Whispering Poems Chapter 595


Chapter 593 Nether Moon
The spirit cultivator order is eligible to wear silver because of its unique ring warlock inheritance The eyes of the nuns with the quality crowns and blindfolds can capture the spirituality that the naked eye cannot see. So even the Church and the Academy couldn't capture those narrow one-way entrances that had appeared in Fort Midhill, but the Spirit Cultivator Order could.

That's why they once rescued people who had strayed into them, but the Church couldn't rescue Augustus Priest right away.

It will take some time for the cult to find a usable entrance in the city, secure it, and allow a single person to enter.

What Shade needs to do is to provide 3,000 pounds of ceremony materials, and let the [spirit cultivator order] set up ceremony, using a method similar to "psychic", so that Shade can also enter the ambiguous life and death. area.

Holding the Priest's personal item, Shade was able to find Augustus Priest inside that spooky area, and then the Order was able to pull both of them out.

In this method, 3,000 pounds is not a problem at all. The other four people in the group gather together and let him reimburse after rescued the Priest, and the nun asked Shade to send the money within a week. This is not in a hurry. . The priest's personal item is not difficult to find, and the holy emblem pendant that Shade picked up can be used. The only risk is that Shade needs to enter that dangerous area, and only by him, strangers can't rely on ceremony to find Augustus priest.

Although Shade only promised a few hours ago that the other three members of the group would not enter there easily, but now that he has got a way, he is not willing to back down.

Sister Daveline explained the entire rescue process to Shade in detail, and explained the possible dangers of doing so. A little careless, Shade will also get lost in that realm, and then wait for others to rescue him.

"Mr. John Watson, I can't fathom the risk of doing this. You must think about it before making your decision."

"Don't think about it, Sister Daveline, please. Get ready for the ceremony, I'll be raising money later."

Shade shook his head, August Priest was one of the few friends he had in this world, and August Priest was a good man worth saving. There is still a drop of divinity in his soul that he has not used. When it comes to a last resort, he will use divinity to incarnate into a god to reverse everything.

The nun was silent for a while:

"Mr Watson, there are very few people like you now."

"Don't compliment me, maybe I'll regret it in the future, but at least I want to do it now."

Shade sighed, thinking that when the Priest is rescued and let him treat him to dinner, maybe the restaurant he chooses can be upgraded a little more :
"Sister Daveline, speaking of which, is the local church planning some major event? My friend Auguste Priest is here for a business trip, he doesn't know why."

He thought about it again, and the nun's face under the blindfold showed a serene smile again:

"The local church has been busy with other things since last winter. They want to have a big diving technique ceremony locally, and your friend, the old priest, was probably called in for that."

"Big ceremony?"

Shade nods, he hasn't heard about this, and even the priest himself doesn't know why he's here on business. Although the priest is the "ordinary person" considered by the church, this kind of elderly devout clergy can also play a great role in the diving technique ceremony through prayer, so the statement of "large diving technique ceremony" is very credible:
"As far as I know, there are no less than 100 clergymen dispatched by the Five Gods Church from the old continent various Sects area. If there are only so many senior clergymen, I can hardly imagine them in the end. What to do."

Ms. Michelle shook her head slightly, the [spirit cultivator order] was also investigating this matter.

Having got the information he wanted, Shade wanted to leave. Tomorrow morning, the [spirit cultivator sect] will pass the information of [Life and Death] to the Blind House, and find the border entrance and hold a ceremony, which is estimated to be within a day or two.

But Sister Daveline asked Shade to stay a little longer, she still has something to do:

"I heard from Sister Michelle that you have a very pure moonlight on you. So, can I use my eyes to see the rays of light on you?"

The tone of her request was exactly the same as the tone she had spoken to Shade, with no emotion at all.

"Of course."

The other party has helped so much, and naturally he will not refuse such an unremarkable request.

So Shade sat on the sofa, looking at the ash-gray-haired nun.

The latter lowered her head and carefully took off the silver crown, and when she lifted the head again, there was no metal blindfold to cover her eyes, and Shade really saw the other's face clearly . It's beautiful indeed, and unlike the demoness's kind of detached ordinary person beauty, the nun has an eerily pale beauty.

"Sorry," she said softly, then opened her eyes.

Shade looked at it inquisitively, and what he saw was a pair of godless black eyes. Looking closely, the eyeballs are cloudy, and the black eyes seem to be faded, and it is difficult to distinguish the boundary between the eyeball and the white of the eye. This should be some kind of special genetic disorder, somewhat similar to cataracts.

