Whispering Poems Chapter 379


Chapter 378 Washing the cat
After Saturday night, early Sunday morning, Shade gave Miss Jialina's manor, sent an urgent letter from the city, hoping to get a reply as soon as possible.

He has nothing else to do today, so he doesn't plan to go out, but instead reads books and organizes files at home.

When Shade mailed back at 8:30, Dorothy came to visit again. On the one hand, it is to return the detective file that was borrowed last time, as well as the "Delarion Ancient Fairy Tales", which Shade bought at the auction before the blood feast; on the other hand, she hopes to stay in St. , continue to borrow those detective files for more inspiration for your own detective stories.

“speaking of which, how many manuscripts do you have now?”

Shade is curious about this, and the blonde writer smiles gracefully, which means she is confident:

"The first story is based on the experience of two cemetery ghosts you encountered, and it's called "Overdue Murder." My novel doesn't have every issue, it's serialized twice a week, "Expired Murder" Murder is enough for two weeks, and I have already finished writing this.

The second story is the "Mystery in Scarlet" that I originally wanted to write, and this is probably enough for three installments. The third story The story has already been written halfway, and the detective record file here has inspired me, Shade, your study is a treasure."

She smiled and looked towards Shade, Shade nodded:

"If you like it, you can come whenever you want."

Anyway, his sensitive items are behind the hidden walls in the basement.

So this morning, Dorothy and Shade spent together in the study. It's just that the two of them are doing their own thing. Shade flipped through the book he got from the doctor yesterday, hoping that at least the female voice in his head would write down everything first, just in case.

Dorothy looked through the detective files with great interest, and she would help to sort out the parts that Shade had not sorted out.

Sparrow Hamilton lived in St. Teresa Square for two years, handling double-digit large and small commissions. Although the work efficiency is much higher than that of Shade, the efficiency of making money is not as high as that of Shade.

At noon, Dorothy complained that Shade didn't stock up on vegetables and meat at home, and then took Mia out to eat with him.

When we came back from lunch, and the news of Miss Galina still hadn't arrived, Shade took advantage of the lunch break to talk to Dorothy about Miss Mia Gold's second letter.

"Bathing the cat?"

Goldilocks sat on the sofa, took a look and started to feel sleepy after eating, so she lay on Shade's lap, squinting like a It's the cat that's dozing off while being petted by Shade:

"How do I remember you mentioned this to me last month."

Dorothy asked.

"Yes, but I don't have time?"

Shade replied, and Goldilocks tied her long golden hair up with the headband tied around her wrist. He motioned for Shade to stand up while tidying his hair, and smiled at him and the cat:

“So do you have time now?”

“Of course you do.”

"How long do you think it will take to wash the cat?"

"About half an hour?"

"So what are you waiting for?"

Dorothy, who had tied her hair, also stood up and looked towards Shade with a suspicious look:

"You always like to do things right away, you never delay, why do you always treat this cat What about procrastination? It happens to be fine, I'll wash the cat with you. Although you don't have any vegetables in your house, you should have an apron, right?"


Because Shade stood up The cat that was picked up made a dissatisfied meow. The young orange cat's meow was very soft, completely not expecting what would happen next.

"Well, of course there is an apron. The former detective left a lot, and I don't know what he's going to do."

Shade hesitated, this matter really can't be. Delay, he also mailed Mia's photo to Miss Gothe.


The cat wriggled in Shade's arms, and the small paws drooped down from Shade's arms, looking very satisfied. Keeping this position, the cat taking a nap was carried into the bathroom by Shade.

(Xia is taking a bath.)

"You just took a bath? Do you still have the habit of taking a bath at noon?"

This is this afternoon, The first question asked by the Duchess with the book as Shade took her seat in front of Miss Galina.

It is still the study room of the manor outside the city, and it is still the same position of the sofa. It's just that Shade's hair is not dry yet, and it's easy to see the traces of washing.

"It's not a bath, it's a cat."

Shade corrected.

"Wash the cat?"

The red-haired Demonness asked back with a smile, while the black-haired maid Tifa Serveit, who already knew what was going on on the way, stood there. Aside, while helping the two prepare tea sets, he chuckled.

Ms. Galina's manor is more than 80% female servants, and cats are also raised here. While the Duchess didn't seem like someone who would wash cats herself, she clearly guessed what was going on.

