“Young people, if you know the origin of the three gods, you will understand how unreliable it is to count on heroes to kill them in the future.

Standing in front of the magnificent altar, Thu Xiu said with a sneer.

Listening to the old woman’s resolute words, Chen Qing looked at Yang Lin aside.

However, to her surprise, listening to Tu Xiusi’s words, Yang Lin showed no signs of anger, but her face looked strange.

“Old bastard, you didn’t say that in your previous life.”

Yang Lin looked strangely at Tu Xiu, refreshed by the performance of the other party.

If he remembered correctly, in the previous life, when the Moon King appeared, the king with the most fanatical attitude towards the Moon King was the old fellow in front of him.

After the disappearance of Moon King, it was this guy who was most active and hardest in searching for the whereabouts of Moon King.

In other words, this is the fanaticism of Month King.

From the perspective of the counterparty in the previous life, Moon King is invincible, and he is the only redeemer of World.

And now, this previous moon king fanatic fan, so bragging about the three gods?

“I’m really looking forward to her performance when meeting the Moon King in this life.”

He looked weird and thought so inexplicably.

“Since in your opinion, the three gods are destined to be invincible, what’s the significance of your efforts?”

At this time, a servant behind Yang Lin couldn’t bear it and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: “Since resistance is doomed, it’s better to surrender together.”

“Who said it didn’t make sense?”

Tuxiu coldly snorted: “Three gods are invincible, but they also have their flaws.”

“They are constrained by World. Before that last step, they can only act on the earth from a young age during the recovery period. Otherwise, they will be suppressed by World’s Strength.”

“That gives us time.”

She said, “Three centuries ago, the atomic theory was born, and eventually it even developed a weapons of destruction.”

“In that era, the fighting was extremely fierce. Although we still lost, it also brought unprecedented losses to the beasts.”

“And this is far from over!”

Tuxiu complexion grave and stern, at this moment with enthusiasm: “As long as we still exist, our weapons and learning will continue to develop, and one day, we will be able to make more powerful weapons than the weapons of destruction, dignified Are killing the three gods. “

“This is our hope !!”

She chop nails and sever Iron said: “Everything in the world is changing, we will die sooner or later, but as long as our philosophy is inheritance, our Spirit and fighting spirit will continue to spread endlessly.”

“The common progress of generations will one day bloom enough Strength to achieve our original goal and remove the source of evil from the Three Gods above us!”

The voice kept falling and remained silent for a while.

Chen Qing’s face moved slightly, and her heart seemed to be moving.

Even standing on the side, Yang Lin, who was always complexion grave and stern, couldn’t ignore his eyes at this moment, and his impression of the old fellow Tu Xiu changed a lot.

“Death is not dreadful, what is terrifying is that there is no way ahead.”

Looking at the people around him, Tu Xiusi laughed: “As long as the road is still there and hope is still there, we will be firmly on this road. Even if this generation cannot be completed, there will be future generations to achieve this goal for us sooner or later.”

“This sentence was told to me by the last generation saintess.”

She looked towards Chen Qing: “Now I will convey this sentence to you, I hope you will be alive in the future, and continue to pass this sentence to the next generation of saintess.”

“I will.”

Chen Qing was silent for a moment. At this moment, her mood fluctuated. Suddenly, she didn’t know what to say, she could only quietly nodded.

“Okay, let’s go out.”

Looking at Chen Qing’s ignorant face, Tu Xiu sighed secretly, and then said, “Let’s go.”

“I also want to see what the World looks like today.”


“Which are you?”

Walking on the road, looking at the silhouette that suddenly appeared in front of him, Adier looked helpless.

This is the third time this month.

He came to this world. He really just wanted to live quietly for thousands of years. He really didn’t want to cause trouble.

But why is there always somebody looking for him! !!

He looked at the person in front of him, and although his expression on his face had not changed, he felt suddenly tired.

Compared with the two people who suddenly found him before, the people who appeared this time obviously changed their taste.

In the past, although it was also inexplicable to find him, no matter whether it was Yang Lin or Wang Li, there was nothing malicious in him. It seemed that he just wanted to contact him.

But this one is different now.

In front of Adier, a very old bald old man dressed in black clothed, standing there quietly at this moment, dressed extremely gloomy, and he didn’t look like a good person.

A deep maliciousness slowly infiltrated from the opponent and was accurately felt by Adier.

The person is not good!

Looking at the old man with a bald head in front of him, this idea emerged in Adier.

“Mr. Yado, introduce yourself. My name is Lordam.”

In Adier’s sight, the bald old man’s face showed a seemingly kind smile, and a pair of brown eyes stared at Adier tightly, making people feel a little bit oozing.


Adier frowned. “If I remember correctly, I don’t seem to know you.”

That said, Adier suddenly felt inexplicably familiar.

It seems that this scene, including the line at the moment, is not the first time he has said it.

“It doesn’t matter if you recognize me.”

Seeing Adier’s reaction, Lordam seemed very satisfied, and said with a smile directly: “I know you enough.”

“Now, please take a walk with me, lovely young man.”

“What if I refuse?” Adier said calmly.

“I’m sorry.” Laodham pats a grin on an old face, “It’s nothing to do with you.”

As the voice fell, in the corners of all around, several robust men wearing black robes appeared on the corners, and several people were holding guns in their hands.

If it is really an ordinary student standing here at this moment, I am afraid that I will be scared at this moment.

“Are you sure to follow me?”

Watching this scene quietly, Adier looked a little weird, and looked at Lordam in front of him and asked.

“if not?”

Lordam had the same smile on his face, but at this moment he didn’t know why. Looking at Adier’s always calm face, he felt an uneasy feeling at this moment.

After a minute.

“Well, now tell me who you are.”

Sitting quietly on a lawn, watching the black clothed robust man falling to his feet, and also sitting on the ground at the moment, Lordam with a look on his face as if he had a damn expression, Adier asked casually.

… ..

PS: I almost forgot it again. Recommend a good-looking history book to you, titled “Back to Ming Dynasty as a Tyrant”, everyone who is interested can check it out ~

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