In other words, this Sister Daveline is actually a real blind person.

Shade thought to himself, then realized it was impolite to stare. When he looked away, he guessed that since the other party was really blind, what kind of "seeing" with taking off the blindfold was used to see.

"It's really beautiful."

While Shade was thinking about it, the ash-gray-haired nun suddenly said:

"Such bright silver moon rays of light , quiet, serene and pure, which reminds me of watching the silver moon in the mountains on the quietest night."

She closed her eyes and put on her blindfold again, Instead of continuing to comment on the rays of light on Shade, he asked a somewhat abrupt question:
"Mr. John Watson, do you know Ancient God?"

"Of course you do."

Shade raised his eyebrows, not understanding why the other party suddenly mentioned this topic:

"As far as I know, Ancient God is the first and oldest thirteenth in this world. A god."

"Yes, the Ancient Gods are different from all the gods today. They do not symbolize a single or opposite thing, each Ancient God corresponds to a considerable amount of power. "

"I also know that, Tobesque's 'that lady' once mentioned that the dark Ancient God has the power of darkness, mistakes, history, etc."

"Because of what happened some time ago, Tobesque's seventh seat Demoness should really know this. So do you know the meaning of [Moon]?"

The nun asked again, and Shade nodded again:
"It's very simple, the moon, the night, the recorder."

The nun had already put on her blindfold, and still said in that calm tone:
"And death."


This Shade can't think of anything.

"To be exact, it is 'directing death'. The power of the Ancient Gods sometimes overlaps subtly. The night since ancient times is inseparable from the concept of death, and the symbols of light and heat. , The sun of the living is opposite, and the moon corresponds to the dark, cold, and dead. Mainstream mysticism believes that the red moon represents flesh and blood and reproduction, the yellow moon is the moon itself and the direction, and the silver moon is sacred and purifying. But in fact, the oldest Moon, that silver moon."

Shade glanced at Sister Daveline.

"It is also regarded by people as a sign that guides death at night, which is the [Pluto Moon] in the divination theory."

"But in Ancient God, there is a sign of death. God."

Shade said, he knew the [Founding Death] as a Rhodes card.

"Yes, Ancient God [Ancient Death God], the original god of death. He represents death, end and nothingness in its purest form, there is no doubt about that."

In the morning, Mr. Edmund of Coldwater Harbor also mentioned [Ancient Death God].

The nun spoke softly, and Shade looked at each other hesitantly, suspecting that [spirit cultivator church] may be a transcender group that believed in [ancient Death God] or [Silver Moon Sage] since ancient times, just like belief in ancient times. Like the Prophet Association of [Mr. Huan].

But before he could decide whether to ask the other party, his chest suddenly warmed.


It is the badge that can judge the power of Demoness is hot, and from the degree of heat, it is not the woman with the power of Demoness that is nearby, but the Great The Demon woman is nearby.

Although he was surprised, Shade's expression was still normal. As he felt the heat change of the badge on his chest, he continued to talk to Sister Daveline about the local legends and stories of Fort Midhill.

The heat in the chest became more and more obvious, but it was never quite close. And ten minutes after Shade noticed the appearance of the Great Demon, the door was knocked, and the club's maid opened the door with permission:
"Ms. The room is waiting for you."

"I see."

The nun stood up and nodded slightly to Shade:
"Mr Watson, I have something to do. ."

"It's okay, I have to do my own thing next. You go first, I'll go after I finish this cup of tea."

He picked up the tea in front of him. Teacup, is actually worried about meeting the Great Demon woman Cassandra on the stairs.

"Okay, after nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you can go to the House of the Blind to get information."

After saying that, the nun left the room.

When the door was closed and the footsteps were gone, Shade stood up with a teacup and came to the window of this relatively plainly decorated room, looking towards the window.

The rolling hills undulate in the distance, and the fog that emerges from the mountainside all the way down, until it covers the village at the foot of the mountain. In Tobesque and Coldwater Harbour, this mountain scene is not seen. The city of Midhillsburg itself is also shrouded in the gray fog released by the steam factory. The two kinds of fog meet at the foot of the mountain, but they are not completely fused together.

It's Friday afternoon, and it's been two days since August's first accident. Shade sincerely hopes that by this time next week, the priest has returned safely.

(end of this chapter)

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