In the room, sitting at his desk, Asiliri was thinking in distress.

If it is said that before the battle of the Southern Fortress, Gruul Prince was a good choice, but after the Southern Fortress was captured and the area of ​​Carlo was occupied by the Duke of Senai, the Prince’s momentum was much worse than before.

The Carlo area is the base camp of Gruul Prince, and it is also the motherland of Gruul Prince.

The fall of the southern fortress not only meant that the relationship that had previously been run by Gruul Prince for many years was broken. The Carlo lords who had supported him suffered heavy losses in this battle and fell behind in the competition with the northern lords. The probability of inheriting the throne is much worse than usual.

At this time, choosing to invest in Gruul Prince’s camp, even if it only gives people such an attitude, it is not a wise choice.

Just in front of him, Gruul Prince is not easy to pass.

If you refuse directly, it means tearing your face.

The other after all is a kingdom, not only the lord of the kingdom itself, but also the lord Carlo standing behind him. He has a lot of energy, and it is not something he can offend.

Not to mention the other side, at this moment can also be followed by a silver Knight.

Viscount Aziri knew his own situation. The two bronze Knights and the silver Knight were not his subordinates, they were only sent by a highness to assist him, and they would leave at most for a period of time.

At that time, without the protection of these Knights, only that Silver Knight would be enough to kill him.

Thinking of this, his heart became more tangled, until in the room in front of him, a rush of footsteps sounded again.

“What! Lord Chris is killed !!!”

Aishiri suddenly stood up, looking at the subordinates who came to the front of the report, and said with disbelief, “What the hell is going on!”

“Not only His Excellency, but also the two His Excellency, were killed together, even the corpses were put together!” In front of him, the old steward who came to the newspaper with a horror on his face, looked at this one. What happened was also unbelievable: “Their bodies were still in the room, their heads were all cut off!”

“Damn !!!” Hearing the news at first, Acer’s mind first showed anger, and then he reacted with fear.

After this happened, he knew in his mind that it was time to make a choice.

Originally, he may have two sides to please, but now he has no choice.

“In a short time, kill two bronze knights and one silver knight so that they can’t even make a sound. This kind of thing, only one person in the whole castle can do it …”

He took a deep breath, and a silhouette of someone flashed in his head.

Outside the door, a sound of crisp footsteps slowly sounded.

Aishiri looked up, and the corners of her eyes jerked slightly.

I saw at the door, Gruul was wearing a blue sleeved long coat with a long sword on his waist, and was walking towards Asileri with a smile on his face.

Next to him, the young Knight named Yasuo was tall and straight, and a black clothed swayed gently in the wind. The bloody smell on his body was not washed, and there was still a little blood on it, telling him clearly, This Knight was just going through a bloody battle.

As Adier and Gruel walked in, Ashiri’s face became more ugly, and the thoughts in her heart were confirmed for a moment.

“Viscount Asilie, the request of the day, I wonder if you have figured it out.”

Looking at Aisiri in front of him, Gruul’s face was full of smiles, and he seemed as happy as how many gold coins he picked up: “No need, just a few dozen people is enough.”

“His Highness Gruul is out of sight.” Asili’s face was ugly, but at this step, it was forcibly a smile, watched him firmly, and tried to open the mouth and said in a gentle tone. It is my pleasure to escort His Royal Highness to the capital. “

“In the capacity of Your Highness, how many dozens are enough, I’d like to send two hundred Knights to escort His Royal Highness to Tame City.” He said so, although his heart was dark, but his face was still full of smiles.

In a short period of time, he had wanted to understand the causes and consequences, as well as the possibilities today.

There is no doubt that the three Knights died in his castle, and this matter has made him unable to choose.

He couldn’t account to the three people behind Knight.

Without witnesses, the people behind the three Knights would not believe his explanation. They would only think that he had turned to Gruul, and together with Gruul, killed the three Knights.

Even if the other party believed him, the family behind the three Knights would not choose to let him go.

Two bronze knights, one silver knight, each of these knights must have their own family and power to cultivate these people.

Now, the Knights cultivated by these families are so dead. He died in the castle of Viscount Asilie. Even if His Highness knows his innocence, he must give an explanation to the three families behind Knight He is a scapegoat.

