At the lively banquet, the surrounding atmosphere was busy.

But in the corner of this banquet, it seemed very quiet.

Adier talked quietly with the priestess in front of her, and slowly learned the specific situation of the dim church that day.

According to the priestess, the dim priest’s attempt to prevent Gruul from returning to the capital was not the original intention of several bishops of the dim priest, but only the spontaneous actions of some radical priests inside.

“In the kingdom, the church was suppressed for so long that there was a lot of dissatisfaction within the church, and it was only after some promised temptations that led to this action.”

Standing in place, whispering to Adier, the priestess named Hirna sighed softly and turned to look at Kudoni and Gruul in the middle of the venue: “It is for this reason that Bishop Kudoni Come here in person and take this opportunity to personally apologize to His Royal Highness Gruul and convey the true attitude within the church. “

Adier’s face was calm, listening to Hilna’s words, but just silent, and made no comment on this.

Speaking of which, this time the banquet was nominally held for Adier, but now it has completely changed its flavor.

Bishop Kudoni met with Gruul Prince, this kind of thing is enough to attract the eyes of the vast majority of the aristocracy present, and all their attention to the center of the stage.

As for Adier, although there are a lot of people paying attention, and even a lot of noble ladies lift up their skirts and want to walk towards this side, after seeing Hirna in front of Adier, they hesitate to stop, Make this area very quiet.

Adier enjoys this quiet atmosphere.

Because of his early experience and his long-term research in the laboratory as a wizard, he is more inclined to quiet occasions. Although it is not a banquet for lively situations, he will also feel very troubled.

Hirna in front of her is similar.

Along the way, from time to time, some people came to invite her to participate in the dance, but the priestess kept smiling from beginning to end, and declined everyone’s invitation. It also looks like a person who does not like to be lively.

They talked for a long time like this, and after a while, it was a little bit late and Adier was nodded, looking at the priestess in front of him and saying, “It’s getting late, I’ll go back to rest first.”

“Okay.” The priestess smiled nodded. “It’s a nice chat with you, and I hope to see you again next time.”

“Hopefully.” To her, Adier just smiled, then waved his hands, his face calmed down and he went straight out.

Looking silently at the silhouette of Adier going away, Hilna didn’t say a word, just looked so quietly, her eyes and expression always had a calm smile.

It wasn’t until Adier’s silhouette was completely gone that she moved her arm and shook the little girl lying aside.

“Wake up, everyone has gone.”

“So sleepy, Hilda elder sister, let me sleep for a while …”

The little girl shook her head, so she was lying on the side of the big sofa, and the saliva was left on her mouth, so that Hilna looked a little speechless, and could not help but shake it, shaking it directly.

Staring at the sleepy-eyed, rolling girl, Hilna covered her mouth and laughed, and couldn’t help looking at the direction Adier left in the distance.

“What an interesting person …”



On the way home, thinking about the conversation with the sacrifice, Adier showed a smile on his calm face, and seemed to find something interesting.

That girl was very special, and that was something Adier discovered when she first met her.

It’s not the looks, nor the temperament and Strength, but the kind of ultra-but unique nature, and the kind of burden that seems to hide something.

Just like Adier.

This unique feeling made both parties have an interest in their hearts, and they were able to talk there for a long time without any violation.

“It is worthy to meet the strongest World so far … Although it is not as good as the World on the surface, it is actually terrifying everywhere …”

Walking on the road, involuntarily, Adier had the idea again.

This world seems to be very weak on the surface. The most powerhouse on the bright side of the Tamuru Kingdom is just gold, which is equivalent to a Level 2 wizard.

These strengths, not to mention the Wizard World, even the worlds that Adier has been to before, are far stronger.

But under this cowardly appearance, what this world hides is deep horror.

There was Orff before, and Hirna followed, and the presence of these two men only made Adier vigilant.

These two people seem unusual, but in fact they are detached in nature. Once their horrible innerity erupts, they may not be inferior to Adier’s body.

Orff belongs to the god of slaughter, and Hilna belongs to the god of darkness. Will other churches have similar monsters?

