Whispering Poems Chapter 555


Chapter 553 Bad Criminals

"So what do you think of those grave robbers?"

Shade asked curiously.

"What else can you think of? Stealing things from the places I'm watching, I can't wait to hang them directly! Besides, disturbing the dead is a big sin in itself, even if it's for food, you shouldn't do such a thing. I said, if you dare to deal with the dead, you must be prepared to be strangled by the dead."

After finishing speaking, the old man spit on the ground in annoyance. It looks like he is doing big scissors, as if he is going to cut all the tomb robbers he encounters to death.

The three stolen tombs are connected to each other, in the southeast corner of burial area three. Because the Tobesque public cemetery is gradually expanding towards the mountain forest further east, the natural scenery of this corner is not bad.

I could see the mounds from a distance, and when I got closer, I found that the mounds were left by the tomb robbers when they were digging the tombs.

The police at Ridwich Field have set up three no-approach signs here, with warning lines connected to each other. Iluna walked over directly, and Black's little leather shoes left indistinct footprints on the grass.

Shade looked down at the ground, the weeds were messy, but it basically maintained the appearance of the first scene.

He came to the tomb that had been dug up by the robbers:

"The coffin is still there, and the tombkeeper said that there were no traces of ruts. Did the prisoner put the body away in a bag, or was it Did you just carry it away?"

"It's hard to say, I've seen the church records, and some tomb robbers even cut up the corpse and take it away. Why does it smell so bad?"

Yi Luna shrugged and complained, then crouched down to examine the three gravestones embedded in the ground.

"This is Mrs. Fennell's."

Iluna pointed to the one on the edge, Shade took a look, nothing important was written on the tombstone:
"Did the other two corpses die recently?"

"Yes, they were both more than half a month ago, and they were all female corpses."

Iluna is very Said with certainty.

“I remember the case file says that they were 34 and 25 years old when they died, so what is the cause of death? Is it also an illness?”

Shade asked again, Blinking his eyes, he tried to find the bloodstains nearby or the souls residing there.

"It's not written on the file, but it's written on the tombstone, let me see"

"Let me see, don't get your hands dirty."

The other two tombstones on the ground were almost buried in mud, and Shade patted Iluna's shoulders to let her out of the way. Then put on gloves, squatted down, and scraped the dirt off the ground:

"One hanged himself because he was abandoned, and the other was choked to death by eating Pacman? Oh, that's really not true. Lucky."

Shade shook the head:

"Apart from the time of death and gender, the three corpses have nothing in common. However, it does not rule out that the other party is not simply stealing the body, but It was because he had a grudge against one of the three, insulted the corpse and was afraid of being found, so he stole three corpses at a time to cover up people's eyes and ears."

"Fortunately, you're not a criminal, detective."

Iluna was joking, but looked around with a serious face:

"How about, is there any blood around?"

"Yes, but it's all animals or Bloodstain left by Insect. Wait a minute, I'll take a look around."

Iluna continued to check the tomb, she also had Mystic Art for finding things, last time at the Lucky Southern Cross Club, just Bloodstains were easily found. And Shade turned around in the nearby grass, looking forward to seeing the scratches left by the tomb robbers. But the other side was lucky and was uninjured throughout the crime.

"I found it."

When Shade came back, Iluna pointed to the tomb in the center:

"There seems to be something under the coffin that doesn't belong The earth."

"Don't the police actually check?"

"Probably didn't expect there to be clues."

See Shade want Jumping into the grave and lifting the coffin, Iluna stopped him immediately:

"Don't be so troublesome."

She looked all around, and then aimed at the grave He raised his hand slightly, and the solid wood coffin immediately floated up. This is a spell [moving object], but Shade can't use this effect. Even if he has the third ring, in the limit state, he can only barely lift Mia.

Shade bent over to look under the floating coffin, and what he saw was a rotting human head with maggots crawling in the eye socket:


Because he was unprepared, he was indeed frightened.

Iluna thought there was some danger below, raised her hand and threw the coffin on the grass beside her. After the heavy voice fell, she held the golden thunder in her hand and wanted to drop it, but what she saw was a rotting corpse buried in a shallow pit.

In order to prevent people from finding traces of excavation in the grave pit, the body was dismembered and buried below. Because the hole was dug in a hurry, the body was not buried deep, which caused Shade to see the rotting head at once:

"Oh, this is true"

Shade from the tomb I jumped out of the pit, I don't know what to say.

"Isn't this the stolen corpse?"

