dynasty. Sugar and other special taxes, plus tariffs, industrial and commercial taxes and so on.

  If the sea is banned, it is estimated that Japan's finances will soon go bankrupt, and the reform will be difficult to continue.

   Not to mention, now that the Japanese country is engaged in trade and mining to make money, it is also the royal family and those nobles and wealthy families. Who would give up this huge income?

  Once the sea is banned, who will the mine be dug up and sold to?

  Now the common people can still sell some local products such as kelp vegetables and salt fish, but after the ban on the sea, these cannot be sold.

  Qin Jun didn’t agree to go to the Japanese country to build a mint, let alone build a joint venture with the Japanese, but he didn’t say anything dead, only that he would report the matter to his father when he returned to Luzon.

  He still proposed to build more mines.

Not only copper ore, gold and silver ore, but also iron ore, sulfur, lead, tin, etc., any ore can be mined anyway, it is still the old method, the Qin family provides technology for capital, and the Wa country produces mines for people, everyone cooperates to mine, and if they have money, they can work together earn.

  Nakatomi Kamazu proposed a new cooperation plan. All the mines mined in the future can be sold to the Qin family, but the Qin family has to use copper coins to buy and pay, and can no longer use other Tang goods as before.

  Qin Jun seems to have expected this to happen.

   "In the past, we transported goods from Tang Dynasty from the Central Plains, and then exchanged them for mineral materials in the country of Wa. It was just right for the ship to come and go. If we are required to pay cash in exchange for mineral materials now, then we would have lost a transaction."

   "I hope you can forgive me, but there is nothing we can do."

  Qin Jun deliberately pondered for a while.

"Actually, it's not impossible. Let me make a suggestion. Nowadays, more and more people come to Japan from the Tang Dynasty to do business. Do you think we should be allowed to set up a bank account in the country of Qin? If you allow it, you will also Know that the bank bank run by our Qin family is very experienced, and the capital is also very strong."

"As long as we set up bank notes in the country of Wa, in the future we will have special treasure ships to transport money regularly to replenish them, so that in the future merchants will not have to work hard to transport goods and money. Of course, if we set up bank notes in the country of Wa After the number, you can not only operate exchange business, but also operate savings and lending business.”

   Nakatomi Kamazu and the others looked at each other and kept eye contact for a while.

   "We will report this to the Prince."

   Zhongchen got up and asked Qin Jun and others to go to the Dazaifu, saying that the prince has swept the couch and is looking forward to it!

  (end of this chapter)

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