Adier’s mood was very complicated at this moment in a small tavern, watched by several sharp eyes at the same time.

The massacre that was slaughtered by believers of slaughter had nothing to do with him at all. Not only that, he was also one of the victims of the massacre. He was followed by Orff, and forcibly broke into the blood of a slaughter in the inside of the body.

But to this day, in this place, he is regarded as a slaughter believer by the rest of the world, and is the top of Orff.

This unique situation is happening now, even with Adier’s character, and my mood is very complicated at this moment.

However, despite his complex mood, he was still able to understand exactly what was going on.

“It’s not me who picked up the massacre.”

Sitting quietly in front of a huge round wooden table, alone sitting at a wooden table, feeling the sight of all directions watching, Adier said in a flat tone.

His tone was flat, and after deliberately twisting it, the voice had completely changed into another look. With the mask on his face, it was impossible to guess his inner thoughts.


A sharp claw descended from a distance, at an instant, on another round table, a huge silhouette, a shadow-covered existence shot, an arm slammed out, and hung out in mid-air. The extremely violent wind was like a steel whip bursting out suddenly, indescribable horror.

Even more horrible is the little shadowy atmosphere carried in this claw, and a Qi of Evil that seems to come from the abyss of hell. With this existence, the shots are rippling around, and the contained Strength instantly makes many silhouettes present. His eyes became dignified.

“This evil breath …”

Looking at the giant claw face down, Adier’s experience of the Strength contained in that claw is particularly profound. At this moment, I just felt that there were countless people crying and crying, endless undead roaring in despair, and struggling with horror. In a shadow, the face looked horrific, as if roaring, as if praying.

boom! !

A silver long sword was sheathed in the blink of an eye, and under the control of Adier, it slammed directly onto that huge sharp claw, which was wrapped in a huge Battle Qi sublimation force, with all the rivals, and cut everything in front of it. The momentum of the block was forcibly cut off.

The two collided in mid-air, and the sound of a metal collision slammed in the midst. Then Battle Qi and Xieli raged in mid-air. It seemed that at this moment they broke the isolation of the space and swept away in all directions. In a blink of an eye, the spacious basement in front of me was disturbed.

In situ, as the two fought, in the all around of the basement, multi-colored dark runes kept ringing, among them faintly accompanied by sorrows and voices of prayerful prayers, forcibly all the aftermaths of the previous two fighting Block, leaving no trace.

“hmph !!”

In situ, with the impact of the two, the obstacles that were blocked between the two quickly shattered, and they were directly reduced to smashed powder.

Opposite Adier, beheaded by Adier, the man only felt that the imposing Battle Qi on his body was violent, causing him to get up uncontrollably and took a few steps back to stop.

Drop it drop it …

The sound of blood dripping slowly sounded in situ, and everyone turned to look around, only to see that the original complete black robe had been completely broken, revealing the cricket body that had been covered up.

In front of his chest, a deep mouth didn’t know when it appeared, but he was cut directly by Adier’s only sword. There was a bit of Battle Qi Strength left on it, making this wound not only unable to heal, Instead, moved towards a more serious direction.

Looking at this scene, the crowd at the scene suddenly narrowed their eyes, looking at Adier in the distance, the hostility originally existing in the eyes quickly disappeared, and brought a little review.

The one who shot just now is already among the top of the group. Once its strength explodes, it is enough to be comparable to Knight of Silver Peak in a short time. It is an absolute giant.

However, even with this strength, the slaughter believer still suffered a loss, and even suffered a little injury in the blow.

Watched by many eyes, feeling the enmity and scrutiny faintly carried by these eyes, Adier sat quietly with a mask covering his face, making people unable to see his true expression.

But at this moment, his expression, combined with the Strength he showed earlier, is even more unpredictable, and he dares not easily show hostility to it.

“Well, everyone in the city of Tam is rare to meet once, so don’t shoot here.”

On the side, the old man who was in charge of supporting on the stage came out, watching the tense atmosphere in the room, and had to hit a round.

“The next show is ready, whether you want to leave or continue to stay, you can do it yourself.”

