Whispering Poems Chapter 618


Chapter 616 Hotel Sikar

A coin alone is not enough to predict the third place Regarding the elector, even if Luvia has used the time of the Ayutthaya players to advance from the third ring to the fourth ring, her "price divination" has not greatly reduced the demand for currency relics.

However, she finally got the information about "Fort Midhill" that she applied to the headquarters of the Prophet's Association. There are a lot of descriptions about the "Little Life and Death", but for Shade, there is no more. Useful, he will not enter that place again.

The only thing that surprised him was that the Society of Prophets believed that the "extinct volcano" of Mount Sikar was not a naturally formed volcano, but a volcano formed by external forces the day after tomorrow. Also, Mount Xikar still has the possibility of eruption, but it may not be lava.

"Does the association think that once the death erupts, the most likely eruption point is the top of Mount Sikar?"

Shade wondered, but Luvia didn't understand either. .

I came to the abandoned tower in the Sikar Mountain from my basement. After practicing a hundred times of swinging the knife in the forest in front of the tower, I went all the way down the mountain and entered the inner city.

Cassandra Auction House can be regarded as the most well-known chain of Auction Houses in the entire old continent. The headquarters of Auction House is in the city center of Midhillsburg.

The Auction House, along with the parish's Natural Church, Dawn Church, and City Hall, is located on Santa Cala Avenue in the city center. Although geographically, it is not the most center of the city, but the southern part, but this neighborhood is indeed the economic, political and cultural center of the entire city.

The two ends of Santa Kala Avenue are Oak Street and Punjab Street. Many important border agencies such as the Kingdom's Border Agency are located in the former, while the latter is filled with the offices of the large and small multinational trade Business Group.

“Wait, Punjab Street?”

In the second half of the harvest month, the branches and leaves on the street trees have begun to peel off. When the Kassandra Auction House got off the carriage, Shade was suddenly startled, then turned his head and looked towards the intersection of Santa Kara Avenue and Punjab Street:

"I remember, the gray-headed eagle passed the According to the information, Seth dukedom told the Kasenricks that the goods they helped transship were in a warehouse on Punjab Street. Wait, what does this have to do with me?"

He immediately Forgot what he suddenly remembered, and was very sure in his heart that the loyal MI6 major-level agent Shade Hamilton had no connection with the evil Carsenricks (note).

I came to Kasenrick Auction House today, mainly to meet the Great Demon daughter-in-law Zina Kassandra and Sister Daveline of the spirit cultivator order. In addition to thanking the two of them for their help, I would like to explain in detail what happened on Saturday night in the narrow life and death.

Of course Shade wouldn't say that he and Augustus priest had both "Death" once and then returned from the world of the dead. He only said that he met many strange people in the narrow space of life and death, and even saw a very strong vampire from a distance.

"The other party is really strong, except for the winged man, maybe the one who caused the natural phenomenon of the crimson aurora above Mount Crimson, or the vampire. After all, the power of vampires , isn't it often with a scarlet?"

Shade said without any psychological burden.

He rescued the middle-aged vampire and his nephew, and the other party was not only a foreigner, but even a foreigner who spoke Carsenrick, maybe he would never see him again in his life. .

"Vampires? There do seem to be some long-term folks here, but haven't they been regular citizens all the time?"

Mother-in-law Cassandra and Daveline The nun talked, and seemed not to doubt his words.

The two also told Shade that a total of 17 missing persons, including August priest, had been found yesterday by soldiers of the Delarion Imperial Family Army at City Hall and Windward Path.

Everyone has lost their memory in the [Little Space between Life and Death], which is not only the effect of the level 0 relic itself, but also because the living should not have any memory related to Death World.

In conclusion, Augustus priest has successfully returned to the Church of Dawn. After a physical examination and simple questioning, he was able to return to normal work. Compared with the other sixteen missing persons, there is nothing special about the priest, and no one remembers what he did in the [Little Space between Life and Death].

Mother-in-law Kassandra knew that Shade had come to Meadhill Fort by special means from Tobeysk, so before Shade got up to say goodbye and left, she also told him that if there was any trouble in the city, You can always come here and ask her for help. Although Sister Daveline of the spirit cultivator order also heard all this, she did not express any curiosity about Shade's space crossing. .

She doesn't understand why the Great Demon woman would get close to a man, but she also promises that Shade can always get help from the [spirit cultivator order]. She still hasn't told where the Shade order is, but Shade can reach her through [House of the Blind].

