Whispering Poems Chapter 395


Chapter 394 Silver Badge
"Murloc's ceremony data? All you need?"

In the living room on the second floor of No. 6 Shengderain Square, Miss Jialina looked towards Shade with a slightly surprised look:

"Are you sure you don't want to order anything else? I've always been very generous to you."

"I only need this, please collect as much information as possible."

Shade nods a word, but in fact, even if there is only one clue, this transaction is not worth it. He benefits more.

"That's not good, it's not a fair deal. You can't imagine how much this recipe is worth to me. Come over, Shade, come to me."

Demoness to Shade beckons With the hand, although this is Shade's house, Galina Cavendish is obviously not polite.

"Want to grab my hand again?"

Shade asked suspiciously, but put down the cat and walked over.

Mia stood looking at Shade.

But didn't expect, when Shade came to the front, Miss Galina actually stood up. Demoness is only slightly lower than Shade, and the two stared at each other for a moment. Before Shade could react, she tiptoed, pressed the back of Shade's head with her right hand, and gently kissed Shade's forehead. .

"Oh, miss!"

Shade heard Miss Tifa Servette's exclamation, heard the cat meowing on the arm of the sofa. But before he could feel anything, he was let go by Demoness.

Galina Cavendish, with her slightly flushed face and a charming smile, ran her fingers over her lips:
"It certainly doesn't compare to your recipe. , but I think that our relationship does not necessarily have to be a fair deal every time."

"Yes." Demoness:
"I hope it won't happen next time, though."

"You don't like Demoness's kiss?"

Miss Galina asked, and Shade shook her head. Shaking his head:
"Please tell me in advance what you are going to do next time, I want to feel it carefully, so that it is fair." The young lady frowned with dissatisfaction and looked towards Shade, Xiaomia raised her head stared wide-eyed as if she wanted to "roar" at the women, and Shade looked at the red-haired Demoness in front of her, with beautiful eyes.

"Shade, I thought you were blushing, didn't expect. That's fine."

The gas lamp on the wall was very bright, illuminating the moment Three and one cat.

Miss Carina did what she said. In the early morning of the second day, before Dorothy had even arrived at Shade's house, the maid, Miss Tifa, took the carriage and came to St. Teresa Square.

Including the time from the manor outside the city to the city, she probably woke up very early this morning. Shade apologized for this and invited the black-haired maid to have a cup of tea at home before leaving. Miss Serveit hesitated, took a pocket watch from her fussy dress and glanced at the time, and nodded agreed.

She not only came to Shade for tea, but also to explain to Shade what was handed to him.

The first was the pendant, which Shade took from her, a silver medallion tied on a string. The badge features thorns, a lion's head, and azaleas.

The design looked familiar, and Shade thought about it before remembering that it was the coat of arms of Galina Cavendish, "Duchess of Saladir". The thorns are her own chosen decorative patterns, the lions are elements taken from the royal family coat of arms to represent her Royal Family status, and the rhododendrons are the symbol of Saladir County itself.

Although she is a member of the royal family, a duke with Fiefdom can have her own coat of arms. On the carriage of Miss Galina, there is the royal family crest and this pattern at the same time.

If Miss Galina were not a Demonness but a normal woman, her descendants would inherit the coat of arms as their family crest.

“What does this mean?”

Shade asked in confusion.

"It means that you are a lady. Even if you unfortunately meet a Demoness in the future, the other party will not do anything to you when they see this."

The lady maid said quietly, He winked at Shade, and added:
"Also, in some occasions, this badge is useful. For example, if you take this to Saradil County, restaurants may not dare to charge you. ."

This is probably a little joke.

The well-fed cat stood on the armrest of the sofa beside him, mouth opened wide and yawned, even a young cat can open its mouth wide.

"Miss has tested it, and the formula you provided is perfect, even better than what was recorded in the materials from the later stage of the Demoness War held by the Council."

This may be because this kind of There was a problem with the technology in the circulation of the Fifth Epoch, or Miss Feliana gave her a personal improved version.

Shade was playing with that beautiful silver badge, which itself was getting hot because Miss Serveit was in front of her. But because this black-haired maid is not yet a real Demoness, but only has the power of Demoness, the fever is not serious.

The top of the badge is punched and the string is attached. Shade tied it around her neck and decided to wear it when she went out.

"Mr. Hamilton, here is the information on 'Send by Sea' that Miss has found. The council has already collected it in advance, so Miss has no effort. The Great Demon woman Shivi is already in Coldwater Harbor. Miss Avrora, you must have seen it."

Miss Serveit handed Shade another brown cardboard file bag, a standard steam industrial product, representing the productivity of this era. However, the information inside was all handwritten, and there was not much information. Even with the black and white photos glued with glue, there were only three pages. Shade scanned it roughly and found a total of two points that were valuable to him.

The most important thing is that the information of the council pointed out that the source of power to send back the ceremony by the sea was the item that Evil God left in the material world after a certain divine descent in the Fifth Epoch. Shade has more ideas.

And another point is about rescuing the cursed:

"Tie the line of a fishing rod with extraordinary power to the cursed, as long as it can be pulled. Fishing rod, they can effectively prevent them from being called into the ocean by the power of Evil God.”

Shade read out the content on the paper, which is very similar to Miss Feliana's last prompt.

Seeing that there was no embarrassed expression on Shade's face, the black-haired maid continued to explain:

"Ordinary fishing rods just suppress the urge to try to walk into the red ocean, and they are extraordinary. The powerful fishing rod can be greatly restrained. The lady said that the Evil God is the guardian of the fishermen. He hates the fisherman, and he hates the loser caught by the fisherman, so the fishing rod is the god and his The thing that the Order hates the most."

Shade thought of something more:

"Then he must hate drowned mermen even more, so that's how it is, so with [The Lord of the Scarlet Spiral] is the opposite of Evil God [God of the Dead], only to be attracted by [the scales of the drowned merman], it turns out that it is not just the little girl's strange soul."

(End of this chapter)

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