The sound of crisp footsteps came quietly from a distance.

Under Adier’s gaze, Kai Jia hurriedly walked in the distance, walked directly to Gruul, and whispered something to him.

Not long after, Gruul’s complexion greatly changed, and the expression on his face became serious.

This scene was accurately watched by the nobles around to feast.

“His Royal Highness, has anything happened?”

In front of Gruul, a middle-aged aristocrat with a handsome complexion and impeccable courtesy opened his mouth and asked, looking at all the changes in Gruul’s expression.

“No major event.”

Soon, Gruul responded, with a familiar smile on his face again: “Please enjoy the banquet here on your own, and I will go outside to meet an important guest.”

After saying this, he had a smile on his face, then turned away and walked directly towards the outside world.

Staying in place, looking at the silhouette of Gruul, Adier thought for a moment, feeling the familiar atmosphere from the outside world. After a while, he smiled on his face, stepped away, and followed Gruul slowly. Go out.

The distance between the evening party and the gate of the manor was not too far away, it was only a moment. Outside, a silhouette slowly came from the outside.

It was an old man wearing a dim robe with densely packed black texture on his face, and was walking towards the center of the banquet at the moment surrounded by a group of people.

The man looked very old, the skin of the entire body had dried up, an old face was covered with wrinkles, but with a kind of affable faint influence, when people saw the old man, Will unknowingly get close to the old man, and slowly develop a good impression on him.

He just walked from the outside and walked all the way, and the unique aura of his body was also blooming, accompanied by the flutter of white hair.

Walking towards the old man, Gruul quickly smiled on his face, and quickly saluted him: “Bishop Kudoni, why did you come here …”

Hearing this title, Adier was surprised.

Kudoni, one of the three bishops of the Dark Church in the Kingdom of Tamru, is theoretically one of the highest leaders of the Dark Church and represents the highest power in the Dark Church.

People of this level, even if they are fathers of Gruul, when the sick King Tamru sees them, they must abide by etiquette and have the greatest respect for them, not to mention Prince Gruul.

“Because of something, I need to come to Tam City, and finally, by the way, I heard from you here, so I came to see …”

Kudoni looks very harmonious and serene. The whole person does not have the slightest aloof and remote pride and indifference. Instead, he has a unique affinity and can’t help but trust it.

This is both the influence of nature and heart, as well as the role of Divine Technique and divine power.

Sacrifice and serve the deities, and contribute everything to the gods they serve. In the process, the soul and will gradually move closer to the gods they serve, and slowly bring a little divinity, which will be transformed into another A form.

If the deities worshiped are evil, the sacrifices must also be evil. If the gods served are good, the sacrifices must also be good.

This, along with the stronger sacrificial power, will continue to deepen. If it reaches the extreme, it is the legendary presence with God, the realm and level of the saints on the ground.

As a local bishop, Kudoni’s strength is far above ordinary sacrifices, and his understanding of the way to serve the deities is far beyond what anyone can compare. His own soul essence has begun to believe in The deities approached each other, and in their speeches and manners, they naturally revealed a little bit of extraordinary and refined nature, which was both gracious and noble and unattainable, and was impressed from the heart.

All of this is a natural process. Even Prince Gruul, when facing such a devout believer on the path of transformation, cannot help but sigh in his heart, and cannot help being affected by it.

“The so-called sacrificial transformation road is really amazing …”

Standing still, feeling the lofty nature of the old man in front of him, Adier couldn’t help sighing, wondering about this path like never before.

“This one is the Knight who escorted you back safely from the South.”

While Adier was thinking about something, the old man’s eyes had shifted from Gruul and slowly fell on him.

He looked at Adier, a kind face with a smile on his face, and looked at Adier’s appearance quietly, and seemed to appreciate it.

Inexplicably, Adier felt a strange feeling. At this moment, it felt like he was stabbed in his heart, and felt very uncomfortable.

“Respected Bishop Kudoni … you are more majestic than I thought.”

In front of Gruul, Adier didn’t show much hesitation and lowered his body to make himself look as less conspicuous as possible.

“Young Knight, you’re a great prize.”

Kudoni put a smile on his face and looked at Adier in front of him. At this moment, he kept a kind smile on his face, just like a kind old man next door, like an elder who knows you well, and patiently teaches you “I’m just an ordinary old man that’s all. Every time I see you young people, I feel that my youth is getting farther away from me …”

He sighed softly, deep in his words, and sighed that his years were short.

Adier twitched his lips, listening to the old man, and now he really wanted to speak.

Although the old sacrificial body in front of him is aging, although the body is decaying, there is a huge vitality inside it. According to Adier’s induction, the old sacrificial body may be slow and slow, but if it ’s true, Compared to boil time, I am afraid that I can live longer than some silver knights.

In the face of Gruul, Adier did not reveal the other party’s intention, but could only respond with a face.

Fortunately, after speaking with him for a few words, Kudoni seemed to have lost interest in him, and quickly turned his attention away from him and turned to Gruel, allowing Adier to hide, Quiet silence went on.

Retreating from the conversation center, Adier looked up and kept talking in front of him. It seemed to be very happy. Like two year-old Gruul and Kudoni, they couldn’t help secretly shook the head, and were ready to stay in that corner. With.

The waiting time was naturally boring. Adier closed his eyes for a while, but then had to eyes opened, looking away to a corner in the distance.

