“Every confrontation between scheming and planning will eventually be reduced to a confrontation between Strength …”

Standing silently next to Gruul, witnessing his behavior that night, Adier said nothing on the surface, but shook his head secretly.

In just over half a month, Adier also understood Gruul’s life.

This is a person who believes that means are better than people’s hearts, but it is practical, but he prefers planning over practice.

For one thing, I like to plan in advance, but I always omit specific details. When I look at the plan, it seems that there is not one drop of water can leak out, but there are always many problems when I do things.

However, Adier didn’t care about Gruel.

Either there are omissions or no omissions, after all, it is just a platform for disguise, which is nothing to Adier.

Secretly shook the head, looking at the silhouette of Gruul far away, Adier turned and walked towards his room.

The next morning, early in the morning, a slight horseshoe sound rang through Shino when the sun slowly rose on the day.

Despite being unwilling, Viscount Aziri kept his promise and personally filmed two hundred Knights to escort Gruul to Tam.

Gruul was naturally very satisfied with this. After asking for a batch of food, he took these people on the road, and then started his next plan.

Reluctantly got these people, he did not immediately follow the road to return to the capital, but chose to detour, all directions, went to those territories that have not been captured by the Senai kingdom, to find these southern lords.

The reason for doing this is on the one hand to appease and, on the other hand, to ask these lords to take a stand.

Before the fall of the southern fortress, most of these southern lords supported Gruul, but after the fall of the southern fortress, some of these lords suddenly became ambiguous.

Some, as in the past, firmly supported Gruul, and others, like Viscount Asilie, began to shake their attitudes, and even were directed by other forces to do something about Gruul.

After walking this way, Gruul naturally understood the attitude of these lords.

When he formally left the Carlo area and arrived at Tam City, he was already followed by a whole thousand Knights, running in the wilderness under the commander of Gruul, and at a glance he also had a lot of prestige, making Tam Some forces in the city were surprised.

“Gruel, my brother.”

A shout came from a distance.

Adier lifted his head and looked away, only to see a big black man riding a black high-headed horse with rudimentary leather armor walking away from the city gate in the distant city of Tam, with a smile on his face.


Looking at the big man from a distance, Gruul also smiled on his face, and spurred the horse, and led Adier forward.

“It’s been a few months.” Came closer, looking at Gruul, the expression of emotion on the face of the big man named Zamr: “Six months ago, I heard that the southern fortress fell, and I still worry about your safety After seeing you now, I finally feel relieved. “

“Yeah.” Gruul’s face was filled with emotion: “It’s been six months …”

“Southern Fortress, sooner or later, I will take someone back!”

It seemed to be remembering something, and his face was a little angry, and he seemed to be grieved at the fall of the southern fortress.

“Come with me.” Pats Gruul’s shoulder, Zamur glanced at Gruul’s side Adier, and didn’t ask who he was, he just said, “Your Majesty is waiting for you inside.”

“Okay.” Gruul was nodded, then turned and looked towards side Adier: “Yasuo, you can bring someone in, I’ll go to the royal palace.”

“Yes.” Adier gently nodded, meaningless.

After giving a command, Gruul followed in with Zamr and changed his previous nervousness elsewhere.

Despite the serious struggle within the kingdom today, no one in this king capital dares to confront a Prince in public with the king still alive.

What’s more, at the moment beside Gruul, he followed Zamr.

Although it was only a brief glance, Adier could feel that the Zamer’s within the body in front of him had a huge Strength, giving him a sense of danger.

With Adier’s current strength, he can still bring this feeling to him, and it can only be achieved by being close to the existence of Silver Knight Peak.

With such a person on his side, coupled with being in the capital of the king, Gruul can really rest assured.

Gently got off the horse and handed the horse to the slave attendant, Adier turned and looked around.

In front of this, there is a huge square, there are not many houses around, there is only a stable of horses, all around the display, with some horses tied.

Set Knight around, and let Wendy and the others go to the all around hostel. Adier put down his long sword and walked around all around at will, ready to witness the king capital.

On the busy streets, buildings are displayed on all around. On the road all around, some foreign merchants sell some scattered gadgets here, which have attracted the attention of many local people.

On the road, after a while, Adier raised his head a bit, and looked into the distance.

In a corner in the distance, a young girl with a black coat and a pigtail on her head was standing there quietly, staring at him tightly.

If that’s the case, it’s not surprising.

After Adier entered the city, more people stared at him, including men, women, old and young.

Among them, a few may be attracted by his unique appearance and temperament, but more, they are watchers photographed by various families.

The girl in front of her was different.

In the distance, the young girl stared at Adier with a stare in her eyes, but with a look of anger in her eyes, as if Adier had done something to her sorry.

This inexplicable emotion left Adier a little scratched.

“Is it something caused by this body’s predecessor?”

Turning around, Adier thought of another possibility.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Adier still didn’t find the relevant impression about the girl from the memory of the body.

After thinking about it for a long time, Adier finally shook the head and stopped thinking about it, but walked away and walked towards the other side.

Before long, his footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes looked towards the front.

I saw in front, a middle-aged man wearing a coarse robe with a sad face, walking forward, while sighing, walking, looking like something was pressing in his heart.

While seeing this person, Adier felt a sense of familiarity.

“A familiar person?”

He looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, and it was a long time before he identified the man.

People of the Ba Kulu family.

Not the elder of Adier’s body, but also the remote branch clansman of Ba Kulu. In the past, he was responsible for managing the flowers and plants in the family.

Looking at this person, Adier hesitated, and finally chose to walk forward, slowly follow, and follow not far and close.

Reincarnated to this body, until now, he has not seen the clansman of this body.

However, it is even more inquired that after the fall of the southern fortress and the occupation of the Carlo area, his physical family was also drawn here.

Since they are in the same city, they will have some contact sooner or later.

With this in mind, Adier walked forward, step by step, slowly following the middle-aged man walking in front of him, slowly walking to the other side.

The landscape in front of us is constantly moving. As Adier continues to move forward, the pedestrians on the road continue to become scarce, and the remaining people are more and more prominent.

Ahead, it seems that Adier has changed a lot after turning around, or it may be because his mind is too heavy. The middle-aged man from the Ba Kulu family noticed that he followed Adier, but just walked forward slowly until he reached In front of the manor.

The manor looks quite large, and the decoration on the outside is fairly new, except that the wall above is a bit worn, and there is a bit of blood in it, which seems to be newly left.

Outside the door, a dispute was ongoing, frowning Adier, who was watching from a distance.

“I’m no matter what, no matter what, the Kulu family must pay back today!”

A middle-aged man stood in front of the gate of the manor, his face looking gloomy and daunting.

In front of him, a familiar Adier woman was standing in front, whispering something.

“Sirimu Young Lady!” Looking at the woman in front of me, the middle-aged man was gloomy and looked a little angry: “I don’t care how difficult you are now, but you owe us the Trading Company, from now on, Must be returned! “

“I’ll give you three more days! If it doesn’t happen again, don’t blame us for something bad!”

His face was gloomy, looking at the woman in front of him, his face full of anger.

“How much gold coin does she owe you?” A voice came from the side, with a little bit of vibration and rhythm, which sounded at first glance.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man was terrified in his heart, and quickly looked back, just to see a teenager Knight walking behind him.

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