Whispering Poems Chapter 556


Chapter 554 Corpses and Wedding Dresses

"Do we need to investigate further about this corpse case? ?"

Shade then asked Iluna, and the mission they took over was to find Mrs. Fennell's body. Now that the body has been found, their mission is actually over, and they can leave this remote and gloomy place and go to the city to spend the rest of the day.

"What time is it now?"

Iluna thought about it and asked, and Shade got the answer in a blink of an eye:
"3:45 PM ."

Detective Mario, who was standing beside the two, thought he was asking him, and took out his pocket watch. After comparing the time, I found that the answer given by Shade was only two minutes in error, and I was immediately surprised:
"It's so accurate!"

In fact, his pocket watch was slow.

"Then go to town and visit Mr. Julian."

Iluna sighed:
"Since we met, and I still have two days off , you have to figure out this matter. Detective, I will give you an additional investigation report after the incident. If we fail to solve the problem, we will also give you the investigation record."

"Okay. Yes."

Detective Mario nodded, and then ordered the youngsters he brought to clean up the scene, and went to inform the relatives of the two bodies that the bodies had been found.

Shade and Iluna greeted the old grave keeper who scolded the corpse thief, then turned to leave the cemetery:

"Count the time, we probably Able to reach the Northern Part of City around six. Why don't we have dinner together first? I know the craftsmanship of the Three Cats Inn in Anthem Square is very good."

Shade suggested, walking side by side with the brown The long-haired girl smiled:
"Of course, but you can't bring your cat this time, it's just the two of us, I mean, we have to visit others, so it's very impolite to bring pets. ”

Shade usually prepares cat food for Mia in advance before going out. Although the cat is greedy, it has never held itself up, so Shade is not worried about it.

From the public cemetery on the eastern outskirts of the city, take the carriage all the way to the Northern Part of City. It was still bright when we set off, but by the time Shade jumped off the carriage first, and then reached out to help Iluna get off the car, it was already dark in Anthem Square.

It was 6:03, and Shade's estimate was very accurate.

Although the civic development in downtown is nowhere near as close to St. Teresa Square, Anthem Square has at least installed street lights. At the beginning of the lanterns, this time generally means that the small vendors on the Sainteland Square leave, leaving the peace for the residents. In Anthem Square, this means the beginning of night life and the beginning of the night market.

"I come here often, our squad, often taking over the tasks of the lower city."

Iluna said to Shade:

"Look at that The blacksmith on the side."

As she walked through the square, she pointed to the blacksmith's shop with the "High Level People" sign, which was very conspicuous in the evening because of the light of the hearth:

"There The old blacksmith is very good at craftsmanship, Captain once helped him, so when we entrusted him to make iron, he only charged the lowest price.”

“Don’t have a dedicated blacksmith in Supreme Sun Cult?”


Shade curiously asked that although it is the age of steam, the profession of blacksmithing is still indispensable in urban life.

"Of course, but the price is very expensive, and sometimes there is a queue."

Iluna shrugged, crossed Shade's shoulder, and looked towards the group of children running around on the side of the road , I don't know what I thought of, mouth showing a smile:

"Big cities are good. When I was training in the Holy See, I also went out on business. There are not many warlocks in those small places, black market. There is also no order, and even if you are willing to spend money, sometimes you can't find what you want."

"Although Tobesque is a big city, in fact, the black market trade in Coldwater Harbor is even more expensive than here. Prosperous."

"I haven't seen the sea yet."

The seventeen-year-old girl said melancholy, glanced at Shade, and the two walked into three cats together. hotel. Because it was dinner time in the evening, there were not many guests on the first and second floors.

The poet who plays the lute sits on a high platform by the wall and plays softly. But he wasn't the one Shade saw last time, the last time he saw the poetess. Probably the Three Cats Hotel employs a lot of bards to perform in turn. Although this does not bring considerable income to the hotel on the surface, it should still be useful for attracting guests.

Many people have said that when night falls, cool-dressed warblers can be found in this inn, but at this point in time, it looks no different from the daytime.

The buzzing sound symbolizes the lively business. Shade and Iluna chose a seat against the wall and sat down. The wood table top, which has been infested with wine stains all the year round, is a little mottled, but this is more in line with this place. atmosphere.

Because it's a bit busy now, the waiter didn't notice them, Shade asked Iluna's food preferences, and went to the counter to order.

