Whispering Poems Chapter 324


323rd Octopus Bone Corsair

Auction Nothing happened, Shade learned, Prince Miss enjoys it too. After the auction, people dispersed immediately and rejoined the crowd on the deck. The wooden box in front of the deck was removed, and the long chairs were quickly moved to the distance. The entire auction lasted less than forty minutes, and even some guests didn't notice what was happening here.

The atmosphere on the ship is hot now, and the men and women who have seen the right eye, or some other combination, have begun to walk into the cabin one after another.


"Go away."

Naturally, some people approached the girl with outstanding temperament around Shade, and then Shade was rude and used The very strong Tobesque accent scolded away.

"I didn't expect you to say that."

Miss Prince was in a good mood.


Shade straightened his bow tie:
"I don't like this kind of mess, this kind of party"

He snorted, not commenting on the chaotic relationship between men and women of nobles and rich people:

“I’m actually not very good-tempered, it’s just that it’s hard to get a chance to lose my temper.”

In the morning, just because he saw Shade's face, the old landlord who was designed to "suicide" by him can testify.

At this time, the cruise ship continued to move towards the deep sea, and according to the plan, set off back to the cold water port in half an hour. This mode of auction is very safe, but unfortunately Tobesque does not have such conditions. If you want to hold a safe auction, you can only go to a place far away from the urban area.

With nothing to do, Shade and Miss Princes returned to the somewhat dimly lit railing again to chat.

In the distance, you can't see the fire of the civilization of Coldwater Harbor at all, and the lights on the cruise ship seem to be absorbed by the sea. And in the distance where the sky and the sea meet, in a place they haven't noticed for a while, the pale green rays of light have appeared along with the storm.

"What's the matter?"

While talking to Shade, enjoying the few time they had left, the blonde girl suddenly saw Shade clutching her chest, looking towards the dark sea in the distance , she immediately asked nervously.

Shade shook his head, right hand clutching his breast pocket. The [Pirate's Blood Money] was in his pocket, but just now, the blood money actually vibrated.

This is the phenomenon of the resonance of a special relic such as [Pirate's Blood Money], which means that another blood money has finally appeared in the nearby area. The original purpose of Shade's coming to Coldwater Harbor was finally achieved.

It's just that the ocean is far away from the shore, and the blood money is most likely in the seabed, so Shade also immediately jumped into the sea to look for it.

If Shade dares to activate blood money to make the resonance more obvious, it can reduce the difficulty of finding a little. But now it's on the sea, if he dares to activate it, maybe the undead fleet will appear in dozens of seconds. At that time, he can't do anything but use up the last drop of divinity.

Shade wants to explain about the blood money, and then ask the captain about the current location as soon as possible. It's just that he suddenly frowned again, because the vibration of the blood money is getting more and more violent, which means that another blood money is getting closer.

"What do you mean, the other one is in the belly of the fish? Then that fish is going to crash into the boat and commit suicide?"

[Don't think about it, listen carefully, there is something wrong. ]

Raised her hand to signal Miss Prince not to speak, but Miss Prince also stretched out her hand and pressed her chest. But her skirt has no pockets on the chest, and the young girl's brows tightly knit looks like her chest is in severe pain.

In a moment of quiet listening, the sound of deck music and ocean waves came to my ears, but after dozens of seconds, rough singing came from the dark sea. The sound became louder and louder until the entire deck, even the ordinary person noticed the unusual sound.

The rough, eerie voice sang hymns in an ancient language, while the otherwise clear night sky, the cloud quickly came from the ship's Northwest.

A biting wind blew the deck, and the calm sea suddenly swelled with waves. When the waves hit, Shade and Miss Prince, who were unsteady under their feet, grabbed each other at the same time, and there were screams from the deck behind them.

The ring warlocks on the deck looked towards the Northwest of the cruise ship at the same time, at the junction of the dark night and the deep sea, in the swept storm, the worn-out ships emitting black smoke and deep green rays of light, It's coming at an incredible speed.

The moment they looked at the boat, most people felt like they were being hit with a hammer. The strong Whisper element is eroding people's hearts, and the influence of the relics, across the sea, has been revealed by the feedback of sight alone.

"No, the blood money in my hand is obviously not activated. This has nothing to do with blood money, it is another blood money on the ship, this is another kind of relic!"

The calm sea was choppy in an instant, the cruise ship under my feet stopped, and the low-pitched song that suppressed terror became louder and louder. At some point, the starry sky above was completely covered with dark clouds, and on the shaking deck, dirty green moss spread at a speed visible to naked eyes.

"The sea returns ceremony, the mermaid statue is the song of a mermaid, and then the pirate of the second sentence"

Miss Prince clutching her chest, stared wide-eyed muttered to herself Language:

"Mr. Edmund's guess is correct, this is really ceremony, how come we met him in the afternoon and said that the ocean current is abnormal today!"

The five-ring warlock barely resists the mental onslaught, while Shade translates the general meaning from songs sung in the ancient language.

[In the deepest depths of the deep sea, we come in storms, hunting for my lord, the spiral of scarlet, you are the murlocs]

"I know this is What's the matter!"

Miss Prince's voice suddenly became louder, overpowering the singing, allowing Shade to hear what she said clearly:
"Sage-level relic! [Fishbone] Pirates]! Damn, this thing is actually related to the [Mermaid Song], which is also a sage class!"

"What? Are you sure? It's a sage class again? Why is there more than Tobes here? Is it still dangerous?"

Shade was stunned, then dragged her to jump off the boat:
"I'll take you back!"

"There's no escape, relic. Not only the ship, saw the ship, the bound undead have appeared in the ocean. Someone is doing a large ceremony in Coldwater Harbor! The 1st Step is the curse that spreads the mermaid song, and the Second Step is the appearance of the pirate ship, it's a cult! "

"It's a cult of the [Scarlet Spiral Lord]! It's a merman, we're going to tell the church about this!"

Shade added loudly, while the fast approaching The pirate ship is getting closer. While his head was buzzing, he could see thousands of Evil Spirits roaring on the dilapidated deck.

The boat didn't slow down, it crashed directly, and didn't even give them any time to react:

Pu, who was clearly clutching his chest a moment ago Miss Lindsay's voice was still in her ears, but at the moment it seemed to be far away.

[Whisper element is affecting space, be careful. ]

"Shade, don't leave the ship, don't promise to be a crew member, the exit is at the deepest point"

She wanted to hug Shade, but deep green's pirate ship had crashed Coming up, in the terrifying shaking, the black fog of terrifying on the pirate ship completely engulfed the steam cruise ship without any protection. Everything around him vanished, thousands of curses and twisted prayer whisper voices rushing into his head, clouding Shade's consciousness.

PS: In order to prevent someone from saying that the incident was deliberately arranged for Shade to encounter, here is an explanation without spoilers. There is a reason for this encounter with the pirate ship, which will be explained later.

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