Whispering Poems Chapter 378


Chapter 377 A High Price

After the waiter left, Mr. Randall lowered his voice and asked Shade , with brown eyes looking towards the young detective across the table.

"It's me who is looking for you, I'm the same as you."

Shade This is a hint of his status as a warlock. On the table between people, candles are burning on golden candlesticks. Of course, this is not for lighting, the gas lamp disguised as a crystal chandelier is the light source, and the candles are just decoration.

The slight yellow light illuminated the faces of the two and allowed them to see each other's eyes.

"I was looking for a ceremony recently."

Shade also lowered his voice so that no one else could hear it:

"An old ceremony, so I I need the help of an ancient organization like you. I have no ill will towards you, otherwise I will not reveal my identity."

Mr. Randall hesitated nodded:
"In this day and age, I know We don't have many people, and you look friendly and don't mean to hide your identity. So what do you need?"


Shade from the coat He took out the notebook from his pocket, tore off the folded page and handed it to the other person. The latter glanced at it and frowned slightly:

"You actually think we will have this thing? This is a call. You know what it is."

He looked around nervously. Taking a look, it gave Shade the illusion that the two were secret contact agents:

"I can't think of anyone who could have it besides you. Can you find this? If so, please make an offer."

He pressed his left arm on the table, his right hand in a please gesture.

"I can't answer you directly, I'm going to ask my mates for help, after all, I don't have a library in my head. As for the offer. Mr. Hamilton, if you can tell us, where exactly did you hear about us? If there is, then I can promise you that the knowledge you want can be sold to you at the lowest price."

Mr. Randall speaks very seriously, although he is not a professor, he has been in contact with the school all the year round and let him see It looks like the qualified upper-class gentleman in the book.

"The key to time."

Shade said the answer he had already thought up with his face unchanged:
"I am in the fifth era of time travel, in the long river of time. The front-end of your organization has seen your organization, heard about you, and even heard one of you say it yourself, that you will be here until the end and you will always stand by your side. That's why I Thinking of looking for you in this era. Being lucky enough to find out about the Guiding Light Club, and then contact you, is also the good luck I didn't expect, maybe the arc of fate is pulling us.”

Although there are The ingredients are lies, but most of them are still true. As for this eccentric way of speaking with a lot of modifier adjectives, Shade learned from Luvia, which can make others think that they look very difficult to deal with.

Shade made his excuse, but Mr. Randall did not speak immediately. For a long time, he nodded slightly, but kept his eyes on Shade:

"Okay, I can accept this reason, and I think the rest of the Hermit Order can accept it too. didn't expect we will because of this The reason can't be exposed, please don't tell the second person about the Hermit Order."

"No problem, please keep my identity secret."

So Lun Mr. Doyle used the pretext of going to the bathroom and passed Shade's piece of paper to his companions who were waiting outside. The two sat chatting at the table, eating their own food, and after half an hour, Mr. Randall suddenly got up. When he came back again, he had nothing in his hands.

"What, no news?"

Shade asked.

"There is news you want, but it can't be recorded on paper, here."

The middle age person pointed to his head, his body was sitting very upright, At a glance, you can tell that you often attend such occasions:
"Although we have not liked to expose ourselves since the sixth era, the principle of fair trade has never changed. The value of this kind of ceremony, I believe you also know, we The offer is"

"Wait, I want to know the completeness of the ceremony."

Shade interrupted, and Mr. Randall thought about it:
"If You can't complete ceremony with only the parts we know. But if you have some information in your hands, maybe you can corroborate each other and fill in the missing parts."

"I care about the last part, What is the ceremony to accomplish in the end?"

This is the key, what Miss Feliana lost was the last part of ceremony.

"We have this part of the information, the information is hidden in a fairy tale. If you want all the information, 1300 pounds. If you only need the fairy tale name and interpretation of the last ceremony, 430 pounds."

strictly speaking, this is indeed the lowest price. Even if the ceremony is incomplete, it is a god-calling ceremony after all, and any knowledge related to "god" is expensive, which is a premium phenomenon accepted by ring warlocks.

"I want it all, can I get it on credit?"

Shade asked sadly, Mr. Randall obviously didn't expect him to say this, he regretted it Shade his head:
"Sorry, the detectives from St. Teresa Square, we only accept cash. Of course, we also accept relics, but the specific valuation needs to be negotiated."

It's a pity that Shade has nothing to sell. The relic, but Dorothy still has a scale of a drowned murloc, but that thing Shade is still useful.

"Is it okay to trade tomorrow? I'm going to raise some money. You know that £1,300 is not a small sum. Tomorrow at 6pm, go to 6 St. Teresa Square."

He wants to sell the bottle of murloc elixir to Miss Galina. But the Duchess is not so easy to see, he needs to write to inform some of the situation.

"No, no, I'm not going to enter a strange ring. A stranger's house."

Mr. Randall waved his hand hastily, he thought about it:
"Sunset tomorrow evening. , next to the fountain in Place de la Saint-de-Land, I hold the document bag with the information, and you hold the box with the money. We pay with the money and the delivery."


After eating their food, Shade and Mr. Randall also paid separately, but Mr. Randall offered the tip.

Dorothy didn't show up immediately after Shade left the restaurant, but waited until he turned into St. Teresa Square before catching up from the night mist behind him.

"Thank you for your hard work, but fortunately nothing happened this time."

Shade didn't forget to thank her, and Dorothy shook her head to say it was nothing, and asked him instead Whether the transaction was successful.

In the following night, Shade continued to follow the female writer to study the story "The Kiss of the Tree". There are too many versions of this ancient fairy tale, and even Princess was in the fire with the ancient tree. version towards the end.

Dorothy loves this ending.

At the same time, Dorothy is also using Shade's spirit rune to better grasp the power of "The Little Match Girl" before she is promoted to ceremony at the end of this year.

Because of Dorothy's unreserved help, "Tree Kiss" progressed much faster than Shade's "Crazy Light Chaser" alone. He has a hunch that maybe the spirit rune of "Kiss of the Tree" will be obtained faster than [Light].

PS1: There is still a big recommendation at the end of this month. It seems to be a guide. When the time comes, it is still 5K every day.

PS2: Ask for a ticket, a recommended ticket or a monthly ticket. There are votes to have rankings, and there are rankings to have new readers.

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