He dropped the sentence, and then continued to walk outwards, without a bit of muddy water.

In situ, accompanied by his silhouette leaving, several silhouettes rose up and left immediately, including the existence of the previous one who shot to Adier.

At this moment, the clothes on his body were shattered, and the entire upper body was exposed directly, but the original flat and shiny skin was covered with a little black scales, which covered his vitals like armor.

This feature is neither like an ordinary human nor a real demon species, but rather a semi-demonized existence contaminated with demon blood.

He got up from where he was, and there was a rigid bronze mask on the face, and a pair of vicious eyes stared at Adier, but he didn’t say anything harsh, and took a few people beside him to leave.

After he left, the original atmosphere slowly recovered from the silence.

Some whispered conversations, intermittent sounds, as if discussing something, and some people put out something in front of them, it seems that they are specifically waiting for people to come over to deal.

Adier glanced casually, most of the things people brought here were some black crystals.

The black crystal is very pure. The black in it is deep and invisible. It seems to condense into faces, showing a look of fear and despair. Various expressions are shocking and instinctively feel a kind of compassion and emotion .

Between these black crystals, there are occasionally some pale white crystals.

Compared to the black, this Crystal seems to have much stronger Strength fluctuations, and the soul fluctuations that it brings are even a little familiar to Adier.

“Stone of Spirits from the five dim sacrifices, are you interested?”

Feeling Adier’s gaze, it seemed to be aware of what Adier was looking at. The silhouette posing with the pale white Stone of Spirits turned around and looked at Adier and said softly.

This person’s voice sounds very light and soft, and despite the Spirit-like clutter, it still sounds like a good female voice.

“Where did these Stones of Spirits come from?”

Looking at the Stone of Spirits in front of him, Adier asked for a moment of silence.

This problem caused a smile of the woman in front of her: “Of course, it was extracted from the dim sacrifices.”

In situ, she glanced at Adier and saw that he did not speak, and continued to open the mouth and said: “Some time ago, a massacre broke out in the Kingdom of Veruba. I was run into … “

She said so, as for the next thing, naturally need not say more.

Regarding these evil lives, sacrifice is a deadly enemy, but it is also a rare resource.

Compared with ordinary person, sacrifices are made to serve the deities all the year round. The soul strength and willpower of the whole person are far beyond ordinary people. The Stone of Spirits obtained from the extracted souls are also more useful. It is an invaluable resource for these evil lives .

Comparatively speaking, the soul of ordinary person is not only weak, but also difficult to form. Among the one hundred people, I am afraid that only one person can truly consolidate a Stone of Spirits, which is naturally far less than the sacrifices of these deities.

“A black one hundred gold coin, the white one does not accept gold coins, only accepts exchanges.” The soft voice continued to sound in front of my eyes.

On the side, a silhouette with a faint bloody air strode forward, looked at Adier with a dreadful glance, and then came to the woman: “I want a black …”

While speaking, he put a hundred gold coins in front of the woman, then took over the black Stone of Spirits handed by the woman, and then walked to the corner.

Looking at this person, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but his heart moved a little.

The person who just glanced at him was not someone else, it was his physical brother, Sim, the heir to the Ba Kulu family.

At the moment when Seem took the gold coin in exchange for Stone of Spirits, Adier finally understood why the wealth accumulated by the Ba Kulu family had been consumed so quickly.

Gambling debt is just a guise, and the truth is all in exchange for Stone of Spirits.

In the corner on the side, holding the Stone of Spirits in his hand, feeling the sorrow and unique rhythm of that soul, Sim’s heart was excited, without any hesitation, directly took the Stone of Spirits in his hand and bite.

what! !

A faint scream came from the place, ringing around his ears in the blink of an eye.

Then, a faint heating emerged from all over the body. At this moment, all of it acted on him, making him in an unprecedented state of good, as if he were taking drugs. The whole person felt extremely happy, a handsome man. The pale face appeared intoxicated, and the breath of the whole person was faintly increased.

In the distance, watching Simm swallowing Stone of Spirits directly, feeling the change in his breath, Adier secretly shook the head.

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