After expressing thanks again, Shade said that he wanted to acquire special blood, currency relics, and time keys before leaving Kassandra Auction House. When he reached the door, someone called his name from behind:

"Mr. John Watson!"

Turn around to see that it was the Auction who helped Shade lead the way. The lobby manager on the first floor of the House. The brunette-haired middle-age person in a neat suit hurried over and handed Shade a brass-colored card.

Shade originally thought it was the other party's business card, but after reading it, he realized that it was not.

"Mr. Watson, this is Cassandra's Auction House VIP Card. It can be used in all Auction Houses and branches in the old continent. I forgot to give it to you just now."

He said respectfully, Shade nod to put the card away, and then inquired at him:

"If I contact an officer stationed in Fengqi Path, what is the best way to contact me? Simple?"

The camps for these frontier teams were all in the Sikar Mountains, and Shade didn't want to follow the Windward Trail into the mountain, which was too far.

"Do you know the specific unit number or camp location?"

The middle-aged manager asked, Shade shook his head:

"I only know the rank and name ."

"Then I suggest you go to the tavern in the south of the city and ask. The officers like to go to the tavern in the city during their holidays. They know each other well, and you will find the answer."

Seeing Shade's nod, he hesitated before adding:

"I don't mean to offend those respectable frontier officers, but they are usually rude and rude, and a gentleman like you is afraid to deal with them. It will be difficult."

The middle age person doesn't know Shade's true identity, but seeing that he can be favored by Ms. Cassandra, the owner of the Auction House, he thinks he is a young noble descendant or He came from a wealthy business family.

“What do they like to do in the tavern?”

Shade curiously asked.

"What else? Women, alcohol, and Rhodes."

"That's it"

Shade looked thoughtful, believing that he would be with the locals The officers get along very well.

The density of pubs and hotels around Midhillburg train station in the southern part of the city is staggering because it connects the most important train lines in the east-central part of the continent. Even during the daytime on a Tuesday weekday, most of the pubs along the street are still open and packed.

It happened to be noon, and Shade was thinking of finding a place to eat and inquire about the information. He didn't want to squeeze into an overcrowded tavern, but going to a fancy restaurant was expensive and impossible to snoop on.

Interested in looking for a decent looking and relatively regular business hotel like the Three Cats Hotel in Tobesque Anthem Square. Just when I was taking the carriage just now, the enthusiastic coachman recommended the "Sikar Hotel" on White Birch Street, two blocks away from the train station.

The name is fairly straightforward, but it seems to make a stronger impression.

"I don't know if 'Sikar' is a chain brand. If so, someone will probably charge for the brand."

Shade thought happily, these thoughts , and only he himself understands what it means.

Midhill Fort is extremely rich in wood resources, but the buildings built in the old times in the southern city are mostly made of stone due to military and fire protection needs. The size of the Sikar Hotel is far smaller than the Three Cats Hotel in Tobesque City, but this hotel is also divided into four floors on the ground, the upper two floors are the accommodation area, and the lower two floors are restaurants and pubs.

It happened to be eleven thirty in the morning when Shade put on his eyeshadow and pushed the door into the hotel. The sun is not bad today. The light enters the window from the graystone window frame, leaving bright or dark mottled marks on the tables and guests.

There is a smell of wine in the hotel, and at this time, the guests who are eating lunch have already filled two-thirds of the table on the first floor. The buzzing restaurant is buzzing with people of all languages and identities conversing with each other.

Even when Shade walked in, someone was heard complaining loudly in Carsonrick about the excessively wet autumn in Midhills, a scene only seen in peaceful times.

A long-haired male bard in a red hat sits on a high stool and plays the lute by the wall, with a silver Carsonrick whistle at his feet.

Shade saw that there was an empty table near him, so he sat down and asked the waiter for a menu, choosing something that might suit his taste by name. He didn't order too much food. After all, he had agreed to meet Augustus Priest in the afternoon, and Priest still owed him a meal.

While choosing the drink, Shade unconsciously thought of the drink Tifa brought over at dinner last night. With a sullen face and no expression, he returned the menu to the waiter, then watched the poet beside him play and sing, waiting for his lunch to be delivered.

The bards who make money playing in taverns mostly use heroic epics and legends as material selections, and sometimes cater to the official needs of the kingdom, and sing some news about current affairs while receiving money.

The poet in front of him sang the story of the undying bird in the local legend. The current aria has reached the end of the story. It is the part where people in the story pay tribute to the undying bird who sacrificed for the city.

PS: As mentioned in Chapter 368, Shade is already a major.

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