Whispering Poems Chapter 573


Chapter 571 Departing Priest

Shade didn't go out all Monday due to eye problems. But it just so happened that this afternoon, a client actually came to the door.

Shade didn't want to chase away the client who had finally arrived at Six Sainteland Place, so he found a pair of flat glasses in Detective Sparrow's bedroom to slightly block his eyes.

Detective Sparrow has normal vision, so this pair of glasses is probably a disguise.

It was Mrs. Moores, who lived in west Tobesque, who had recently encountered a good and a bad thing.

The good thing is that her pro Uncle passed away unfortunately, leaving her a few local shops in Tobesque, which are worth about four figures in gold pounds. The bad news is that, before she told her husband, Mr. Morse, she found out that Mr. Morse had a lover outside.

In order to prevent her from inheriting the estate, the estate is divided by her husband and used to support her lover, so Mrs. Moores wants to entrust the Hamilton detective who advertised in the "Steam Bird Daily" to investigate whether the lover exists. , if it exists, who is it?

This kind of commission on cheating and lover investigations was the best of former detective Sparrow Hamilton, and Shade finally came across it.

"Well, do you need to worry about the operation of those shops? If you don't sell them, will it be enough to support you living alone in Tobesque?"

Understand the basic situation Later, Shade asked this question to evaluate how much commission fee he should charge for this commission.

"The shop doesn't need me to bother, just check the accounts occasionally. As for income, oh detective, it's definitely not a problem to feed a woman who lives alone and make her a decent living."

The table between the two was covered with materials brought by Mrs. Moores. She said sadly, still mired in the grief of her husband's cheating.

But after answering this question, the suddenly wealthy middle-aged woman was suddenly taken aback, and her face with not very delicate makeup showed a sudden realization:

"Yes, since this is the case. The pen legacy is enough for me to live on my own, what do I want from him?”


Shade looked up at each other in surprise, the pen in his hand writing on the notebook stopped.

"Yes, detective, what you said is so right!"

The middle-aged woman had an uncontrollable smile on her face, and she suddenly became happy.

"Sorry, what did I say?"

"Detective, you're right, since I have this inheritance, why do I need that disloyal man?"

"Did I say that?"

Shade fell into doubt about his memory, then looked towards the cat lying beside him.

[No, you didn't say it. ]

Although Mia can't speak, fortunately there is "she".

"Yes, maybe I should find a lawyer who is proficient in inheritance and divorce delegation, not a detective."

The woman put away the documents scattered on the table, and then He took a few notes from his wallet and put them on the coffee table:

"Thank you so much, detective, I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of doing this? I have my legacy, he has His lover, this is really a happy situation!"

The banknotes on the coffee table are about three or four pounds, even if it is a normal mistress investigation, Shade probably won't accept so much. .


He wanted to say that he didn't want to break up other people's marriages, but seeing Mrs. Morse's appearance, it was clear that she figured it out on her own.

Shade really didn't know what to say in this situation, so he could only give the business card of the lawyer Locke Laurel, whom he knew when he dealt with the Le Maire estate case a month ago, to this person. A woman who is running for a new life.

"It's a bit wrong to think this way, but if every commission is this simple, then it's very good."

This is when Shade bids farewell to the generous client downstairs idea.

Coming to Tuesday, Shade's eye problem still hasn't been resolved, the little rays of light like stars are in the eyes, and there is no sign of fading. So, he could only use the eye shadow that Tifa sent him, and because he didn't know how to use this kind of makeup, he wasted ten minutes of the maid teaching him how to apply it.

Tifa, almost face-to-face, helped him apply eyeshadow on his front. Although there was no physical contact between the two, Shade still blushed a little while looking at Tifa's face so closely.

Shade went out with his eyes smeared on the afternoon to see off Augustus Priest at Tobesque railway station. As a result, not only the ordinary person didn't see anything abnormal, even Augustus Priest, who was proficient in potions, didn't see anything wrong with his eyes.

In this way, Shade can finally take part in the normal rematch of the big city players tomorrow with peace of mind.

"priest, how long will it take you to get to Midhill Castle?"

Still on the platform of Tobesque Railway Station, Shade said his final goodbyes to Priest. There were also two local old priests who were leaving with Augustus priest, so the church organized a special see-off team, so the other three of the group did not come, and Shade came on their behalf.

"We took a steam locomotive specially arranged by the Church for the Kingdom, from Tobesque to Midhill Castle. We may stop on the way to change the locomotive, add some fuel, change the drinking water and It takes about six or seven days for the food to arrive at Fort Midhill."

The priest gave the answer after thinking.

In fact, in addition to the reasons for parking given by the priority, long-distance steam train travel also needs to consider "train sickness". That is, because of the mental torture and pain caused by shaking and noise, passengers have a mental illness after taking the train for a long time.

This bizarre disease has been noticed as steam trains and railroad tracks spread out from the core city of the old continent. After the church confirmed that it had nothing to do with mysticism, the intervention of a psychiatrist helped explain the "train sickness."

The straight-line distance between Midhill Castle and Tobesque is about 1100 miles (about 1770 kilometers), and the top speed of modern steam trains is 70km/h. Consider the parking time, and then consider that the rails are impossible to lay along the shortest distance. Therefore, it is normal for a direct steam train to take a week or so from the city of Tobesque, which is located in the northwest of the old continent, to Fort Midhill, which is located in the east-central part of the old continent.

"Then good luck with your trip, and don't forget to send us a letter when you arrive."

Shade waved goodbye to Augustus first, then lowered his voice:
"If When you have time, don't forget my sword."

The priest smiled and winked:
"Of course, but don't forget to help me clean."

Aogu Priest probably won't be back for most of the fall, so his potions workshop needs to be looked after. Of the four in the group, Shade looked the most leisurely, and as a senior member of Dawn Church, he had reason to be close to Dawn Square often, so the priority handed him the spare key.

"No problem, I wish you peace."

"I am with the rest of the church, and of course I will be safe. Also, I have friends in the area, speaking of which I haven't seen you for many years."

The priest said, and then talked to his colleagues who came to see him off at Dawn Church.

Shade stood there, with the nuns and priests from Dawn Church, watching the priest get into the car with his luggage. Then, just as he had seen off Captain Rades that day, in the gushing steam and whistles, the train carried Augustus Priest away.

"It's probably going to be snowing season when the Priest comes back from Fort Midhill."

Shade thought, hands in his pockets, and People from the church walked towards the station exit together.

For some reason, he remembered that when Professor Via Mirall of Astronomy Academy conducted a fortune-telling for the group of five people two weeks ago, the other people's fortune-telling results were normal, and Augustus. priest means "death".

"It should be alright"

He thought to himself, looking towards the empty platform after the people who were seeing off:
"Why did you suddenly think of this?"


He really didn't understand.

(end of this chapter)

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