Chastity Layman

Chapter 1243: The Qin family entered the Japanese

  Chapter 1243 The Qin family entered the Japanese

  The twenty-first year of Zhenguan, spring.

On the bank of Hakata Bay in the Chikuzen Kingdom of Saikaido, the newly built Dazaifu of the Wa Kingdom Xijing, the Wa King Xijing, was presided over by Xuanzang, a great virtuous monk who traveled east from the Tang Dynasty, and received drawings from the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the support of many Tang merchants. It took ten years built.

  Since the introduction of the ancient empress, Wa country began to reform in an all-round way. Under the leadership of the Continental School Soga, the regent Prince Shotoku and the ruling Soga Mako reached an agreement to fully implement the New Deal. Since then, although the domestic struggle in Japan has become more intense, the pace of innovation has not stopped.

  After several empresses, in the 19th year of Zhenguan, Prince Zhongda and other princes staged a coup and assassinated the power minister Suga.

  Emperor Kotoku bestowed on Emperor Kogoku the title of Emperor's Grandmother, and the prince Nakao, who planned the palace change, was established as the crown prince and actually took power.

  Prince Nakayoshi appointed Abenai Maro who participated in the coup d'état as left minister, Soga Ishikawa Asa as right minister, and Nakaomi Kamazu as minister.

  Brother Zhong also personally took the letter of credence to Luoyang to meet the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and asked the Tang Dynasty to formally confer the letter of credence.

   Regarding the civil strife in the Wa Kingdom, after the Tang court warned the eldest brother, the prince, he finally issued a canonization edict, granting the light prince the title of King Wa, and conferring on him the title of Duke of Fusang, and the rank of General Yi. The eldest brother, the prince, stayed in Luoyang to serve the Tang prince for a year before returning home.

   After returning to Wa, Prince Zhongda, who stayed in Luoyang for a year, launched a more comprehensive reform of the major political reforms initiated by Prince Shotoku.

   Various systems such as the Bantian system, the rent-yong system, and the county-country system have accelerated the pace of promotion.

  The Yamato court also really started to centralize power.

  Wa Kingdom was divided into five bases and seven provinces, which were divided into dozens of countries. Each command state was then set up as a county, and the county was then set up as a ri. It is governed layer by layer, and there are Taizheng officials in the center, which are equivalent to the political affairs hall of the Tang Dynasty. There are many cabinet members such as the Taizheng Minister, the Left Minister, the Right Minister, and the Internal Minister.

   Under it, there are eight provinces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Style, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Administration, and so on.

   Locally, each country has a country secretary, and each county has a county secretary. It is stipulated that each country must have a prince as the prefect.

   In addition, following the example of the Zhenguan Order of the Tang Dynasty, the "Laws" of the Wa Kingdom were drawn up.

  Politically, based on law and order politics, implement a centralized system. Economically, abolish the ministries and ministries and implement the land equalization system, give the common people Bantian, and then levy rents and adjustments to increase enthusiasm and increase the court’s tax revenue.

At the same time, the imperial court of the Japanese kingdom also comprehensively studied the Tang Dynasty in terms of culture and religion. It not only introduced Confucianism and Chinese culture, but also introduced the imperial examination system of the Tang Dynasty. Buddhist Taoism is full of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, and monks and Taoists are given great privileges.

  Every year, the Japanese country will send several Tang envoys and students to study in the Tang Dynasty to learn the advanced culture and technology of the Tang Dynasty.

   On the other hand, the Wa country also fully opened up trade, traded with Tang merchants, and even opened mines and built workshops with Tang merchants in joint ventures, etc., and it was precisely in this atmosphere of comprehensive admiration for Tang Dynasty.

  Many of the Japanese kings and ministers of the Wa Kingdom and the imperial court have been to the Tang Dynasty and seen the prosperity of the two capitals, so they have long been dissatisfied with the small Asuka Kyoto. Although Fujiwara Kyoto has been newly built before, Fujiwara Kyoto is still small.

  So after receiving the help of the Qin family, he began to build Heijo-kyo. After the construction of Heijo-kyo, and for trade needs, Dazaifu was established on the banks of Hakata Bay in the important Xikaido Chikuzen country, known as Yamato Saikyo.

  Pingchengjing is compared to Luoyang, Tokyo in the Tang Dynasty, and Dazaifu is compared to Chang'an, the Xijing in the Tang Dynasty. Basically, the construction of these two capitals is contracted by the Qin family. From design drawings to construction, the Qin family takes care of everything. The Qin family was able to persuade the Wa country to accept the construction plan of these two capitals. What moved them most was that they did not need a penny from the Yamato court or the Japanese king. The Qin family helped them build the two capitals. Willing to pay part of the wages.

   This is unbelievable to the King of Japan, especially after seeing the magnificent renderings provided by the Qin family, there is no way to refuse.

  Of course, the Qin family is not doing good deeds, the Qin family just put forward other conditions for cooperation.

The main one is to obtain the mining and operation rights of some mines in the country of Japan. The second is that the Qin family first lent money to the King of Japan, and then the money is dedicated to the construction of Kyoto. The loan must be repaid, and there is interest, but relatively speaking , the interest rate is not high.

  The third condition is that the Qin family has reserved a lot of land for themselves in these two capitals, and these belong to the Qin family. In the future, the Qin family can develop and build houses or shops for sale and lease.