There, a somewhat unique line of sight was staring at him, with a bit of hostility and the blatant expression of that emotion, making Adier have to notice that he could not help but open his eyes and follow the one Looking in the direction.

Opening and looking, two pairs of eyes looked at each other instantly.

Adier opened his eyes and saw a crowd in the distance. A little girl in a black clothed robe with dim textures on his face, looking like a dim sacrific, was standing there, staring at the moment A pair of eyes looked at him, and there was a little hostility in expression.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. Adier always feels that this little girl is familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere, and it was not too long ago.

“It was the street that day …”

A moment later, a faint flash of light flashed in Adier’s eyes, remembering the source of this familiar sensation.

In the days when I first came to Tam City, Adier had been walking around the city. During those days, many people stared at him all around, including this little girl.

After that day, Adier no longer appeared on the street, so he never saw the girl again. It looked like a memory, and it took a while to remember.

The little girl looked cute, but she was only about fourteen or five years old. A pair of little rounded cheeks had some ruddy, and she looked like she drank some wine.

She was standing there staring at Adier, wearing a black robe unique to the dim sacrifices. From the outfit, it should be a trainee sacrific.

Standing in the distance, the girl obviously did not realize that she had been found by Adier. She was still staring there at the moment, holding her fists tightly, her hostility in her eyes was very obvious.

In situ, Adier thought for a moment, first looking aside.

On the side of a large wine table, Gruul and Kudoni were still chatting there, and the words and deeds seemed to be in line with each other. Regardless of the thoughts in their hearts, at least on the surface they were still in line.

Looking at this scene, Adier shook his head secretly, lowering his head and thinking backwards, then picked up the wine glass and walked slowly towards the distance.

“What are you looking for?”

A unique voice sounded, and in the corner of the ball, Adier stepped in front of the girl and asked a question gently.


Hearing the voice, the girl froze obviously. When she turned around and saw Adier, she stayed straight away, as if she did not expect him to appear in front of her.


She froze for a moment, and seemed to have never thought that this scene would happen.

“Sacrifice of the dim church …”

Looking at the directly aggressive girl in front of her, Adier smiled and didn’t make nonsense, and went straight to the subject: “You seem to have some opinions on me?”

“Bad guy!” It seemed to remember something, the girl’s face suddenly became excited, her eyes fixed on Adier, making Adier somewhat inexplicable.

“Bad guy?” Adier shook the head with the same smile on his face: “I really can’t call it a good guy, but it seems a bit wrong to say I’m a bad guy …”

“I look like … where did not offend you?”

“You hurt Hill Uncle, it’s not what the bad guy is!” It seemed to remember the scene, the girl’s look at Adier’s eyes became more and more wrong, and that look was like looking at a potential enemy, ready to step forward and come forward one at a time. hit.

Although they are only apprentice sacrifice, girls also have a lot of fighting power, at least compared to ordinary person.

“Hill?” Gently nodded, listening to the name, Adier’s eyes flashed a little.

Hill, this is the dim sacrifice that Adier seemed to prevent Adier from leaving when he first met Gruul.

At that time, in order to successfully leave with Gruul, Adier forced to leave the Divine Technique performed by the other side, leaving a great impression on the other side.

Divine Technique was forced to break through by Adier. Presumably the other party also suffered a lot of backlash. At this moment, I am afraid that he is still seriously injured.

“How did he end up?” Adier calmed, Adier’s face calmed, and he continued to ask, looking at the little girl in front of him.

After Adier left the city that day, the city on the border of the Veruba Kingdom was subsequently slaughtered by Orff, with the church of the dim church in it.

In front of her, the girl tilted her head directly to the side, and seemed to ignore Adier’s problems at all.

“Hill, he’s fine.” A soft female voice came from a distance, with a softness and kindness in the voice, giving a gentle feeling.

A beautiful and beautiful woman with a simple robe on her body came from afar, and her face was also painted with dim rune, which is unique to dim sacrifice. She covered her robes all over her body, completely covering her seductive figure, looking very simple.

She came from a distance with a smile, first rubbing the girl’s head: “Kitty, you’re wayward again.”

After speaking to the little girl, she turned around and looked towards Adier, with some apologies on her face: “I’m sorry for this child’s attitude, please forgive me.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Adier shook the head, not paying much attention to it: “I want to know more about what happened in that city after I left that day than this.”

“This speaking of which is a bit complicated …” The woman froze for a while and then said with a smile: “The day after you left, the remnants of the God of Slaughter raised the field of Slaughter in the city, and the whole city was taken away. The massacre was gone. “

“Him, because they are located in the city, although they were sheltered by my lord Divine Realm, they did not die on the spot, but they were still seriously injured, and they almost died.

“That’s why this child was hostile to you before.”

She touched the head of the girl in front of her: “She is a child adopted by Hill, and Hill is his father …”

“I can understand.” Adier quietly nodded: “In fact, I am very sorry for what happened that day …”

“I’m sorry we were right …” The woman lowered her head and saluted Adier: “The day Hill did what they did, it was wrong in itself. It was organized by a radical group within the church. action.”

“The sacrifice of Strength should not be used to interfere in the country’s internal affairs. Once they do so, they will win whatever they get.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand, a faint smile on his face, and in accordance with her appearance, gave a very quiet feeling: “Here, I apologize for you.”

Adier is silently nodded, but it doesn’t matter.

However, compared with the little girl Kitty who was inexplicably hostile to Adier next to her, the priestess’s attitude was obviously better now.

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