Whispering Poems Chapter 509


Chapter 508 Pursuit
"Apparently they didn't find Darkness."

That's what Shade at the table told Luvia at 8:00 a.m. Thursday in the restaurant on the second floor of Six Sainteland Plaza.

The martial law was lifted at 3:00 this morning, and the newspapers and milk companies were affected, so the delivery of newspapers and the delivery of milk and goat milk was also delayed. When Luvia arrived, Shade had just started having breakfast with the cat, who was enjoying breakfast now.

He had already told Luvia what happened last night. Fortunately, Shade didn't get involved too much, and with the help of Owen bishop from Dawn Church, he just signed a non-disclosure agreement and was arrested.

He was allowed to go home, and the church did not embarrass him. And the very unfortunate little Dimock, after being rescued, is still forced to stay in the church.

"Darkness has already appeared in Tobesque. Last night, he was most likely under the guidance of the [Puppeteer Script] to obtain the materials for the ceremony of the Chosen One."

Shade spoke his judgment, stirring the milk in the bowl with his right hand. Last night, his left hand rushed into the mouth of the demon that seemed to be able to devour everything, and was seriously injured. But fortunately, it was just a superficial wound with no attached elements. With the [Food of Fullness] and [Sindia's Gift of the Silver Moon], it was healed even before the church came.

"[The Puppeteer Script] Although it can affect fate, this relic tends to let those who try to manipulate fate face greater bad luck, such as the 'heart collector'. So guiding Darkness to go to Yordle Palace, and even letting him meet the 'steel right hand' and you, maybe the negative characteristics of the relics themselves are at work."

Luvia said, prophesying The National Association has done a lot of research on such relics.


Shade nods, frowned said:

"Even through my connections at Yodel Palace, I can't find out what it is. Stolen. The worst guess is that Darkness has gathered the ceremony materials, and left Yordle Palace last night and entered the [Darkness Domain] directly."

"That would be troublesome."

The purple-eyed girl also looked serious, and they knew the last moment had come.

"So, I guess we have to take some risks. At least make sure, where the hell is Darkness right now."

Shade is at home in a shirt, and he touches his shirt pocket. Take a glass vial with a cork and put it on the dining table. Hearing the sound, the cat that lowered its head to lick the goat's milk lifts the head immediately, but is not interested when it sees the bottle.

It had sniffed the thing last night and was pretty sure it wasn't eaten.

There is a small layer of clear water inside the bottle, and a cloud of black and red things can be vaguely seen in the clear water. The red is very light, and the black mixed with red is like some kind of sticky pus:
"This is Darkness's blood, I don't know why there is such a disgusting thing in his blood. But [Blood Echo] works best on fresh blood, and if you drag it on, the blood will be useless."

"You want to drip this into your own eyes?"

Luvia was very surprised by Shade's thoughts:

"The black liquid in his blood is obviously human pus. Are you going to drip human pus into your own eyes?"

"Of course not, I don't do risky things. Luvia, please close your eyes."

Shade said, pointing to the bottle:

By the time the fortune-teller opened her eyes again, the black pus in the bottle had completely disappeared.

"That's it."

Shade said, then pushed the bottle to Luvia:
"Please keep the droplets in my eyes, we need to do it as soon as possible Take action. If it is confirmed that Darkness is still in the city, immediately report his news to the church. If it is outside the city, we will pack up and leave for [Darkness Domain] this evening.”

"No problem, we've been waiting for this day for more than half a month."

Luvia uncorked the bottle and looked at the blood inside with her purple eyes:
"It's a pity that Iluna was taken Supreme Sun Cult has arranged for a search, otherwise we would have gone with her and it would have been safer.”

“It is normal that we can always get people together whenever we need to act together. ."

Shade said, then put his hands on the table and looked up slightly towards the ceiling. Luvia walked in front of him, her fingers pointed at the liquid in the bottle, and the big droplets flew up in strings like a pearl necklace.

"I have estimated that a normal drop of blood can maintain the effect of [Blood Echo] for about an hour. I was worried about being discovered last night, and the blood I got in a hurry was not much. The removed human pus, and the blood has deteriorated a little after a night, so these liquids can only maintain the effect of [Blood Echo] for three hours at most."

In The liquid dripped continuously into Shade's eyes, Shade explained.

Luvia uses magic to manipulate the liquid with precision, but she can still be distracted and talk to Shade:

"Three hours is enough. If the other party is still in the city , we will follow his track to find the other party's location."

