“Don’t look at me like this.”

Staring at Chen Qing’s vague eyes, Yang Lin was also a little depressed: “This is the secret of your Sacred Heart teaching, how could I know so clearly?”

“I know that there is a sacred heart here to teach ancestors. As for anything else, I am not a prophet. How could I know so clearly?”

He said so, looking calmly on his face, but cursing in his heart.

“Old bastard is so cautious that it’s no wonder that the entire Sacred Heart religion in the previous life is gone, and you are still alive.”

In the previous life, although the Sacred Heart Sect led by Chen Qing was destroyed, the sleeping Sacred Sacred Sage was still alive and even lived up a lot of major events.

Legends about the ruins also spread at that time.

It seems that in the previous life, the other party did not tell the truth at all.

This could help Yang Lin raise some vigilance.

The part of history and secrets he knows, how much is true and how many leave are unknown.

Not to mention that now there are more than one reborn. Under the influence of each other, the past history has no idea how much has changed.

Even if he is the only one who is born again, if these people are not seen in the eyes because of the rebirth, I am afraid it will be carried somewhere sooner or later.

“Well, stop thinking there.”

Looking at the appearance of the people present, old woman laughed: “Since it is definitely your own person, then everything is good to talk about, sit down and talk together.”

“Introduce yourself first, my seventeenth era Holy Sect saintess, you can call me Tutsis.”

Tutsis faintly opened the mouth and said, and then did not dislike the dirt on the ground, and sat on the ground with her buttocks.

When the place was quiet for a while, Chen Qing and the Sacred Heart taught everyone to look at each other in dismay. After a while, they tentatively said, “I am the saintess of the Sacred Heart of this generation, may I ask this 17th era ,Refers?”

“The so-called epoch refers to the complete process of World from the period of silence to the period of recovery.”

“The seventeenth era is the seventeenth World Recovery.”

Looking at Chen Qing, Tu Xiusi’s face was a little surprised: “You don’t even know this now?”

“This one…..”

Being so reprimanded by Tu Xiuzi, Chen Qing was embarrassed, but couldn’t speak back.

“It seems that this era, our Holy Sect has fallen again, and even the inheritance is a bit unclear.”

Looking at Chen Qing’s appearance, Tu Xiusi understood the situation. Some helpless shook the head: “Okay, tell me what you know and let me know what is happening outside now. “

“Okay.” Chen Qing was nodded, so she sat on the ground learning to look like a figure repairing silk, and began to slowly talk about the history she knew.

Talk until hours later.

“You … you worship the Three Gods as the Supreme God!”

Looking at Chen Qing, Tu Xiusi got up directly and looked at the people in front of her, her face full of disbelief.

“You worship your own worst enemy as a god!”

She was stunned, not knowing what to say at this moment.

“Three gods … are they really part of the beast?”

Looking at this picture of Tu Xiu, Chen Qing couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said.

“A member of the beast? More than that!”

Tu Xiusi’s face sneered: “The so-called three gods are the ancestors of the ferocious beasts. All the ferocious beasts in this world originate from these three gods.”

“Even if they are gods, they are also gods of fierce beasts, the poorest and most wicked gods of destruction!”

“This is the source of all evil, and it is the goal that we have set down from generation to generation!”

Tu Xiusi’s face looked a little excited, and it took a while to slow down: “Okay, you keep talking!”


Chen Qing’s face tangled for a moment, and then nodded, and then continued: “According to the ancestors’ guide, we are committed to cleaning up the nodes left by the beasts on the ground to prevent the beasts from appearing on the ground again.”

“But there is an organization that believes in the three gods and is committed to releasing the beasts and repeatedly against us.”

“Hey … humans who believe in fierce beasts, this is really nothing new.”

Tu Xiusi sneered: “This is a group of people who are eager to turn into fierce beasts, seeking immortality, and there will be so many in almost every era.”

“It’s not strange that they have them in this era. I will feel weird when they disappear.”

She looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and seemed to be breathing fresh air.

“From your story, I probably understand.”

She laughed: “This is really a bad era.”

“The world is divided, and the country of large and small is fighting endlessly. Technology is backward, and even atomic theory has not been discovered, and it is far away from the development of weapons of destruction.”

“There is such a traitorous human traitor inside, and the Strength left over from the previous era is so weak. Even you, the leader of Holy Sect, are not aware of these ancient inheritance.”

“It’s a terrible time. If you can, you really don’t want to recover in this era.”

She murmured, her expression inexplicably saddening.

“Lord Tuxiu …”

Looking at Tu Xiu, Chen Qing opened her mouth, and some words stopped.

“Okay, stop talking.”

Tuxiu shook the head, looking a little impatient: “If I could go to sleep again, of course I would.”

“It’s just that I don’t have much lifespan. If this era doesn’t come out, I’m afraid I can’t play any role, I will die directly.”

“Even if you don’t call me out, I will come out myself sooner or later.”

This is true.

Standing aside, Yang Lin murmured secretly.

In the previous life, Chen died early in the morning, and he did not know about the ruins until his death.

But in the end, Tuxiu appeared.

For this matter, Yang Lin had some doubts before, but now it seems that the other party mostly crawled out by himself.

“You girl.”

In front of him, Tu Xiusi glanced at Chen Qing: “Your qualifications are very good. At this moment, the awakening era has not yet arrived, and the suppression of the World has not passed yet. You can even stimulate the Holy Power.”

“It would be a shame that this qualification should have died in this era.”

With a sigh on her face, she then said, “Follow me afterwards, be my student, inherit my knowledge and leave it to the next era.”

“Yes.” Chen Qing was a little hesitant, but looking at Tu Xiusi’s pessimistic appearance, he didn’t say anything, just nodded.

“The elder is too pessimistic.” A voice sounded suddenly.

Seeing this pessimistic picture of Xiusi, Yang Lin couldn’t help but say, “How do you know that in this era, there will not be enough to resist the existence of the Three Gods?”

“Compete with the three gods?”

Hearing this, Tu Xiusi froze for a while, then couldn’t help but got up, with a strange expression on his face, as if to laugh: “Boy, do you know what you’re talking about?”

“This is impossible!”

The old woman’s face was indifferent: “I used to think that as long as I kept waiting, sooner or later, the savior will appear, and there will always be an epoch that will be enough to contend with the three gods …”

“It wasn’t until later that I understood how naive the idea was.”

“young people……..”

She said with a cold laugh: “If you know the birth of the Three Gods, you will know how naive the idea is to defeat the Three Gods by one person !!”

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