Whispering Poems Chapter 596


Chapter 594 Coins erected

After leaving the club, Shade returned to the home of the blind, Ms Michelle found out the location of the local black market. He then took the travel map of Fort Midhill and walked around the city while heading towards the black market.

It's conceivable that Shade will have a lot of adventures in the city before he can actually rescue Augustus Priest. Therefore, he wants to become familiar with this place as soon as possible, at least to know which way is convenient for him to escape.

Different from Tobesque and Coldwater Harbor, which Shade is more familiar with, as an old continental inland city facing the mountains, the urban style of Midhill Fort is more modern and industrialized. It does not have the long history and political role of the royal capital, nor is it constrained by maritime trade like the Cold Water Port, so the urban development is biased towards the wharf.

After the advent of the steam industry, Midhill Fort was able to develop and industrialize wholeheartedly. Relying on its important transportation status and the abundant mineral resources at the northern foot of the Western Carr Mountain, this mountain city has been an urban area in recent years. The area is getting bigger and bigger, and the economy is getting better and better, but correspondingly, although it is close to the mountains, the air pollution level is only better than Tobesque.

Most of the towering yellow wall buildings facing the street are less than a hundred years old, and the farther north you move away from the mountains, the more newer municipal infrastructure you can observe. This is highlighted in the fact that there are unified steam and gas meters at the intersection, and most of the metal pipes climbing on the walls are not rusted.

After all, Midhillburg does not have the conditions to expand the city toward the southern Rommel Mountains. Therefore, although the steam factory and the traditional city center are located in the southern city, the living conditions in the northern city are actually better. Some.

Black smoke puffs into the sky, making noisy cities look gray, but that's the norm in this era. As one of the most important transportation hub cities in the central and eastern part of the old continent, in addition to being able to hear various languages communicating on the street, there are also many ring warlocks resident in the local area and many ring warlocks passing by. underground black market.

Similar to the situation in Lengshuigang, in the large and small black market, there are always some with good reputation because of their good reputation. Ms. Michele introduced Shade to one of them.

Shade's impression of the black market is usually a tavern or a hotel, in order to cover up the strange phenomenon that strangers often come and go. The one Ms. Michele introduced to Shade was inside the Midhillsburg train station.

Shade followed the map and turned at the Hankwood Street intersection when he could already hear the train whistle coming from inside the station. The capacity of the Midhillburg Steam Station is extremely large, and the to-and-fro trains travel south through the Rommel Mountains into the United Kingdom of Carsenrick on the southern Great Plains of the old continent, and travel north through the northern part of the old continent. The interior of the kingdom of Delarion.

When the stranger appeared at the station gate with his head down and his newspaper in hand, no one cared about him being unremarkable.

"It's bigger than Tobesque Railway Station"

Shade sighed softly, and then entered the interior of the station with passengers carrying suitcases or backpacks.

Midhillsburg Railway Station is located in the southeast part of the city and handles both freight and passenger transport. The inside of the station was extremely noisy and crowded, the humming was particularly annoying, and there was a strong, choking smell of burning coal in the air.

Amidst the noise in his ears, Shade first found the ticket booth and bought a second-class ticket for the steam train No. B823 according to the information provided by Ms. Michel.

After waiting for 20 minutes, Shade, who was reading the news of the Ayutthaya Players Championship with a newspaper, got on the bus at the station entrance.

His ticket was for Car No. 2, but when the train started moving, Shade walked towards the head of the train. The first three carriages of the entire train are freight, and the latter are passenger. There is a metal fence gate and a wooden gate between freight and passenger to prevent passengers from wandering.

Shade took the ticket and the newspaper and the map, and knocked on the wooden door through the crack of the iron fence. Three short and one long, then three long and one short.

Then the wooden door was opened a crack:

"Who introduced you?"

The voice behind the door asked.

This train is a short one hour journey between Fort Midhill and the country town. Only trusted ring warlocks and organizations in the city can get the information, so the introducer must be stated:
"The nun of the Blind House, she also asked me to tell you, don't forget to send her the last order. "

"Won't forget."

The voice behind the door replied, then offered a mask.

After Shade put it on, another key was handed out from behind the door. Shade opened the gate with the key, pushed open the gate to one side with some harsh metal friction, returned the key to the gatekeeper, and officially entered the black market of the station.

The first three carriages are all in the black market area of the station, and the No. 1 carriage closest to the front of the train is the location for large-value transactions, which requires consent to enter. Cars No. 2 and No. 3 are arranged like taverns, with a bartender in each car, responsible for maintaining order and updating the transaction content on the small blackboards on both sides of the car.