After all, shortly after the incident last night, the church launched a city-wide search, and Darkness was impossible wandering around the city. .

"So where do we start?"

Luvia asked, making sure the bottle was empty, then corked the bottle and placed it on the dining table. The full and dishonest cat immediately jumped on the table and rolled around with the bottle. It has always been very fond of round things.

It's like [Metamorphosis Ring].

"Let's look for the silhouette where the other party left."

Shade kept opening and closing his eyes, adjusting to the jerky eyes caused by entering a lot of liquid Feel.

Because of Mystic Art, part of the fluid was repelled out of the eye and slipped from the corner of the eye. In fact, there are very few liquid components that are useful to [Blood Echo], and Mystic Art actively absorbs them. The blood that flows out is still blood, but it has no ability to cause "reverberation", so it is rejected by Mystic Art.

"Luvia, let's go right away."

He got up from his chair, blinked his eyes and turned through the kitchen window, looking towards the bustling silver not far away. Crossroads and Yodel Palace:
"Today must determine where Darkness is going."

From St. Teresa Square to Silver Cross, Shade easily captured a series of scarlets in the air Human motion trajectory composed of halo. But that trajectory is heading in the direction of Yodell Palace, that is to say, this is the silhouette of Darkness when it enters Yodell Palace.

After detouring around the Yodell Palace, and finally on the street behind the palace complex, that is, Felice Garden Street, I saw the silhouette of Darkness jumping off the wall from the back garden.

"Felisher Pastoral" means "Immortal Realm in mythology" in Delarion language, and this street goes further west to Terrary, which crosses the entire city of Tobesque Er River.

Darkness really moved towards the Terrarier River, Shade took Luvia all the way west, and finally saw Darkness's silhouette disappearing on the river slope on the east bank of the Terrarier River .

A staircase descends from the street along the river, where residents living nearby wash their clothes or dump their sewage. The scarlet's halo ends here, and there is no more trace.

"Darkness jumped into the water?"

Luvia guessed when Shade glanced around.

"No, even if I jump into the water, I can at least see the silhouette of the other person as they enter the water."

Shade stood on the steps, his hands in his pockets, looking towards Cargo ship on the river. The Terraria River has a large amount of water during the high water season in summer, and the city's river channels can also allow large steam cargo ships to pass through.

It sounded its whistle, and as it drove southward from its front, three large chimneys dragged black smoke toward the rear, and the black smoke gradually merged into the misty air, forming a The ordinary river scenery of Tobesque, the northern pearl of the steam capital.

The sailors on deck were busy as they would soon be docked for unloading. But there are also some idlers, lying on the deck and looking at both sides of the river.

Rude sailors whistled at women washing their clothes by the river and laughed heartily with their mates after being scolded by each other. Naturally, some people noticed Shade and Luvia who were standing on the stairs down the river. They were whistling. Shade took out the pistol from his waist and raised it to the deck, and those sounds disappeared immediately.

"Darkness can move through the dark, but the distance is short enough for him to cross the river directly to the west bank."

Shade reasoned as he retracted his pistol. , Luvia understood a little:

"So, in order to prevent being hunted by the church, he went directly into the water through the vortex of black?"

"Yes, That's why I lost his silhouette."

Shade nods, but it's not the same as when Dorothy and Dorothy were chasing the [Mercury Blood] member who carried murloc scales, now running water is impossible. Obstructing [Echo of Blood] from working.

The best way to do this is to go into the water to look for the blood halo, then track it in the water.

But once in the water, it is inconvenient to move afterward. So Shade asked Luvia to do a divination, and then the two walked a distance upstream towards the river, and saw each other appear near the water at a position about 1,200 feet (about 365m) upstream of the point where Darkness entered the water. Mark of.

Darkness should have no spells like "Breathing Under Water", but as a six-ring warlock, there should be other means of staying underwater for a long time. The purpose of going up is to observe whether there are chasing soldiers, and this move just makes it easier for Shade and Luvia to find them.

Darkness's silhouette went upstream, so Shade and Luvia continued to walk along the river toward the northwest of the city. In this way, the two went from the central area of Tobesque to the intersection of the Western Region and the North District. Shade also talks to Luvia about the first time he helped Demoness pick up a shipment as he passed the Disk Bridge across the river, before he realized that Demoness was testing his gender.

(end of this chapter)

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