Whispering Poems Chapter 508


Chapter 507 The confrontation in the dark
See the thirteenth ring warlock, there is really no action, Darkness With the gun in his left hand, he used the gun to hold the back of Dimoke's head behind him, and the right hand wearing red gloves made an attacking action, and then retreated into the grass step by step.

He also knew that no more people could be involved.

In this case, Shade couldn't do anything, so he thought about the possible impact of this incident, and then squinted at the thirteen-ring warlock who created the church.

Noticing that Shade was looking at him, Mr. Pilot explained in a low voice:

"The other party is a cult from Coldwater Harbor. You should have heard about the riot some time ago. The uproar of the Cold Harbor Shadow incident."

"Yes, Augustus priest and I mentioned it, it seems to be related to the worship of mermaids."

Shade replied in a low voice, watching Some broken little Dimok was pulled into the rose bush by Darkness. Because this is not the main venue for the banquet in the courtyard, the light is very weak, and the two of them are almost completely out of Shade's sight.

"It's not a mermaid, it doesn't matter if it's a murloc, Mr. Hamilton, stand here and don't move, I'll come back to you in a while."

Speaking, Mr. Pilot, hurry up Step toward the rose from. Although he is strong, he walks without making any sound. It was almost a flash in the mist, and then the silhouette disappeared, and Shade didn't even hear the sound of the other party plucking the flowers.

[Will you stay put? ]

"What do you say?"

Shade took the small bottle from his pocket and put the extract of Weathervane Bluegrass on the tip of his tongue:

"Using Mystic Art and incantation will bring traces of elements, and I can't get too close to them. Moreover, I can only shoot once, otherwise my identity will definitely be discovered."

【Outlander, who are you tracking them? What do you want to do? With the thirteen-ring warlock, I won't need you anyway. ]

"I just want to get a drop of Darkness' blood."

He made a note of where he was standing, and then tiptoed close to the rose. bushes.

Behind the rose bushes is a path among the garden flowers. Although the three of them disappeared at this time, because one end of the path leads to the direction of the central axis of Yodell Palace, and the other end continues to move towards the edge, At the end is the glass greenhouse, so Shade chose to walk in the direction of the glass greenhouse.

Take the mask doll out of your pocket, put it back to normal size and put it on your face, turning the puppet coat into a real piece of clothing over your formal suit. Although it's so dark here, it's okay even without disguise, but Shade thinks it's better to be safe.

Before walking a few steps, I saw the rays of light shining from the glass room. Shade bent down and held his breath. After approaching the flower house, he saw a comatose little Dimock lying on the gravel road where the path curved towards the entrance of the flower house.

"Are you fighting?"

Shade thought to himself, covering himself with the flower pots with saplings outside the greenhouse, close to the glass wall, and looked carefully towards the interior.

The room was pitch-dark, and only two black shadows could be seen almost rolled together. One of them was Darkness whose right half of his body had turned into a human pus, and his opponent, Mr. Thirteen Ring Warlock Surrey Pirot, also swelled his right hand.

The glass roof scatters moonlight, and only faint rays of light enter the conservatory. Mr. Pirot's swollen right hand showed a strange brass-colored metallic luster in the cold tricolor moonlight. The metal right hand collided with the dark pus giant hand. This scene was extremely strange in the silent and noisy night.

Shade once thought that Darkness's "human pus form" was unrivaled in power, but the high-temperature mechanical right arm, engraved with the dive technique rune and spewing steam, was actually able to match the power of Darkness. The pus of man is against each other.

Neither side used Mystic Art spells that could produce huge rays of light or loud noises, but rather fought with physical strength. The insulated glass room suppressed a little sound, but intermittently let the dull bang bang ~ sound come out.

Shade watched this scene intently. Although Mr. Pirot was not as powerful as Darkness, his shiny metallic right hand cooperated with his left hand that could use the dive technique, and he was still in a low-intensity battle. Gradually suppressed Darkness.

The latter also realized that the current situation was not good for him, and after waving his huge right arm like a tree root to block the light bullets flying out of Mr. The massive right arm swept across the ground, sending pots and shelves rushing forward.

And when Mr. Pirot pushed forward with his left hand and cleaned up the debris like parting the ocean, Darkness suddenly raised his right arm and let his face from the swollen right side. The back of the body is exposed:


He literally vomited, and black's terrifying pus flew out from his mouth so wide that it nearly ripped the corners of his lips. out.

Because there was no light in the flower room, Shade couldn't see the flight path of the black pus clearly, but he saw Mr. Pirot retreating quickly and blocking it with his mechanical right arm.

If it was just normal pollutants, Mr. Pilot was right, but unfortunately it was human pus.

The thirteen-ring warlock kept raising his hand, stiffened in place for two seconds as if stunned, and then the clothes on his body wriggled as if alive, and wrapped his head. . No, it wasn't the clothes on his body, it was the pus of black that stained his body, and quickly absorbed the power of emotions and came back to life, wrapping around him like a spider web of black.

The foul terrifying breath, and the fear the body felt instinctively, proved that it was the pus of human pus. The dark emotions and mentality of human nature grow like poisonous sores, and the venom that finally erupts is the pus of man.