What’s more, in addition to these monsters, there are legendary gods who are high in the clouds and immortal for hundreds of millions of years.

“It’s really interesting.”

Inexplicably, Adier smiled, then raised his head and looked at the sky.

Above the sky, because the night has come, the entire sky is dim, and only that full moon is very bright, emitting a faint silver light.

The light spread on the earth and shone on Adier’s body, as if covering him with a layer of silver frost, making his temperament more peaceful, deep and sacred.

After a while, he left the place and walked towards his own place outside.

At the moment he left, the interior of the manor earlier, Coudoni thoughtfully looked in the direction of Adier, and then continued to smile with Gruul in front of him at the next moment. Time seemed very cheerful.

That night, after the banquet was over, in the church of the dim church.

Kurdoni’s face was old, an aging face looked wrinkled, and his body was full of decay, as if ready to enter the earth.

However, despite this, his movements are still very sensitive. They are completely different from those of ordinary elderly people, and they are more open and close than other young people who jump up and down.

He changed his robe, and the sacrifice suit had been replaced by the alcoholic sacrifice. He went into the church and waited in a darkened room.

“How’s the observation?” A voice sounded suddenly.

“I don’t know.” Kudoni shook his head, not surprised by the sudden sound, but just shook his head in confusion: “The Gruul Prince has a thin body of potential. Now he doesn’t even have silver Knight. It’s a bit chilly at the age. “

“The protagonist on the stage is not necessarily the youngest, and the potential of the moment can not explain anything …”

“I know.” Kudoni nodded: “But at least it proves that the possibility of this Kudoni Prince as the protagonist of the stage is greatly reduced.”

“It’s Yasho Knight on his side …”

“What’s wrong?” The internal voice continued to ring, and then a slight broken step came slowly.

At the end of the room, a middle-aged woman wearing a dark black robe with a quaint face came from there, and looked at Kudoni with an expressionless face, as if waiting for his reply.

“I can’t see it through.” Kudoni shook the head: “This Knight is very powerful. He has reached the Peak of Silver Knight. He can almost be promoted to Gold Knight and become the strongest people in the entire Tamuru Kingdom. one.”

“His potential is unquestionable, but I cannot see through his nature.”

“Even if you hold dim eyes?”

“The dim eye is the Divine Artifact left by my lord, but its largest Strength is guardianship rather than reconnaissance, not to mention that now the dim eye is dead, and my Strength is not enough to activate it, it is normal to see through. “

Kurdoni shook the head, with some helplessness on his face, and with some confusion in his eyes when he thought of the scene that Divine Artifact had peeked at before: “However, his destiny line is much stronger than ordinary people. It’s not limited to this place, but a bigger stage. “

“He may not be the main character on the stage, but he may be a supporting character.”

“That’s fine too.”

The middle-aged woman wearing a deep black robe thought about it: “The protagonist of fate, how could it be so easy to come across, even if only a supporting role, it is a rare gain.”

“Also, take care of those young people in the church.”

She turned and looked up, with some dissatisfaction in her eyebrows: “Before we had given instructions, we felt that we were directly involved in the full strife within the kingdom, and it was too bold.”

“Especially at this critical time …”

“After all, they are a group of young people.” Kudoni shook his head, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face, but with a smile: “They did not experience the dilemma that we could not find a place to stay when we were down, Without experiencing the crisis in which the entire church almost collapsed together at that time, natural thoughts would be naive and the means would be naive. “

“However, it is with these young people that World will continue to move forward and slowly begin to make changes, instead of being so deadly.”

“That’s true.” It seemed to remember something, the expressionless nodded of the middle-aged priestess: “Only at this time, the actions of these young people were a bit inappropriate. If this continues, it will inevitably delay the entire church plan and let The return period of our Lord has been greatly extended. “

“Rest assured.” Kudoni nodded: “I will pay attention and I won’t let this happen again.”

“It is that Yasuo Knight. Next, we need to send some sacrifices to the past and focus on observation.”

“Who sent it?” Asked the middle-aged sacrifice.

“Your student, Hilna is very suitable.” Kudoni laughed, said naturally.

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