Whispering Poems Chapter 396


Chapter 395 The rainy day before the storm
Thinking about the two hostile gods, Shade turned his eyes Remove the paper from the paper in his hand and say to the maid Tifa:

"I happen to have a [relic] fishing rod in my hand."

"What a coincidence?"

black asked the hair maid, then smiled placidly and relaxedly:

"You're lucky. However, there's one more thing besides these materials that can't be written on paper and can only be told to you orally. ."

"Please say."

Shade looked towards her curiously.

"As you probably know, mermaids and murlocs are not the same species, but in the Cold Harbor Shadow event, the mermaid statue and the mermaid dream became part of the sea-send ceremony."

Shade was stunned for a moment before realizing the question:
"Why is this?"

"Murlocs are the family of Evil God, and mermaids are free marine races. In the age of 18, there was a terrible war that ended in the victory of the murlocs. They usurped the power of the mermaids, and even the history of the mermaid race to strengthen themselves."

Tifa Thur Miss Werther spoke very slowly, leaving enough room for Shade to think:

"So, murlocs and real mermaids are actually feuds, but why tell me this?"

The black hair maid smiled.

Her eyebrows are slender, her eyes look large, and her milk-like skin makes her face invisible. Black hair covers his forehead, swept his thin eyebrows, tilted his head and smiled, and even had a playful feeling:
"Miss thinks this may be useful to you, but this is information that is not allowed to be passed on in the parliament, so you can only Let me dictate to you."

Shade nodded, remembering the other party's smile and the information in his head.

The maid continued:

“Apart from this, Miss, I have another word for you.”

“Please say.”

"Although I don't know how you got to Lengshuigang, or in other words, although I don't know what connection you have with Lengshuigang."

The smile on her face did not change, so Shade The amiable black eyes blinked.

Shade was not surprised that the Duchess was able to guess this. He was so concerned about Coldwater Harbor that he even came up with the method of making the badge and asked to collect information on "Return by Sea". This was already obvious to Miss Galina.

". But be careful, although the sea send back is not a ceremony of the gods, but it is also not the danger of the Ordinary Level. If it is equivalent to the loss of control of the relic, the effect of the sea send back ceremony can even be regarded as Angel level."

"Relax, I know what I'm going to do. Besides."

He sat there and pointed to his forehead:
"I'm still looking forward to it. Here, Miss Galina's next kiss."

It's not that Shade has any bad intentions, just wanted to test what Miss Galina meant last night.

Tifa Serveit's face was a little red, but the quiet smile on her face did not change:

"Miss is also looking forward to it, Mr. Hamilton, Miss is looking forward to you, can Give her more surprises."

It just so happened that the maid hadn't left yet, and Dorothy, who came to help Shade with the cat again today, arrived.

She recognized Miss Galina's carriage on the square, and when she knocked on the door and saw the black-haired maid behind Shade who was about to leave, she didn't say anything. And after the maid left, Goldilocks asked Shade jokingly:
"I told you before, don't get too close to Galina, you see, you are still related to her."

"It doesn't really matter. I asked Miss Galina to help me collect some things about the return of ceremony from the sea, which can help Lescia."

Shade said.

Dorothy had long guessed that Miss Galina belonged to the "Demoness Council", after all she told Shade the title at first "Handkerchief Hobbyists Association". Of course, it was only speculation before, and it was only recently confirmed from Shade.

"If that's the case, it's best not to discuss this with Laciya."

As she walked up the stairs, she reminded cautiously.


Goldilocks shook her head:
"There are some things Lacia doesn't want you to interfere with, royal family, it's not a peaceful place. The power to assassinate Queen Diana hasn't been found yet?"

Outlander nodded, looking at his cat on the High Level of the stairs, thought of what his boss, Mr. Anros, revealed last time. .

Before going to Coldwater Harbor today, Shade went to the Prophet's Association, and then unexpectedly learned that the [Demon Soul Stealer Bishop] he identified here yesterday is actually the real one. .

This was far beyond Shade's expectations. He never imagined that he would be able to win such a precious card from a stranger he met in a slum hotel.

Mark Vice-President congratulated Shade and learned the origin of the card from Shade's mouth. Of course, the location was moved from Coldwater Harbor to Tobesque.

Mr. Mark liked this story very much, with a smile on his face:
"This is the most attractive part of Lord's cards, people will never guess that their next card will be When will it appear. Look, Mr. Hamilton, you have eight special cards in your hand now. So are you thinking about spending your life collecting a whole deck of special Rhodes cards? What about the team?"

He said expectantly:

"This is only the pursuit of Rhodes players of cream of the crop."

If it was Shade a month and a half ago, it would definitely be rejected immediately. But now he needs to hesitate before nodded:
"This. It's possible."