"Oh, isn't this Hamilton Detective?"

Mrs. Sammy, the hotel boss, greeted him warmly. The gas light on the side wall of the counter was very soft. In the mixed smell of vegetables, she turned slightly sideways and looked towards the direction Shade came from:

"I noticed you when you entered the door just now, detective, this time your female companion is the same as the previous two times. Different."

She smiled ambiguous, obviously treating Shade like a playboy:

"But I have to admit, your eyes are really good."


Shade did not correct her opinion, but looked sideways towards Iluna, and Iluna, who was looking all around curiously, gave him a smile.

"I'm still the same, my companion wants some light food, but like me, a broth."

"You're good luck, and I'll get one in the afternoon. The beef cattle that have just been slaughtered. What about the drinks? Go out to eat with beautiful girls, and always drink some bars together? This will also make it easier to do other things at night."

She reminded "kindly" while recording. , Shade shook his head:
"We'll have something to do later, we won't drink."

"It's a pity, but since the time has come, you can stay a little longer. At seven o'clock, our girls here The poet Ashara will come out to play, and she is very famous."

She also reminded that Shade counted the time and spent an hour eating here, it seems that it is not a big delay.

"Oh, by the way, do you know this person?"

After ordering, I wanted to turn around and leave, but I remembered one more thing, so I took out the photos in the notebook. The female shopkeeper tore off the paper with the order written in her hand, strung it on the nails on the counter, and waited for the waiter to get the kitchen. Hearing Shade's words, he stretched his head out to look again:
"Your business is so good? It seems that you can always receive orders."

Shade took out the big body of the missing female body they were looking for. Brother , Mr. Toby Julian's photo, given by Detective Mario.

"I don't know, who is this?"

Mrs. Sang Mei shook her head, Shade regretted it, but it made sense. The city is so big, and the female shop owner is impossible to know. all.

"Toby Julian."

"Oh, the big brother of the girl who hanged?"

Mrs. Sammy asked with interest road.

"You know him?"

"Of course, there are not many new things in Xiacheng. Girls who hang themselves for love are not every month. I've seen them, but I've heard others talk about it."

The female shopkeeper said with a smile, she had nothing else in her hands for the time being, and didn't mind chatting with Shade:
"I It was mentioned by our regular customers that Julian's siblings have been dependent on each other since childhood, and many people know how sad Toby Julian cried when he heard the news of the younger sister's death."

I don't know if these news of hers are chasing the wind, but since the siblings have a good relationship, that Mr. Toby Julian should not mind cooperating with the investigation for a while.

"Oh, I also heard that Mr. Julian seems to be getting married. Someone said he ordered a women's wedding dress last week, the very expensive kind. No Rent, bought a set, he is really rich."

"His younger sister just died, he is about to get married?"

Shade asked suspiciously, the two A 1 shilling coin on the counter is the cost of the meal, and it's a bargain to have a good meal in downtown without ordering drinks.

"Then I don't know, but people always have to look forward."

The female shopkeeper shook her head, as if sighing:
"Everyone will end up When there is death, it is better for the living to look forward than to be entangled by the dead."

Seeing Shade standing still, he asked while sweeping two coins into the cardboard box under the counter. :

"Detective, is there anything else? All I know is this."

"You haven't gotten the money yet."

Shade pointed out.

"You want fivepence? Oh, detective, that's what you pay for listening to my story."

Iluna had nothing else to do at night, when she heard Shade offered to sit here for a while while waiting for the supposedly famous bard to appear, and she happily agreed.

So the two spent an hour and a half at the Three Cats Hotel, chatting about the commission, their respective lives, and about how Iluna was going to study with Miss Galina. "Balance", and even talked about Luvia.

Iluna is quite envious of the color of Luvia's eyes, and thinks that those purple eyes are prettier than anyone else's eyes she has ever seen.

But when Shade smiled and asked the seventeen-year-old girl in front of her if she would exchange her magical left eye with Luvia, Iluna Bea refused without thinking. :
"Of course not."

It seems that Iluna is also a pragmatist.


Shade asks, stirring the broth with a spoon, completely different from eating at a restaurant and at home.


Iluna looked up towards the young man sitting opposite, smiling under the light, her eyes blurred, she seemed to see some goldens on Shade bright marks, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She raised her eyebrows, and the seventeen-year-old girl smiled:
"Because you gave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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