Vigorous light shrouded above Shino.

On the horizon, the sun is juxtaposed with the moon, and the radiance of the light illuminates the entire sky.

The confrontation between the two completely reversed the sky, completely changing the sky that should have been drowsy, into a day.

In the meantime, Golden’s Divine Bird is hissing, as if the endless Strength burst out, driving the sun in the sky to expand, as if to explode.

At the next moment, Yuehua swayed, the silver brilliance illuminated almost the entire sky, and then transformed into a chain, locking the golden Divine Bird that was hissing in midair, looking like a mythical legendary horror scene.

Divine Bird is mourning, and in the long chant, the horrible Celestial Phenomenon erupts, one after another the golden light explodes, tearing the silver chains that have entangled around it, trying to break out of the cage.

However, Yuehua surged up, and within a short period of time, no matter how many chains were broken, eventually more chains were entangled, and the golden Divine Bird was firmly locked, then slowly dragged down.

Under the eyes of the entire city of Odoria, a shocking scene emerged.

In the middle of the sky, a layer of light curtain flashed on the sky, and a layer of halo emerged, colorful, like the rainbow that appeared when the weather was sunny after the rain, like a most beautiful landscape.

A golden sun flickered, wrapped around a chain of silver, a little silver shrouded above it, and finally slowly returned to silence.

In mid-air, silver’s chains are constantly broken and then re-grown, and each time it breaks, the number of chains re-spreading on it increases.

In the end, the countless silver chains completely enveloped the entire golden sun, circled inside and outside, and wrapped it like a bun.

“The sun is falling !!”

An exclamation came from a distance.

Chen Qing and the others looked up and saw that on the sky, the sun god Strength transformed into golden The sun was slowly falling, dragged down by the silver chain, and gradually fell to the ground.

“Is this going to reseal the sun god?”

Looking at this scene, Tu Xiusi issued cry out in surprise, and at this moment couldn’t tell what expression was on his face.

She looked at the sun falling in the sky, her eyes seemed to be hateful, she was also a little moved, her emotions were complex and unspeakable.

But under her gaze, the distant sun slowly fell, and gradually fell to the position when it first rose, that is, under the ground in Odoria Park.

The majestic light flashed.

Looking quietly, looking at the burning sun and the light curtain, Chen Qing seemed to see a teenager standing in it.

The silhouette of the boy is faintly familiar, but his appearance is peerless and beautiful, as the gods from the sky come, handsome and noble, with a kind of Paragon noble, but gentle and temperament and air.

Even the most knowledgeable person in the world, when he saw the young man, he couldn’t help but be amazed, deeply amazed and astonished.

Under Chen Qing’s gaze, the young man turned back gently in the air, a face facing her gently nodded, as if smiling or waving his hand, and said gently, “Goodbye.”


Looking at this scene, Chen Qing couldn’t help shouting, his hands were reaching out, but he couldn’t catch the shadow of that person.

It’s just that this scene is quickly disappearing.

On the horizon, the speed of the sun falling has accelerated, and the golden Divine Bird has felt the crisis. His constant sizzling in it has no way to change its form, and it cannot be isolated in a short time.

Silver’s chain is gradually broken, but even if it breaks, the Strength contained in it will not disappear, but will become another Strength, covering the body of the Sun God, covering and suppressing the Strength on its body.

In the end, the whole body of the sun god is covered with a layer of silver, which is shrouded in brilliance. The Divine Bird keeps flapping and wants to break free. Although the entire silver seal is constantly shaking, there is no way to break free. Pulled into the abyss, and returned to the place sealed in the past.

Everything has returned to calm.

In the sky, the blazing sun disappeared, and the sun Divine Realm, which had enveloped the entire city, disappeared urgently. The rising Strength was expelled, and a crisis sufficient to smash the entire city was resolved.

In the sky, now there is only a silver moon, but it is gradually fading, and the Strength contained in it is about to completely dissipate.


Looking at this scene, Chen Qing could no longer restrain the emotions in his heart and ran in the direction of the Odoriya Park at the fastest speed.

Behind him, Tu Xiusi and Yang Lin looked at each other without hesitation. They followed Chen Qing’s footsteps and ran towards the direction of Odoria Park.

At this moment, because of the incident, the order of the entire city is chaotic, and there are crowded vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

However, the three of them are not ordinary persons, but awakened awakened abilities, naturally cannot be measured by ordinary people’s Peugeot.

In just a few moments, they traveled a long distance to the former Odoria Park.

At this moment, the appearance of the entire Odoria Park has changed.

Because of the strength of the revival of the Sun God, all the vegetation and buildings in the entire park were burned out. The ground was covered with dry and cracked hard soil and inexplicable crystals, as if it had been roasted for many years.

A trace of Strength of the sun Divine Bird remains on the earth, making the surroundings invisible into a small sun Divine Realm, which makes the three people who walk into it feel extremely uncomfortable.

In this extreme environment, their Strength has not been used, they have been weakened by 30% silently, which can be described as extremely scary.

“Really terrifying power …”

Looking at the tragic situation in Odoria Park, Yang Lin deeply sighed: “It’s just a little Strength leaked by the Sun God. It’s hard to imagine how terrible it would be if it was in its heyday.”

“How terrible he is, haven’t you seen it before?”

Aside, Tu Xiusi said, “Of course, if you feel that just observing is not enough, and you want to try it for yourself, I advise you not to.

“In the past, anyone who has actually faced the opponents of the Three Gods has died without any surprise.”

“Did you just have one?”

Yang Lin shook the head and said indifferently.

“That was no accident.”

Tu Xiusi’s face was serious, with some enthusiasm: “That is a miracle !!”

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