"He underestimated the enemy"

Demoness of the 12th ring was caught off guard by human pus, and was forced to sink into the seabed and give up the pursuit. Shade does not know who is stronger between the ring warlock of the thirteenth ring and Miss Shivi Avrolla, but Mr. Pirot's "human pus resistance" is obviously not better than Demoness who has two sets of mysticism systems.

Seeing that Mr. Pirot was entangled, Darkness didn't think he could kill a thirteen-ring warlock in this way, but turned around and ran.

Shade pinched the brooch with the holy symbol of the sun in his pocket, but didn't use it in the end, the power of the sun gun would be weakened in the dark environment, and the movement was too great.

He looked towards the exit at the other end of the flower house, and quickly put the [Seal of Demon Hunting] and the crystal crystal ring on his left hand and right hand respectively.

Squinting, looking towards Darkness's silhouette, in order to pass through the exit of the flower house, his body has returned to a normal human body. The moment Darkness stared at the thirteen-ring warlock entangled by "human pus", and pushed back the glass door of the flower room with his body-

"Lagle's jump!"


Silently, when Darkness pushed open the door of the glass conservatory, Shade appeared behind him at the most relaxed moment.

First, the right fist hits quickly:
“Spirit Burst!”

The element of silver Blasphemy is drawn by pure spirit and flows to the ring through the arm, and the three crystals on the ring glow at the same time , while Shade's fist was close to the back of Darkness's head, Mystic Art detonated the opponent's mind.

In this brief moment, Shade could feel that the strength of the other party's mind was like a dark and strange mountain, but the sudden explosion still caused the other party to tremble for a moment:
"The Seal of the Demon Hunter! ”

After the right fist slammed into the back of the opponent's head, the left fist came out. The moment the Demon Hunting Seal touched Darkness's head with his fist, from Darkness's right hand palm, which had not yet put on gloves, there was a sharp cry that almost shattered the glass greenhouse.

A billowing black smoke billowed out from where the seal was in contact with Darkness. In the severe pain and instinctual panic, he finally got rid of the influence of [Spirit Burst].

But Shade didn't give him a chance to turn around and see himself.

The left fist is retracted, the right fist is handed out, the right fist is retracted, and the left fist is hit continuously. The reason why the two rings are worn on the two hands is that when one fist retreats and accumulates power, the other fist can still function.

The attacks of [Spirit Burst] and [Seal of the Demon Hunter] cycled three times, and Darkness, who was struggling back and forth in severe pain and mental confusion, finally turned around.

He raised his right hand with anger and panic, and his howling palm was aimed directly at Shade's masked face.

At this time, there are still five seconds left in the ten-second loop of [Laglais's Jump], and from the last experience, backing back can't break free from the suction of that mouth.

So Shade didn't dodge at all, instead, while the opponent's palm and mouth suddenly opened wide, he put his left fist wearing the [Demon Hunting Seal] directly into the terrifying demon's mouth:
"Moonlight Greatsword!"


The darkness in the demon's mouth seemed to melt everything, causing Shade's left hand to peel off the skin and rot, but it failed to melt in the first time. Shade hand with ring.

At the same time that black smoke billowed from the mouth of the demon, the two-handed great sword penetrated from Darkness's right hand palm to his wrist, as if the sword and his right arm were fused together. one.

He let out a scream and hugged Shade with his left hand. He even wanted to fall into the black vortex that appeared behind the two of them at an unknown time.

But Shade knew that the thirteen-ring warlock steel right hand lost in the battle because he was not familiar with the opponent's battle method, and he had the upper hand because of sneak attack and targeted preparations. Continue to fight, Shade is unable to defeat the opponent, so while the two staggered back, [Lagle's Jump] reached the tenth second after use, and Shade disappeared into the air again.

Darkness didn't look for the vile sneaker at all, took a step into the dark vortex, and then fell out of another vortex among the flowers not far away. He uses the [Darkness] innate talent to move in space, and the longest distance is shorter than Shade's.

A few ups and downs, the six-ring warlock disappeared into the night in the gardens of Yordle Palace. But Shade, who had just escaped, got out of the flowers again, and swooped on the ground where the two of them were fighting. The spell [Moving Object] pulled the blood from the ground into the bottle in his left hand.

Storing the bottle and rolling on the ground, he got into the flowers again. Shade's silhouette disappeared into the moonlight as the rose bushes rustled.

A few tens of seconds later, Mr. Pirot, who had cobweb-like black marks on his body, walked out of the conservatory, raised his hand and pointed to the sky. A dazzling light mark rose to the sky, and then exploded into golden fireworks under the night sky.

Five minutes later, King Larousse III suddenly came forward and announced that tonight's birthday banquet would be terminated early.

Ten minutes later, Silver Cross Avenue was completely closed, and martial law was temporarily imposed tonight.

PS: It's not that the author deliberately dragged the plot, the final battle location is impossible no matter how you think it is in the Yodell Palace. This volume has been completed in the archives, and it will end on the tenth of this month.

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