Iluna covered her nose and said, the smell was not obvious just now, and the stench of the rotting corpse immediately surged after the coffin was moved. came up.

"I don't know, let's see if the other two corpses are still there."

So Iluna covered her nose with her left hand and directed the remaining two empty coffins to fly out of the tomb with her right hand. , lying on the increasingly messy lawn.

Shade stood beside the tomb and bent over to see that in Mrs. Fennell's tomb they were looking for, there was indeed a corpse that had been badly decomposed and had been divided for easy burial, but committed suicide by hanging There is nothing in the tomb of the 29-year-old lady.

"It seems that it may be a deception. The real target is actually the corpse of Ms. Julian who hanged herself."

Iluna looked at the person in front of her with an ugly expression. This scene.

"Perhaps the corpse robbers swapped the positions of the three corpses to confuse the public."

Shade raised the probability again. He looked at the buried corpses and really didn't want to Dig them up by hand:

"Notify the tomb keeper, I see if there are any rotting and clean clothes on these corpses, you can judge the identity by the clothes."

"If the thief Did the corpse also change his clothes?"

The seventeen-year-old girl also learned Shade's way of thinking.

"Impossible, the clothes and the corpse are about to fuse together. If I were a corpse thief, I would divide the parts of the corpse and scramble them for burial, so as to confuse the public. This is comparable to strands. It's easier to get the clothes off. Also, it prevents an experienced coroner from easily identifying the body by the skeleton, and delaying himself for some time."

Shade frowned said, and he couldn't stand it. It stinks.

They soon called the old tomb keeper and saw the corpse buried at the bottom of the tomb.

He ran to the church quickly to call for people, and then everyone dug up the corpses and tried to recover them on the lawn.

Obviously, the perpetrator did not have as many ideas as Shade. According to the clothes and skeleton, the corpse at the bottom of the coffin was the corpse that should have been lying in the coffin.

In other words, the corpse of Mrs. Fennell, whom Iluna was looking for, and the poor woman who choked to death after eating Pacman, have always been here, and the only thing missing is because of emotional problems. And Ms. Anne Urian, who hanged herself.

Take out a 2 shilling carry fee and send someone into town for the detective at Ridwich Field. Although the police detective in charge of the incident did not find anything buried at the bottom of the coffin, at least they came to the scene very quickly.

The bearded police detective Mario with an assistant in a brown leather coat was wondering who was involved in the case he was in charge of, but he hurried over and saw the documents handed out by Iluna. Afterwards, he kept silent about the identities of Iluna and Shade, obviously knowing the relationship between the church and the Police Department very well.

"It seems that the next direction of investigation is to investigate Ms. Julian's social relations. That damn guy, after finding him, I must punch him!"

Detective Mario said indignantly after listening to Shade explain their investigation and seeing the two recovered corpses. It is understandable that the police in this steam era hurt each other when arresting criminals. For such a bad corpse thief, even if the police killed him on the spot, I am afraid that Officer Mario would not be punished.

Compared to the agitated police detective, the seventeen-year-old girl seemed very calm when she was carrying out the task, she hesitated for a moment:
"Does that Ms. Julian have any relatives? "

"We investigated when we notified the victim's family."

The detective asked his assistant for another notebook, the youngster with red freckles on his face. He secretly looked at Iluna, but after seeing Shade beside her, he lowered his head sadly.

"Ms. Julian's parents died early and she grew up with her big brother. Although she was 25 years old before her death, she was still unmarried."

In this In this era, it was very rare for a 25-year-old civilian girl to be unmarried. In addition to their own pressure, neighbors and relatives also gossip.

"Her big brother, Toby Julian, is also in Tobesque. Although the two don't live together, they have a good relationship. Mr. Toby Julian handles the funeral. This is his address."

Detective Mario, with a fluent Tobysque accent, tore off the notebook page and handed it to him. Shade, apparently thinks Shade is Iluna's assistant.

Shade glanced at it. It was the address of the lower part of the Northern Part of City, but not a slum.

"Then what about the man who abandoned Yuri Young Lady An and made her commit suicide for love? Who is the other party and where does he live?"

Iluna asked again Detective Mario looked at the head in embarrassment:
"I know the name, but not the address. When I took over this case, I thought it was a simple tomb robbery case, so I didn't have any social relations with these corpses before they died. Do a more detailed investigation. But I think the corpse's big brother, Mr. Toby Julian, should know this."

(end of this chapter)

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