"Your life is really interesting."

"I wish it was a little less interesting, as long as cats like creatures take a bath every few months, otherwise. ”

Shade thought about the cat in his bathroom an hour ago, staring wide-eyed and being held into the bathtub by him. After touching the warm water, he suddenly struggled, and then burst out. powerful battle strength.

Shade once wondered how, with Miia's size, she could bully other animals in the pet store.

Now he knows, the battle strength of this small creature can never be judged by appearance. If it wasn't for Dorothy's help, Shade wouldn't have been able to catch the cat that was struggling to get away.

Mia struggled throughout the cat-washing process, so Shade was almost covered in water. Before he could get his hair clean, the carriage arrived at Place de la Saint-de-Land.

So now Dorothy is at Shade's house, using a towel to wipe the blanketed sullen cat clean. After all the fur on its body was attached to the skin, it seemed to have lost a whole circle, and after seeing its own appearance in the mirror, the orange cat kept sulking with Shade.

"Okay, let's get down to business, you said you found a bottle of ancient potion that still works?"

Miss Galina closed the book in her hand and put it on the coffee table On, Shade noticed that it was a women's summer dress magazine. A real magazine.

"Yes, the ancient merfolk's elixir."

Taking his thoughts away from the house cat, Shade put the potion on the table.

Tifa looked towards it curiously, and Miss Galina took a look at the light after picking it up, then carefully uncorked the bottle, cocked her nose and sniffed it, frowned slightly:


"I thought you were just joking, didn't expect Shade, I know this, this is a high-level potion that can only be made by the ancient murloc race, it can make anyone return to youth within a certain period of time, ancient The Demoness emperors even used it to bathe."

And what Augustus priest said, the ancient Demoness emperors added this to their breakfasts. But no matter which statement is correct, it confirms the rumors that the Demones emperors lived extremely luxurious lives.

With Shade's consent, Miss Galina asked Tifa to fetch a professional glass dropper for potion preparation and an old black cat. After carefully sucking a drop, it dropped into the cat's mouth.

The three watched the cat, whose hair grew thick and shiny at a speed visible to the naked eye, as it meowed lazily, while the old body healed.

It jumped violently, from Miss Galina's legs to the coffee table, and when it was about to rush towards Shade, it was caught by the black-haired maid again.

It took half an hour for it to return to its original old appearance, and a smile appeared on Miss Galina's face:
"Judging from the color, smell and effect of the potion, this It is indeed the high-level potion offered by the fish people in the fifth era to the demoness. The potions and materials offered by different races, but people of our age can't think of it. In the fifth era, except for a few demoness who can be at a young age I just found relics like [Youth Immortal Leaves], most of them rely on various expensive potions to keep their youth forever, huh, those women"

The Demoness of the Sixth Age seems to have a problem with the Fifth Age's Demoness. The Demoness was quite dissatisfied, Miss Galina swayed the bottle with her long slender fingers, watching the liquid swirl in the bottle, and then looked at Shade:

"Shade, I won't ask you , where did you get this, since you don't take the initiative to tell me, I won't go to explore your secrets. But this has a great effect on me, a small bottle is probably enough for an adult to restore youth for a week. How about I give you £3,300?"

"Of course, that price is fine."

Shade immediately nodded, his original expected price was around £2,300. Although this bottle of potion is very effective, the potion is a one-time use and has a limited duration of efficacy, so it is quite good to have this price.

"But I want cash, no money order this time."

It takes time to pay large money orders, and Shade doesn't want to always pick up money orders signed by the Duchess Money, it's not good for his reputation.

"No problem, but you'll have to wait a while."

She gave Miss Servette a nod, who immediately walked out of the room to arrange what Shade wanted. cash.

Miss Galina put the potion on the table and talked to Shade about other things:
"Remember last time I told you that the council sent a new Demoness to search for it. Is the second chosen person? She has already set off, and the destination is Coldwater Harbor. I heard that there are murlocs over there, and the whole city is hunting for those strange creatures. Speaking of which, I remember Little Lei, it seems I'm in Coldwater Harbor, and I don't know what she's doing."

She told Shade this as a new thing, but it was very important to Shade, he asked pretending not to care :

"I don't know who the Great Demon woman was sent this time? May I know her identity? Oh, I won't tell anyone."

PS : 100W words.

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