Whispering Poems Chapter 617


Chapter 615 Fruit Wine
"What are you thinking?" Miss Galina in the long dress saw that Shade was distracted, so she asked with a smile. The waiter in the restaurant came with the dining cart, but the maids did not allow them to approach the table, and the maids still served them, after all, Demoness hates men.

“I’m thinking of something weird,” says Shade, holding a box of eyeshadows in an enamel oval box in addition to the cat. The abnormal eye effect brewed by the blood of the Star Sea whale has long since disappeared, and the eye shadow of this time is not used to change the color of the eyes, but to make your face slightly different. Familiar people can be recognized at a glance, but it is difficult for unfamiliar people to connect two people together.

She knew that Shade would be on an adventure in Fort Midhill next, so she took out this kind of "cosmetics" that only demoness could use.

"Miss Galina, do you know the first angel?"

The first angel is called "her" Jakar, but it is said in that ancient unknown language out, Shade can't even transliterate it, the name itself has power. This angel is related to Augustus' priest's secret, and although Shade won't reveal the priest's secret to others, he is very interested in this angel.

"The first angel? That is, the world Creation Beginning, the first angel created by the Ancient Gods. Also known as the angel of death, the angel of death. I remember reading some materials, in the early sixth era, Mi There is still an organization in Fort De Hill that believes in this angel, but I don't know it now."

Demoness curiously asked:
"Shade, did you meet this angel in that city? The power of the first angel? The information in the council records that the power of this angel is extremely powerful."

"No, no, I just saw this when I was looking for the information about Fort Midhill recently. Name."

Shade shook his head, knowing that the Demoness Council didn't have much information, so he changed the subject:
"Want to see my new spell?"

He smiled and said to the black-haired lady maid:
"Please help, let the restaurant bring an empty wine bottle, must have filled it."

"Pour this out. ."

Miss Galina pointed to the decanting bottle of wine at the foot of the table, and before Shade objected, Tifa actually poured the wine into the ice bucket.


Shade has always opposed such wasteful behavior, but since Miss Galina is rich, he can't say anything more.

Taking the dark wine bottle that Tifa handed over, Shade held the bottom of the bottle with his right hand, and the bottleneck with his left, and pointed it at the center of the table. The plate was probably a fruit for decoration. .

There are apples, grapes, pears and two cherries in it. It was actually three just now, and the other one was fed to Mia by Shade.

The bottleneck was slightly rotated with her left hand. In the eyes of Miss Galina, who was very interested, and the surprised eyes of the maids around, those fruits turned into fresh red liquid and flew into the bottle.

This is very fast. When all the fruit is gone, Shade immediately takes the cork and corks the wine bottle. Standing up the wine bottle and shaking it gently, some blood-colored halos flashed across the bottle.


Shade handed the bottle to Tifa, who uncorked the bottle and poured some for Shade and Miss Galina. The red liquid looks crystal clear and near-transparent, without any impurities inside, and it is more beautiful than any ruby in a static state.

"It smells good."

The red-haired duchess shook her glass, then twitched her nose slightly, then smiled and looked towards Shade:

" Your ability to make wine is really good, but can fruit wine use so many mixed fruits?"

"You can taste it."

Shade ignored scratching himself, wanting to divide Some of the cats who tasted it, took a sip of the scarlet's cider in the glass - this ability can only make the wine of the scarlet.

The wine blend tasted surprisingly good, but Shade is not a professional sommelier, so can't tell how good it is.

"Oh, this taste reminds me of the first wines from Château Russell in 1752, and the bottle of Fleming's Centennial Cellar that I received at my sixteenth birthday. "

Miss Galina is not stingy with her praise, which is what Shade can expect, after all, the blood-sucking god simply wrote "I have good taste" on her face.

Galina Cavendish gave Shade a rare sweet smile:
"Knight, how did this spell come about?"

" Get it from the person who held the reception."

The key itself was given by Miss Galina, so Shade didn't hide it, but he didn't go into too much detail, after all, this blood-brewed spell is really It's too terrifying.

"You are always surprising people. I think even those Demons emperors who see you will not kill you easily, but will imprison you in the depths of their palaces. In the room."

She shakes the glass gently, allowing the gradually dark red wine to vibrate in it:

"This wine is really good, Knight, as you have provided it. In return, I allow you to make a non-excessive condition to me. Yes, anything is possible."

She gazed at Shade with a smile in her golden eyes, and Shade thought about it:

"If it's convenient, please help me find a special kind of blood. I've been having a hard time with this recently."

"This request is really incomprehensible."

She was a little embarrassed Saying that, a small smile appeared on Tifa's face, who was standing aside, and the maids around pretended not to hear it.

Shade held the wine glass in one hand and touched the cat under his hand, and said jokingly:

"I thought about tasting this wine from your mouth, but we It doesn't seem to have reached this step yet, and it's very unhygienic."

"Oh, is it?"

The red-haired Demoness raised an eyebrow and put the wine glass in his hand. Handed it to Tifa beside him.

The black-haired girl in a heavy maid dress stooped slightly and took the glass. The three maids walked to Shade's side and stood in a row to block other possible sight lines.

Tifa stood upright at the table, squinted her eyes, raised her head slightly, opened her red lips and took a sip, but there was no swallowing movement in her throat. With a little blush on the sides of her cheeks, she took the cup, smiled at Shade, and set the cup down on the table.

Under the watchful eye of her master, Tifa walked towards Shade with the sip of wine, and came between Shade and the three maids who blocked her vision.

The red-haired Demoness looked at the two of them with a smile, while Tifa lowered her head and looked towards Shade who was sitting. In her dark brown eyes, in addition to being shy, there was also a strange smile.

All in all, the dinner was quite interesting.

(Mia is running.)

It wasn't until after waking up on Tuesday morning, when Shade went downstairs in slippers to get the newspaper, that Shade realized that this week he hadn't received the gift from the [God's Gift Box]. ] to take a gift.

So, before breakfast, he moved the box from the basement to the second floor, and after carefully washing his hands, he put his hand into the box cautiously.

Unsurprisingly, this week's gifts are also regular items. But the gift at this time was worth something. It was a brand new short dagger that looked very sharp. Shade took it out of the scabbard.

The thick black rope is woven around the handle to prevent slipping, and the blade seems to be freshly maintained, and even smells of oil.

This is undoubtedly a really delicate weapon that can be used to hurt people. It is very practical for Shade, but as a gift for "child", it seems a bit inappropriate. But then Shade thought, maybe in the eyes of that god, there will be children who like to exercise since childhood and like this kind of exquisite weapon.

"This week's task is to use this knife to practice 100 slashes for three days in a row?"

Shade turned that very sharp knife into a napkin at hand. After turning it into a toy and throwing it on the table:
"It seems that God made gift boxes when he was really virtuous."

Because Augustus first had been rescued, Dorothy And Dr. Schneider did not come to 6 St. Teresa Square again. But Luvia also needs to install her complex stargazing apparatus on the third floor, which almost turns the purple-eyed girl into a mechanic. Fortunately, because of the overtime work during the "Big City Player 1853" period in the past few weeks, she can take a few days off recently, so she also has time to come to Shade.

It's just that I have to return to the association to work after lunch, but the distance between the two is not far.

Luvia came shortly after breakfast. Shade asked her to take care of Mia, who didn't want to go to Midhill with him to see the mountains. The new special currency [Erection Coins] bought in the black market of the ring warlock of the castle was handed over to her.

(end of this chapter)

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