“It’s time again …”

He quietly raised his head and looked out the window. Simm’s face was pale. At this moment, the whole person sat up directly in bed, and with the sharp screams of bats in the distance, the whole person directly rose up.

At one instant, he put on his clothes, and the original wine was completely gone. A handsome face, although pale, seemed very calm at this moment, without any drunkenness.

Looking at the few bats that were hissing softly, after hesitating, he walked out of the room and slowly walked towards the outside. The silhouette of the whole person seemed thin and did not seem to have any sense of presence.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier lifted the sword without hesitation, followed directly, and wanted to see what was happening in front of the scene.

A faint moonlight spread down, and in the whole world, there was only a quiet night.

As he walked out of the manor house of the Ba Kulu family, under Adier’s gaze, Sim’s footsteps became faster and faster, far faster than a normal person should.

This is unusual.

Born in the Knight family, as the eldest son of the Ba Kulu family, Simm naturally also received Knight training since childhood. It is only in the memory of Adier that the other party has not reached the point of being promoted to Knight. It is just a trainee Knight. Although Strength is considered a good trainee Knight, it is still a long way from the official Knight.

But at the moment, in terms of speed alone, the Sim in front has reached the range of the official Knight, and even the ordinary official Knight, the speed is probably not as fast as him.

This unusual change is both surprising and alarming.

Watching this scene silently, Adier didn’t say anything, but just followed behind him silently, and kept walking.

With his strength, as long as he is not actively exposed, it is naturally impossible to be discovered by the previous Sim.

He followed all the way until he slowly walked out of the street in front of him and came to a place in the slum.

Turning all the way, when walking to a tavern, Simm finally stopped himself, put on a layer of black clothed and mask for himself, and then slowly walked in.

Following in his footsteps, Adier quickly followed, before coming to this tavern.

“Wind Nest Tavern …”

Standing in front of the door of the pub, looking at the name of the pub in front, Adier slightly frowned, after hesitating, he followed in the footsteps of Sim and stepped in together.

Into the tavern, on a wooden table in front of the tavern, there are some black clothed and uniform masks, which seem to be used to cover up the use, just, open and honorable are placed there.

As Simm did before, Adier put on black clothed for himself, put on a mask at will, and walked in.

Taking a step forward, a unique breath swept through immediately, making Adier froze directly.

Flesh! A lot of flesh!

In the pub in front of you, a lot of bloody air is constantly rising in the pub, almost flooding the entire pub, turning this small-looking pub into a Demon Domain horror.

The bloody air and the resentment and emotional power that roared before he died directly inspired the slaughter imprint of Adier within the body, which made him instinctively feel thrillers.

Before Adier reacted, the picture in front of him changed again.

The large amount of bloody air that was originally full disappeared directly, and the sorrowful undead and injustice disappeared directly. Even with Adier’s eyesight, the abnormality of this place was not seen at all, as if it were no different from ordinary places.

However, despite the observation of naked eye, in the depth of Adier’s heart, a sense of incoherence continued to rise, making Adier vaguely aware of the wrong place.

“Excuse me, do you have any needs?” A gentle voice with temptation came from the side.

Adier looked up, and saw in front of him a beautiful woman in a tall, black-red uniform standing in front of him.

She is tall, beautiful, and extremely plump. A neat uniform revealing her figure undoubtedly adds a lot of temptation to her.

Regardless of appearance, figure, or that charming temperament, the woman in front of her is a rare thing seen, even beautiful enough to make Adier’s instinct generate a vigilance.

On such occasions, the appearance of such a beautiful woman is not a normal thing.

“Go ahead.”

Without showing the slightest attitude in his heart, Adier said coldly, the whole face was covered under a bronze mask, making him unable to hear his mood swings.

However, in front of him, listening to his words, the woman did not move at all, but still held a gentle and humble smile on her face, just stared straight at him, repeating the previous words: “Excuse me What does this guest need? “

“Trouble …” Seeing the woman’s reaction, Adier frowned secretly.

