Whispering Poems Chapter 572


Chapter 570 The Eyes of the Starry Sky

Shade is actually looking forward to seeing the [God's Gift Box] in a certain week Give him some unexpected gifts. For example, in a new week, he wants to reap without sowing, and get a valuable blood directly from the gift box.

But the [Innocent Creator] didn't respond to Shade's thirst, giving a cream cake as a gift this week.

Unfortunately, Shade is in the habit of not looking, but simply reaching for the gift to create a sense of anticipation for himself.

Therefore, when he reached out and grabbed the inside of the box and felt the soft and soft touch, he immediately thought that he had caught something indescribable. He ate it as a late night snack.

That's mad at the cat, because Shade didn't give it at all.

And this week's request is to donate at least half a pound to child welfare facilities, which for Shade is nothing more than a trip.

A letter was sent to Miss Galina on Monday morning, and in the afternoon, the carriage stopped downstairs at No. 6 St. Teresa Square to meet the daughter of Larousse III at the Palais Yordle. Duke, just in time to meet Shade.

In the living room of the house, Shade told Demoness all about last night's experience, and asked her to help check her eyes.

It stands to reason that all the damage in the past time will disappear after returning to the present time point, but after he left the time corridor, he was killed by drinking the blood of "Star Sea Whale". The phenomenon of the eyes appearing with dots of light has not disappeared at all.

This is probably because this phenomenon cannot be considered an injury.

"I know that."

After letting Shade lifts the head, holding his head, and looking down at his eyes from close range, Demoness held back a smile. The answer came out:
"The strong demon women of the fifth era have the habit of drinking the potion made from the blood of the 'Star Sea Whale' to make their eyes appear this way."

"Why? Does this increase the power?"

Although Shade felt the power of the starry sky, he did not gain any power directly.

"No, because it's very beautiful."

Demoness, who sat down opposite the sofa again, said with some dissatisfaction:
"Because those women want to be beautiful, fifth Era's killing of Star Sea whales caused those creatures between the entity and the starlight body to greatly extend the time interval for them to pass through the physical world. You just said, the Demoness of the Fifth Era mentioned that whales every 300 Occurs once a year? No, it's not 300 years now. Judging from the data that can be found at the end of the fifth era, the interval at that time was already 1200 years. Throughout the sixth era, Star Sea whales appeared in the material world. There is only one record in the 600-year-old general calendar, and that time was a rare group of women, all because of the women in the Fifth Epoch."

She was snorted with great dissatisfaction.

Shade felt that Miss Galina should not be a whale protector, and her dissatisfaction was purely because she couldn't get the potion made from whale blood.

"So speaking of which, is the Demoness I met who spread the effect of Star Sea whale blood?"

"I don't know about that."

Miss Galina shook her head, because she was going to meet her nephew, the current king, at Yodell Palace, so she was dressed formally today.

"Then, does the council document mention how to get rid of this?"

Shade pointed to his eyes, very troubled, and took the teacup that Tifa handed him over. Afterwards, he thanked him in a low voice.

"Although it can only be observed at close range, I don't dare to go out like this. The day after tomorrow, that is, on Wednesday, I have to go to the rematch of the big city players."

"I can't take the initiative to eliminate it, I can only wait for the potion, oh, it's blood brew for you. I can only wait for the effect of the blood brew to subside on its own, but I don't know how the god dealt with the blood, nor did he I know what you're drinking, so I can't give an answer."

Demoness continued to say with a smile, as if amused by Shade's unhappy look.

"But your eyes are really beautiful now."

Tifa complimented, but this compliment did not comfort Shade at all.

"Don't worry, based on your description, I think it will go away in a week at most. If you want to go out and play cards, I'll have Tifa bring you eye-color changing eyeshadow tomorrow. , for you."

This magical "eyeshadow" sounds like something [Demoness Council] could offer.

"That's very good."

"Don't be so happy."

Miss Galina glanced at Tifa, who was leading the other maids with her Went to the kitchen for a while. Next, we're going to talk about Evil God, the weight of knowledge means that the ordinary person and lower-level ring warlock better not listen to this, and if it's not talking to Galina, Shade can't even tell the whole thing about the reception other people.

"If I had known about this situation, I shouldn't have given you that key. You actually attended the Evil God's reception, which is really."

"It's okay, it's more dangerous. I've been in all kinds of situations. The trouble now is just collecting two kinds of blood."

Shade didn't feel any pressure:
"I'll find the keys myself, and sooner or later I'll find myself in trouble. This is the case. However, I hope you can help me collect some more detailed information about the god. Since the great one still exists today, I think there should be some information about the god's drinking party that can be given to me. ."

"That's easy."

Miss Galina agreed:
"But what do you choose between the two bloods?"

"After the big city players, if I can win the championship, then another sum of money will be added to the account. I originally planned to go to the Academy to buy the expensive defensive Mystic Art, but now I can use this money to buy blood."

Valuable blood doesn't have to be very expensive, as not all blood is a potion ingredient. When buying two kinds of blood, the most important thing is not how many gold pounds he has, but how much luck he has. Of course, it's impossible not to prepare money because of this. Shade, who didn't care much about the championship of the big city players, is now determined to win the title of champion.

[And two thousand pounds for the "Grey Owl" mission. ]

"I have to think about this again. If I can avoid getting involved in this troublesome matter, I will try not to get involved."

"I will also pay attention to you, but The blood that satisfies the blood-sucking gods, I'm afraid I really need to think about it. Blood"

Demoness looked at Shade and fell into contemplation.

The maids returned to the living room, and Shade asked Tifa for the Small Mirror she carried with her, looking towards her own eyes in the mirror:

"It's beautiful."

It's like there is a Star Sea in the eyes.

[Is this narcissism? ]

Her voice rang in her ears.

"Don't you know best if I'm 'narcissistic'?"

Shade said looking into his eyes.

PS: New Year's Day plus more!

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