"Look, I guessed it from the first time we met. You will definitely Become a master of Rhodes."

Probably because he witnessed a person who had nothing to do with Rhodes and turned into a real hobbyist, Mr. Mark was in a good mood.

After leaving the Society of Prophets, Shade went home to Cold Harbor. I don't know if the cold water port is in the rainy season, or the large-scale ceremony [sea delivery] has affected the climate, and it is still raining today.

When Shade struggled to swim from the sea to the shore with that telescopic fishing rod on his back, it took a full ten minutes longer than yesterday.

Heavy rain hits the face painfully, and the ocean currents below the surface become dangerous. If it wasn't for the special upgrade method that enhanced Shade's mortal body when he reached the second ring, he might have to fight against nature under the sea for a while.

I found a four-wheeled carriage arranged by Laciya at the alley of the pier. The carriage had already prepared a blanket and a towel for Shade.

But only after taking a shower in the room specially arranged for him in Sophia's mansion did I know that Lecia had entered the city early in the morning to go to the City Hall, and would not be able to return until noon. She asked the servant to leave a letter to Shade, so that Shade can move freely. If there is an emergency, you can ask the maid of the mansion to go to the city to find her.

But Shade came to Coldwater Harbor mainly because of the curse on Laccia, otherwise he wouldn't have to swim in the rainy weather with a fishing rod on his back.

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier and heavier outside, Shade had no idea of going into the city. So he restored the book that had been turned into a toy in the room that Lacia had arranged for him, thinking about reading books to pass the morning.

I just read the book for half an hour when the pendant hanging on my chest suddenly became hot.

It wasn't the slight heat when the black-haired maid was by her side, it was the rapid heating up. This means there is real Demonness, within the range that the badge can detect.

"I knew this badge would be useful."

Thinking to myself, I wanted to hide myself in the closet. But he quickly realized that the room was safe and he simply didn't have to hide.

Shade carefully came to the window and closed the curtain, then leaned his body against the wall and opened the gap with his fingers to look out.

The room Laccia chose for Shade was outside the manor courtyard, with a wide view and a good view. Shade peeked out and could see that the convoy came directly from the gate of the manor to the gate of Sophia's mansion.

Lecia and a strange two eighteen-nineteen-year-old woman were served by the servants to get off the bus. Compared with Princess's cumbersome dress up, strange women's dresses are more gorgeous. Across the rain screen, Shade couldn't see her appearance, but he already knew in his heart that this was Miss Shivi Avrolla, she was the real twelve-ring warlock.

Seeing the target, Shade immediately left the window to avoid finding himself due to the other's overly sensitive senses.

He took a few steps back and forth in the room, took the badge on his chest out of his clothes, and felt it getting hotter, which meant that the Demoness was getting closer.

But Lecia led the other party upstairs directly, without going through the corridor here. And as long as Shade doesn't show up in front of the other party, he'll be fine.

So he really didn't leave the room all morning, and the lunch was delivered by the manor's maid. It wasn't until 2:00 pm that the team drove the Demoness away in the rain. Shade held the badge on his chest at the window and was relieved after confirming that it was no longer hot.

Lexia was probably exhausted from communicating with this kind of woman. After Miss Avrolla left for a full half an hour, she asked the servant to lead Shade to the study to meet her.

Her Highness the Princess had already changed into a set of clothes, and when Shade walked into the room, she just said hello lazily.

"Sorry, Shade, this kind of entertainment is really a shirk, that Miss Avrora is really a good negotiator."

She asked the maid to give it to her behind her. Massaging his shoulders, Shade sat on the other side of the desk, put his arms on the desk sideways, and looked towards the window to prevent the team from suddenly returning: "What did you say? Oh, if it's a confidential matter. , you don't have to tell me."

Lazily shook her head lazily:
"It's not a secret, the lady of the day gave me the invitation to tonight's banquet, and now she Come and invite me in person. Apart from this, the Avrolla family wants to expand the shipyard in Coldwater Harbor and get involved in the business of large steam ships. But you also know that this kind of ship can be used for military purposes with a little modification, father to this It is very sensitive. So Shivi Avrolla wants me to say a few words in front of my father, and she can give me some benefits.”

What exactly is the benefit, Lecia didn’t mention it, Shade didn't even ask.

"The weather is really bad, it looks like a storm is coming."

Taking advantage of the moment when the maids are stepping on the carpet and pushing the dining car to bring afternoon tea, wearing silver The crowned Princess, holding her face in one hand, looked melancholy towards the window.

Shade followed and looked out the window, the rain beating against the floor-to-ceiling windows, and even he knew that the storm in Coldwater Harbor was coming.

(end of this chapter)

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