But for these conditions, Wa Wang still feels too tempting. After all, for Yamato who has just started to centralize power, although Heijo-kyo and Dazaifu are not really completely imitated by Luoyang Chang'an, they are indeed far superior to any of their previous capitals. If you rely on your own skills and money, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cultivate for a while.

  But now the plan given by the Qin family is too tempting.

  So in the end, the Wa Kingdom and the Qin family signed a package agreement, including loans, city building, mine development, and many commercial and trade agreements, etc. The signing was very straightforward, for fear that the Qin family would go back on their word.

  After the agreement was signed, the Qin family kept their word, and immediately started sending money. The money was just shown to the King of Japan, and then earmarked for special use, and officially started to build the two capitals.

  The Qin family sent many specialized technical teams and management teams to officially start building the city.

On the other hand, according to the signed mining agreement, the Qin family began to explore and mine minerals everywhere. In the area of ​​mining, the Qin family used advanced technology to explore and mine, and cooperated with the dignitaries and powerful people of the Japanese country to provide manpower. and security.

  The Qin family also took this opportunity to carry out more in-depth trade in various parts of the country, and the trade volume has been increasing in recent years.

   It took ten years and countless money, food and manpower. Finally, Heijo-kyo and Dazaifu were built successively. After the completion, the Japanese king and the ministers of the Yamato court were very satisfied and moved to the new capital impatiently.

  The Qin family, by the way, sold a small part of the houses and shops that they developed by themselves first, making a lot of money, and kept the rest for rent.

  As Xijing of the Wa Kingdom, Dazaifu was originally built in the Purple Kingdom.

  Zizhuxiang is an important force in the west of the Wa Kingdom, and it was also an important advance base for the Wa Kingdom to cross the sea to conquer Silla and control Renna and other places. Every time it went to the peninsula to fight, it was first assembled in Zhuzi.

  A long time ago, the Chikushi Kingdom had such a tyrannical force as Yamato, but it was later conquered by the Yamato court, but the Chikushi Kingdom also often refused to accept it. There were several rebellions and uprisings that broke out, and they were all eventually suppressed.

During the reform of the Yamato Dynasty, one of the most important ones was the implementation of the country, county, and village system, which changed the past aristocratic tribe system. The stronger Chikushi Kingdom, because it is far away from Gyeonggi, is also an important port gateway to the Peninsula and the Central Plains. Trade flourished Since then, the status of Chikushi has become more and more important.

  So the Wa Kingdom divided Chikushi into two, into Chikuzen Kingdom and Chikuhou Kingdom, and built a Dazaifu in Chikuzen, and the prince, the elder brother of Dazhong, personally served as Dazai.

  In this city, the Qin family used the original fortresses of Chikushi Ono Castle and Shuicheng, and planned a chess-like block about two kilometers square - Dazaifu Jobo, forming a real capital city.

The Dazaifu Government Office and other government agencies were placed in the north center of the block, and a Suzaku Avenue was built directly in front of it. At this time, the country of Wa was still the second widest street in the middle school, and it was famous as Xikaidao.

   Behind the straight and wide streets are residential quarters, and there are also street shops along the street.

  In addition, as the political and economic center of the west, there are special schools for officials’ children to study, Guanyin Temple and Banruo Temple for Japanese kings and nobles to practice Zen, and a guest house specially prepared for Tang envoys.

   Almost all the facilities in Miyagi.

From the city layout to the house design, it is almost in the style of Chang'an. The roof is covered with the same lotus-patterned roof tiles as the capital, row upon row; The faces of the lions are identical, interspersed with each other, looking down on all living beings.

  The eldest brother, the prince, personally served as the Dazai, in charge of the entire West Kaido countries and counties, as well as the trade with the Tang, Baekje, and Silla countries. At the same time, he sent his own son to serve as the Chikuzen prefect.

   "I heard that the head of the Qin family is here this time?"

   "I heard that Qin Taibao's son Jinan County Duke led the team."

   "I heard that the emperor has come from Heijo-kyo."

   "The nobleman of the Tang Dynasty is coming soon, so we can no longer call him the Emperor, but the King of Japan." A businessman covered in silk who was clearly pro-Tang immediately interrupted the reminder.

   "I heard that the Qin family's fleet is very large this time. Does anyone know what they are here for?"

  Although there are many Tang merchants who came to Japan, the Qin family of the Great Tang Dynasty has developed the best in Japan over the years, and is the most famous in the ruling and opposition parties. There are almost shadows of the Qin family in all aspects.

From the construction of the two capitals, to the construction of the port, to the Qin family mines in various places, as well as to the Qin family shops everywhere, as well as the more and more Qin family goods that everyone uses more and more, and even the daily transactions of the common people, most of them use Tang coins cast by the Qin family.

   "Brother Zhong, the prince, and all the ministers have already gone to the Chikushi Pavilion at the port to welcome them, and it is estimated that they will be welcomed back in a while."

   "Brother Zhong, the prince has always had a close relationship with the Qin family. It is estimated that the prince invited the Qin family over this time."

   "Why did you invite me over?"

   "It should be about trade!"

Some Japanese businessmen guessed that in recent years, the relationship between the Yamato court and the Qin family has become closer and closer. Today's Wa country is too dependent on foreign businessmen like the Qin family and Tang goods.

  (end of this chapter)

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