What is a so-called miracle?

From the perspective of different people, this kind of thing will have a completely different definition, but for people in previous lives, there is a common miracle.

That is the Moon King.

From ancient times to the present, the endless kings have made turns on this world, and finally gradually retired. Only the three gods are immortal, like Eternal Existence, so that they will never be immortal.

No one knows how long the three gods lived and how many centuries they have existed.

All people only know that the three gods cannot be defeated. They are truly immortal deities, although to a certain extent, they are more like the god of destruction than the god of Purdue.

In the eyes of Tuxiu, Adier is a complete miracle.

It is the most terrifying manifestation in itself to use human enemies and weakly crown mortals to suppress the existence of the Supreme Sun God, who does not know how long.

It is no exaggeration to extol praise with any magnificent myth or any magnificent epic. This is a real myth and miracle, enough to be remembered and touched by millions.

Standing in place, quietly listening to Tu Xiusi’s words, Yang Lin didn’t speak, but just agreed with the nodded: “Month King, he is indeed a miracle … It is a great man of this era.”

“I don’t care if he is a so-called miracle, all I know is that he is my younger brother !!!”

Chen Qing’s face was cold, and his face was full of worries and coldness. Then he couldn’t help raising his head and looked towards the distant land: “Yado, where are you !!”

She walked into the original Odoria Park, feeling the fiery Strength that came from her, and the power of her body could not help but start to flash.

The power of the fifth-order existence is too horrible, even if it is just a little Strength escaped from the fighting between the two, it can be withstood by leisurely people.

Odoria is the seal place of the sun god. At this moment, he has been infected by the strength of the sun god and adier. The surrounding terrain space has been permanently changed. It is full of strong supreme strength of yang and emerald strength. People simply can’t bear it.

Walking on this place on foot, the surrounding supreme strength of yang and the Emerald Strength continued to surge, impacting her body, and causing her to feel a sharp pain all over her.

Regardless of this, Chen Qing ignored it, just searching frantically in this place, looking for traces of Adier.

I just don’t know if that step has been reached. No matter how she finds it, in the end, she can’t find even a piece of clothing about Adier. She can only walk in vain in Odoria Park and walk towards the Quartet.

“Xiao Qing, give up.”

Looking quietly at the scene in front of him, Tu Xiusi spoke deeply and said, “Ado, who suppressed the sun god here, is likely to seal himself. Now there is no self-consciousness at all. No matter how we look for it, we cannot find him. “

She said so, with deep helplessness on her face.

This is indeed what she thought.

Although Adier is highly respected at this moment, Strength’s contrast will not change.

In Tu Xiu’s heart, Adier’s Strength is of course extremely powerful, but after all, he has just awakened and has not yet reached Peak. And the three gods of the Peak, the sun god, confronted each other.

Being able to seal the sun god hard is already a great thing. I guess it’s almost the same if it’s not exhausted. It’s impossible to have extra spare power.

Chen Qing actually understood this.

It was only her luck in her heart and her blind trust in her loved ones that made her persistently look for it and wanted to find her younger brother.

Time passed so slowly.

By midnight, even when the most stubborn Chen Qing’s heart was faintly shaken, a light suddenly appeared.

It was a dull moonlight, like the silver moon on the horizon, which looked soft and beautiful, but with a touch of remoteness that was beyond reach.

Under Guanghua, a silhouette of a teenager appeared quietly.

The teenager was wearing a white shirt, which was still the previous one, and it looked a little old now.

But his appearance is very good, even if he just stands there, wearing a worn white shirt, it feels extremely out of the ordinary, with a calm and serene temperament, it makes people feel at ease Peace of mind.


Seeing a silhouette of a teenager appearing in the distance, Chen Qing was surprised, and quickly strode up and hugged Adier.

“Don’t do such a dangerous thing next time!”

Holding Adier, Chen Qing’s eyes turned red, and he said with some depression.

“I know.”

Feeling Chen Qing hugging herself, Adier laughed, and then he said, “It was just that I had no choice.”

“A disaster has happened and it cannot be changed. If I don’t go up, I’m afraid it’s really over.”

He said calmly, with a smile on his face, even though he had just experienced the most violent assassination, but at this moment it still looked very calm, with a calm but impatient look and spirit.

“You … your Strength …”

In the distance, Tu Xiusi’s voice came.

Walking from a distance, she looked at Adier in front of her, feeling the Strength within his body, her face stunned.


Adier nodded, opened the mouth and said: “My body, to this day, is still entangled with the strength of the Sun God, and now I don’t have any strength on my body, just an empty shell.”

“Manipulating this body, I can barely come out to see you, it is already very difficult.”

He said so, without any concealment of his weakness, and spoke frankly.

Of course, the reason why this is so calm is because there is no need to cover it up.

His Strength is indeed entangled with the strength of the Sun God, and this is just a clone of a little Strength. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any Strength.

When it is absolutely necessary, he can still show Peak’s combat power, but it will be subject to some restrictions that’s all.


Tu Xiusi sighed deeply and said, “Among the three gods, the sun god recovers ahead of time, but the earth god and sky god are still asleep at this moment.”

“With your Strength, if you can find the seal land of the earth god and the sky god in advance, while they are being sealed by this gap, they must be removed together.”

“By then, the world ’s largest tumor will be eliminated by us in one fell swoop!”

She said with some regrets that it seemed that she had been worried about the destruction of the three gods, and she was reluctant to let go of even a little hope and opportunity.

“In fact, there is a way.”

Looking at Tu Xiu’s appearance, Adier thought for a moment, and finally said so.

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