The woman in front of her apparently found something. It seems that if you want to enter here, it is not enough to just put on this decoration, and you need some other credentials.

A bit of the power of the slaughter bloomed in an instant. In front of him, with the adier’s thoughts, the power of the slaughter hidden in his within the body began to growl, slowly spreading out under the control of Adier’s Spirit, and attached to Adier Body.

“Originally a believer in Massacre Demon God …”

At the moment when the power of slaughter emerged from Adier, the woman in front of her felt the breath that emerged from Adier. The whole person’s face changed slightly, and then the smile on her face became brighter: “Please follow me bring it on.”

She turned and walked deeper into the tavern. It seemed that Adier’s identity had been acknowledged and no further verification was required.

“Reluctantly passed …”

Behind her, looking at the woman’s back, Adier’s eyes flickered, and she didn’t think about it, and followed directly.

Using the slaughter mark of the inside of the body and the power of the slaughter accumulated earlier to disguise the followers of the god of slaughter, this is a method that Adier thought of temporarily.

On the continuous, because of its own nature, the followers of the God of Slaughter are also shouted and killed by many churches. Compared with the demonized species from the abyss of hell, the treatment is not much worse, barely be considered the same camp The presence.

It seems that the identity of the god of slaughter is really useful in these evil camps.

Converging many thoughts in his mind, Adier maintained the power of the slaughter of the body to spread, slowly followed the woman walking in front, and went straight in.

After walking up several stairs and coming to several rooms, Adier led a woman to a spacious basement.

In the basement, several huge round tables were quietly placed there, many of them wearing black robes, and people with masks sitting there.

Simm was also among them.

Under Adier’s gaze, Simm was sitting silently in the corner at the moment, almost the same as the body, but he had to understand the many black robed man communicating there.

After Adier entered the room, the eyes of all the people present were instantly placed on him.

“Oh, a believer in the god of slaughter …”

“It turned out that the Lord came …”

Looking at Adier who entered the room at this moment, feeling the power of the slaughter that was permeating on him, a pair of eyes stared directly at the scene. Some of them were cold, some were calm, and some were killing intent with no cover.

“So many?” Adier couldn’t help but feel a little surprised by the pair of eyes around him, and the sight of his eyes on him. ,

This place is almost a Demon Domain.

On several round tables around, each and everyone exudes a cold air, although the specific air is different, but without exception, it is filled with evil and dim silhouettes. Sitting quietly, each person ’s Strength fluctuations are at least formal. Knight.

There are several silhouettes, which give Adier a deeper feeling. The Strength on his body is almost not under him at this moment, and it is close to the Peak of Silver Knight.

If so many powerful monsters gather, if it erupts, I am afraid that the entire Tam City will suffer immeasurable huge losses.

“You guys, this is a new friend, as you can see, a follower of the god of slaughter …”

Ahead, she seemed to notice the reaction of the people around her. The woman smiled and introduced for Adier, and then went out. It seemed that she was directing the wind and guiding the new tourists.

“Okay, let’s move on to the next topic.”

A meticulous old man dressed in a black gown came from the side, a thin face looked serious, with a little shadow texture on his forehead, which looked very different.

He stood on the high platform, looking at the following silhouettes, and actively opened the mouth and said: “Because of the Holocaust some time ago, several churches in the vicinity are sending people here to prepare for possible problems in this area. search of slaughter believers … “

“During this time, please also be very careful not to hit the hands of those churches …”

“Oh, those churches have such a big move, really thanks to those slaughter believers …” When the old man spoke, beside the round table, one was wrapped in a black robe. The silhouette of the whole person seemed stout and deep. Turning directly with the gloomy and evil silhouette, a pair of eyes looked at Adier: “For the actions of these churches, the friend of the slaughter church, don’t you plan to give us an explanation?”

The voice fell, and suddenly all around, several lines of sight also fell on Adier, with a little undisguised slaughter, which made Adier feel the corner of his mouth directly, and sometimes his mood was a little complicated.

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