So at this point, he has no choice.

“Then many thanks to Viscount Aziri for his generosity.”

In front of him, listening to the words of Viscount Aziri, Gruul smiled, and seemed very satisfied with the final expression of Viscount Aziri.

“So, as a gift, these things are for you.”

He smiled, showing his neat teeth, then stepped forward personally, put down three wooden boxes, and then turned away with side Adier.

Beside him, he gave a slight glance at Viscount Aziri, and Adier shook his head secretly, then followed Gruul and left directly.

After they left, Viscount Aziri trembled his hands, looked at the three wooden boxes in front of him, smelled a little bloody air from above, and took a deep breath before slowly approaching, These three wooden boxes open.

A strong burst of bloody air rose sharply, hitting Viscount Aziri’s nose and nose in an instant, making his face extremely ugly.

I saw three wooden boxes in front of me, which contained three living human heads.

On the human head, a little blood was flowing, and his facial expressions and unbelievable expressions had solidified, and it seemed that he could not believe that he had died.

Looking at the three human heads, it took a while for Viscount Aisiri to slow down and gently close the three wooden box. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He lost his strength and usually slumped on the wooden chair. .

Outside the door, on the way back to their room, Gruul walked along the road.

“Yasor, this time, thanks to your idea.”

On the narrow road, thinking about the scene when the three Knights were beheaded before, Gruul still had some lingering fears.

After meeting with Viscount Aisiri before and formally proposed to let the other party escort him back to the capital, Gruul was in a tangled state, with some concerns that Viscount Asilie would not yield.

After all, compared to the one who instructed the opponent, he had too few chips at the moment, and the follow of a silver Knight did not tell much.

The fall of the Carlo area, the southern lords who originally supported him, suffered heavy losses, which meant that the strength that originally supported him was greatly weakened.

Those lords who saw this, even if they were the ones who originally supported him, were afraid to worry.

Such was the case of Viscount Ashiri.

As Gruul’s original father-in-law to some extent, the Viscount Asilie also supported Gruul in the beginning. But when the southern fortress fell and Gruul was defeated, his attitude immediately became ambiguous, and a group of Knights from other forces gathered around him to fight him.

In this case, trying to get the other party back into his arms, again easier than said.

Adier was naturally aware of his mood and concerns, but he was also impatient.

For Adier, this level of confrontation is really a bit boring, so he simply came up with an idea.

Killing Knight directly from the other Prince and planting it directly on Viscount Asilie’s head, he has a lot of confidence to force the other party to submit.

Strictly speaking, this scheme is not too insurance, but for the moment, it is the only way.

Gruul immediately agreed with Adier’s method, and raised his sword in person, he was ready to touch the three Knight’s rooms overnight to assassinate.

However, they did not expect that the other party also held the same general idea with them. The three people gathered directly together, and a premeditated assassination became a forcible kill.

In a fight, Adier once again revealed his value. The three Knights were killed by him directly, and the whole process did not even show a sound.

Gruul couldn’t help shaking his head at the thought of the previous fighting process, looking at Adier’s eyes, and couldn’t help getting hotter.

“There is such a strong Knight around, as long as it is not Golden Knight himself, what else is there to be afraid of?”

There was a smile on his face, and for the first time since he fled, he felt full of security.

“But … it’s not safe …”

In a flash, other thoughts appeared in his mind: “Yasuo will follow me, only I can give him a chance and a future, but these, my big brother can also do it …”

“More things are needed for him to serve faithfully …”

For Gruul and the others, he did not believe the so-called affection and friendship.

Yasuo’s second sister is indeed his wife, but in Gruul’s eyes, it may not have much weight.

When it comes to relationships, Aishiri is still his father-in-law, and in the end he sees his defeat, but he still turns to other Princes and wants to imprison him?

Doru Baron is Yasuo ’s father, but before Dou Baron has been defeated many times, many times in crisis, why do n’t he see Yasuo come forward to help his father fight?

It can be seen that the genius Knight does not necessarily care much about his father and his family. It is even more hopeless to rely on this to tie each other up.

“It’s better than this …”

Seems to remember something, Gruul smiled again.

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