Of course, if you don't want to disclose the transaction content, you can spend a lot of money and let the bartender keep the transaction information alone, waiting for the right transaction object to appear.

Shade walked around the carriage and didn't see anyone selling coins and relics, and he wasn't interested in any other information. So, I first found the bartender in the No. 3 compartment, and explained his long-term request for a reward for the purchase of coins and relics, and then asked him whether there were other abnormal events in the local half a month since the beginning of autumn.

The bald bartender charged Shade 3 shillings for intelligence before saying:
"Does the abnormality of the Orthodox Church count? They seem to want to plan something big in the fall or winter. The operation has been in preparation since last year. If you are a warlock out of town, don’t provoke the local church recently, or you will definitely be unlucky.”

“I also heard that the local church is abnormal, What are they trying to do?"

But the bartender just shook his head:
"In addition to the abnormality in the church, since the end of this summer, there has been a sudden increase in local strange disappearances. I don't know the reason, but also It's impossible to investigate, it's like an urban legend in a tabloid."

"Did this kind of thing happen locally before?"

The bartender glanced at Shade:
" Yes, but the frequency is very low and it doesn't attract much attention. Most of this kind of thing happens to the ordinary person, I have never heard of it happening to the ring warlock."

It seems that Austrian Gus first was out of luck this time.

"Also, do you have a commission to sell special coins here? Not on the blackboard over there."


bartender nodded , Shade's face showed a smile behind the mask. Sure enough, in a city he has never been to, the probability of finding special coins is higher:
"Where is the trader."

He suddenly thought When I bought coins at the Seven Broom Tavern in Coldwater Harbor, it was the first time I met Darkness, and the two even played a game of Rhodes. Therefore, Shade suddenly became nervous:
"Wait, the trader isn't here, right?"

"Yes, the trader is me."

The bartender pointed to himself lazily:
"In addition to being a broker, we will also buy some less dangerous relics for sale. I only have this here. If you want to buy it, you can trade it now."

During the shaking of the train, he took out a stack of papers from under the counter, and after rummaging for a long time, he took out a sheet and handed it to Shade.

After thanking Shade, he took this piece of paper and found a round table by the window to sit down, and carefully read the introduction of the new relic:
[Poet-level relic - an erected coin, the appearance is a A Copper Coin, which is slightly larger than a shilling coin. One side is a pattern of azaleas, which is regarded as the reverse side; the other side is written with the letter word "One" in words that are suspected to be Quaternary, which is regarded as the front side.

Characteristics: No matter under any circumstances, the coin tossed will always remain vertical when it lands. Infinite flips; the coin holder, when flipping other coins, greatly increases the probability that the coin will stay upright when it lands. ]

"What is this feature?"

Shade behind the mask thought suspiciously, then noticed that two strangers sat down across the table and whispered together. conversation.

[Containment method, erect the coin on a plane with an angle of no more than 12 degrees from the ground, and a slight vibration will not cause the coin to fall.

Negative features, if one side of the coin is pressed on a plane with an angle of no more than 12 degrees from the ground, or the above problem is caused by strong vibration, then - in the case of the head up, it needs to be at 24 Within 8 hours, the coins are passed out through transactions, and the traders who get the coins will definitely fall to death from a height within 8 hours of touching the coins; if the transaction is not completed, the coin holders will be 24 hours later. , forced to spit out the guts of one third.

If the coin is tails up, at least 10 pounds of dried azalea petals (about 4.53kg) need to be devoured within 4 hours, and the coin must be passed on to someone else by trade. If any of these conditions are not fulfilled, the coin holder will disappear into a field of azaleas within 24 hours. ]

"This is probably the weakest relic I've ever encountered."

Shade flipped through the document in his hand, then looked towards the final price:

"15 pounds 3 shillings?"

Although it was a little higher than he expected, it was just below the maximum price he could bear:
"It should be fine."

Stand up and go back to the counter, telling the bartender that he wants to buy the coin. The bartender is going to the front car to pick up the goods. So let Shade find a place to rest first.

It just so happened that someone was talking about "Ayutthaya Player 1853" in Tobesque, and Shade came over. Afterwards, he even got that coin and played two hands of Rhodes with a stranger to pass the time before the train returned to Fort Midhill City.

Although we didn't know each other, it was fun to play cards, and Shade was able to learn more about the city from the conversation.

It was dark outside by the time Shade crossed the jungle at West Carr Hill and returned to 6 St. Teresa Square through the ruined tower. Both Dorothy and Luvia were still there, the former writing in the study, the latter adjusting her stargazing equipment on the third floor.

(end of this chapter)

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